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Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite |OT| Marvel vs. Capcom: 4 Female Characters


What does X's armor do?

I wish this game explained anything or came with an instruction manual for some stuff. The tutorial is okay but it's very general stuff. I was stumped for the longest time wondering what to do with Strange's floating orbs.

I always appreciated NRS games have a little blurb explaining what each ability does. just seems like the polite thing to do too me. Maybe Capcom thinks gamers enjoy exploring what abilities do as they're getting beatdown.

I had no idea all these days this game had a combo breaker I'm still pissed. IJ2 tutorials are not known to be good but they at least explain basic stuff like this


As in "Heathcliff"
Don't worry! I got yall back on this.


I only uploaded them so someone else could rehost them I'm an online hermit and won't even tell people my gamertag so uploading something makes me uncomfortable.
I actually think Mind Stone might see more use once people get more used to meter use in general in the game, especially for counter switching. Mind Stone's effect is probably less used for blowing a lot of bar really quickly during its storm effect but rather for stocking up on meter a couple times in a match which might let you be a bit more liberal with counter switches.

Its surge effect still feels pretty weak, though it does come out really quickly and has great range in the air.



Yep I died to a random gunshot once when I tried to super punish from full screen and it ate the remaining health I had left.

So, I've come to a conclusion about Dorm's thorns. I think they need to be nerfed. Since I don't have a TON of experience against them yet I don't want to go too crazy with the nerfs on them, but I do think allowing him to tag out and maintain a full spell charge to pull out the thorns is just too crazy.

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah those are getting nerfed lol


That being said it should be nerfed since it's still Dorm's turn whenever he has the 3 blues, and I'm sure Dorm players will get much better at reading people trying to get out of it and punish accordingly.


So, is using reality storm inside a combo a thing at all? I haven't checked too many matches online.

It's a good way to land a level 3 without having the meter.


I'm sure it's not yet, but it will be. :)
FSLink said:

That being said it should be nerfed since it's still Dorm's turn whenever he has the 3 blues, and I'm sure Dorm players will get much better at reading people trying to get out of it and punish accordingly.
Even in that video it looks bullshit still. Gamora manages to get out and hit him, yet the thorns are still doing their thing on the ground. Like, come on.


tagged by Blackace
So, is using reality storm inside a combo a thing at all? I haven't checked too many matches online.

It's a good way to land a level 3 without having the meter.


At SCR, I remember people using beam super, then switching into their 2nd character and spamming reality stone next to the opponent taking damage to rack up hits. Seems like it's, at least for now, an easy, low-risk and low-knockback way to add cheap damage to a combo before the super ends and you can continue comboing with normals?


There was a bit of that too, but it's super circumstantial it seems as it's usually not activated within a combo as people are still using Storms like X-Factor.


Been talking about Gamora's guns for like a week.

It's basically one value they have to change. Her guns right now are coded to be same value as Arthur's projectiles which is "High" durability. Also why they can't be push blocked back. Just need to revert them to Medium durability and then you can start push blocking them.


That feeling when you catch your mistake as you lose the match. The one move you could've used to win right then and there but you didn't act in time. Fuuuuck.


anyone know how scaling works yet? I know there's a bunch of factors but is the knowledge out yet? I only know # of hits and damage and health level as factors.

I'm doing a jedah combo but the difference between adding a j.hk at the beginning (into lp. lk., etc.) vs. just starting with lp is 1200 damage...I'm just adding one j.hk at the beginning
i know u wanna maximize your heavies but 1 button for 1200 difference seems kinda out there


Seems to me like the scaling is very much attached to damage. After some point the scaling kicks in, it's like around 7k damage.

That's why buff hypers are bad in this game. You would think with Captain Marvel's regular damage output combined with her Binary (which gives her 30% damage boost) would result in near TOD combos but it doesn't... she actually doesn't do more damage and the damage boost just results in people dropping out of her combos sooner (same combos as if he she was doing without Binary).

This is not something that can really be figured out without a ton of mad scientists in the FGC hunkering down and just testing for a week. There is already a shit ton of stuff in the game to test and figure out. We are all operating in the dark here, it's a lot of guess work.

Like this right here is the perfect example. Apparently initiating a ground bounce move on an opponent that is higher will result in a higher ground bounce. No one would actually know this was a thing in the game if you aren't a big lab monster like ShadyK (he is a notorious lab monster).

I also expect a lot of "save that shit for nationals" tech with this game. Like Richard Nguyen's Dante Stinger overhead non sense that he pulled out in top 8 and no one actually knew about it until someone exposed it. That dude was going to go through entire SCR with that "tech" and no one would've known about it.


Seems to me like the scaling is very much attached to damage. After some point the scaling kicks in, it's like around 7k damage.

That's why buff hypers are bad in this game. You would think with Captain Marvel's regular damage output combined with her Binary (which gives her 30% damage boost) would result in near TOD combos but it doesn't... she actually doesn't do more damage and the damage boost just results in people dropping out of her combos sooner (same combos as if he she was doing without Binary).

This is not something that can really be figured out without a ton of mad scientists in the FGC hunkering down and just testing for a week. There is already a shit ton of stuff in the game to test and figure out. We are all operating in the dark here, it's a lot of guess work.

Like this right here is the perfect example. Apparently initiating a ground bounce move on an opponent that is higher will result in a higher ground bounce. No one would actually know this was a thing in the game if you aren't a big lab monster like ShadyK (he is a notorious lab monster).

I also expect a lot of "save that shit for nationals" tech with this game. Like Richard Nguyen's Dante Stinger overhead non sense that he pulled out in top 8 and no one actually knew about it until someone exposed it. That dude was going to go through entire SCR with that "tech" and no one would've known about it.

yeah im pretty in the dark with this stuff. adding 1 j.hk at the beginning should mean that my combo scales harder, but I end up gettin 1200 more dmg from one button...



About two days of playing ranked, got 10th rank! :D
I need two more trophies for the Platinum. Don't usually care for that sort of thing but might as well get it since I'm close, lol.


Watching KBrad's stream got me like...how long is it gonna take me to be able to do some of those cool combos second nature, if ever, lol. And he's getting creamed by nobodies too.


You go HP, Flight, LP, HP, air dash, HP, air dash, HP,... You need to be in flight mode to get more than one air dash.

LP, LK, HP, 9-Dash, Lk, HP, LK Dive if you want something much easier and more consistent.

After that HP, you do a Flight input (which is QCB+ two kicks), LP, HP, air dash HP (repeat with different directions).

People always seem to forget about the LP right after the flight. You are not fast enough to link a HP after a HP flight cancel but you can go into a LP.

Thank you both. This should help me up the Ultron game.

I'm hoping BP comes soon enough so I can play the team I truly want of BP and Ultron.

Also, in similar questioning, what is the loop that folks are doing with Gamora? It looks like HP or down HP into one of her gun shot specials, and you can loop it 3 times? I'm still interested in her just because she's definitely OP at the moment in dumb ways and seems to work well with Ultron.

Otherwise I'll just stick with Thanos and Ultron since Thanos gets insane damage for super easy stuff.
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