Ok, so basically, in Blazblue, the character Carl is a Jojo's character. You know, the little kid with the puppet? In Jojo's more or less every character can swap between two stances by pressing the Stand button. Carl is similar to the Jojo's character Devo, who is basically two characters that are always on screen, and Stand swaps control between them.
This new guy, Carl's father, has a traditional stand, which in Jojo's means you have a normal character's moveset, and when you hit stand, the stand appears by your side and then you essentially control the stand but you move together, think Gen's stances. Many of the special moves in Jojo's in normal mode summon your Stand like an assist for a quick move while you get freedom of movement. Think Guile's jab sonic boom with LESS recovery.
Unlike assists, Stands are part of your body, and although Stand mode might give your character different properties like higher health, immunity to being chipped or swept, double jumps, etc, they can be hit and broken. Think if punching Guile's sonic boom hurt guile directly. If you break a stand, what happens in the BB video happens. The stand becomes unusable for a period of time, greatly weakening your character.
Interestingly, he even has a dodge move similar to the universal dodge in Jojo's.
From what I can tell, he functions almost exactly like
a mix between these two characters from Jojo's, all the way down to some of their normals, specials and supers in terms of function. Of course, he's slower in general due to the BB engine.