Almost week 2 and you already know what time it is...
It's time for TIER LISTS!!!!!
How to read this tier list (because I know people are going to be confused about some stuff):
*Up to Down is overall tier power level.
*Left to right is the Support value of the character. Characters on far right are good supports and characters on left have poor support. Support rank is not vertical but lateral... that is to say that Dormammu and Rocket Raccoon are NOT in the same "tier" of supports but rather they are the BEST supports within their overall tier. So Dormammu is the best support in tier S, Rocket is best support in tier A and so on. Similarly Dr Strange is not in the same tier of Support as Rocket or Dorm but he is the best support in his overall tier.
*Characters near the middle vertical line are generally Hybrids. Except probably Thanos because there wasn't much room in that tier section.
The way I see it is that the characters fall into the following broad tiers:
S tier (potentially broken characters):
Captain Marvel
A+ tier (these characters are in contention for top 10 filling out the 6 slots left)
Rocket (as a support)
Gamora (A tier for now, will drop to tier below it if they change her guns)
A tier (either just outside or within top 10 placement)
Spider Man
Chun Li
Ghost Rider
Dr Strange
B+ tier (potentially A tier)
Iron Man
B- tier (the "lower mid" tier of the game so somewhere in the 15-25 range)
Megaman X (probably better than Hawkeye but worse than Arthur)
Hawkeye (potentially bottom 5)
Captain America
Frank West
C tier (bottom 5 tier)
Right now I would say anyone in the top 20 is highly competitive because the game is still new and player skill cap is low and people are less optimized. The biggest gap is between S tier and the rest... B tier characters can definitely hang with A tier in this but B tier characters are going to get crushed against the S tiers (I think this is similar to how it was in Marvel 3).
Top 5 Points:
Captain Marvel
Spider Man/Chun Li
Honorable mention: Firebrand
Top 5 Supports
Ghost Rider
Dr Strange
Arthur or MMX
Top 5 Hybrids:
maybe Nemesis or Iron Man
Individual character remarks:
Dante - The best overall character in the game right now. Some of the best normals, combo conversions (including throws), excellent damage/meter gain, support functionality, top lvl1 hyper, utility hyper, an actual fast overhead, good box dash cross up, teleport, really long hit grab to set up the support character, good pressure, advance guard negation. They fixed just about everything about him from Marvel 3 and then some. He is also at the forefront of some of the strongest tech in the game, bugs or not.
Dormammu - The best support in the game right now almost entirely due to 3C. Probably the strongest single non meter based move in the game, it's extremely dominant. Even without the 3C Dormammu is an extremely capable character with top zoning, mobility, strong tools, great hypers for the tag system, solid normals, damage/meter gain etc.
Captain Marvel: Photon Absorber is broken and as long as that's in the game she is S tier because she has 9-1 match ups against 70% of the cast. Characters like MMX, Hawkeye, Arthur etc. automatically lose to her. Even without the Photon Absorber she is a very strong character with slide, mobility, decent normals, great damage, mix ups, pressure, high priority dive move etc.
Ultron: The "Magneto" of the game. Inherently there is nothing busted about him but his overall toolkit is so fundamentally strong. Superb mobility, mix up and pressure... decent neutral tools, combos/conversions and even light support capability despite being mostly a point.
Nova: The 3rd best 8 way air dasher in the game and he is the most rushdown inclined. Weak support but strong point.. has generally the same good things about him as the other two but he has better dive moves. It's possible that Nova sees less play as the game matures as people who want to play a top 8 way air dasher will just pick Ultron or Captain Marvel.
Jedah: Strong mix up game and combos that lead into repeated vortex situations. Good pressures, surprisingly decent normals, combo conversions, some support utility with scythe and dive move. Jedah is really hard to block once he is on you but it's not as easy for him to get on you. Needs more support than the other 8 way air dashers so he might be worse than Ultron/Cap/Nova.
Spider Man/Chun Li: I am going to group them together for now because they are very similar in what they are trying to do. They are kinda all in rushdown characters. Chun Li uses a very low air dash with jump cancelable normals to maintain pressure and mix ups while Spider Man has own mobility and Web Zip to maintain pressure. Good mix ups, damaging combos, meter gain etc. Spider Man as of right now has an infinite in the game and it's uncertain where he will end up being.
Firebrand : An unorthodox aerial character but his tools are no joke. Dive moves that can easily be converted off, good normals up close, decent space control moves (parabolic fireball and the tornado are good), utility hyper, mix ups. Needs a lot of optimization to figure out. Right now he is in the "potential" tier for a top 5 point.
Thanos: Big body character with teleport and air dash. Easy combos for easy damage, having a high damaging lvl1 is actually very good in this game because you can't combo break hypers. The fireball is nice for setting up offense. Entirely possible that he falls off after the game matures but right now he's in an ok place.
Rocket Raccoon: Probably the most powerful support in the game right now that isn't Dorm or Dante. He was considered to have potential day 1 but his potential is starting to get realized very quickly. His ability to lock down the opponents with traps and Groot is quite terrifying and with any high mix up point he is deadly.
Gamora: Her guns are kinda busted right now and while she has good combos/conversions, decent pressure, support capability and damage... she is also a very linear character that can be played around in the long term. It's possible that if her guns get fixed so that you can push block them then she drops from A to B tier. Until her guns are fixed she is at least A tier though.
Strider: He's probably the Dante of the tier A. Tools all around, can support while also playing support, utility hyper, normals, pressure, zoning. Just all around great character to use.
Zero: Another great Hybrid that does a lot. Zero isn't as strong as in Marvel 3 but he is still very strong. Sogenmu might be the best utility hyper in the game, his screen lockdown is no joke. Good specials, great normals, excellent combos/conversions/meter gain, solid mix ups. Zero like Strider has the issue of Dante existing in the game although it's possible to just play Dante and Zero together. Like Strider though, the low HP is quite relevant in this game.
Ghost Rider: The easy mode support character. There isn't much to say about Ghost Rider, he is super cheap and effective with low effort. Can set up any high mix up character with his normals and lockdown stuff. It's possible that Ghost Rider drops in tiers over time because he is so straight forward but right now he is good enough.
Dr Strange: Potentially a powerful support. There is no question that Dr Strange is a great support, might not be on the power level of Rocket or Dorm but overall his support value can be built around. His problem comes when he is on screen and having to defend against himself, he lacks in the defense and mobility that Dorm/Rocket have meaning he can be shut down easier. Still he is worth playing because his support toolset is quite vast.
Thor/Haggar/Nemesis: Just going to talk about the good big bodies here. Big bodies at this stage of the game have shown to be pretty good. They have put up some results already and the system has been good to them ranging from the tag system, to DUD jumping, to less chip/push block, HP being more relevant, long combos less relevant and the stones system. That said these characters except maybe Thor have less of a potential than the other characters, they are easy to use starting out and do well with but their optimization is low. It's possible that they drop in tier list over time. One thing to mention is that all of these characters have an aerial command grab that can exploit a bug in the game which might increase their power level for now. I have them at B+ now but they have potential to move up.
Arthur: Surprisingly good Support character and can do some work as a point. In Gold mode, Arthur is quite scary and his mix ups are no joke. He still lacks in mobility and needs Time stone to really be threatening. It's really debatable as to whether his support value can compete against the other better support characters. Right now he is definitely improved from his Marvel 3 self and requires a bit more exploration to figure out.
Iron Man/Morrigan: Going to just group these together because they have similar issues: These characters suffer from archetype syndrome. This means that while these characters might be good in a vacuum, there are other characters that do what they do only better. In the case of Iron Man, there are 3 8 way air dashers that are generally more powerful than him. He is not bad at all, he is quite solid and he has some support utility too (he is almost a Hybrid but his smart mines kinda suck right now to provide any real support value). Morrigan like Jedah has good up close rushdown and mix up pressure but she can't set up a vortex quite like Jedah. She may have some unexplored utility with Astral Vision but as of now she is a bit underwhelming. These characters still have potential to grow so it's unlikely they would ever be below B tier.
MMX: MMX is probably the hardest character to figure out tier wise. He definitely has support value but he is a bit on the slow side, his normals are weak and he just feels a bit lacking especially on point. It's possible that his support value is good enough to move him up but right now it feels like Arthur out performs him by a bit and they share a similar role. There is some potential here for MMX to overcome Arthur but it's difficult to predict.
Hawkeye: Hawkeye is likely to be a bottom 5 character. A lot of Hawkeye's arrow are reflectable including arrows like Ice Arrow which would freeze him back. He also has poor backwards dash, a floaty jump and just in general bad defensive tools. His arrow moves also have a lot of holes in them that can be exploited. Even his support capability isn't that impressive for a support character. A lot of what Hawkeye wants to do can also be done with Arthur but better, the best reason to use Hawkeye is the Gimlet.
Captain America: Cap is probably better than where I have him. I just personally think that not having the angle down Shield Slash is such a big deal for him. It really creates holes in his neutral game and his neutral game was already not that impressive. He does have some good defensive tools but his mix ups aren't that special meaning that he doesn't make for a great point in this game and his support value is OK, nothing special.
Hulk: Hulk right now feels like the weakest big body character. While he has surprisingly mobility, he lacks in the armor department compared to Nemesis and he doesn't have the same powerful tools as the other characters. It's surprisingly easy to rush Hulk down compared to his Marvel 3 self where he was the king of armor. Hulk has some support value mostly through his mobility moves that also have hit boxes that he can tag out of. This support value is not really that impressive compared to the dedicated supports in the game so Hulk's position in the game is very questionable. Probably another case of archetype syndrome.
Spencer: Yet another victim of the character archetype. A defining feature of Spencer is his angled mobility with the grapples. Well Spider Man can do that as well only he is a lot faster than Spencer. In Marvel 3 Spencer made up for it with bigger damage but now the damage is normalized and Spencer feels lacking. Weak normals, his command grabs aren't as threatening and neither is his high low or cross up game. He has some interesting applications with his restand grapples but that's not noteworthy enough to raise him in the tiers. Also Bionic Arm is nerfed and is no longer invincible. Rest in peace.
Frank West: Frank West should've been a lot better in this game. It's very easy to level him up in MVCI. However, the Counter Switch mechanic just about completely ruins Frank as a character. Being able to break the combo before Frank is able to tag in to take a picture is disastrous for him. Furthermore, Frank is not that threatening in chainsaw mode as he was before. Being able to chip people trying to up back is no longer a unique feature of Frank West, everyone can do it including characters with long normals like Ghost Rider or Nemesis. His mix ups and pressure while good are not significantly better than the dedicated point characters to justify the level up mechanic. His normals are definitely very good in upgraded move but is that worth it on a team? It's difficult to say right now but Frank doesn't feel all that good in the game due to the Counter Switch mechanic.
Ryu/Chris: These characters are bad don't pick them. There are better zoners than Chris in the game who are also better supports. If you want to DP in the game, pick Captain America as he's essentially a better Ryu in this game.