Burning Justice
the superior princess
I just got a Bullet Bill for the first time in my MK8 career that race.
Just got the game today and... is it just me or is it really bare-bones? Maybe I've just been spoilt by Sonic Racing Transformed, but the single player offerings seem really, really meek. Does it get better or is this strictly a "save for when friends are over" game?
I actually got really lucky there--the guy in 3rd's red shell passed me and went for you, which opened you up to my own red shell.Got red shelled in the cave area -.-
Nice moment right there lol!
It does say that. Does the European version say something different?Does the US version really say "I'm using tilt controls!" or is that part of the gag I missed, that it's incorrect?
It does say that. Does the European version say something different?
It does say that. Does the European version say something different?
I hate being able to slip between item boxes D:
All right, I think that's it for me tonight. Good games, all! Those were some pretty intense races!
Itemlos durch die Nacht,
spür was der grüne Panzer mit dir macht,
itemlos, in der zweiten Runde noch auf Platz drei,
kurz vorm Ziel so schwer wie Blei.
I just wanna win man ;3;Crunkcase has been saying this is my last race for the past 3 races XD
Blue shell, red shell, horn, red shell.... yeah
Itemlos durch die Nacht,
spür was der grüne Panzer mit dir macht,
itemlos, in der zweiten Runde noch auf Platz drei,
kurz vorm Ziel so schwer wie Blei.
And see my previous post again. God damnit. Tries to listen to Dagobert...
The game is a sickness.
Blue shell, red shell, horn, red shell.... yeah