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Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite |OT| Marvel vs. Capcom: 4 Female Characters


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
cant wait


is that actually a mod someone is doing, or just a photoshop...photoshop? >_>


I'm gonna need you guys to stop saying the PC version is dead. Definitely a smaller playerbase than PS4, but it's far from dead. I couldn't finish the first stage of arcade mode without getting a match request every 5 seconds. Open Lobby searches come up with approx 7 or 8 lobbies each time.

All the negativity is actively hindering the growth of the PC playerbase. We already got music mods and story mode skins rolling out so join the club. You will get more content for your money on PC guaranteed.

Well it's dead for me. I get no matches. Maybe it's just a buggy POS when it comes to matchmaking and online. When I search for lobbies of all regions I get no lobbies at all.


Well it's dead for me. I get no matches. Maybe it's just a buggy POS when it comes to matchmaking and online. When I search for lobbies of all regions I get no lobbies at all.

Fight request in training works when searching is bugged is all I've been hearing


Even with the story mode videos deleted, this game still takes almost twice as much as space as SFV.

why tho

Also realized why maybe the loading times might be fucked for some PC users. Most of the game content comes bundled in a single 25GB pak file, so the game has to decompress a 25GB file every time it loads anything (unlike the multiple pak files on SFV. Why the loading times are seemingly fine on PS4 is a mystery to me.

Fight request in training works when searching is bugged is all I've been hearing

It's all the same to me.


Has there been a definitive source that breaks down mechanics yet? Found out the other day that raw hk in the air will cause a knockdown but using a light before the hk creates a ground bounce. So if you're jedah and dashing trying to combo off an eviscerate hit lk before hk so you can combo.

Not complaining (it's fun figuring stuff out), but this is the most opaque game ive ever played w/r/t mechanics. My first launch fighting game tho


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
so when is the next stone tournament? or, well... "tournament" >_>


Has there been a definitive source that breaks down mechanics yet? Found out the other day that raw hk in the air will cause a knockdown but using a light before the hk creates a ground bounce. So if you're jedah and dashing trying to combo off an eviscerate hit lk before hk so you can combo.

Not complaining (it's fun figuring stuff out), but this is the most opaque game ive ever played w/r/t mechanics. My first launch fighting game tho

I need this too, I feel like I still don't fully understand some of the basic mechanics and I'd love to read about them so that I know why I can sometimes OTG with a cr.LK (guessing a ground bounce should've have happened yet during a combo for this to work) and similar stuff.


I can vouch for this. I've found matches faster with Fight Request in Training or Arcade faster than with regular Matchmaking.

I haven't had any issues just searching for matches on PS4 (I'd normally do training mode anyway but the load times can be eh). And I'm normally playing between dead ass 11:00-2:00 AM EST times. 300+ ranked/casual games so far.

You may want to check into your port forwarding if you're having this problem, or be less restrictive with your search.


Well it's dead for me. I get no matches. Maybe it's just a buggy POS when it comes to matchmaking and online. When I search for lobbies of all regions I get no lobbies at all.

your router settings might be a bit too restrictive? I know back in the day I messed around with my NAT settings so peer-to-peer communications would work right so I can play and group up with gafs.
i think the combo breaker tag ins should be 3 bars instead of 2. you should have to spend a lot of resources in order to potentially save characters.
I think they should remove all restrictions on combos including hitstun scaling and make counter switching free.

Just go full nut.


What's your region? I imagine that matters the most because here in Mexico even on PS4 with fight request I have a hard time finding matches, and I set search to 2+ bars even.

South America. There might be some issues with some regions.

your router settings might be a bit too restrictive? I know back in the day I messed around with my NAT settings so peer-to-peer communications would work right so I can play and group up with gafs.

I already changed my NAT shit once for SFV, when it launched. Got no problems with SFV since then, just this game.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";250678280]I think they should remove all restrictions on combos including hitstun scaling and make counter switching free.

Just go full nut.[/QUOTE]

Every hit cancels into every other hit. Hypers are free. No scaling. Infinite tags with no cooldown. No OTG limits. No bound limits.

Also infinite health and time. You're playing until the other guy says uncle.


I spent some time with the story mode in this game and it was just so bland. I jumped back into SFV's story mode to see it it was my imagination. SFV had more spark. Even the stages were bland in MvCI. No life no flair. I like some grade A cheese fighting game stories but MvCI was just boring.


Neo Member
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";250545308]



How do you do the turn around in the air like this? Can all characters do it? Whenever I tried with thor he just swings in the direction he's already moving.


I wish I understood the juggle mechanics in the game. I see people getting like 10 hits in the air, I'm barely getting four before the character drops to the ground.

Ok gotcha. wasn't aware SFv tells you when it's using dedicated server or not since I havent played online since launch

Yeah there's a little icon that shows up.


How do you do the turn around in the air like this? Can all characters do it? Whenever I tried with thor he just swings in the direction he's already moving.

Super jump
In the video he is doing a short sj (down up down), yeah all characters can do this. Tags move in from where the tagger's back is facing, mixing reg jumps and sup jumps with tag is prtty important (can do more stuff too with air moves like dante's air shooty or jedahs dig to china move).


How do you do the turn around in the air like this? Can all characters do it? Whenever I tried with thor he just swings in the direction he's already moving.
You have to super jump, being in a super jump state allows your character to turn and face the opponent while airborne


How do you do the turn around in the air like this? Can all characters do it? Whenever I tried with thor he just swings in the direction he's already moving.

If you do a super hop (don't know what it's called generally), it's the motion where like a super jump you press down up but instead of continuing to hold up you quickly press and hold down so you character stays near the ground. If you did it right and went to the other side of the opponent your character will be facing them.


I'm still at 10th rank but I've been playing around with other teams on my other accounts. I'll try to grind up to 9th sometime this week.

Also if Sigma has that teleport sword move that Ultron Sigma has, he should be real fun lol.

That's what I'm saying bruhhh pls have teleports sigma!!!

I hope they show him off this weekend.
Thanos is so fun. Gotta get the palm combos down.

Btw, started Dino Crisis last night. Pretty fun game. Dinosaurs are kicking my ass, though. Kinda reminds me of Nemesis when he follows you through the door. I need to keep playing.


We are way past the point of this game's intended design of being easy to play.

That said, first person to get a kill on a character has a huge advantage, more so than getting the first kill in Marvel 3. At that point they can play defensively with stuff like Reality stones and just Counter Switch if they get hit to prevent the comebacks. The person on the receiving end has no counter switch to prevent getting hit and can't make anything safe or use some of the most powerful options in the game. Every character even Dante and Dorm become super fair when they are solo. The only way they can turn the tide is with Space stone (as it turns the game into a 1v1 in your favor) or Soul stone (turns it back into a 2v2).

The game is definitely very snowball heavy although in most cases you are not going to die in two combos. Mathematically you should die in 2 combos but if you get hit by the second combo then you will have enough meter to counter switch and prevent the loss of a character. By that time if you play safe, that first character will recover enough HP to survive another combo if need be. The only times I have seen anyone win off of 4 combos is if happy birthdays were involved.

Yeah you become incredibly hampered when you lose a character. More so than if you lost a character in 3v3.


Why would it explain anything? I'm not getting any matches with region set to all.
I am pretty sure even if you set it to all, it will first attempt to find matches closer to you before expanding outwards.

I doubt anyone in Latin/South America in the game, every few people in the US have it on PC as it is.
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