Gentle Rodriguez
I'm desperately hoping that doc ock is good with the uniform because I want to use him.
Im only 2 bios away from 3 star She Hulk! Ugh I can almost taste it!
Jessica Jones looks fun, but my real hope is that Daredevil rightfully assumes his place as a top tier character. I might even splurge on his costume if he's good.
Would it be dumb to run two separate speed characters in a team (DD and Spider-Man)?
Sounds good. Does this game shoehorn you into playing PVP? Not even remotely interested.
Why it is that Quake's new uni has lower stats than the previous? Wtf.
OMG Superior Spider-Man. Totally bought.
Sucks that I bought Back in Black now, but whatever haha!
Wow Superior Spidey Doc Ock is like a completely new character.
What would you even name him though? Superior Spiderman is way too confusing a name. Spider Octopus? That's just weird.
They even gave SpOck his own 6* skill. See Drayco, characters as costumes aren't bad!
I grabbed it too. I couldn't stand spidey doc but this one is all types of hotness. Adding another to my daily bio grind
Just so we're all clear, Superior Spidey is a Doc Ock costume, not Spider-Man.
You can now do a 3 Spidey team!
Spider-Man, Spidock, Superior Spider-Man!
I'd still rather have him as a separate character, since they did all the work to make him function as one.
Still, Netmarble continues to show you guys over at Gaz what's up; this is how you do Enhanced Costumes. Tell Ryolnir to get it together.
I wouldn't. That'd be new bios to farm.
True but the costumes are mostly only available when characters have just been released and I don't know for sure yet if I want to use them. In hindsight I should've bought the She-Hulk and Venom costumes though.Costumes>>>>>>>>>>>>bios
I regret spending crystals on bios and passing on some unis.
So is there no way to farm Jess bios? Is she gonna be like the A-Force characters?
True but the costumes are mostly only available when characters have just been released and I don't know for sure yet if I want to use them. In hindsight I should've bought the She-Hulk and Venom costumes though.
The updates recently have really been top notch. Kudos to the team.
This game takes up so much of my gaming time... or just time period. Even when I'm playing another game I have to it running. These great additions aren't helping!
Yeah I didn't even notice 20 was the max level. I've been running everything even at level 60 so being able to skip the early stuff will definitely save some time.
Clear tickets are definitely draining now with the auto play. I had over 5500 and am now down to 4300 and it hasn't even been that long since that update came.
It doesn't unless you want certain things (some characters can only be farmed through those modes). It's worth mentioning the PvP modes aren't true PvP, in that you're not playing against a human, just the AI using their team. The modes are worth trying to see if you like them. They also award you with bonus items and whatnot to speed things up for you, but again, nothing necessary.
So, question: I'm currently running with She-Hulk, Wasp and Captain Marvel; but I've been hearing that Captain Marvel ain't that good. Does anyone recommend me changing her up for another Universal (or maybe Speed?) character? If so, who? Is Elsa Bloodstone any good? Keep in mind that I'm probably not going to be competitive and I'm just playing it for the (really bad) story.
Also, I've been logging in daily for a couple of months now, and just barely playing so I've got a bunch of stuff I'm never using, so upgrading a character is mostly trivial.