Great, should have long legs.On the way to steam? RPS believes so!
You just described...a stealth game. Not sure what you were expecting.meh, not really feeling this. its pretty repetitive and some things seem very trial and error.
The lead designer already posted a not-very-subtle-at-all hint in that direction in this thread, so no worries there.On the way to steam? RPS believes so!
You just described...a stealth game. Not sure what you were expecting.
Path of Silence suit is so badass! Got it on Chapter 5.
Finest ninja game ever.
stealth doesnt have to go hand in hand with trial and error.
I feel the same. I can understand some of the later wall traps or lightning flashes causing some deaths for the first time, but the game provides you the means to detect those traps ahead of time, so any deaths or failures come about from not being mindful of your surroundings, which is fair.I disagree that this game is trial and error.
I feel the same. I can understand some of the later wall traps or lightning flashes causing some deaths for the first time, but the game provides you the means to detect those traps ahead of time, so any deaths or failures come about from not being mindful of your surroundings, which is fair.
Getting spotted also doesn't necessarily failure. You're given plenty of mobility to get the duck out of fodge with grapples and jumps as well as the means to distract, disorient, terrify and disappear as needed. Throw in the last-known-position system (which can make being spotted itself a devious ninja tactic) as well as straight up combat move variety and you've got far more options on hand to deal with challenges than any other stealth game that I can think of. Its really a best-of collection from all stealth games, but placed in a world where your actions and the enemy actions are perfectly represented and never unclear.[/I]
Path of Silence suit is so badass! Got it on Chapter 5.
Finest ninja game ever.
One thing I only just noticed
The HUD design in conjunction with the dark nature on the game is not very plasma friendly.
My pana has some pretty horrible burn in of the life bar, and weapon dpad on it now. Can't get rid of it.
I noticed the same and would recommend playing in hour-long spurts at most. Then immediately employ the scrolling bar. My burn in is completely gone now.
One thing I only just noticed
The HUD design in conjunction with the dark nature on the game is not very plasma friendly.
My pana has some pretty horrible burn in of the life bar, and weapon dpad on it now. Can't get rid of it.
Scrolling bar?
This is why I don't own a plasma. Almost all videogames are not "plasma friendly".
Is your Panny a Viera? And a recent model? Either way, check out your remote. Near the top, you'll see a round directional pad with "OK" in the center. Over it, you'll see three buttons encircling the top. Press "Menu," the one on the left. Then scroll down the the wrench icon.
Press "OK".
Scroll down to Anti image retention. Press "OK." Scroll down to "Scrolling bar." Press "OK." Usually works like a charm. It runs for 15 minutes.
Couldn't find that. Mustn't be recent enough.
It's a viera. TH P42V20A
I think I'm about to finish the last mission. All I can think about is how, immediately after I finish, I'm going to run through new game plus trying not to kill or get spotted.
I think I'm about to finish the last mission. All I can think about is how, immediately after I finish, I'm going to run through new game plus trying not to kill or get spotted.
On the way to steam? RPS believes so!
Pretty sure I'm on the final mission now, but didn't have time to finish it last night. 1am lol.
As soon as it's done I'm doing an MGS-esque stealth+no kills run.
Game is crack.
I am loving new game+ but it is a real challenge. The Ninja's sight is greatly reduced when looking out of vents or on the other sides of doors. Also he will not really be able to see as well behind where he is facing. It makes you really take you time with each level which is awesome.
It is when you're trying to avoid kills.It isn't too bad with all your new skills. I just completed it with one are that gave me problems. Poison darts are your best friend.
It is when you're trying to avoid kills.
Seriously? Will have to try that out. Never used them but I figured they'd work something like the poison darts in Assassin's Creed.If you don't upgrade the poison darts, I don't think they kill.
Seriously? Will have to try that out. Never used them but I figured they'd work something like the poison darts in Assassin's Creed.
Presuming I have any free gaming time in the near future that isn't consumed by Borderlands 2.
Man, I want this game, but I'm done buying things for my 360. Bring it to Steam and I'll buy the shit out of it.
You are missing out... this is easily in my top 3 games of every XBLA title ever released.
What the hell is with guards going on alert even when no one can see you after you smoke bomb them? I keep getting checkpointed and then having an alert trigger right after it that is impossible to avoid. Kinda irritating. Apart from that the game is all kinds of awesome.
Sure one of them hasn't got a gas mask on?
There were a few sections in the game I almost raged at until I realised it was a gas mask dude in the smoke.
That reminds me of one very, very, terribad checkpoint the game put me in. It was a situation where you had to wait for a door to open and avoid roaming bad guys. I died once at the game placed me in shadows, with two armed and alerted guards right on top of me and a dog moments away from giving me up.What the hell is with guards going on alert even when no one can see you after you smoke bomb them? I keep getting checkpointed and then having an alert trigger right after it that is impossible to avoid. Kinda irritating. Apart from that the game is all kinds of awesome.
Guys with the goggles and the striped vision cones, right? Nah. One spot was like the third level of the castle, a normal guard and a sniper. Dropped a smoke bomb and got past them. Moved into a building and up some stairs miles away from either (and any probing torches/vision cones/laser sights). Triggered the checkpoint. Bout 3 seconds later an alarm triggered and every single reload of the checkpoint resulted in the same thing. Has happened a couple of times and the only solution seems to be restarting the level.