Marvel's Avengers |OT| - Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same

I have a huge issue with my game and i feel so alone on this. I have it on the PC. After about 20 minutes, te game starts stuttering like crazy to the point of no longer able to be played.

I have a 2070 SUPER, 32gb RAM, i7 9700K
Switched to Thor cause apparently everyone wants to be Cap online. Thor is INCREDIBLY OP once he hits around level 15. I am just blowing everything the fuck up. It feels amazing throwing mjolnir to pin down a couple of mobs and then striking it down with lightning to finish them. His R1 is completely ridiculous once you specialize in it too. I think he’s even stronger than Hulk.

Well Thor is the mightiest


Finished the main campaign last night and did the Harm rooms. Think Ms Marvel is my favourite so far.

I played for 9 straight hours. This game is addictive as hell (and I'm off work this week). I haven't even loaded up Tony Hawks yet lol.
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Finished the main campaign last night and did the Harm rooms. Think Ms Marvel is my favourite so far.

I played for 9 straight hours. This game is addictive as hell (and I'm off work this week). I haven't even loaded up Tony Hawks yet lol.
Miss Marvel’s embiggen is so fun. It’d be nice if they ever add Mr. Fantastic. I’ve put so much time in the game I wish I could check how many hours I’ve played but I’m probably about at 50+ since release. Super addictive and I thought I was bad. I’ve met some guys who have all 6 at 50 and powered to level 100+.

Last night had the best feeling playing on challenge IV it left me thinking about it even going to bed. I was activating the last code in a vault as Captain America, the other three guys got the other codes and were now meeting in the middle. I got swarmed by 6 cryobots. I started fighting them all but they were pretty high level so I wasn’t exactly ripping through them. They’re getting so licks in and I’m dodging and fighting them. I’m doing really good but I’m surrounded so it’s getting tougher. Kill one and two more run in. My health is running low, Cap says “I can do this all day”. My teammates are swarmed and I’m beginning to drown. I ask if someone can get to me but then right as I’m about to go down, the vault is secured and an EMP is launched. Felt super comic book/movieish.


Miss Marvel’s embiggen is so fun. It’d be nice if they ever add Mr. Fantastic. I’ve put so much time in the game I wish I could check how many hours I’ve played but I’m probably about at 50+ since release. Super addictive and I thought I was bad. I’ve met some guys who have all 6 at 50 and powered to level 100+.

Last night had the best feeling playing on challenge IV it left me thinking about it even going to bed. I was activating the last code in a vault as Captain America, the other three guys got the other codes and were now meeting in the middle. I got swarmed by 6 cryobots. I started fighting them all but they were pretty high level so I wasn’t exactly ripping through them. They’re getting so licks in and I’m dodging and fighting them. I’m doing really good but I’m surrounded so it’s getting tougher. Kill one and two more run in. My health is running low, Cap says “I can do this all day”. My teammates are swarmed and I’m beginning to drown. I ask if someone can get to me but then right as I’m about to go down, the vault is secured and an EMP is launched. Felt super comic book/movieish.

I had an access control point mission that we lost 99% to there 100%. Its moments like this that make it so fun.

If this is what the base template is like I can't wait to see what they add in. I think my only nit pick is the gear comes in too fast to worry about what it does, better stick to the higher numbers. Maybe that will change when you approach the level cap.

God just imagine all the characters they could add in. I hope they keep all the characters varied though. No need for pallets swaps 😁

It's a little strange the best suits are awarded at the end of the single player game. At least it's one thing people can't complain about lol.


I had an access control point mission that we lost 99% to there 100%. Its moments like this that make it so fun.

If this is what the base template is like I can't wait to see what they add in. I think my only nit pick is the gear comes in too fast to worry about what it does, better stick to the higher numbers. Maybe that will change when you approach the level cap.

God just imagine all the characters they could add in. I hope they keep all the characters varied though. No need for pallets swaps 😁

It's a little strange the best suits are awarded at the end of the single player game. At least it's one thing people can't complain about lol.
For me the best costumes are the ones you unlock after the personal missions. It´s the ones displayed on the cover.


For me the best costumes are the ones you unlock after the personal missions. It´s the ones displayed on the cover.

I did alot of extra missions as I went along but now I've completed the game loads have opened up. I'll be digging into all them this evening! 😁


Gold Member
I have a huge issue with my game and i feel so alone on this. I have it on the PC. After about 20 minutes, te game starts stuttering like crazy to the point of no longer able to be played.

I have a 2070 SUPER, 32gb RAM, i7 9700K
yes the game has some memory leak, it's the same for a lot of people, in my case it start running like shit after an hour (i mean more shittier than it normaly is)

just stop playing and wait for some patches.


yes the game has some memory leak, it's the same for a lot of people, in my case it start running like shit after an hour (i mean more shittier than it normaly is)

just stop playing and wait for some patches.
Sorry to hear PC is a mess but yeah I’d wait for a patch. This is typically why I don’t buy shit at launch.
Exede Exede Hostile_18 Hostile_18 Depends on the character. Widow’s best is her preorder. Since Thor’s my main I got his Thunder Prince one since it looks like Arthas from Warcraft and he doesn’t look like a dork. Captain America’s best is either his default you get, or the one from his challenge card. Miss Marvel def her endgame. Iron Man endgame. Hulk is probably his Iconic.


Elcid Elcid hm, when the preorder would´ve had the same red like she has during the story i would agree. But this fire red is to much for my taste.


Gold Member
Sorry to hear PC is a mess but yeah I’d wait for a patch. This is typically why I don’t buy shit at launch.
Exede Exede Hostile_18 Hostile_18 Depends on the character. Widow’s best is her preorder. Since Thor’s my main I got his Thunder Prince one since it looks like Arthas from Warcraft and he doesn’t look like a dork. Captain America’s best is either his default you get, or the one from his challenge card. Miss Marvel def her endgame. Iron Man endgame. Hulk is probably his Iconic.
I unlocked widow yesterday and she seems extremely fun to use.

Is there any reason to play the campaign at hard? I enjoy the challenge but even with all the grinding and having character with the same level sometimes the damage output of the enemies is just silly high, like 2 hit to kill iron man or hulk silly...

Or is it better to save hard and brutal for when you have at least one fully upgraded character??!

Normal is a bit too easy most of the times but hard is pretty unforgiven at times, at least for now.
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I unlocked widow yesterday and she seems extremely fun to use.

Is there any reason to play the campaign at hard? I enjoy the challenge but even with all the grinding and having character with the same level sometimes the damage output of the enemies is just silly high, like 2 hit to kill iron man or hulk silly...

Or is it better to save hard and brutal for when you have at least one fully upgraded character??!

Normal is a bit too easy most of the times but hard is pretty unforgiven at times, at least for now.
Widow is very fun to use, especially once you get her three gun types going, her stun is ridiculous. No point in doing the campaign on Hard except it is good practice though for later online when you have to dodge 20 rockets.

Exede Exede - I don't know, I'm a sucker for fire red.
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Gold Member
Widow is very fun to use, especially once you get her three gun types going, her stun is ridiculous. No point in doing the campaign on Hard except it is good practice though for later online when you have to dodge 20 rockets.

Exede Exede - I don't know, I'm a sucker for fire red.
Well i thought that on hard you get better loot or more experience to level up faster, are you sure it is not the case here?

Also argh, the ia is totally retarded when you have multiple objective to control, just gimme a fucking option to tell hulk where to smash...
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Well i thought that on hard you get better loot or more experience to level up faster, are you sure it is not the case here?

Also argh, the ia is totally retarded when you have multiple objective to control, just gimme a fucking option to point out what to smash to hulk...
Campaign doesn’t really drop good loot since it has you swapping characters constantly. Wouldn’t worry about loot at all until you finish the campaign.


Yea so finished the game but matchmaking for the most part seems completely broken or at best lucky if you get into a game. I love the game play and build customization it's just you know.....grouping with people in a multiplayer game.

This just me or others having similar issues?


Yea so finished the game but matchmaking for the most part seems completely broken or at best lucky if you get into a game. I love the game play and build customization it's just you know.....grouping with people in a multiplayer game.

This just me or others having similar issues?

I had a few issues but after a while you meet randoms and then can invite them in and they never fail connection wise. I've played with the same two people three evenings running now.

My Ms Marvel is level 35 power level 45.
Yup, Ms Marvel is incredibly underrated by most players. Yeah, she's not broken like Widow or Cap but she's great all around with no particular weakness. And then there's Embiggen, I use to think it was all about the damage boost but Embiggen's biggest (heh) asset is not the increased damage but IMO it's the fact that Kamala can grab Exos and Adaptoids while it's active. It's the easiest way to take them out of the fight while everyone else mops the trash.


As I get higher level the game really starts to shine. I love playing as hulk. Puts a big smile on my face. My only complaints are bugs really and if the hero can't fly it can be annoying doing all the platforming to get the resource crates. I need to start leveling shine other characters though since I play solo mainly. I'm also a big fan of the small one room missions for when u don't want to spend more time on larger missions


Gold Member
I had more bugs in 3 hours of playing yesterday than any other game i played this year combined...

One of the "funniest" was when the game locked the soul of widow into kamala's body but i needed widow's body to start a campaign mission so i had to reset a couple of times until the game decided to cut off the joke...
How do i know that it was only kamala's body with widow's soul? Because the game respawn me in widow room and there was another kamala character on the ship...

Oh, and can we talk of when i had the last round of enemies in the harm room but one of the enemies was compenetrating on the floor so i wasn't able to complete the mission?? I wasted like 20 min on that.

Oh oh, and there was this time whem i completed a sidequest and instead of loading the end mission screen i had a black screen with battle sounds in the need to say that i had to exit and loose all the progress...
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Think I'm done with the game for now. Finished up the final questline last night which was kinda fun but resulted in no rewards (was supposed to get an Exotic piece) and a glitched final cutscene where there were two Captain Americas standing side by side while they were inducting Kamala as an official Avenger.

So yeah, I'll be back when they release Hawkeye 2 and hopefully by then they've done a better job with the bug squashing, because it's clear that the campaign got the bulk of polishing while the endgame was left a total mess that they'll fix up eventually.


Gold Member
Think I'm done with the game for now. Finished up the final questline last night which was kinda fun but resulted in no rewards (was supposed to get an Exotic piece) and a glitched final cutscene where there were two Captain Americas standing side by side while they were inducting Kamala as an official Avenger.

So yeah, I'll be back when they release Hawkeye 2 and hopefully by then they've done a better job with the bug squashing, because it's clear that the campaign got the bulk of polishing while the endgame was left a total mess that they'll fix up eventually.


I had more bugs in 3 hours of playing yesterday than any other game i played this year combined...

One of the "funniest" was when the game locked the soul of widow into kamala's body but i needed widow's body to start a campaign mission so i had to reset a couple of times until the game decided to cut off the joke...
How do i know that it was only kamala's body with widow's soul? Because the game respawn me in widow room and there was another kamala character on the ship...

Oh, and can we talk of when i had the last round of enemies in the harm room but one of the enemies compenetrating on the floor so i wasn't able to complete the mission?? I wasted like 20 min on that.

Oh oh, and there was this time whem i completed a sidequest and instead of loading the end mission screen i had a black screen with battle sounds in the need to say that i had to exit and loose all the progress...
We had a couple weird bugs last night on PS4 but they just released a patch yesterday for consoles so that’s hopeful. Every bug we’ve encountered happens at the beginning of the level/zone and we’ve been able to restart checkpoint to fix it. Try that?


Gold Member
We had a couple weird bugs last night on PS4 but they just released a patch yesterday for consoles so that’s hopeful. Every bug we’ve encountered happens at the beginning of the level/zone and we’ve been able to restart checkpoint to fix it. Try that?
For me it was always at the end of the mission and sometimes the checkpoint menu was not available, just a black screen.

When i had the soul exchange problem i did a reset a couple of time but the game was strongly convinced that widow was kamala, for a bit i feared a groundbreaking progression bug but then the game fixed himself...


I've had a few bugs including the double Ms Marvel glitch GymWolf GymWolf mentioned.

One where we were in a lift forever and then it eventually loaded.

One where we were travelling to destination indefinitely.

One where there were no enemies but the mission said I still had some left.

One where my teammate crashed out mid game.

One where I glitched through a wall.

But I can forgive all those because of the scope of the project and also because I've had so much fun, well over 30 hours.


Gold Member
I've had a few bugs including the double Ms Marvel glitch GymWolf GymWolf mentioned.

One where we were in a lift forever and then it eventually loaded.

One where we were travelling to destination indefinitely.

One where there were no enemies but the mission said I still had some left.

One where my teammate crashed out mid game.

One where I glitched through a wall.

But I can forgive all those because of the scope of the project and also because I've had so much fun, well over 30 hours.
Yes the game is a lot of fun when all work properly, unfortunately playing at 1080p with stuff on low with a 2070super is not exactly what i call "working properly"...


Yes the game is a lot of fun when all work properly, unfortunately playing at 1080p with stuff on low with a 2070super is not exactly what i call "working properly"...

Yeah I hear ya. I'm on the Ps4 Pro. Hopefully soon to be the PS5.

...I really should load up Tony Hawks soon 😂


Think I'm done with the game for now. Finished up the final questline last night which was kinda fun but resulted in no rewards (was supposed to get an Exotic piece) and a glitched final cutscene where there were two Captain Americas standing side by side while they were inducting Kamala as an official Avenger.

So yeah, I'll be back when they release Hawkeye 2 and hopefully by then they've done a better job with the bug squashing, because it's clear that the campaign got the bulk of polishing while the endgame was left a total mess that they'll fix up eventually.

I feel the same but I'm still having fun flying around with Iron Man shooting rockets. It's a weird thing to really like a game and enjoy it but see tons of major problems and bugs that may never get corrected. This could be a really great game, it's currently a below average fun game that needs major fixing.


Gold Member
How do they not test this shit.
they test and they know, they just don't give a fuck because people buy the game anyway, at least i didn't payed full price (only 42 euros on pc).
Gaas are famous for being broken at launch and only good after a year but this game is something else.

P.s. love your name\avatar combo :ROFLMAO:
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Watched a computer controlled iron man on my co op session last night t pose and just start floating around. Lasers and stuff still fired from him and hit enemies though.


Gold Member
I know this is out of nowhere but Is endgame better or worse than Division 2 when launched?
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I wish I could explain endgame but it really doesn't look like there is one. I play about an hour every day I'm level 35 Powerlevel 75 with Iron man, I basically pick a mission on the map and wait for 1 or 2 people to join. The story I mostly just ignore as the game play I find very enjoyable. For the most part stay airborne and shoot stuff with the occasional dive in. I feel made for this role as so many folks want to get in the mix I just want to rocket everything from a distance - pym particle payload is mega damage!

My main gripe since I'm sort of an antisocial fucktard who can't play consistent for very long I'm always looking for randos and you can normally only ever find 1 rando for a group at a time with 2 companions, would be nice to get full groups as I could see the levels flying by. Surprising how much fun this game continues to be as it doesn't feel like a grind at all even though that's essentially what it is.


I wish I could explain endgame but it really doesn't look like there is one. I play about an hour every day I'm level 35 Powerlevel 75 with Iron man, I basically pick a mission on the map and wait for 1 or 2 people to join. The story I mostly just ignore as the game play I find very enjoyable. For the most part stay airborne and shoot stuff with the occasional dive in. I feel made for this role as so many folks want to get in the mix I just want to rocket everything from a distance - pym particle payload is mega damage!

My main gripe since I'm sort of an antisocial fucktard who can't play consistent for very long I'm always looking for randos and you can normally only ever find 1 rando for a group at a time with 2 companions, would be nice to get full groups as I could see the levels flying by. Surprising how much fun this game continues to be as it doesn't feel like a grind at all even though that's essentially what it is.
I’ve played it for hours every single night since early access and I still love it. Funny enough I’m kind of a loner too, I beat Destiny 2 and the initial season pass DLC without partying once, yet this game I’ve somehow got a static going for the past week. I met three guys in game that we run together -almost nightly, with one of us being subbed in for at some point throughout the night. We’ve all bought costumes too because once one of us broke the premium seal the rest of us followed suit. I highly recommend finding people to play with, it makes the game sooo much better. I’m usually on after 10pm and up until 2am EST.


Is anyone free to help me best two elite levels right now? 😂 I need them to complete a mission chain and not getting any matches. I won't lie its gonna be tough lol. I'm level 50 power level 97.

End game is just following the mission chains. The more you beat the more you unlock which has small amounts of new content/story/levels as you go along. From what I can tell you unlock the best artifacts here.
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game locking up cant really be a thing when you dont have function to join back in... it really makes me not wanna bother doing the longer missions or going after the side missions in big areas


Is anyone free to help me best two elite levels right now? 😂 I need them to complete a mission chain and not getting any matches. I won't lie its gonna be tough lol. I'm level 50 power level 97.

End game is just following the mission chains. The more you beat the more you unlock which has small amounts of new content/story/levels as you go along. From what I can tell you unlock the best artifacts here.
are on on Xbox? if so i can pop in, got level 50, 120 power Thor
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