I just bold cancelled my semi into a full on._dementia said:Anyone see that Max promo?
So many hype videos on this page already, I'm writing up my own alt costumes list as we speak.
I just bold cancelled my semi into a full on._dementia said:Anyone see that Max promo?
So badass.Nils said:Costume ideas/Wish list part 2
Only one I can think of, but it's a good one.
Elvis M.O.D.O.K.
Sixfortyfive said:
Professor Beef said:I always wondered what the appeal was with Mohawk Storm. So damn ugly.
This comment is the truth. Zero is a potential S tier character in this game along with Dante, C Viper. His worst match up is Phoenix and everything after that is no worse than a 5/5. He is like Wolverine with better buttons, options and more work needed to make him godlike. People need to realize that the difference between S tier (Wolverine/Phoenix for now) and B+ tier (Dr Doom) isn't that much. A character who is no 1 can easily be beaten by a character who is no 20. I would expect some legitimate upsets to occur at EVO with some characters like Doom tear it up for a few matches.Oldschoolgamer said:I fear the day someone does what Clockwork is doing for Doom, with Zero. I don't know if he's top 5 yet, but when he has the right assist behind him, it's a total nightmare.
ggs all around. I noticed that you did a lot better with Hsien-Ko once you started keeping yourself at just the right distance for her H's to hit. Good range on her normals is one thing she's got going for her, at least. If you really want to activate gold armor without running the risk of getting rushed down, consider starting with dog/zombie/succubus as the team order, build one bar, then DHC into it and hard tag out.SolarPowered said:I figured that you heard me congratulate you yesterday on the good games, Sixfortyfive, but I'm not sure if you heard me(I got the mic and all). Those games were pretty good. I've been buried under a mountain of homework and I'm still at it right now so I haven't been able to post much, but I wanted to ask....
What did you think of those fights yesterday?
It's more the game flying off of people's radar. A regular reveal period keeps people on the edge of their seats. When a leaked roster appears, a lot of people go "ah cool, I know the roster now", and they don't click the refresh button on SRK every 5 minutes hoping for a reveal during SDCC and such. Those people, not fully gripped by the game, end up buying used more often, etc.I'm really curious how exactly leaks hurt their bottom line and if there's any real proof. I'm not discounting what they're saying, I'm just curious how that translates into lost sales. Apparently it derails marketing plans which cost money to plan, but I'm skeptical that it really costs them money. Do people really lose interest by knowing what characters are in ahead of time? Perhaps they meant to keep the "hidden' characters hidden until after release. It seems like a really hard thing to quantify,even more so than, say, lost sales to piracy.
SSFIV sold substantially less then SFIV. MvC3 and SSFIV have largely different markets. Capcom believes that the large sales difference between SSFIV and SFIV is largely due in part to the early leak.Sales for Super Street Fighter IV and MVC3 say they make no difference.
I want MODOK with a paper bag over his head...basically, his entire body.M.O.D.O.K.
Only one I can think of, but it's a good one.
Sentinel in a dress. Haters would buy it just to beat him up in training mode.Honestly here is where I'd try and add some joke costumes. Give me a Sentinel with Gundam colours, a sombrero, anything
Don't have much inspiration for serious picks here, aside from this one and classic Sentinel
Basically She Hulk + pants? Haha.
This is why I cannot take Marvel seriously.To clarify: In Ultimate X-Men, Cable is a future version of Wolverine who goes back to the past to capture Professor Xavier, returning with him to the future in order to train him for the coming battle with Apocalypse
Karsticles said:This is why I cannot take Marvel seriously.
新妻 良太@CAPCOM
Yeah, I'm going. RT @Veg1v0 Hello Niitsuma-san will you be at Comic-Con?
Yup, I've been putting in some lab time and her H is terrible for damage. Doesn't help that she doesn't have to many combo options on the ground either.Sixfortyfive said:ggs all around. I noticed that you did a lot better with Hsien-Ko once you started keeping yourself at just the right distance for her H's to hit. Good range on her normals is one thing she's got going for her, at least. If you really want to activate gold armor without running the risk of getting rushed down, consider starting with dog/zombie/succubus as the team order, build one bar, then DHC into it and hard tag out.
Try not to use Morrigan's standing H in combos; it scales terribly. As for me, I know I mash a lot when I'm playing online. I've forgotten how impossible it is to use Felicia well online.
Nils said:The original Cable's origin is pretty bad too considering he's the offspring of Scott and a clone of Jean that was sent into the future where some woman made an evil clone twin. Lots of things in comics are silly but I tend to look past them though I can totally get why a lot of people wouldn't.
Anyway, look what Niitsuma just tweeted.
SSFIV sold substantially less then SFIV. MvC3 and SSFIV have largely different markets. Capcom believes that the large sales difference between SSFIV and SFIV is largely due in part to the early leak.
For real.DR2K said:That's just ridiculous. SSFIV was an expansion on a disc. Show a source to Capcom losing a million sales over a leak, please do.
I don't need to prove anything. Obviously I don't have access to their internal sales data. Feel free to go off and nag Sven or Seth for it. I'm sure you know better than Capcom.That's just ridiculous. SSFIV was an expansion on a disc. Show a source to Capcom losing a million sales over a leak, please do.
Don't we determine which characters are good by tournament results? If we didn't, any character God's Beard played would be top tier.Grecco said:Zero is really really really good. He is top 5 in the game, results in tourneys are an outlier.
Karsticles said:I don't need to prove anything. Obviously I don't have access to their internal sales data. Feel free to go off and nag Sven or Seth for it. I'm sure you know better than Capcom.
DR2K said:That's just ridiculous. SSFIV was an expansion on a disc. Show a source to Capcom losing a million sales over a leak, please do.
Nils said:I can understand that it would have at least a marginal impact on sales, but it's something that would be incredibly hard to gauge. It's probably more a question of losing that momentum of excitement and hype. It's like when the Xbox 360 slim announcement leaked the day before the E3 conference last year. What would have been a surprise at the conference was now an "Eh, we knew about that already. Show us some new stuff".
A lot of the hype in fighting games pre-release is about the character roster. In this game people have been speculating about the roster ever since its announcement and we never stopped producing character wish lists since the game came out. If a company like Capcom wants to tap into that and orchestrate a marketing campaign centered around systematic character reveals, it's very understandable they'd be pissed that the roster leaks 6 months in advance or something.
Like Karsticles said, it probably doesn't impact the hardcore crowd who are extremely likely to pick up the game regardless, but I can see how it would somewhat kill or put a damper on the interest of the people who don't really care about the mechanics, netplay etc but kept tuning in for character speculations/confirms.
Seth mentions it in pretty much every interview when someone brings leaks up with him. Usually he says something like this:Where was it stated though?
Right. Imagine if, day 1 of MvC3's announcement, Niitsuma said: "Megaman? No, I'm not bothering with him."Like Karsticles said, it probably doesn't impact the hardcore crowd who are extremely likely to pick up the game regardless, but I can see how it would somewhat kill or put a damper on the interest of the people who don't really care about the mechanics, netplay etc but kept tuning in for character speculations/confirms.
It depends on who you are. I have a friend who is in good communication with a Capcom staffer that leaked some info to him previously. He regretted knowing it, and now he intentionally veils himself because it ruins all of the hype for him. If it doesn't ruin the hype for you, that's great. It doesn't ruin the hype for me either - for me, the hype is all about getting the game and experimenting with characters and teams.The problem with that theory is that hearing and seeing something are 2 different things. The hype was still there.
Grecco said:Zero is really really really good. He is top 5 in the game, results in tourneys are an outlier.
Second for godlike DHC glitch. Marn and that other GDLK Zero player I can't remember the name of say hello.mr. puppy said:Does Zero work anywhere else besides on point?
mr. puppy said:Does Zero work anywhere else besides on point?
I've been maining Zero since almost day 1, so I'll chime in.Dahbomb said:This comment is the truth. Zero is a potential S tier character in this game along with Dante, C Viper. His worst match up is Phoenix and everything after that is no worse than a 5/5. He is like Wolverine with better buttons, options and more work needed to make him godlike. People need to realize that the difference between S tier (Wolverine/Phoenix for now) and B+ tier (Dr Doom) isn't that much. A character who is no 1 can easily be beaten by a character who is no 20. I would expect some legitimate upsets to occur at EVO with some characters like Doom tear it up for a few matches.
Zero/Dante/Akuma is a godly team btw.
enzo_gt said:Second for godlike DHC glitch. Marn and that other GDLK Zero player I can't remember the name of say hello.
Don't get too exciting about it, but there is one rumor about one character being in SMVC3.
I don't know how reliable this source is, but take it with grain of salt.
Supposedly that there will be one character from Ace Attorney will be in the game.
This is true. Marn builds a fuckload of meter with his point character (Magneto) and when tagged or DHC glitched in, Zero is at a huge advantage with meter.Grecco said:DHC is part of it, Zero ive noticed works best with meter. His lvl 3 is godly, being able to punish asissts with it makes it one of the best lvl 3s in the game, so hes better at seccond with someone who can build him meter, than coming in on point.
Thus far, the Capcom side that there are clues for:Cross posted from the other thread. Not sure if real.
wolverine, phoenix, magneto, wesker, dog, dante... sorry dudeGrecco said:Zero is really really really good. He is top 5 in the game, results in tourneys are an outlier.
mr. puppy said:clockwork just put up an awesome jill guide: http://iplaywinner.com/news/2011/7/...e-5-marvel-vs-capcom-3-jill-guide-with-c.html
Dandy J said:wolverine, phoenix, magneto, wesker, dog, dante... sorry dude
Dante isn't?Grecco said:Magneto is too execution intensive.
Even if more tech is found, still the most worthless use of 3 bars in the game.DR2K said:Mad beast should really be one meter.
enzo_gt said:Dante isn't?
Even if more tech is found, still the most worthless use of 3 bars in the game.
Well considering that you can build meter with it, I'm sure that there's good uses. Isn't there an infinite blockstring with mad beast? That's five bars right there.DR2K said:Mad beast should really be one meter.