so blue shell targeted me even tho i was second... not passed me by and hit me, fucking targeted me.
I passed the finish line which makes it target the next in line. It really sucks when it happens.
Papercuts is literally satan.
so blue shell targeted me even tho i was second... not passed me by and hit me, fucking targeted me.
Papercuts is literally satan.
Y'all hatin' ass motherfuckers too aggressive tonight.
I passed the finish line which makes it target the next in line. It really sucks when it happens.
I cut under the axe, I was trailing right behind you when you had that banana!morton that was supposed to be my win
where did you come from
Not fair. I'm outta here.
1/3 of the field are Shy Guys in this room
Jesus, what is good with everyone just tearing out and never being seen again? That said, I love my fucking drifts.
had anyone successfully stopped playing this game?
Thank you whoever used lightning. What a life saver.
There's a glitch in the online lobbies of the game. If a person disconnects before voting for a track, the game still thinks that 12 votes are needed instead of 11.
Eventually the game starts the countdown and without the missing vote, it simply crashes disconnecting everyone in the room.
If you're about to leave the room, please select a track before doing so. Don't ruin the fun. It's very annoying so don't be an asshole. Thanks