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Mario Kart 8 |OT2| I'm using tilt controls!


But statistically it's quite rare for that to happen. What enemies throw at you don't really matter in the end as only the blue shell and 3 red-shells are 90% unavoidable. You can counter most of the rest if you're first. It's also rare to only get 3 times in a row coins when in 1st place. The 20% of luck represent the chance of being hit by unavoidable items.

The coins in 1st can become maddening though. I had two consecutive full races last night in which I didn't get a single damn item. I stopped counting, but I was up over 10 coins in a row. I still won both races because everybody sucked. And yeah that's definitely atypical. But the fact that it's even able to happen is absurd.
This is close, but I'm not so sure it's accurate to just lump skill and strategy together. Strategy is a highly overlooked part of the game (especially when it's so crazy chaotic in these GAF races). But there are times when you can avoid red shells through good driving and good use of obstacles, times when it's better to drag than to drop, times when it's better to shoot forward than backward. To me, skill has more to do with being able to drive the lines you want to drive, do the tricks where beneficial, draft when possible and maybe take the shortcuts you want to take. Strategy is everything else.

50% skill
20% luck
20% strategy
10% character/kart

I'd say at most it's 20% luck. There are definite times when the Mario Kart Gods will give you exactly what you need at just the right moment, or, more likely, give you a terrible terrible item that does you no good. But the best players can overcome that more often than not.

I've found that I tend to finish in the Top 3 ( online ) 80% of the time, and I'm not a Mario Kart God by any means. But yeah, luck is always a factor.
And those ricochet angles. What the fuck sometimes. And they seem to accelerate after the ricochet too at times. Lost count of how many times I've shot three ahead of me at an opponent, they squeak through inexplicably, then a few seconds later I get to where they're still wildly bouncing every which way and get taken out. -_-
I swear sometimes that they teleport to my position... but with the netcode issue that might actually be the case O_O
Wii and 7 already taught me not to throw green shells....and occasionally bombs and bananas ahead of me if there were walls nearby. Some of the bounce angles I've seen are so absurd lol.
The video that one guy posted of throwing the green shell randomly backwards on Mt Wario and having it bounce off a tree, come back and take out the guy that just overtook him was all I needed to see. Those greens are like that magic bullet from the Warren Commission :{


Which heavies characters are easy mode? I wonder? I kept see people complaining about heavies being too good.

Truthfully all of them. The metals are a tad worse due to acceleration tiers but still better than the lower classes.

The main issue is that giving each heavier class +.5 speed is so stupid when they could have stuck with what they did in 7.


Truthfully all of them. The metals are a tad worse due to acceleration tiers but still better than the lower classes.

The main issue is that giving each heavier class +.5 speed is so stupid when they could have stuck with what they did in 7.

I've being playing Donkey Kong mostly because I enjoy him and I can see what you're saying... When I tried Shy Guy it was nowhere near as satisfying.


needs 2 extra inches
For the sake of seeing how things progressed since launch I'm gonna ask: Is fire hopping still an issue? Enough to turn the tides of a race? Is it hated by everyone?

I personally haven't been practicing it, but if everyone is doing it might as well learn. Don't wanna be left behind.
For the sake of seeing how things progressed since launch I'm gonna ask: Is fire hopping still an issue? Enough to turn the tides of a race? Is it hated by everyone?

I personally haven't been practicing it, but if everyone is doing it might as well learn. Don't wanna be left behind.

I haven't seen it personally in ww regionals or gaf rooms.
Truthfully all of them. The metals are a tad worse due to acceleration tiers but still better than the lower classes.

The main issue is that giving each heavier class +.5 speed is so stupid when they could have stuck with what they did in 7.

I added up the total stat points from MK7 for the different character classes and they go:

Feather: 36.75
Light: 35.5
Medium: 34.75
Cruiser: 32.75
Heavy: 32.75

Which makes sense, as you get heavier your stats trend downwards but are balanced by the fact that you can push the lighter racers.

For MK8 they go:

Feather: 41
Super Light: 40.75
Light: 40.5
Medium: 40.58
Cruiser: 41.75
Heavy: 41.75
Super Heavy: 42.25

I'm not sure what to make of the distribution of stat points for these classes. Maybe they make sense to someone at EAD when you factor in how the get distributed across different attributes but when you factor in how much they've increased the distance you fly when bumped by a heavier character it seems to lead to a very unbalanced experience :(
Ok so this really irritates me...

When you finish a race and the listed final position of the CPU players is what it was when you yourself crossed the finish line.

So I finish first and the opponent directly behind me at that time comes second even though I've thrown a shell backwards and knocked them into third, clearly allowing another racer to cross the line ahead of them.


Watch this till the very end: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGq9iBAkveE

It was an old race but a goodie. Though you can see I get knocked back so much by a really slow PGP on a bike. WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT?
You try to be nice talking about folks and then they say these things... :p

You all have to admit that I keep it close during the races though.
I was just ribbing you. :p

I know you are very good just very unlucky towards the end.
This is close, but I'm not so sure it's accurate to just lump skill and strategy together. Strategy is a highly overlooked part of the game (especially when it's so crazy chaotic in these GAF races). But there are times when you can avoid red shells through good driving and good use of obstacles, times when it's better to drag than to drop, times when it's better to shoot forward than backward. To me, skill has more to do with being able to drive the lines you want to drive, do the tricks where beneficial, draft when possible and maybe take the shortcuts you want to take. Strategy is everything else.

50% skill
20% luck
20% strategy
10% character/kart

I'd say at most it's 20% luck. There are definite times when the Mario Kart Gods will give you exactly what you need at just the right moment, or, more likely, give you a terrible terrible item that does you no good. But the best players can overcome that more often than not.
I just lump that with skill, but you're right that it is important to know those things.
That shit is frowned upon in high level races. I detest it. You shall be punished by the MkGods.
It is my only sense of joy in the cruel world of Mario Kart. I get punished enough as is lol.

Gonna upload some clips soon relating to this.
Ok so this really irritates me...

When you finish a race and the listed final position of the CPU players is what it was when you yourself crossed the finish line.

So I finish first and the opponent directly behind me at that time comes second even though I've thrown a shell backwards and knocked them into third, clearly allowing another racer to cross the line ahead of them.
Would you really want to wait for CPUs to finish a race? That's why it is like that. It would take forever for CPUs to finish.


joined the gaf tournament, so uhm, how the hell did you guys already get 600-800 points if it started yesterday? You played 200 races in one day? What.

But statistically it's quite rare for that to happen. What enemies throw at you don't really matter in the end as only the blue shell and 3 red-shells are 90% unavoidable. You can counter most of the rest if you're first. It's also rare to only get 3 times in a row coins when in 1st place. The 20% of luck represent the chance of being hit by unavoidable items.
yes but that 20% is just too low, you won't get 1st if you get destroyed by items after the first curve. even the best player with bad luck can easily arrive in one of the last places.


I added up the total stat points from MK7 for the different character classes and they go:

Feather: 36.75
Light: 35.5
Medium: 34.75
Cruiser: 32.75
Heavy: 32.75

Which makes sense, as you get heavier your stats trend downwards but are balanced by the fact that you can push the lighter racers.

For MK8 they go:

Feather: 41
Super Light: 40.75
Light: 40.5
Medium: 40.58
Cruiser: 41.75
Heavy: 41.75
Super Heavy: 42.25

I'm not sure what to make of the distribution of stat points for these classes. Maybe they make sense to someone at EAD when you factor in how the get distributed across different attributes but when you factor in how much they've increased the distance you fly when bumped by a heavier character it seems to lead to a very unbalanced experience :(

Midweights are actually 40.55 but yeah...it doesn't make any sense lol.

Add hidden stats into the mix and things become even more unbalanced towards lower classes. http://bin.smwcentral.net/u/5196/mk8stats.html

Azure J

The video that one guy posted of throwing the green shell randomly backwards on Mt Wario and having it bounce off a tree, come back and take out the guy that just overtook him was all I needed to see. Those greens are like that magic bullet from the Warren Commission :{

Times like this I wish if Xia still made gifs:




Bowser with circuit special slick wheels and mktv or cloud glider is insane.

Bowser in general is fucking craziness. I tried him out using the exact same setup I used to use primarily with Rosalina (Sport Bike + Retro Off Road + MKTV Parafoil) and getting 4.75 speed, 3 acceleration & handling and 2 traction almost feels wrong with how good it is at comebacks and consistency.


And now for some unlucky clips. Had these happen in public rooms.

Red Shell -> Red Shell -> Blue Shell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGtq6UGld3Q

The best part is that I threw that green shell behind me so that it will hit Iggy. The other best part that is not shown is that the blue shell caused hitstun on nearly the last frame of its explosion.

Lava is indeed hot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jexbWmIrH10

I fell in the lava both times during the flying sections. I also seemed to have failed and landed in the off-road area during the last turn twice lol. I think I was just checking out that shortcut area and seeing how I would be able to reach it.

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Unconfirmed Member
My hand has been really bad the last few days and I haven't been able to play at all, I'm getting the shakes man! :(
Pssh, no matter what, I'll still use my main Lightweights Larry and Lakitu. ...Though it is pretty damn annoying that Heavies dominate them so hard.
Ah I see thanks! How many hours did it take you? I have to be close to 100 and no gold glider yet.
I'm pretty sure that I unlocked it around the 90 hour mark but I had been playing online almost exclusively since launch so I was racking up a lot more coins than I think some would do during 90 hours of play.

Ironically it was the first gold part I unlocked when for almost everyone else it's been the last.
I'm pretty sure that I unlocked it around the 90 hour mark but I had been playing online almost exclusively since launch so I was racking up a lot more coins than I think some would do during 90 hours of play.

Ironically it was the first gold part I unlocked when for almost everyone else it's been the last.

Ah I've been splitting my time between online time trials and the Grand Prix.


About 90% of this game is lucked based and is usually determined within the first few seconds of the race starting. Either you break away from the pack and get coins or you get swallowed up by it and stuck with a bad item lol.

I find the most important thing to avoid the first 20 or so seconds is not to get hit by a drag item. The beginning is still the point where it's a clusterfuck and most people will get shells and banana peel's to drag so if you can avoid that and at the same time not get bumped off track (which is why heavy's dominate right now) you should be sitting pretty most of the time.

Azure J

I'm pretty sure that I unlocked it around the 90 hour mark but I had been playing online almost exclusively since launch so I was racking up a lot more coins than I think some would do during 90 hours of play.

Ironically it was the first gold part I unlocked when for almost everyone else it's been the last.

After I unlocked mine I went in and checked how much time I've put into this game since I got it on launch.

Ah I've been splitting my time between online time trials and the Grand Prix.

After I unlocked mine I went in and checked how much time I've put into this game since I got it on launch.

I didn't start any time trials or GP beyond 150cc until after I unlocked it. Prinny has been complaining about not unlocked it yet too and I know that he lives in those TTs.
I find the most important thing to avoid the first 20 or so seconds is not to get hit by a drag item. The beginning is still the point where it's a clusterfuck and most people will get shells and banana peel's to drag so if you can avoid that and at the same time not get bumped off track (which is why heavy's dominate right now) you should be sitting pretty most of the time.
This has been a huge problem for me but I'm starting to adjust. After years of MK7 I'm so used to getting off to that good start and drafting into one of the top positions that I always end up in someone's dragged item, which seems a lot easier to have happen in MK8 with these weird hit boxes.

I don't know if the other MK7 folks had a hard time adjusting to this but I'm slowing learning to not be so aggressive at the start of the race so I don't have to dig myself out of 12th every time.


I noticed something while mucking about with the slow mo function earlier - if you rewind at the point a boost flame/jump spangly-bubble-thing effect kicks in, it continues to do its thing despite the rewind, so it's actually then present prior to the boost/jump.

The fragments of shell after a successful strike appear to run on the same logic, continuing regardless of which direction the footage runs in. In replays you can move back and forth over the moment a shell hits until the sky is full of fragments.

Anyone with some technical nous know why it's done like this?
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