People who are going to hate are going to hate anyway.
"LUL new characters behind pay wall!"
"LUL old characters behind pay wall!"
The imperative right now is filling the game with lots of content (characters and costumes, maybe new modes if they can manage) and polishing up that UI/artstyle if possible. Granted these are not easy fixes but they are necessary fixes. It increases the inherent value of the game, right now people don't see this game as worth more than $40. With content and price drops, the value of the game increases and people are more likely to buy it.
This isn't the age of "a bad game is bad forever". Plenty of games have turned around their initial impressions because of the age of patches and updates. This is a game worth improving because the core is good. I wouldn't say this game for games that aren't at their core good or fun.
Yeah i can get behind that. I think the biggest fuckup currently would be a problematic mechanic or meta arising out of the current build and capcom straight up ignoring it, but i did read before that they were willing to address stones if it ever got out of hand so it seems like they are interested in maintaining balance to a certain extent