Lost Fragment
Obsessed with 4chan
OT but I wonder why SRK always brings their main site down for days on end whenever they do upgrades.
Test server, dudes.
Test server, dudes.
I make all my choices based on Gootecks' t-shirt advertising. I am now a fan of Death From Above 1979!Alucrid said:Gootecks rocking that TS shirt. Fuck yeah.
DNS updates. How do they work?Lost Fragment said:OT but I wonder why SRK always brings their main site down for days on end whenever they do upgrades.
Test server, dudes.
Looks like an awesome "make zero better" team.smurfx said:yeah that has been my team for a long time now.
Lost Fragment said:OT but I wonder why SRK always brings their main site down for days on end whenever they do upgrades.
Test server, dudes.
To be fair, XF level 3 Arthur is the shit. With the speed boost, he can full-screen infinite you with lances.Dahbomb said:Mago's team got bodied by Arthur solo and underpants Arthur beat Sentinel.
JeTmAn81 said:I make all my choices based on Gootecks' t-shirt advertising. I am now a fan of Death From Above 1979!
I wonder where I can get one like that with the "Kings of Poverty" subtitle. The Brokentier ones don't have that.Alucrid said:Gootecks rocking that TS shirt. Fuck yeah.
I'm gonna try and learn Task.smurfx said:yeah that has been my team for a long time now.
Parallax Scroll said:I'm gonna try and learn Task.
Oh I get it, like in the comicsAlucrid said:(c)L (c)M (c)H 4H S L M H 6H M H S jump qcfH xx qcfMH
You've learned Taskmaster.
I thought you could only do spidey swing once in the air?Dahbomb said:You don't need the L in the combos.
And you should be doing a couple of spidey swings in the combo to add extra juice. Generally just do a spidey swing, MM, spidey swing etc. It's really easy to do, I don't know why you wouldn't be adding spidey swings in a combo to get that extra damage. You can even do the spidey swings before launching the opponent, check some of the Mission mode stuff to get an idea.
Taskmaster is top 3 easiest characters to play with in MVC3.
only use shield charge and launcher at will if you have haggar. fighters always go to punish taskmaster when the charge fails and i immediately call in haggars assist and usually get the players trying to hit me and then i proceed to launch them and get my usual combo and special in.Dahbomb said:Seriously those spidey swing combos are easy as hell. It's a main part of Taskmaster because the rest of the game is just going to be spamming arrows all over the place. Then you learn to combo MH Legion hyper arrows after air throws. If you have a grasp of which buttons perform which angle of hyper arrows, you have learned 40% of Taskmaster.
Shield charge and launcher are punishable so don't use those unless you can hit confirm into them. Shield charge adds extra range after the dash for high range punishes, plus it has nice priority. Taskmaster has excellent normals, a great wave dash and high damaging arrow spamming. His j.H is also excellent and easily links into his air hypers or OS air throw into down arrow hyper. Always try to end his combos in the down arrows when the opponent is OTG for maximum damage.
No one counters with Taskmaster, it's a high risk/low reward situation in this game. Unblockable setups require particular assists and it's only really useful against Phoenix (lock her down with an assist and use unblockable). 90% of your game is going to come from his normal, QCF arrows and hypers. Everything he does is high damaging and he himself is a high health character.
Only reason why Taskmaster isn't top 5 is because he has low mobility compared to the top 5.
Second reason - if you jump and do arrows in the air, you can't block the entire way down. Though nobody really tries to punish that for some reason...Dahbomb said:Seriously those spidey swing combos are easy as hell. It's a main part of Taskmaster because the rest of the game is just going to be spamming arrows all over the place. Then you learn to combo MH Legion hyper arrows after air throws. If you have a grasp of which buttons perform which angle of hyper arrows, you have learned 40% of Taskmaster.
Shield charge and launcher are punishable so don't use those unless you can hit confirm into them. Shield charge adds extra range after the dash for high range punishes, plus it has nice priority. Taskmaster has excellent normals, a great wave dash and high damaging arrow spamming. His j.H is also excellent and easily links into his air hypers or OS air throw into down arrow hyper. Always try to end his combos in the down arrows when the opponent is OTG for maximum damage.
No one counters with Taskmaster, it's a high risk/low reward situation in this game. Unblockable setups require particular assists and it's only really useful against Phoenix (lock her down with an assist and use unblockable). 90% of your game is going to come from his normal, QCF arrows and hypers. Everything he does is high damaging and he himself is a high health character.
Only reason why Taskmaster isn't top 5 is because he has low mobility compared to the top 5.
That's pretty safe - the timing for that is that you fire the arrows pretty much right after Shield Charge hits, or there's a small window that they can punish. And Taskmaster arrows do a ridiculous amount of chip damage anyways, so its still good damageJeTmAn81 said:Also, Shield Charge is mostly safe as long as you follow up with Legion Arrow, which will push them back.
because the arrows have insane priority/damage and you can usually hyper cancel after shooting arrows, can't you?Razor210 said:Second reason - if you jump and do arrows in the air, you can't block the entire way down. Though nobody really tries to punish that for some reason...
Ultimoo said:because the arrows have insane priority/damage and you can usually hyper cancel after shooting arrows, can't you?
I'm having the same problem at the moment, although I do MMS after the second swing and then MH b+H on the ground.JeTmAn81 said:I actually have a lot of trouble getting the ground Mighty Swings in before the launcher. For the combo string I know, I'm fine up to the second Mighty Swing at which point I'm trying to do M then S to knock them back towards the ground where I can pick them up with an H, then Shield Charge and finally launch for the rest of the combo.
Most of the time they will land after the S before I can hit them with the rest of the combo into launcher. If I knock my opponent absolutely as high as possible with the ground Mighty Swing strings then I can hit them on the way down, but the timing on that seems really precise and I miss it most of the time.
Is there anything that will make this easier? I'd really like to include this stuff as part of my game. Most of the time I just go Shield Charge into launcher.
Dahbomb said:i was trolling though. Arthur has mad comeback potential, more so than a lot of characters. That LVL3 (IMO top 3 LVL3 in the game), homing projectiles in Gold mode and general increased speed plus insane chip makes him a great anchor. Basically you pop X Factor LVL3 and Gold armor around the same time which makes you pretty godlike and if they popped their X Factor early it's a GG.
i actually have a pretty easy time zoning out x23. zero's double handengekis get her if she is trying to rush in and if she tries to get in through the top i just call haggars double lariat assist and that usually gets her. by this time she probably has pretty low health so i take her out with out much problems.DarkoMaledictus said:Arthur can be good, but some characters just ignore zoning. Try to zone out x23... its going to be a hell of an uphill battle!
it sounds like you rely on haggar's assist too much to bail you out. you're going to get blown up bad one of these days.smurfx said:i actually have a pretty easy time zoning out x23. zero's double handengekis get her if she is trying to rush in and if she tries to get in through the top i just call haggars double lariat assist and that usually gets her. by this time she probably has pretty low health so i take her out with out much problems.
Parallax Scroll said:OK with Task I have this now:
cr.LMH f+H j.MM f+H j.MMS v b+H S ^ sj.MM f+H sj.MMS, jump, super
i can still fight without him.Ultimoo said:it sounds like you rely on haggar's assist too much to bail you out. you're going to get blown up bad one of these days.![]()
Waikis said:I just got bodied by a spidey/ryu/doom : (. I cant seem to catch spidey...
Waikis said:lol yep thats me : p, it seems like there are only 5 aussie players playing mvc3 on xblive .
Nedjoe said:Haha that's awesome, your ammy and tron shenanigans always mess me up. I've played that spidey player alot, he uses that 100% reset with the web throw super. I always seem to catch him when he lands as he often mashes out crouching light.
wolverine can be very annoying when paired with sentinel drones assist.Ultimoo said:Who pairs well with Sentinel/Dante, preferably acting as the anchor, I don't think Dante makes a great one.
I said preferably an anchor. I also don't want to jump on the Wolverine bandwagon. oh yeah.smurfx said:wolverine can be very annoying when paired with sentinel drones assist.
WeskerUltimoo said:Who pairs well with Sentinel/Dante, preferably acting as the anchor, I don't think Dante makes a great one.
He doesn't need assists to extend his combos, but he definitely needs assist to open people up. Teleport is a little too predictable and unsafe without proper assist usage. Tron assist would make his attacks very safe and blow up most assists, drones/beams make his teleport safe and let him do some easier cross-ups, any low hit assist lets him set up unblockables with teleport and jump ins (Josh Wong uses Felicia for this I think). I just don't see him as a great anchor. D:paul187 said:I say Dante is a great anchor. He can create his own setups and doesn't really need assists to keep his combos going.
haunts said:http://i53.tinypic.com/35l9dut.png
Ultimoo said:I said preferably an anchor. I also don't want to jump on the Wolverine bandwagon. oh yeah.