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Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds |OT2| Sold exclusively at Dollar Tree

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Alligator F*ck House
Hope you guys are ready for dat 'Assist Me!' X-23 part 2 tomorrow. I've been glaring at this editing program for like a week straight, lol.


get some go again
LeMaximilian said:
Hope you guys are ready for dat 'Assist Me!' X-23 part 2 tomorrow. I've been glaring at this editing program for like a week straight, lol.
who is that hot chick playing x-23? your girlfriend? if so then good job man. :p


QisTopTier said:
Grats on not being free to someone who hasn't played in 2 months :D Sure can't wait for that tron assist nerf.
your hands never forget marvel. I can go weeks at a time without playing. q is gonna q basically.



Disclaimer: Take most of these changes with a grain of salt. Not only is there insufficient time for people to be experimenting but some of these changes might be revised for the final game as well. Stuff like "X is a bit faster/slower" should also be taken lightly as some people may exaggerate minor changes in frame data.

Read changes as:
+ = Buff
- = Nerf
+/- = A change in mechanics that can be either a buff or a nerf and needs more experimentation to determine which it is

There are going to be additional notes in the changes concerning the implications of said changes. I think it's important for people to know why stuff was changed and which characters needed what. There will also be discussion on the implication of how a character's position in the tier list might change due to the changes. Tier list change will take into account other mechanics change like aerial X factor and TAC changes.


+ Akuma is able to use Demon Flip and moves in the air now.

+ Akuma has a Demon Flip Command Throw now (?)

+ Teleport seems slightly more useful, better but no real confirmation on this.

- Tatsu Assist is no longer a soft knockdown, so it's a bit more difficult to extend combos with it.

- Demon Flip dive kick OTG ground bounce relaunch is much more strict.

- Does not have a light Tatsu infinite in LVL3 XF anymore.

Some small nerfs and some nice buffs puts Akuma more or less where he already is... a strong anchor/assist character with some decent tricks of his own to hold his own in a highly competitive match. Ability to air X factor is a huge buff for Akuma as his assist punishing game goes up tremendously as well as his zoning game.


+ Cold star appear to be faster when on point

+ Gets a speed bonus in X-Factor LVL2

- TAC gitch gone

Removal of DHC glitch was a nerf to Amaterasu but ability to X factor in the air and speed bonus on X factor are significant buffs for her (due to persistence of Okami Shuffle after usage). Expect her to still be a highly competitive almost dominant character, more or less where she already is currently.


+ Increased overall health

+ J.S drops him downward more quickly for easier OTG after air combo

+ Arthur can throw 3 lances out (?)

Buffs for Arthur were a given, he was in the bottom 2 in MVC3 (lowest of low tier). Air X factor is a buff and every change suspected/discovered for him thus far have been buffs. Much needed for him and he still needs more to be a competitive player.

C. Viper

+/- Unconfirmed, unseen new move hinted by Nitsumo himself

- It's possible her infinite from MVC3 is removed but it's not confirmed yet

Not enough game time or experimentation time has been given to C Viper. She is on paper a very lethal character in MVC3 but execution holds her back a bit. Barring massive buff or nerf, she should remain a very competitive character just like her incarnation in SSF4. There have been rumors about decreased meter uptake from EX moves but no more special cancels into EX moves but they are highly unconfirmed so they were not worth listing.

Captain America

+ Shield Slash specials are faster

+ Has a Double jump now

+ Captain America overall is a faster character

+ M/H versions of Charging Star now cause Soft Knockdown

Buffed all around and he should be. Definitely in the lower end of the roster, stuff like double jump and faster overall speed/moves will definitely help him be more competitive. He is still not quite there yet, needs a few more buffs.

Chris Redfield

+ Supposedly he has faster special moves start up now

Not enough experimentation done with Chris but he is in need of some slight buffs. Would love to see faster specials on him if true. He is around middle tier right now, the right buffs will make him quite competitive.


+ Appears to do overall more damage in combos

+ Chun-Li appears to be no longer vulnerable after doing her up kicks in the air (?)

+ Supposedly has new move properties (like chargeable fireballs). Very much unconfirmed, need more information on this.

Not enough experimentation done with Chun Li but she too is a candidate for buffs. While she has some nice tools, lack of damaging combos really hurt her competitive viability. Some buffs would definitely move her up a tier.


+/- There have been changes to jab move (either addition or substraction of frame start up). Need more information on this.

- Hit stun scaling has been changed a bit for Dante particular on combos involving his Sky Dance. There may be other changes to his other special moves.

+/- J.S start up/frames changed up (either addition or substraction)

- Possible changes on Hammer (?) but unconfirmed

The only confirmed nerf for Dante deals with his Day 1 combos with Sky Dance, his advance OTG combos appear to be unaffected aside from stuff like Pop Shredder Up shots loops. He was a dominant character in MVC3 and he is still very much dominant. Sword ranges appear unaffected as well. Unless there are additional changes to his special moves, expect him to be the king of combos in UMVC3. DHC glitch removal however is a considerable nerf to him.


+ Quick Work: The distance/range/speed of this attack is said to have been increased.

+ Supposedly faster specials and Ninja gifts (?)

DHC glitch removal is a bit of a nerf to Deadpool. He is a bit in the upper mid tier right now and the right buffs would see him be very competitive as a very a solid zoning character. Needs more experimentation to find more stuff. Air X factor is a slight buff to him.


+ Reports that his Zoning Specials have become better in speed and recovery.

+ Dark Dimension has a larger hitbox. No longer passes under bouncing opponents.

+ Increased distance on backdash

+ Can use Purification in the air

+ Can charge Dark Spells while airborne. Can only charge one at a time and is vulnerable until he lands. He stops in the air when performing this special, in the same manner as Dark Hole.
Liberation in the air causes him to teleport to the ground and then perform the release.

+ Can attack out of down-back airdash. Most likely up-back too.

- Reduced hitstun on cr.M

- Dorm puts Flame Carpet slighty further out & hitbox change(?). Can cause OTG to hit once and knock people away mid-screen. Causes corner Flame Carpets to hit once on some characters because of the distance it's laid out. Flame Carpet also disappears when Dorm is hit.

Air X factor is a nerf to Dormammu because his chipping game is weaker now against characters in the air. He got a significant nerf to his Flame Carpet but the possible buff on his speed and Dark Arts in the air is a significant buff. Dorm is a highly competitive character and he will remain at that spot still... possibly even higher now. Expect more creative Liberation play from Dorm players from now on.

Dr. Doom

+ Dooms j.H laser is faster

+ Faster cr.L

+ Launcher appears to be safer on block

+ Overall, Doom's projectiles appear to be faster now

+ Doom's forward throw causes a hard knockdown now

+ Air S moves faster vertically

+ Air S causes ground bounce on juggle

With no nerfs in sight, Doom's buff will make him even more competitive. Already a powerful assist/anchor character, with recent technology Doom has surprised many with his high damaging combos, great OTG game, pressure game and solid mobility. These buffs are the icing on the cake. Expect to see a lot of Doom/Strider in UMVC3. He might have moved up a tier with the upper characters getting nerfs and him getting buffed.


*No balance changes found or suspected thus far*

While Felicia is a strong character she requires a bit of execution. With Wesker being nerfed, it allows Felicia to be more viable as that fast unblockable/command throw reset type character. Still a candidate for some buffs. Not enough experimentation has been done on her.


- Lariat assist no longer causes Hardknockdown (it causes Soft knockdown)

+/- Haggars f+H now causes bounce rather than huge hitstun (?)

- He might be more vulnerable during Lariat

Haggar was the typical assist character in UMVC3. He received nerfs to his assist (but it's still good) so he has become less competitively viable. With no substantial nerfs to his point game in sight, things are not looking good for Haggar. He requires some drastic changes to his overall game to be competitive. Possible reduction in tier status with the changes (shockingly). There's an unsubstantiated rumor that he throws a trash can as a projectile.


+ Appears to be slightly faster, generally much less "floaty"

+ Appears to do slightly more damage due to less hit deterioration from her previously multi-hitting normals (some of them still have multi-hitting properties)

+ Airdash is a bit faster

+ f.M has slight better recovery (?)

+Senpuu Bu seems faster (?)

+Grounded Henkyo Ki recovery is faster

+ Anki-Hou (the Gong) has faster startup

+/- Supposedly she has new projectiles like a big Log. Need more confirmation on this. Seems like she got more than a couple.

Aside from Arthur, Hsien Ko was the biggest candidate for buffs in the game. Needed better speed, better damage and better tools. Most of these changes appear to be pretty substantial and should definitely improve her on point game. Should definitely move up from lowest tier in the game but still questionable as to how competitive she is. Her godly assist is still godly.


+ St.H has 3 points of super armor now

- OTG Gamma Wave into Gamma Crush is tighter now

St.H buff makes one of his strongest moves even stronger. Now it will not lose to any normal in the game, including the once feared Zero j.H. Hulk is still pretty much where he was before so he needs more tools to be more competitive.

Iron Man

+ Iron Mans UniBeam is faster and recovers faster, spammable

+ Ground dash moves him at least 1/2 screen across. Before it moved him about 1/3rd distance.

+ Even faster flight cancel

+/- Triangle jump/air dash mechanics changed. Seem to have different trajectories and acceleration.

- Possibly removal of double jump (?)

Aside from the rumored loss of double jump, Iron Man got some nice buffs. Iron Man has always been a somewhat competitive characters but odd design issues held him back. The buffs are nice to see on him but he needed buffs in other departments as well (like cr.H, launcher, dash cancel etc). Probably will move up a few spots in tier rankings.

Jill Valentine



+ MODOK has a new air Psionic blaster done with S

MODOK needs more testing and buffs. Not enough data.


+ New move, that modifies your momentum anywhere on the screen (similar to the wind effect from Storm, or like Rachel's Wind Drive in Blazblue). Can pull you forward, push you back, or force you to stay more-or-less stationary. HUGE buff, due to the free nasty mixups on people jumping in. Pull them closer so they accidentally cross you up. Punish.

- Air dash reduced in range, and maybe slighty reduced in speed. Slightly affects some ROM midscreen combos of Magneto. Triangle jumps overall appear to be slightly slower.

- J.H pushes enemies away more and combined with the dash range reduction, combos are harder to do. He still has access to his Grav loop in the corner but you get less repetitions out of them.

- Disrupter start up slowed down and is generally slower but still a dominant projectile

- Throw trap time decreased slightly

Magneto generally got nerfs in the area that he needed to be nerfed in. To make up for it, he got a new set of tools which allow him to position the enemy to his will like a true master of magnetism. This new move is very powerful and definitely buffs Magneto's overall zoning and rushdown game. Magneto is still very dominant in the game although lack of DHC glitch affects his character killing game. He is still around A tier in the game.


+ Appears to do more damage on combos

+ Flight cancel combos appear to be more reliable/useful

+ New meter sucking fireball QCF+S that steals about 1/3rd of the opponents meter. Very buff new special for her.

+ Start up times on Missile hyper and Astral Vision buffed up (?)

Morrigan got much needed buffs all around. Better damage, start up on hypers and easy to use mobility are just what she needed and the meter stealing meter is the icing on the cake. The new fireball is an indirect nerf to Phoenix as it signifies a very potent threat to her. She might have moved up a tier in the roster. Aerial X factor is also a significant buff to Morrigan.


- Only one action per jump. No more multiple fireballs, no more fireball into teleport.

The character in the game that required the most nerfs... by far. The restriction on her air specials is a much needed change to her normal Phoenix game plan and makes her a much easier target for many characters. Existence of Morrigan's meter sucking fireball and meter stealing TACs, there has been a slight nerf to the Phoenix meta-game. There might be more nerfs needed to Phoenix especially Dark Phoenix. Still the dominant character that she was in MVC3 unless more nerfs are found out.


+ Ryu now has a "buff" super (d, d+ two attacks) that enhances everything he does. This was seen in the UMVC3 trailer, when his Hurricane Hyper looked like a level 3 - its because of this buff. This buff also enhances his hadoken, which is best noticed in his Hadoken assist. It gets ridiculous Projectile Durability, and it seems harder to knock Ryu out of it. It also allows his Shinkuu Hadouken to bounce off of walls. Overall, it makes him a much threatening character.

+ Ryu's Hadoken and Shoryuken can be charged for additional effects, such as making Hadoken so fast it's invisible and causing wall bounce. Can be used in the air.

+ Ryu can cancel his overhead into specials now

+ Can now cancel his Tatsumaki's into other specials (?)

The character in UMVC3 that has received the most confirmed buffs in the game thus far. Ryu's game plan is totally altered and he is so buffed that he has moved up at least one tier possibly two. Ability to cancel his overhead is a much needed buff, chargeable Hadoukens definitely ups his zoning game. The buff hyper is indeed a very buff hyper and gives him access to very powerful versions of his moves. It also persists on him when he tags out giving you assess to very powerful assists. Not only that but the existence of Air X factor buffs him even further to the point that calling out assists against a jumping Ryu is suicidal. Most people are very pleased with these changes and Ryu is now at least on par with Akuma in terms of viability.


+/- Sentinel drones have been sped up. They are now a true block string.

- Air combo into L Rocket Punch into HSF does not work anymore or at least isn't reliable.

+ Rocket punches and overall speed of Sentinel has been increased

Sentinel changes put him pretty much where he already is. The increase in speed is nice to see but lack of comboability after L Rocket punch into HSF is a bit of a nerf to lower level Sentinel play. Change on Drones is also a very logical change. He still has a powerful assist and he still hurts if you get hit by him. No news on changes to his health.


+ Appears to be overall faster (?)

+ New lampost projectile executed with RDP motion and causes wall bounce on impact. Has considerable start up.

- Slide now covers less distance

- TAC glitch removed

She Hulk remains pretty much where she always was, a very competitive and dangerous character. New move is nice to see and gives hope for other characters who are weaker against zoning.




+ New OTG Dive bomb move "Death from Above" that Spencer can combo after connecting

A nice new move give Spencer a new tool to work with and be more dangerous against grounded opponent. Spencer is pretty much where he always was, a surprisingly dangerous and competitive character.




+ New Move: DP+S = Fair Wind, pushes opponent away
New Move: RDP+S = Foul Wind, pulls opponent towards her

+ Appears to do better damage

+/- Slight changes to her jump cancel loops

- Cannot call assists while floating

Storm changes are quite interesting. The new moves that allow her to position the enemy are a huge buff to her as it really ups her zoning/rushdown game just like Magneto's. Aerial X factor is also a huge buff to her as all her hypers make her airborne. Her assist punishment game goes up drastically because of this. However, no assist calls during floating and no DHC glitch are also substantial nerfs to her. With that said, this pretty much puts Storm where she was before or slightly higher which is that she is a competitive character but not as dominant as Magneto (yet).

Super Skrull

+ Meteor Smash is doable from the air now

+ LVL3 causes massive stagger, allowing you to combo after it

Allowing with the aerial X factor, Skrull got some very nice buffs. Aerial Meteor Smash really ups his aerial game. He probably needs a few more to make his moves safer. Might have moved up a few spots. Still very lethal in X factor LVL3.


+ New Move: Stab n Grab can be linked into Shield Charge

+ Shield Charge has its distance increased

Taskmaster remains where he always was, a highly competitive character. Aerial X Factor is a substantial buff to Taskmaster. Nothing much else to say.




+ Recovery on air and ground Hopscotches reduced

+ Recovery on air and ground Peakaboo reduced

+ Peakaboo assist comes out faster

+ Low Voltage projectiles have faster start ups

While Trish was considered by many to be a very strong character in MVC3, she was not very popular in tournaments due to dominance of rushdown style of play. With general nerfs to many rushdown characters and style of play, zoning seems to be stronger in UMVC3 And with that Trish appears to be an extremely powerful character in the new meta-game. With buffs to her specials, she should be very close to a dominant character in the game. Expect her to move up a few spots.

Tron Bonne

- Tron Gustaff Fire assist has been nerfed, a bigger hittable box

- Tron's j.H knocks away making it difficult to hit confirm into a combo

+ Trons Bonne Strike has quicker recovery

+ Servebot projectiles come out faster (?)

Some of the most questionable changes in the game regarding nerfs were made to Tron. Already in the Middle tier as far as point ability was concerned, Tron was competitive mostly due to her godly assist. Now it's nerfed and punishable, causing Tron to drop in usability. Much like Haggar, there are no substantial buffs to her point game meaning she has essentially dropped a tier at least. Much like Haggar, most people are a bit disappointed by this unless more info pops up about her point game.

Viewtiful Joe

+ New Dodge move that dodges mid/low moves easily.

+ Possibly faster mobility/j.S

New dodge move is very nice and it makes Joe even harder to target and can easily punish moves that might otherwise be unpunishable. A welcome buff but more needs to be found out about him. Still in the lower end of the Middle tier.


- Much lower health overall. Estimates put him in the 800-900K category now. We are talking at least a 200K drop in health.

- Appears to have slower teleports (?)

- Air throw pushes the opponent all the way to the corner making it harder to follow up.

Some very substantial nerfs to Wesker puts him at least a tier below now when originally he was always in the top 5. Health nerf was much needed and the air throw nerf makes his throw/reset game much less deadly. DHC glitch removal is a nerf to him as well. Still a very powerful character, his mix up game is very strong, his gun zoning is effective and his front loaded damage is good. Low gun shot assist is still good.


- Seems to have less health.

- Berserker Slash is slower, lost invincibility

- Seems slower overall perhaps to make Berserker Charge more balanced overall

- Contrary to popular belief, Wolverine can still relaunch after a Dive Kick in the air combo the ground bounce may just not work if a dive kick stagger was used to start the initial combo

+/- Some sort of button-mashy Swiss cheese move

Wolverine was the character right under Phoenix who was in need of substantial nerfs... and he got exactly what was coming to him. Nerfs on B Slash makes zoning a very viable option against him and the mix up is a bit easier to read although still hard to read on reaction. He is overall slower to make up for the buff he received in B Charge. Dive kick nerf is also a welcome change. He is probably no longer in top 5 but he is still a very dangerous character when he gets in. Incidentally, his new move is a nerf to low level Wolverine play as you can't just mash buttons with Wolverine anymore or you will get punished (move itself seems pretty useless). Aerial X Factor is a buff to him but removal of DHC glitch is a nerf.


+ OTG slash seems to have a slightly larger window, making OTG + assists easier.
+ X-23 Rage Trigger hyper is faster

Due to the rampage of Wolverine in vanilla MVC3, X-23 had little chance to shine. Now with Wolverine losing most of his former glory, it paves the way for X-23 to be a dominant rushdown character in UMVC3. With lots of tools at her disposal including the very nasty Dirt Nap, these additional buffs will help her become a more competitive character. DHC glitch removal is a slight nerf to her.


+ Zero Rekoha hyper is now wider and covers more ground

- Zero's lv.3 Buster causes soft knockdown now (was hard knockdown before).

Due to the top 5 being generally nerfed across the board, Zero is now in closer proximity to a top tier. While he did receive a nerf to his LVL3 Buster, he is overall a very deadly character in MVC3 and remains so in UMVC3. DHC glitch removal is a nerf to Zero as he was a major abuser of it in MVC3. Expect him to be a dominant character in UMVC3 unless more nerfs are discovered on him.

Some sources used:






I need someone to confirm a few things:

Does V.Joe's Bomb explode on contact in UMVC3?

Felicia's Rolling Buckler buff? Does it stay on the opponent now?

Please check various SRK character forums for findings and report them here so I can update accordingly.
FYI, I PMed Chindogg on SRK to ask him to test some Dormammu things, and he was generous enough to do so:
1) Does c.L chain into c.H now? No.
2) Can Dormammu cancel his ground dashes into a crouch or attack? No.
3) Is he still prone after aerial Dark Hole? Yes.
4) Can he use Purification in the air? Yes.
5) What is his aerial trajectory like when using Dark Spells? i.e. does he keep moving, or does he stop in the air? Can you charge 3 Dark Spells during a jump? Stops in the air.
6) Test Liberations, especially the C series, for changes (does 0D1C OTG?) Felt the same.

Maybe the buff to hsien ko is that golden armor assist is now the go to invulnerable assist.
Yeah, she now has the best "get off me" assist in the game.


Dahbomb said:



:( Really? Come on Capcom.

I've been pushing hard on Unity to AT LEAST switch web swing back to QCB in hopes they'll hear it. It's sick seeing Taskmaster have those long easy web swing combos.
Dorm can use Purifications in the air? Wow nice. Should I add it to the list?

Sucks about no c.L into c.H.
Go for it. I trust Chindogg, he has found a lot of stuff at SDCC. He probably falls prone after using it a la Dark Hole, so it might not be as useful as one would think. Now, if Dormammu's Flight time has been extended, then it would be very useful. Otherwise, you're going to superjump, Purification, and then be 100% vulnerable on the way down, and Purification is only +2 on block, so you're just a falling sack of meat.


- Tron's j.H knocks away making it difficult to hit confirm into a combo

Even if j.h now knocks the enemy away, cant you just connect it using the drill and do the usual drill->fire-> j.m j.m j.h etc etc etc?


Waikis said:
- Tron's j.H knocks away making it difficult to hit confirm into a combo

Even if j.h now knocks the enemy away, cant you just connect it using the drill and do the usual drill->fire-> j.m j.m j.h etc etc etc?
Yeah... I said difficult not impossible. :)

You can still combo after j.H with Drill.
2&2 said:
:( Really? Come on Capcom.

I've been pushing hard on Unity to AT LEAST switch web swing back to QCB in hopes they'll hear it. It's sick seeing Taskmaster have those long easy web swing combos.
I don't think there's anything to report because nobody played him.


_dementia said:
I don't think there's anything to report because nobody played him.

I agree, this is probably the case- the Trish information only just got added because one random observant Trish player on SRK noticed some stuff. For many of the characters, I don't think there's much information available yet. Even a lot of the info we do have is a bit sketchy, and things can (and probably will) be changed between now and when the game is released anyway.


Considering that characters like Joe, Chun Li, Thor, Spider Man, Shuma and Jill haven't even been touched in the videos posted from SDCC... yeah expect some changes to come when people who know what they are doing get some hands on time with them.

In addition, there are a plethora of frame changes in the game that cannot be assessed correctly by the naked eye or even by playing random matches. Like you aren't going to know if they changed Wesker's launcher from a -1 on block to -4 unless you actually get in the lab to test it out or if Capcom gives out the frame data. It's only the really obvious stuff that gets picked up.


Dahbomb said:
Considering that characters like Joe, Chun Li, Thor, Spider Man, Shuma and Jill haven't even been touched in the videos posted from SDCC... yeah expect some changes to come when people who know what they are doing get some hands on time with them.

In addition, there are a plethora of frame changes in the game that cannot be assessed correctly by the naked eye or even by playing random matches. Like you aren't going to know if they changed Wesker's launcher from a -1 on block to -4 unless you actually get in the lab to test it out or if Capcom gives out the frame data. It's only the really obvious stuff that gets picked up.

Hopefully. That's kinda what happened w/ Guile in Super. It was initially thought he wasn't touched. Heh. Still, I was hoping for some real obvious changes with a couple characters. I love Spidey in general, but hate he didn't get redesigned. I was hoping for some obvious buffs or new moves. I'm actually god-awful at this game. I always use him, and get destroyed since he's more technical than a lot of the top guys.



Question: Why did this wonderful being get nerfed? WHY? WRRRRYYYYYYY

At least Victor Von Doom and Tasky are good to go...

Anki Hou is the regular item toss. Henkyo Ki is the gong. Just for future reference.

Edit: Dormammu may very well turn out better than his current self if the changes are any indication.
Anki Hou is the regular item toss. Henkyo Ki is the gong. Just for future reference.

Edit: Dormammu may very well turn out better than his current self if the changes are any indication.
The only change that's really significant in terms of buffs is his faster dashes. That is a very much needed change. The aerial Purification and Dark Spells don't mean a lot because they leave him prone until landing. In a game where half of the cast can traverse the entire screen in a second, there aren't many situations where that's useful.

Now, if Flight mode for him has been buffed to be longer, then it might be useful to superjump, charge spells, etc.

Edit: Regardless, I'm not getting upset or excited until we have the final game (or close to) in our hands. Dormammu received ~5 nerfs between his announcement and release for MvC3. I've learned my lesson.


What if you can enter flight mode, charge up 3 stocks and then Liberate which teleports you down? That would be pretty fucking buff if you ask me.
I'd rather ask safe questions so these are the most tame ones I could come up with. The first one is also pretty important since Tron and Haggar have been knocked hard and team Darkstalkers recently got some nice exposure at Comic Con.

Thanks in advance for the opportunity to let us air our voices, even if none of my questions are picked.

The original cast for MvC3 has a lot of characters with potential that was never realized like Hsien-Ko with her gongs and Arthur's crazy keepaway. Is Capcom going to do anything to improve the experience for people who play lower level characters like Tron, Haggar, Hsien-Ko and Arthur on point as opposed to assists only?

The possibility of a bonus for people who bought MvC3 months ago has been thrown around the internet for a while now. I won't go into the specifics, but I'd just like to ask. Is there is any truth to the rumor?
Ask seth about the AE rebalance. How will it happen? Will it just be a free patch? Is it coming in the near future or will we have to wait till next year? If the patch comes to fruition will the arcades be patched as well? etc.

Also ask how seth feels about umvc3 being released next to some of the biggest games of the year?(BF3, MW3, Uncharted, Skyrim, Halo CEmake etc.)


_dementia said:
Ask him if they have any idea about 3S:OE DLC

In the SDCC Sven interviews, he stated they do have plans but are not saying a word about it until the release day 8/23 or the day after. They sound pretty unbreakable on that question.

He also noted in SDCC interviews that the HUD is not final. Can you ask him about the new x-factor effect, and if that's final too? It's not too visually appealing and makes the characters harder to make out the details, especially considering the effort going into the new colors/alts.

Also maybe if all Spider villains were off-the-table due to Marvel? It's a pretty glaring omission.

If you get into super-specific questions. Can you ask him if they will consider changing Spider-Man's web swing to QCB to lower the execution barrier? :) That change alone made him a lot more execution heavy compared to the rest of the cast with much easier tools.


Ask him about Steamworks and the possible implantation of it to future Capcom PC games and about UMVC3 for PC. Cause why the hell not? :O

Any ideas about having RANDOM be the default choice when choosing stages on UMVC3?

Now with 6 different colors for each character, will it be possible to have an option to choose the same character three times just for the lulz/fun factor in casuals? (since they love their casual crowd... just look at X-Factor)

New music for old MVC3 characters? More remixes? How about custom playlists in PS3?

Does he browse GAF? Can we have babies together?


God's Beard said:
So if anyone has any questions for Seth, tell me today or early tomorrow. So far it's basically all my own stuff.
Yeah I got a few.

1) How does Capcom plan on balancing UMVC3 after it has been released? Are there going to be online patches or will we have to just wait for another major update/retail product?

2) What was Capcom's own top 5 characters for vanilla MVC3 in terms of strength?

3) Capcom went radio silent after the release of MVC3... is there going to be a similar PR strategy post-UMVC3?

4) Is there a Perfect win screen in UMVC3? No seriously... is there? And if there isn't do you guys plan on doing something about it?

5) What was the philosophy behind the Tron and Haggar assist nerfs? Why were the nerfs NOT accompanied by substantial buffs to their point games to compensate?

6) Is Vergil the best character in the game? (cause I gotta ask a Vergil question)

I would second that bonus item for vanilla MVC3 owners question.


Ask if there are any plans to make taunting re-assignable to another button. I want to be able to use Deadpool's taunt in actual gameplay, but with the select button located on the back of the TE stick, it's pretty impossible. I don't want to have to rewire the buttons to do taunt combos!


tagged by Blackace
Shaowebb SNAPPED. But I love it. I love the hype.

I guess it's finally time for me to post my questions I have for Seth:

1) Will alternate DLC costumes have alternate colour schemes? This was implied as a no, but never solidly answered. I would like a clear answer.

2) Will there be a seperate CPU-battle mode this time, instead of being confusingly integrated into Training mode?

3) How do you guys feel about balancing a game so quick after release? The Marvel community is accustomed to years and years of information accumulating with MvC2 to strongly determine which characters are in need of improvements or adjusting in the name of balance? At what point do you guys make the decision that there is enough evidence to support necessary changes that need to be made to characters? Frequent balances are a controversial topic amongst fighting games and certain people feel you should let the game evolve before you begin to intervene.

4) When will the next pair of character reveals be for UMvC3?

5) Will random be the default stage select this time around?

6) Will you have more casual options for offline matches? Such as a seperate kind of versus mode with the ability to have 1v1 or 2v2 battles, invisible characters, infinite X-Factor multiple of the same character per team, or being able to apply the effects some of the events in MvC3 offered.

7) Can you elaborate on the features that were left on the cutting room floor for UMvC3 and why?

S'all I got for the moment. Simple questions. Simple answers.
What if you can enter flight mode, charge up 3 stocks and then Liberate which teleports you down? That would be pretty fucking buff if you ask me.
The teleport isn't instant, neither is the Liberation. Pretty much everyone tries to stay on top of Dormammu, so they'll be waiting underneath you, and will stuff the Liberation (which makes you lose your charges BTW). Something similar might be possible though, which is why I'm open to the changes.

So if anyone has any questions for Seth, tell me today or early tomorrow. So far it's basically all my own stuff.
Would you ask him why Dormammu can't have a universal hitconfirm, why he's the only character in the game that can't chain c.L into c.H, and why every character can't have cancelable dashes? Phrased in a friendlier way, of course - haha!

I'd like to know the reasoning behind Dormammu being able to charge Dark Spells and use Purification in the air, too, as well as why he goes prones after using them until he touches the ground.

Plus the assist/point character equity I PMed you about.

4) Is there a Perfect win screen in UMVC3? No seriously... is there? And if there isn't do you guys plan on doing something about it?
I don't think there is - I saw a perfect on stream (or at least I think I did).

Serious version of this question: How does Vergil's moveset compare to Dante's?
He's not going to talk about unreleased characters. -_-

5) Will random be the default stage select this time around?
I like this one too - or maybe mention the ability to set a default stage for ourselves? I like the Asgard stage because it's nice and bright


tagged by Blackace
Tiger uppercut said:
For GB: Will there be a Replay Mode?

That's all I want Capcom..
All I wanted too.. but currently not in works they said. Which pretty much means 0% chance it'll make it in by november.

I don't know if your willing GB, but pressing him about Replay mode would be cool, but I'm not so sure it'll make a difference since the devs have already got their schedule mapped out. No harm in trying though.


ask him why Tron's j.H got hit by the nerf bat. It's not like she had good match ups to begin with, and a lot of characters can crouch under it still. :(
* Super Street Fighter IV
* Station 5, Friday, 04:00 PM
Pool 81

* Marvel vs. Capcom 3
* Station 13, Saturday, 10:00 AM
Pool 28

There's me ppl. I'm so ready. While waiting for my AE pool I'll be playing UMVC3.
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