Marvel's Avengers |OT| - Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same


Gold Member
Also is the story better than Division 2? Division 2's narrative was embarrassing.

I think that's a positive yes, even thought I haven't played Marvel Avengers.

Division 2 lacks a solid narrative. The expansion, Warlords of New York, fixed that a bit since you went after the main villain of Division 1, but even so, it's not that great.

Don't know how the game is now, since I dropped out of it about 6 months ago.

I love the core gameplay of that game, it's really good, but the devs simply fuck it up in each update, and while the expansion slighty fixed up a bit of the narrative, it fucked up pretty hard all the rest.

Got tired of it.

EDIT: Scratch that.

Just saw what they have been doing and sound like a sweet update is coming this month. Guess it's time to jump back in and wait for Avengers to evolve.
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Played through the entire campaign on High Performance mode on the PS4 Pro and I played it today on High Performance on my X and it feels even smoother.


Gold Member
I think that's a positive yes, even thought I haven't played Marvel Avengers.

Division 2 lacks a solid narrative. The expansion, Warlords of New York, fixed that a bit since you went after the main villain of Division 1, but even so, it's not that great.

Don't know how the game is now, since I dropped out of it about 6 months ago.

I love the core gameplay of that game, it's really good, but the devs simply fuck it up in each update, and while the expansion slighty fixed up a bit of the narrative, it fucked up pretty hard all the rest.

Got tired of it.

EDIT: Scratch that.

Just saw what they have been doing and sound like a sweet update is coming this month. Guess it's time to jump back in and wait for Avengers to evolve.

no link?

Kagey K

Look at this jank ass shirt I spotted at Walmart today to support this game.

WTF is even happening with Thor?
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Sometimes this game makes me want to throw my PS4 out the window.

Those Fn homing orbs that seem to drain 75% of your health so often times their just 1 hit kills.

Im digging Widow now. But FFS where is my Spiderman. I think hes going to be like Widow but even better. His swinging will be like Widows line but better and he should be very melee and air jugle heavy.

TBH i thought there would be more characters in the game. I guess that list is for the lifetime but I thought it was at launch.

They should patch in a way to switch charcters if your playing with bots.


This game must be making a killing. One guy I know spent 160 on MTX. Every person I’ve played with has spent atleast 20, and everyone I end up partying with randomly has on a premium skin. So much for any chance of them lowering prices. The takedowns are stupid AF at 12 bucks a pop.


This game must be making a killing. One guy I know spent 160 on MTX. Every person I’ve played with has spent atleast 20, and everyone I end up partying with randomly has on a premium skin. So much for any chance of them lowering prices. The takedowns are stupid AF at 12 bucks a pop.

I've played loads and never bought anything. I've got credits I've earned through gameplay but thought I'd save them as we all know loads of amazing ones will be coming as the game goes on. Plus it helps Ms Marvels best one (by far) is the Single Player one you unlock.

I've unlocked loads naturally though the fabricator machine (about 20 total).


This game must be making a killing. One guy I know spent 160 on MTX. Every person I’ve played with has spent atleast 20, and everyone I end up partying with randomly has on a premium skin. So much for any chance of them lowering prices. The takedowns are stupid AF at 12 bucks a pop.
Jeez what a waste of money. In my opinion.
Their money their choice but man I do not empathise with their purchasing decision that's one thing I can tell you.
This game must be making a killing. One guy I know spent 160 on MTX. Every person I’ve played with has spent atleast 20, and everyone I end up partying with randomly has on a premium skin. So much for any chance of them lowering prices. The takedowns are stupid AF at 12 bucks a pop.

I wouldn't really say seeing a premium skin is sign of money spent. I have 2600 credits and I haven't bought any. But I think anyone still playing at this point will be sticking with the game for the long haul. The game is a buggy piece of shit with unannounced nerfs being introduced instead of bugfixes but the base gameplay is still fun. I played all weekend and got all the characters to 50. Thankfully none of them got hit by missing skill points that some people are reporting. I also have 3 characters at 130+ and plan to get the other 3 to around the same point this coming weekend.
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Finally got 50 with hulk with power of 110 i think. I've been playing solo and leveling up the other characters i use in my group, thor, ms Marvel, and iron man are all mid 20s. I'm saving my credits for future skins as I feel the ones you earn are better in most cases, though I dolike the hulk gladiator one. The mtx stuff is just too expensive IMO.

I honestly can't remember the last game I played that was this buggy at times. I live the game and play every day but I always encounter some bs


I wouldn't really say seeing a premium skin is sign of money spent. I have 2600 credits and I haven't bought any. But I think anyone still playing at this point will be sticking with the game for the long haul. The game is a buggy piece of shit with unannounced nerfs being introduced instead of bugfixes but the base gameplay is still fun. I played all weekend and got all the characters to 50. Thankfully none of them got hit by missing skill points that some people are reporting. I also have 3 characters at 130+ and plan to get the other 3 to around the same point this coming weekend.
Lol it really is buggy AF still but I *knock on wood* haven't had any of those skill/costume losses yet. I have Thor at 147 and Cap at 131. Working on Hulk or Widow next, haven't decided yet. I bought a couple nameplates (literally two) I loved and only have about 900 credits. I need to grind the challenge cards harder, I didn't pay attention to them at all week 1.
Finally got 50 with hulk with power of 110 i think. I've been playing solo and leveling up the other characters i use in my group, thor, ms Marvel, and iron man are all mid 20s. I'm saving my credits for future skins as I feel the ones you earn are better in most cases, though I dolike the hulk gladiator one. The mtx stuff is just too expensive IMO.

I honestly can't remember the last game I played that was this buggy at times. I live the game and play every day but I always encounter some bs
I play daily as well, and yeah it's buggy still but it's getting better I think. Playing in a group is so much better though!


Holy shit I just got a bug that actually worked in my favor big time. I finished a mission and when it gave me my rewards it glitches out and sent a 139 artifacts to my inventory locker. Time for mass dismantling lmao

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i think i have hit a wall with this game, still working through the final mission steps... i am on one with 14 floors, adfter doing like 7 near identical ones with 5 floors

really uninspired and i wish i could atleast swap characters but obvs cant since these missions require high levels

sone enemies are also just not fun to fight against

EDIT: Well, I got most of the campaign costumes I lost back. Still missing 2, Iron Man's Iconic and Thor's civilian. They killed off alot of the grind spots. They nerfed a lot of the loot drops. Made me wish I farmed gear before the nerf hit but too late now. At least I did farm a lot of resources.
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Q: Where is the best place to look for Legendary drops?

A: You can get Legendary Gear drops the first time you play through the Elite Heroic Hive each week, and when they go live, the AIM Secret Lab and Mega Hive. Once you beat the AIM Secret Lab or Mega Hive each week, it will pull drops from a different loot table.

Q: Where can we look for hero-specific Legendary Gear?

A: The first completion of late game activities each week – Elite Heroic Hives, AIM Secret Lab, and Mega Hive) will guarantee Legendary Gear as will completion of the daily Villain Sector missions acquired from Faction Coordinators.

These devs are beyond retarded. They already nerfed legendary gear from having 3 perks down to 2, now they limited getting them to once week. And you're not even guaranteed to get the right rarity despite what they say, you can get an epic instead which has a whopping 1 perk. The already dwindling playerbase will now just log in once a week assuming they even stay at all. I'm just going to take a break from this crap. I'm not going to say I didn't enjoy what little good the game has. I certainly loved the campaign and I got more than a hundred hours out of the game as a whole but the decisions they keep pulling are just killing any incentive there is to stay.
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So what mode/level do I have to play to get the new content?

And is Spider man out yet?

Also when you go online and you beat the level, do you click select mission or just wait if you want to stay with the people you are playing with?


This skill point bug is bothering me a lot. Was having a pretty good time with Widow when I noticed I had equipped one of the buggy piece of armor that causes a skill point loss if you remove it.

The patch notes mentions it happens with Widow, Thor, Hulk, and Kamala . Other users seems to have found that it's tied to certain pieces of armor that's causing skill points to appear or disappear in the skill trees if equipped.

My hulk is sitting on an extra skill point as well.



These devs are beyond retarded. They already nerfed legendary gear from having 3 perks down to 2, now they limited getting them to once week. And you're not even guaranteed to get the right rarity despite what they say, you can get an epic instead which has a whopping 1 perk. The already dwindling playerbase will now just log in once a week assuming they even stay at all. I'm just going to take a break from this crap. I'm not going to say I didn't enjoy what little good the game has. I certainly loved the campaign and I got more than a hundred hours out of the game as a whole but the decisions they keep pulling are just killing any incentive there is to stay.

You can still get legendaries from vaults and hives, I think that once a week is just a freebie gift. I got all four slots of 5 star 130 drops between yesterday and today, some with 3 and 3 perks/stats on my captain America between yesterday/today doing vaults.
So what mode/level do I have to play to get the new content?

And is Spider man out yet?

Also when you go online and you beat the level, do you click select mission or just wait if you want to stay with the people you are playing with?
Which new content? Priority content is available every weSelect mission and you can continue with the people you’re with. Spidey comes out Q1 2021.
This skill point bug is bothering me a lot. Was having a pretty good time with Widow when I noticed I had equipped one of the buggy piece of armor that causes a skill point loss if you remove it.

The patch notes mentions it happens with Widow, Thor, Hulk, and Kamala . Other users seems to have found that it's tied to certain pieces of armor that's causing skill points to appear or disappear in the skill trees if equipped.

My hulk is sitting on an extra skill point as well.
Thankfully haven’t seen it happen yet and just got everyone to 50. It would drive me nuts lol
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Neo Member
Hey guys!

Any idea what the blue bar is in some of the enemies? And how do you lessen it faster?

Laslty, I use iron man, what's that extra bar on my intrinsic energy? It's not filling up.

Btw. This game is insanely addicting.


Hey guys!

Any idea what the blue bar is in some of the enemies? And how do you lessen it faster?

Laslty, I use iron man, what's that extra bar on my intrinsic energy? It's not filling up.

Btw. This game is insanely addicting.
It’s a shield. Depends on the mob but I believe certain statuses count as a weakness. That’s called your overcharge, read your skill tree for a description.


So, I am pretty sure I'm nearing the end of the campaign. What should i be looking to do after that to gear up better, anything in particular?


Have to admit I still love this game and it's much improved since initial release. I've maxed out Iron Man and was initially hesitant to play another character but they are all so uniquely fun.

Part of my enjoyment is that I'm not overdoing it, playing casually every day either solo or in a group. For the most part I play solo because grouping takes too long when it actually works.

I see no reason to ever spend money in the marketplace as the stuff they offer absolutely sucks, they clearly are not looking to profit from MTX because I would buy cool skins if they existed.

Game seems to be Multiplayer-Optional as for the most part it's completely playable just by yourself with 3 awful AI as they fixed the game with recent patches to make it a completely solo experience if desired (which I desire). Grouping seems like a premium and is super fun but not a necessity to enjoy the game for me.


Two characters with bugged skill points, yeah I think I'm tapping out until they provide a fix.

Apparently certain armor pieces have perks that act like skill toggles, so those armor pieces effectively removes a skill if you unequip it and never refunds a skill point.

It's not worth continuing if the game is broken on such a fundamental level.


Was fun for about a month but hasn't changed, game could be amazing if it evolved like these games are supposed to.

I could call this game one of my favorites of the year and a complete fucking ripoff in the same sentence.


Was fun for about a month but hasn't changed, game could be amazing if it evolved like these games are supposed to.

I could call this game one of my favorites of the year and a complete fucking ripoff in the same sentence.
Read the article I posted. A lot of updates coming apparently and bug fixes.


The bugs article a lot of the fun at times. I'm not playing much but do plan to give it a another serious go when the ps5 comes out. The last times will be a major qol improvement and more bugs will be ironed out.

I do like the game a lot otherwise
They're not even trying to band aid anymore and just hoping a content drop will lure people back. Best I'm hopping for is that they'll let us replay the campaign.
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so they delayed the next gen patch to 2021...

i really wanted to try this out at 4k/60fps on launch... what a shitshow this game is


Member updates in quite awhile. Almost like the actual game.

Anyway, Target has the game at $30 as part of their Black Friday-ish sale. I don't think it's getting to $20 any time soon, so this is probably the best chance in quite awhile to buy it at a discount. I'll play it on the PS5, even if the next-gen patch isn't coming until 2021.
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Hawkeye - Release Date TBD -

*There is a Black Panther mask at the end

Kate Bishop - December 8th
New villain coming with each character. Kate's is "Super Adaptoid"

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Kate update is fantastic, really if they had kept up the pace they had stated at the start with updates like this monthly, things would have looked better for the game. Now if they can keep up a release pace after this hopefully.

Still they got the issue of bringing back and building a player base, they have fixed and improved alot, and if the content starts to roll in like this it's making for a decent game but how do they bring in the players?
Kate update is fantastic, really if they had kept up the pace they had stated at the start with updates like this monthly, things would have looked better for the game. Now if they can keep up a release pace after this hopefully.

Still they got the issue of bringing back and building a player base, they have fixed and improved alot, and if the content starts to roll in like this it's making for a decent game but how do they bring in the players?

Making a good game. If its good players will come. I dont play it, but i will when its get good
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