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Marvel Cinematic Universe |OT| Discussion on released and future projects (spoilers)

This interview with James Gunn:


Heavily implies that GotG is only the beginning of Marvel's Cosmic movies, as I suspected all along.

"This is the first movie in Marvel's Cosmic Universe"

Fingers crossed we will be getting at least two "Cosmic" movies in Phase 3...

"Nova" seems like a given. Likely get a GotG2 depending on how the first one does, but I dunno if that'd be Phase 3 or beyond.
They have to set up Pym before Avengers 2 hits, unless they're just going to call Ultron a SHIELD robot gone awry or something. I wonder what movie that'll be in.
Although the film seems to have rejigged his origin a fair amount, he's a jet pilot who get's stranded in space now according to the latest tagline. Seeing as he listens to music on a Cassette player he probably got stranded a 10-15 years ago, got saved and never came back.

Huh. That could be interesting. Wonder how he got stranded.

That is my guess as well.

And watch Joss cast Amy Acker as Scarlet Witch.

I am a-okay with that.


They have to set up Pym before Avengers 2 hits, unless they're just going to call Ultron a SHIELD robot gone awry or something. I wonder what movie that'll be in.

Maybe you've missed it this weekend, but they've already inferred that Ultron's origin here will be tied to Stark, not Pym.


Might have been, but who really cares? Glenn Close is one of the best living actors IMO, right on up there with Meryl Streep. She could play Batman and be great at it. Snatching her up for this franchise is nothing short of a coup.

Oh I'm not complaining, just wondering. I'm still learning about the GotG.
I thought the Iron Man mask being twisted into Ultron's face was a clue to that, as per the teaser descriptions from comicon. That's what I meant by the word INFERRED.
It wasn't just the Iron Man mask. It was Thor's hammer, Cap's shield and Hawkeye's bow as well.


It wasn't just the Iron Man mask. It was Thor's hammer, Cap's shield and Hawkeye's bow as well.

There were quotes from The Avengers, but the only actual scenery was the mask as far as I've read. This is what I read on AICN:

All the while the camera sweeps in close to the Iron Man helmet. It's getting crunched, dented, misshapen. Sparks fly, crunching noises are heard. When we get that final Avengers quote the camera pulls back and the Iron Man helmet has been reforged as Ultron's helmet, an angry red light glowing out of his mouth and eye holes. Cue my eardrums being punctured by screaming fangirls (and boys, I'll be fair).
I really don't understand the whole secrecy thing. Does it really matter? It's not like someone is going to go make the exact same movie. Who the fuck cares if they release a four second title teaser?


I really don't understand the whole secrecy thing. Does it really matter? It's not like someone is going to go make the exact same movie. Who the fuck cares if they release a four second title teaser?

It's to make going to Comic Con worth it, and a lot of the stuff they showed is not fully ready for prime time.


It's to make going to Comic Con worth it, and a lot of the stuff they should is not fully ready for prime time.

That is kind of a BS answer. Marvel doesn't care how many people go to Comic Con (besides, showing the footage there first rather than only is good enough). They care how many people see their films. More people will get hyped about their releases if they officially release their trailers. Right now the only people hype about it are those who are following it like us in this topic and people who actually got to see it at the Con.

While it is true that some of it could be rough, especially stuff barely in production like GotG, it does not sound like that is the case based on how those who saw the trailers have talked about them. Plus Thor's, at least, would definitely not be rough.

There is really no good reason for Marvel to hold them back from the public and it is very annoying.
That is kind of a BS answer. Marvel doesn't care how many people go to Comic Con (besides, showing the footage there first rather than only is good enough). They care how many people see their films. More people will get hyped about their releases if they officially release their trailers. Right now the only people hype about it are those who are following it like us in this topic and people who actually got to see it at the Con.

While it is true that some of it could be rough, especially stuff barely in production like GotG, it does not sound like that is the case based on how those who saw the trailers have talked about them. Plus Thor's, at least, would definitely not be rough.

There is really no good reason for Marvel to hold them back from the public and it is very annoying.

I think having an exclusivity window would be fine. Like, they wont put it online until a week or two after Comic Con or something.


I think having an exclusivity window would be fine. Like, they wont put it online until a week or two after Comic Con or something.

I'm ok with that too so long as they actually get online. The Ant-Man footage from last year never showed up (until someone videoed it at another presentation earlier this year). An interview James Gunn had made it seem like there were no plans to release the GotG footage at all either, which is a major disappointment.


That is kind of a BS answer. Marvel doesn't care how many people go to Comic Con (besides, showing the footage there first rather than only is good enough). They care how many people see their films. More people will get hyped about their releases if they officially release their trailers. Right now the only people hype about it are those who are following it like us in this topic and people who actually got to see it at the Con.

While it is true that some of it could be rough, especially stuff barely in production like GotG, it does not sound like that is the case based on how those who saw the trailers have talked about them. Plus Thor's, at least, would definitely not be rough.

There is really no good reason for Marvel to hold them back from the public and it is very annoying.

I feel ya. It's especially annoying this year with new footage from 4 different Marvel films.


I still want to know if they are going with chubby Rocket Raccoon or the slender version from the latest piece of concept art.

I'd imagine the latter is closer to what we'll end up getting. That concept was done after casting, so its more in line what what they expect things to look like.


Was there a trailer for the Winter Soldier at SDCC at all? I know it's further off but if they assembled the cast for a talkspeaky conference they surely showed something. Any summaries?


is that the one where
Thor loses his hand?

Don't know. That was what was shown at Comic-Con. The rumour is a new trailer will be attached to Elysium and be released in advance (on the 7th) on the Internet. That new trailer may be the same thing that was at Comic-Con, an edited version of what was at Comic-Con, or completely different.

Was there a trailer for the Winter Soldier at SDCC at all? I know it's further off but if they assembled the cast for a talkspeaky conference they surely showed something. Any summaries?

Yes. They showed actual trailers for Thor, Captain America, and Guardians of the Galaxy as well as a teaser for Avengers 2. None of them have made their way online yet.

Summary of Cap's from IGN:

The first portion of the reel features Cap getting into an elevator at what appears to be S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. He's in his full S.H.I.E.L.D. style uniform, and as other agents board the elevator at different floors, Cap notices one guy sweating, another's hand sort of hanging near his holster, and so on. Something is wrong, and after the lift is full of agents (including Frank Grillo's Crossbones), he says, "Before we do this, does anyone want to get out?" Then a full-on fight breaks out, with Cap greatly outnumbered and seemingly beaten from the moment it starts -- headlocked, pinned, and getting hit with electrically charged stun sticks. One of his hands is pinned to the wall by a magnetic handcuff, but Cap still fights off his attackers with his remaining available hand. It's all quickly cut and edgy type stuff, less superhero-ish than Bourne.

From there we see a series of vignettes, including Cap meeting with Robert Redford's mysterious S.H.I.E.L.D. higher-up, who tells the hero that the black and white morality of the World War II era is long gone. Nick Fury similarly seems to be warning Cap to watch out for himself. Anthony Mackie's Falcon appears, flying and shooting as he soars, and Black Widow is also pulling some Black Widow action, dropping down a long chamber on wires and blasting away at bad guys as she goes. A helicarrier crashes into the water, crumbling on impact, and the reel closes with a shot of Cap's shield stuck in the ground. A metallic hand reaches for it, picks it up, and the camera tilts up to reveal… Sebastian Stan as the Winter Soldier.


Was there a trailer for the Winter Soldier at SDCC at all? I know it's further off but if they assembled the cast for a talkspeaky conference they surely showed something. Any summaries?

No footage, but if you go back one page in this thread:

Um.... can we talk about this scene description from Winter Soldier?

We saw a complete scene, which was very reminiscent of one of the best moments from Drive. Captain America gets into an elevator at SHIELD headquarters, and then Crossbones (Frank Grillo) gets in with him, with a couple of other guys, all heading for Operations. They're talking about spy stuff, but Cap notices they have their guns out. And then a bunch of guys in suits get in, heading for Operations. And there's something hinky about them, too. Someone says "fuck you contract," randomly.

Even more guys get into the elevator and say "Records." And then Cap is surrounded by a ton of guys. In a small glass elevator. He's massively outnumbered in a tiny space.

Cap says, "Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?" Nobody does. They attack, and he hits emergency stop, and all of these guys are trying to kill him at once. There's a wristband which is magnetized, and it gets attached to the wall of the elevator, and then Cap's wrist is stuck in it so he's fighting with one hand trapped. He basically kicks the hell out of all these guys, using their own weapons against them. It's amazing. Eventually Captain America gets his wrist free so he can fight two-handed.

At last, it's just Cap and Crossbones, who says "it's nothing personal." He tases Cap over and over again, and Cap just keeps coming. Cap throws him into the ceiling. Cap is standing in the elevator, surrounded by prone bodies and broken glass, and he reaches down to grab his shield, with a loud clang.

WTF One handed?


Talking about Winter Soldier, director Joe Russo:

"There's a very strong connection in the narrative between the events of the end of "Avengers" that drive this film -- and there's a very strong hand off to "Avengers 2" at the end of this movie. And Kevin Feige's whole thing is that this is the biggest bridge of all of Phase 2 movies; it really is. It does involve the most amount of Avengers of any of the films in Phase 2, and it has sort of a, you know, there's a very big shift in the universe at the end of this movie."

I'm guessing we get either a bit of an Ultron tease here or a Wanda/Pietro appearance, assuming he's not only talking about Fury and Widow. Interesting.


Ah, thanks guys! Sounds brilliant, really hope we see it soon- definitely the one im most looking forward to this phase.

With all the talk of Quicksilver/Scarlett Witch and Pym though I completely forgot about Falcon. Hope he doesnt come across too corny...
Man, I love how passionate and enthusiastic Gunn is. It's nice to get confirmation that he is a fan of the comics as well. I really do think Marvel picked the perfect Director here.

I'm glad he realizes Rocket makes or breaks this movie because that was my first concern when this movie got announced.

Man, I love how passionate and enthusiastic Gunn is. It's nice to get confirmation that he is a fan of the comics as well. I really do think Marvel picked the perfect Director here.

I'm glad he realizes Rocket makes or breaks this movie because that was my first concern when this movie got announced.

Gunn's enthusiasm for the characters and the project makes me happy. And also glad to know he values Rocket so much.

Rocket will be both the easiest and toughest sell to the general public in regards to this film. Initial pictures and whatnot will have people thinking "A talking raccoon? Really?"
But once they hear him talk and kick ass, he will become the favorite.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Gunn's enthusiasm for the characters and the project makes me happy. And also glad to know he values Rocket so much.

Rocket will be both the easiest and toughest sell to the general public in regards to this film. Initial pictures and whatnot will have people thinking "A talking raccoon? Really?"
But once they hear him talk and kick ass, he will become the favorite.
As someone who isn't a comic book reader or have any idea what GoTG is, when I initially saw the concept art, that was also my reaction. This will be really key for non comic book readers.
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