I personally apologize for the crow thread. I feel dumb. Feel free to flog me.

I personally apologize for the crow thread. I feel dumb. Feel free to flog me.
The most insulting criticism towards marvel movie fans, or fans of blockbuster action films is that we are intellectually inferior because we watch these movies. Thing is, most marvel fans understand that these aren't superdeep movies, but well made escapist fun.
Like someone said yesterday, most of us don't watch indie dramas because we get enough of that in real life. Is it really sinful to watch movies for escapist fun? Are we stupid because we want to watch something that isn't life changingly meaningful?
There's so much bad shit going on in the world, what's so wrong with watching movies where heroes can win and not everything is so damned cynical?
I guess the counter-argument would be, that we could spend our time doing better things, to which I would reply, that our soul needs "food" too.
That being said, I wish more movies would also have something to say, at least reach the level of Winter Soldier or Dark Knight in that regard, which isn't much.
Even the X-Men films left behind their inherent message.
The problem with the counter argument is that it presumes the viewer has the time and money to afford that "soul" food.
Maybe I wasn't clear enough, but the "soul food" was my counter argument to the counter argument.
I was trying to say, that movies, any movie, are food for the soul.
In an interview with Bad Taste, Freeman described his character as working "in conjunction with the superheroes and certain agencies that help to tame superheroes' power."
"You're not actually quite sure which side he's on," said Freeman. "It looks like he's playing one game when actually he's playing another."
Let's get an update to everybody's lists after having seen Ant-Man. How does it look?
I won't be able to watch Ant-Man until Wednesday.
Let's get an update to everybody's lists after having seen Ant-Man. How does it look?
I won't be able to watch Ant-Man until Wednesday.
I don't think I have read your impression of Ant-Man as I haven't been able to follow the OT page for page. What did you think of it?
- Jackpot: Guardians, Winter Soldier, Avengers 1, Iron Man 1, Ant-Man
- Pretty Solid: Avengers 2, Iron Man 3, Captain America 1, Thor 1, The Incredible Hulk
- Eh: Thor 2, Iron Man 2
Here's the quote of my impressions from the Ant-Man OT.I don't think I have read your impression of Ant-Man as I haven't been able to follow the OT page for page. What did you think of it?
- The humor. I laughed out loud more than I did for even Guardians. I guess that's what happens when you keep Edgar Wright's trademark humor.
- Tying into the humor, Luis was a much better character than I expected him to be. The ads made him come off as annoying, but his character works exceptionally well in the actual movie.
- I really got a kick out of the flashbacks,
but I wish we got to see more of Janet (loved her old outfit, as well as the new one despite it being unfinished). The CGI on Michael Douglas as a middle-aged man was amazing, I couldn't even tell it was CGI. Plus it was nice to see Peggy & Older Howard again.- They actually got me to care about the ants,
I actually shouted "NO!" when Antony got shot. The Falcon bit was actually well-done, & it served as a great trial by fire for Scott. I honestly got a major kick out of the Spider-Man reference.- The dramatic moments were pretty well-done overall, though it didn't hit as hard as the humor (nor did I expect it to, but the dramatic scenes got the job done).
- Yellowjacket seemed a bit two-dimensional. Then again, Marvel isn't generally the best when it comes to villains (with a few exceptions). Though I'm usually a bit more forgiving about first movie villains since the first movie is normally more about establishing the hero.
- There were a few pacing issues early on in the movie, but they leveled out in the second half of the film. This will likely be more apparent in my second viewing.
- I wish Hope was given more to do (since she did great in what she did do),
though the mid-credits scene is pretty much gonna grant my wish in future films.- Not necessarily a con, but while I did like the dramatic moments overall, I felt like they were better balanced in Guardians.
Overall, I'd give Ant-Man an 8/10 for now. Maybe after a second viewing & giving the film a month to set in my mind that could change, but for now I enjoyed it.
For what it's worth, my theater was packed, so the positive word-of-mouth actually got out there in time.
Here's the quote of my impressions from the Ant-Man OT.
- Jackpot: Guardians, Winter Soldier, Avengers 1, Iron Man 1, Ant-Man
- Pretty Solid: Avengers 2, Iron Man 3, Captain America 1, Thor 1, The Incredible Hulk
- Eh: Thor 2, Iron Man 2
Why dont you write a couple more posts that you hate Ant Man? We almost forgot.
Let's get an update to everybody's lists after having seen Ant-Man. How does it look?
I won't be able to watch Ant-Man until Wednesday.
Am I the only one who find if hard to rank these movies? They seem to move back and forth on my list all the time depending on my mood.
Yes, very, very difficult. This list took me hours to do, and I still feel as a few could be shuffled around.Am I the only one who find if hard to rank these movies? They seem to move back and forth on my list all the time depending on my mood.
No, I find it difficult to rank the movies too. It changes every few months plus I really like all of the movies.
Allow me to adopt the new ranking style.
- S-Rank: Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America: The Winter Soldier
- A-Rank: Iron Man, The Avengers, Ant-Man
- B-Rank: Avengers: Age of Ultron, Iron Man 3, Captain America: The First Avenger
- C-Rank: The Incredible Hulk, Thor: The Dark World
- D-Rank: Iron Man 2
Allow me to adopt the new ranking style.
- S-Rank: Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America: The Winter Soldier
- A-Rank: Iron Man, The Avengers, Ant-Man
- B-Rank: Avengers: Age of Ultron, Iron Man 3, Captain America: The First Avenger
- C-Rank: The Incredible Hulk, Thor: The Dark World
- D-Rank: Iron Man 2
Eh, TIH actually has some redeeming qualities, more so than Iron Man 2 & Thor 2. Plus the Harlem fight at the end was quite memorable.OMG, that is SOOO wrong! TIH is clearly the WORST MCU film. I demand that you change your rankings RIGHT NOW!!!
What's going to happen with you and your character Sif in the next "Thor" film? We've been teasing out a lot of your character's origins, but we've never seen it. Are we going to explore this? And how deep are we going to go ?
Marvel, I think on purpose, they dont tell me certain things. Because they know Ill be like, "So here's what's gonna happen." But I do know I will be in "Thor 3" and that Sif will have a very pivotal part in that movie. I just cant tell you what because Ill get shot.
Were you excited to see the stuff [Marvel] put in "Avengers: Age of Ultron" that hints at it? There was a big tease out in that?
Yeah, theres a lot of great stuff theyve peppered in through "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," "The Avengers," "Captain" will have some stuff. There's just all kind of Easter eggs and hints, if youre really paying attention. Theyre so good at interweaving everything throughout those films.
OOooooo, putting IM1 at an A.Allow me to adopt the new ranking style.
- S-Rank: Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America: The Winter Soldier
- A-Rank: Iron Man, The Avengers, Ant-Man
- B-Rank: Avengers: Age of Ultron, Iron Man 3, Captain America: The First Avenger
- C-Rank: The Incredible Hulk, Thor: The Dark World
- D-Rank: Iron Man 2
Allow me to adopt the new ranking style.
- S-Rank: Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America: The Winter Soldier
- A-Rank: Iron Man, The Avengers, Ant-Man
- B-Rank: Avengers: Age of Ultron, Iron Man 3, Captain America: The First Avenger
- C-Rank: The Incredible Hulk, Thor: The Dark World
- D-Rank: Iron Man 2
Allow me to adopt the new ranking style.
- S-Rank: Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America: The Winter Soldier
- A-Rank: Iron Man, The Avengers, Ant-Man
- B-Rank: Avengers: Age of Ultron, Iron Man 3, Captain America: The First Avenger
- C-Rank: The Incredible Hulk, Thor: The Dark World
- D-Rank: Iron Man 2
Anyone wanna fill me in on this new ranking system?