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Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds |OT2| Sold exclusively at Dollar Tree

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LakeEarth said:
What's the point of player match if no one is gonna stay more than 3 matches?

simulating tournament experience? playing best of 3 is a good way to train yourself to adapt quickly


smurfx said:
working hard on haggar hoodlum launcher set ups. just beat this one mightly lord with one i thought up.

I fell in love with Andy OCR's multiple reset combo. Seems he lands air S or pipe into standing M into Hoodlum Launcher L for multiple resets in his combo judging from what he did at EVO. I've been trying to get the timing down. Its pretty cool when it works, but it'll take some work to be consistent on the timing.


get some go again
shaowebb said:
I fell in love with Andy OCR's multiple reset combo. Seems he lands air S or pipe into standing M into Hoodlum Launcher L for multiple resets in his combo judging from what he did at EVO. I've been trying to get the timing down. Its pretty cool when it works, but it'll take some work to be consistent on the timing.
i can't quite get that down yet but i've been working on my own though. i've always used M hoodlum launcher but L hoodlum launcher works really well with what i want to do. haven't found much of a use for H hoodlum launcher. unless i learn andy's reset combos then i doubt i will use it.


I had to respond to this.

God's Beard said:
This is just a very loose general impression based on UMVC3 changes in the build that I saw. Rather than strength in relation to the rest of the cast(too complicated), I evened out the tiers on percentages. Same as everyone, no organization within the tiers.


[*] Amaterasu
[*] C. Viper
[*] Zero
[*] Strider
[*] Magneto

I can agree with this UMVC3 top tier. This is what is looking like the new top tier. I don't know how hard Phoenix is nerfed but she still appears to be at least high tier.

[*] Firebrand
[*] Ryu
[*] Taskmaster
[*] She-Hulk
[*] Dr Doom
[*] Dormammu
[*] Spencer
[*] Chris
I don't know about Ryu going up that much and Chris too. Other than that the list looks about right.

[*] Viewtiful Joe
[*] Storm
[*] Super-Skrull
[*] Deadpool
[*] Trish
[*] Akuma
[*] Phoenix
[*] Wesker
[*] X-23
[*] Hulk
[*] Hsien-Ko

No way Trish and Phoenix are that low. With the buffs that Trish got she is one tier higher. Also don't know about Hsien Ko being up there unless you are talking about the assist. Wesker is pretty low too.

[*] Wolverine
[*] Sentinel
[*] Spider-Man
[*] Felicia
[*] Jill (changes unknown)
[*] Shuma-Gorath (changes unknown)
[*] Thor
[*] Captain America
[*] Morrigan

I don't think Wolverine is that low and Morrigan either. Wolverine is still a major threat once he gets in. Felicia should be a tier higher with X-23 with the buffs that she got. Captain America might be a tier higher too.

[*] Tron Bonne
[*] Chun-Li
[*] Haggar
[*] Arthur
[*] Iron Man
[*] Ghost Rider

I refuse to believe Ghost Rider is in the worst tier category. I am profoundly saddened at Iron man he seems so weird among all those other shitty characters. :(


God's Beard said:
  • Ghost Rider

LOL you have him as the worst?
But Dormammu is high tier!
Dormammu may be high tier in UMvC3 game. I have to scoff at the idea of assigning tiers after we have, at most, two hours of non-shit gameplay to look at and judge characters by, and even that is good players just playing with fundamentals, with no real understanding of the changes that have been made yet.

Especially when you completely neglect the serious buffs characters like Morrigan have received, and throw Wolverine all the way to low tier because...what, Berserker Slash isn't invincible anymore? At top tier play, it was his instant overhead that dominated everything anyway, and that hasn't changed. He just has to work a bit to get in now; he's definitely still a really strong character.

Tron Bonne for bottom tier? Why? Losing her highly overrated j.H spam and some invincibility on her assist is totally worth being able to cancel out of her f.H (hello, half of her bad matchups just disappeared!), which also lets her solo relaunch and combo off of all her throws solo, plus Bonne Strike now has better recovery, meaning TKed drills will be more than +1 on block!

Felicia's Rolling Buckler doesn't bounce off of opponents anymore on block, which basically means she has a non-projectile invincible Charging Star that gives her frame advantage on block, and she can use Delta Kick in the air, which now causes a ground bounce, meaning she just gained Wolverine's day 1 bnb as a new combo.

Ghost Rider for the worst character in the game? You need an entire page, right now, explaining how you could come to such an absurd early conclusion.

Trish was already high-mid to low-high tier, and she got nothing but buffs (big ones). How is she worse off than She-Hulk, who received a nerf?

That's just the tip of the iceberg. That tier list is ridiculously bad on so many levels, but the biggest one is still this: it's too early to even talk about this. Why people don't learn from MvC3 Sentinel is beyond me.


I am still waiting on God's Beard explanation on why Ghost Rider sucks.

Great damage, OTG moves out of the ass with OTG hypers, command grabs, aerial and ground moves that hit from near full screen and convert into a combo, LVL3 hyper, great health etc. Plus potentially decent assists.


The only thing I have seen that could be a problem with Ghost Rider is when people get in on him. He most likely has very slow normals and bad recovery on them meaning he is going to have trouble spacing them out once the opponent gets on. That's when he busts out with his command grab LVL3 Penance Stare.

It's like a Marvel version of Dhalsim. Still though at the very worst I do not see Ghost Rider being as bad as Captain America, Hsien Ko, Chun Li, Arthur, Shuma, Tron, Haggar etc.
If anything, Ghost Rider is going to give zoners a hell of a time. What are characters like Dormammu and Arthur supposed to do against someone with full-screen normals that lead into full combos? Plus, since Ghost Rider zones with normals, he can always call assists during them to back him up - something most zoners don't get the privilege of.
Ghost Rider probably gets eaten alive by teleporting characters and with Haggar and Tron assists getting weakened his zoning might be even less effective than the original design intended.

I have hope for him, though.


tagged by Blackace
Karsticles said:
If anything, Ghost Rider is going to give zoners a hell of a time. What are characters like Dormammu and Arthur supposed to do against someone with full-screen normals that lead into full combos? Plus, since Ghost Rider zones with normals, he can always call assists during them to back him up - something most zoners don't get the privilege of.

And not all his normals lead into combos, especially at range. Even if you can launch them full screen, connecting subsequent hits to actually finish a combo is difficult. If he can indeed do that, then he should be given a hurtbox for his chains, so it can't be thrown out recklessly. Just like Dhalsim. But that won't happen because it'd look weird.


This Ghost Rider discussion has prompted me to look more into his videos.

Ghost Rider in the lowest of tiers? What is this madness?
Until God's Beard comes in and explains himself... take it with a grain of salt. Game isn't even out yet so any discussions of tiers is just heresy. Although he is the best judge of this amongst us Gaffers, he still has to explain it other than just "Ghost Rider is ass".
Ghost Rider probably gets eaten alive by teleporting characters and with Haggar and Tron assists getting weakened his zoning might be even less effective than the original design intended.

I have hope for him, though.
He won't get eaten alive by teleporters because his chain allows him to protect anti-teleport assists like Hidden Missiles. Actually, since Ghost Rider's bike OTGs and props opponents up a bit, that makes it a great DHC into Sphere Flame.

Besides, all teleports have cooldowns, and Ghost Rider, once he has momentum, shuts down assists with j.S.

If only I had enough meter to do nothing but Chaotic Flame...

I am going to work on finding a way to keep Stalking Flares on the screen constantly - I think it's doable with the right team.

And not all his normals lead into combos, especially at range. Even if you can launch them full screen, connecting subsequent hits to actually finish a combo is difficult. If he can indeed do that, then he should be given a hurtbox for his chains, so it can't be thrown out recklessly. Just like Dhalsim. But that won't happen because it'd look weird.
Not all of his normals do, but that's what assists are for. Call Hidden Missiles, j.S hits, Hidden Missiles connect, you get a combo, etc. Getting his combos right will just take time and practice, I'm not worried about that.

Although he is the best judge of this amongst us Gaffers, he still has to explain it other than just "Ghost Rider is ass".
Say what?


Dahbomb said:
This Ghost Rider discussion has prompted me to look more into his videos.
Although he is the best judge of this amongst us Gaffers, he still has to explain it other than just "Ghost Rider is ass".


All his credibility left when he posted that picture in the EVO Post Mortem thread.


tagged by Blackace
God's Beard already explained in the UMvC3 why he thought Ghost Rider was ass. He was exaggerating quite a bit but he explained it was mostly due to speed, and we all know how important speed is in this game. He explained how if Ghost Rider did a jump-back H he could use Magneto's attraction AND still have time to punish-airthrow in the time it whiffs.

There was more to it but I can't find the post at the moment.
God's Beard already explained in the UMvC3 why he thought Ghost Rider was ass. He was exaggerating quite a bit but he explained it was mostly due to speed, and we all know how important speed is in this game. He explained how if Ghost Rider did a jump-back H he could use Magneto's attraction AND still have time to punish-airthrow in the time it whiffs.
The thing about Magneto's Attraction is that it can backfire. In one video, a Magneto player tried to pull his opponent into his assist's attack, but instead ended up giving his opponent a happy birthday. It's a double-edged sword.


enzo_gt said:
God's Beard already explained in the UMvC3 why he thought Ghost Rider was ass. He was exaggerating quite a bit but he explained it was mostly due to speed, and we all know how important speed is in this game. He explained how if Ghost Rider did a jump-back H he could use Magneto's attraction AND still have time to punish-airthrow in the time it whiffs.

There was more to it but I can't find the post at the moment.
I didn't see the explanation.

The thing is that Ghost Rider's j.H leads into a combo from near full screen. No other character can do that and this is day -50 technology for him. If he wasn't slow he would be the best character in the game. He can just do j.H all day while calling assists and own like 20 characters on the roster.
Sometimes I feel like God's Beard is just trolling us all.

Karsticles said:
That's just the tip of the iceberg. That tier list is ridiculously bad on so many levels, but the biggest one is still this: it's too early to even talk about this. Why people don't learn from MvC3 Sentinel is beyond me.

Most of this is true. The only thing I'm gonna say is that x-factor killed the high execution characters (save for Dante).


I found the God's Beard post about Ghost Rider:

Those chains cover decent space and angles, but it's not like they do chip or anything. they're really slow, so you're gonna get whiff punished a lot and the best case scenario is that you put your opponent in blockstun long enough to chip with an assist. Magneto can do attraction and make you whiff over him then do shockwave or just jump and disrupt you. GR has ranged command grabs like Skrull, but they aren't as fast. So far he seems like a gimmick character that won't get very far against people that know how he works.

People are shocked by his normal range, but it won't last.
Still doesn't sound like he is in the same tier as Captain America, Hsien Ko, Arthur, Haggar, Tron, Shuma, Chun Li etc.

At worst he sounds like a better Captain America.


I still think something along the lines of Unibeam assist and GhostRider jH will work though. I'm content to zone people all day and then cover the full screen setups with an assist.

I saw far too many folks on that stream using Ghost Rider effectively to believe he will be an easily scoutable guy to deal with. You may know something is coming, but that doesn't make it easy to handle in Marvel.


DR2K said:
They all got nerfed in UMVC3, my previous statement only applied to UMVC3.
Phoenix, Magneto and Dante are still top characters even with the "nerfs". Zero and Ammy who were originally top 5 in MVC3 (when the game was first out) are now back to being current top 5.

That's not including Strider who has been top 5 in EVERY Marvel game he has been in. He might end up being best character in UMVC3.

Viscant was correct in saying that there are certain characters that Capcom never knows how to balance that's why in every iteration they are in characters like Wolverine, Magneto, Strider end up being top tier and characters like Captain America end up being ass. Only exception is Wolverine in MVC2 because he was split into 2 characters in order to spread his godliness.


I posted this in the other thread, but I thought I would ask about it here.

Me and my Buddy discovered something I didn't know about when testing out Spencer. Almost any version of Zero's charged buster shot knocks Spencer out of Bionic Arm at any point in the move. The uncharged fails of course but even the lowest charged variant works.

Is this new or did I just miss this somehow?

EDIT: Posted about it on Shoryuken. If no one has spotted this I think someone should tell Combofiend.
SolarPowered said:
Sure as hell didn't kill C.Viper or Ammy either.

Ammy is simple to really complex. I always thought viper was S tier but the high execution is killing her right now... plus the best US viper player (marlinpie) doesn't know how to block. The main question is... Is it worth learning viper when you have characters like wolverine and akuma and can kill you with x-factor? I mean, we won't see how the game will pan out because of umvc3 but it's hard to justify it at this point.

I'm REALLY excited for the toned down x-factor AND a better netcode. The x-factor nerf is an indirect nerf to some of the high tier characters.


C Viper can kill with X Factor activation too it's just that her boost is less than others. That's apparently fixed in UMVC3 where everyone has the same general boosts. What it looks like to me is that the LVL1 boost is very minor (less than vanilla), LVL2 gives speed boost along with the damage boost from LVL2 and LVL3 boosts everything even more (but still less than LVL3 of Vanilla).

And every character in the game can kill with X Factor. It's the mix ups that Wolverine imposes on the players that allows him to get so many kills plus his combos are really easy and no one drops them. C Viper has other tools as her disposal including invincible moves that can be hit confirmed in to a full combo. She blows through so much stuff in the game especially the top tier rushdown characters. C Viper has some scary mix ups and her FA against incoming characters is really brutal too.

She has and always will be secret top tier of MVC3. Two things keep her from being an actual top tier: Some bad normals and execution barrier.

C Viper/Dante/Haggar is a secret top tier team of MVC3 that we will never get to see again due to Haggar's Lariat nerfs in UMVC3. The amount of technology, synergy and general top tier-ness in this team is absurd. But to make this team work, you will need to be able to play Viper as good as MarlinePie, play Dante as good as Richard Nguyen/PRBalrog and play Haggar as good as AndyOCR.
I think it's possible that level 1 X-Factor provides no boost at all now, and is just a cancel. When I was watching Wolverine players do the X-Factor bnb (magic series, launch, MMH, drill claw, dive kick, X-Factor, s.H, launch, mmh, drill claw, Fatal Claw) it was failing to kill a LOT of characters that it normally would in MvC3. Wolverine's general damage hasn't changed either.
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