Marvel's Avengers |OT| - Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same


Kate Bishop content is pretty damn good and she plays really nice. VA does a great job too. They just need to stop delaying shit. If they release Hawkeye's scenario, and release all the labs and shit they've been delaying then I believe this game will have a nice turnaround from its current course.
Looks like the leaks about Captain Marvel and Mar-Vell were true too because they're shifting from AIM to the Kree as enemies so we may be seeing new mob types in the next couple months!


As I am not the biggest super hero fan out there, is it worth 30 usd for story and the content as it is now?

I know a new hero was released this week and seems in general she got good impressions. And that lots QoL has been done over the last months.


9th best selling game of the year.

As I am not the biggest super hero fan out there, is it worth 30 usd for story and the content as it is now?

I know a new hero was released this week and seems in general she got good impressions. And that lots QoL has been done over the last months.

I think so. I got a shit ton of game time off the base content. Now with Kate out, and Hawkeye coming soon there's legs here.
As I am not the biggest super hero fan out there, is it worth 30 usd for story and the content as it is now?

I know a new hero was released this week and seems in general she got good impressions. And that lots QoL has been done over the last months.
Yes. the campaign is actually pretty decent. there is a little filler towards the middle where u have to do regular multiplayer type of missions. But its coherent has some long cutscenes and i enjoyed the ending.
Jesus just went to game updates and it’s 52 gigs on Series X? WTF?
yeh the new character they added for some reason makes u download a huge patch.
Whats the state of the game, is it still running bad and have poor matchmaking?
i've been playing on PS5. Compared to when i played on PS4 pro at launch, it seems to be running at smooth 60fps and not a choppy 30 like on last gen. Matchmaking is somehow worse. It has never really worked for me. And it still doesn't
Whats the state of the game, is it still running bad and have poor matchmaking?

The game has improved alot, more stable, better matchmaking, the bigger issue would be your platform of play and low player population on like the PC is bad. PS4/PS5 from what we've seen has the healthiest population.

If you got a PS5 or a series X, the game really runs smooth.


Whats the state of the game, is it still running bad and have poor matchmaking?
Yes. the campaign is actually pretty decent. there is a little filler towards the middle where u have to do regular multiplayer type of missions. But its coherent has some long cutscenes and i enjoyed the ending.

yeh the new character they added for some reason makes u download a huge patch.

i've been playing on PS5. Compared to when i played on PS4 pro at launch, it seems to be running at smooth 60fps and not a choppy 30 like on last gen. Matchmaking is somehow worse. It has never really worked for me. And it still doesn't
The game has improved alot, more stable, better matchmaking, the bigger issue would be your platform of play and low player population on like the PC is bad. PS4/PS5 from what we've seen has the healthiest population.

If you got a PS5 or a series X, the game really runs smooth.
Playing on PS5, the matchmaking takes a while right now but I'm assuming it's cause I'm leveling Kate Bishop and most other people are likely doing the same.
It's running great on PS5, still has an occasional bug here and there that may require a restart of checkpoint but they're very few and far between.
They've been patching it almost weekly.


9th best selling game of the year.

I think so. I got a shit ton of game time off the base content. Now with Kate out, and Hawkeye coming soon there's legs here.

Yup, I took the 30 usd bait and about 60% done with the campaign.

I didn't try the game until now so let's see at end game, but fair enough story and mechanics for now atleast.


I downloaded the new update and tried to matchmaker for the new kate bishop mission and my ps4 pro blue screened. You cant make this shit up
Yup, I took the 30 usd bait and about 60% done with the campaign.

I didn't try the game until now so let's see at end game, but fair enough story and mechanics for now atleast.
i really enjoyed campaign. And post campaign ur characters unlock a fair bit of perks and abilities. So the carrot on the stick is there for a little while. Ultimately i just bounced off of it cuz i got sick of killing bullet sponge robots constantly.

granted tons of games have enemies that are samey. I can do it in Destiny no problem. But for whatever reason the enemies in Avengers just aren't much fun to fight. So u got this great combat and skill tree....but the A.I isn't worth it


i really enjoyed campaign. And post campaign ur characters unlock a fair bit of perks and abilities. So the carrot on the stick is there for a little while. Ultimately i just bounced off of it cuz i got sick of killing bullet sponge robots constantly.

granted tons of games have enemies that are samey. I can do it in Destiny no problem. But for whatever reason the enemies in Avengers just aren't much fun to fight. So u got this great combat and skill tree....but the A.I isn't worth it

The bullet spongy thing is a bit of tiresome, but after Division I'm used to it.

They have something great here I think, but would need to add the ante up a bit on content and diverse enemies a bit more I think.

And some chars are really not that cool to play, like Kamala.

Hopefully they pump out new mission arcs with cool story in coop and with companions. So looking forward to the new char they released.

Doing some minor missions to boost power level and get more used to combat for each of them for now.
When the game came out I played it for a few hours on my Pro, then decided to wait for the NG patch to hit before really getting into it.

Any word of expected release for that?


I still find myself coming back despite its issues. I’d like to platinum it some day. If the combat weren’t fun (albeit repetitive) I would have bailed out ages ago.


Went back to it now that I have a PS5, definitely runs better now game no longer crashes, matchmaking is still an issue but the game is in a workable state now at least.

John Day

Matchmaking is an issue i don’t see how they’re going to fix unless they go crossplay.

Dusted off my Iron Man. Always fun atleast.
I bought the game at launch, played for like 3 hours and then decided to shelf it until PS5 upgrade.

Ive probably played about 15 hours over the last few days. Yeah, it’s flawed and has many issues, but I think I’m hooked enough to where I’m gonna go for the Plat.

It satisfies just enough of the “loot fiend” in me, where my simple brain gets stimulated seeing numbers go up.

Game coulda been great, I feel like there’s a decent foundation there. A shame


I bought the game at launch, played for like 3 hours and then decided to shelf it until PS5 upgrade.

Ive probably played about 15 hours over the last few days. Yeah, it’s flawed and has many issues, but I think I’m hooked enough to where I’m gonna go for the Plat.

It satisfies just enough of the “loot fiend” in me, where my simple brain gets stimulated seeing numbers go up.

Game coulda been great, I feel like there’s a decent foundation there. A shame

That's my thought on the game. I want to go back now with the PS5 upgrade, I had just finished the main story which I really really enjoyed and was just getting into the post game stuff so relearning how to play is gonna be a little rough but getting the platinum should be enough to feel like I got my moneys worth from the game. This is the problem with GaaS titles, they expect to have instant success and don't realize that it takes time to build something good. This and Anthem both failed by launching something that had great bones and foundation but didn't have the mechanism to keep you coming back and grinding, they expected Destiny levels of playerbase overnight forgetting that Destiny took a while before it became Destiny

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
So the MCU outfits (and a few more) leaked due to a glitch with the mega hives:

Cap's looks pretty good, the others are kinda whatever and have better looking outfits already.
Widow's will probably look better with the hairstyle change.
I'm interested to see if they will actually do fat thor though, that will probably be the best one.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
The red room stuff is good yeah, but I did it all in one day and now there are no more challenges...I mean it said step 1, but there's nothing now;
Also got like 5 useless torso's for widow in a row as rewards.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
There's a free weekend going atm:

So if you just wanted to play the campaign, there's your chance.

Also, the Wakanda expansion with black panther, is coming 17 August.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
First four of black panther's outfits detailed:


Gold Member
First four of black panther's outfits detailed:

They look nice, except the prince one tbh. Not digging his facial design, looks pretty generic.
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Avengers is currently on sale for $19.99 on Steam (through October 5th)...I've been wanting to buy this for awhile now but the bad reviews turned me off...but with the Wakanda expansion now out and the $19.99 price I'm really tempted

how is the Wakanda expansion?...has the game improved a lot since launch in terms of gameplay?...worth a buy for the single player story?
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Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Nothing has changed gameplay wise, it's not like the wakanda expansion is some kind of reboot or whatever, it just adds a bunch of stuff.
It's worth it for the story, and kate and clint, and the cosmic cube event have all expanded the story even before wakanda.
Guys,How you complete Warzone missions with requirement of 2 or more of the same heroes? How you get this sh*t complete? We have to play duplicate heroes? How u do it solo?

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
The Klaw raid is pretty cool imo, it's actually challenging.
But I have no idea how to progress after the spider boss fight; you have to stand on the platforms and then? 🤷‍♂️
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