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Marvel's Inhumans |OT| Fridays on ABC | Losing Faith Inhumanity

Goddamn this was a mess... However the biggest crime was just how boring it was. I was wondering how this would fit in with AoS and I guess the answer was it doesn't even though it fed off what was done there but after this I would rather it stay separate.

What a waste.
The first episode was actually borderline watchable. But the second episode shit the bed so bad. And I can't stand Iwan Rheon's "acting" in this. He sucks what little life there is out of every scene he's in.


I'm not the Biggest fan of Gotham. Gotham is leagues upon leagues above this... Abberation

THE immortal Iron Fit, defender on K'un lun is leagues above This.

You know what, I fucking dug DD and JJ and LC and then they had to do my fave of the Lot dirty like that.

Gotham at least has great production design.

Detective Jim Gordon has had better fight scenes in Gotham than the last 3 Marvel shows combined (Iron Fist, The Defenders, Inhumans)

First episode wasn't as bad as expected. The biggest gripe for me is showing Max as a bad guy when really it's ambiguous at best. But then the very evil music skews it in a bad way. It's frustrating.

Still it isn't the craptastic piece of crap people have said. The dialogue is terrible though. And Rheon's accent is not good.

Sir Doom

This show reminds of pre-Arrow-verse, Daredevil, Legion and Shield.
When show was made in cheap and barely follows it’s source material. This is like Generation X


Watched the first two eps last night. Show is genuinely a piece of shit... it gets nothing right. Bad effects, bad acting and some of the very worst editing I have ever seen in a TV show.

Not often you can say a show is kinda like this...


... but somehow worse.


As a fan of the Inhumans in the comics this show hurt me. The sets, special effects, wardrobe, dialogue & writing in general are all just so bad. The members of the royal family all come off as really dumb or ineffective (or both). The Inhuman caste system on the show also totally makes you sympathize with Maximus. Don't get a cool power? Get into the mines!

Don't want to repeat everything that has already been said but there is one scene I want to mention in particular that hasn't been brought up a lot. When the girl comes out of the box and has wings Gorgon goes "Flyers are aaawwesome, I love flyers". The line is bad, no doubt, but they way he delivers it gave me the impression that Gorgon is borderline 'special'.


Well that was kinda boring but I saw glimpses that could make this watcheable...since this was 2 hours to set things up,I forgive a bit of the longwinded talking parts and all.

What pissed me off for one was I bitched about Medusa's hair looking bad but when she actually used them to ''fight'' it wasn't so bad,the best part of the show...but what do they do right off the bat...? shave her fucking head,I mean c'mon...Lockjaw teleport is nice and I have seen way worst CGI animals in TV shows lol...

So yeah not necessarly a good first impression but I will give it a few more weeks and hope for the best in the last 5 episodes.
Watched it this weekend. As a fan of the Inhumans (the Jenkins run in particular), it was depressing to watch. It's really annoying to see all the pieces of the property more or less present but just executed terribly. Everything looks so cheap. The costumes look cheap. Attilan looks cheap and you never get a good look at the scope of it. The cinematography is cheap looking. I didn't really have a problem with the main cast's acting, but almost everyone else is pretty bad (Young Medusa has two lines and they're both terribly written and terribly delivered). So much dumb stuff like Gorgon just hanging out with some non-plussed surfers who don't care about being caught in the middle of an Inhuman fight. Gorgon outright giving up the secret location of their city for no real reason (even if they're nice). Karnak, the one whose actual power is to see the flaw in all things, slips on flawed rock (I was convinced that was just a fake out prediction like the fight he had but no). Black Bolt standing in the middle of the street for way too long (and refusing to use the sidewalk afterwards). Just dumb dumb dumb stuff. Shaving Medusa's hair right off the bat for probably no reason but to save budget!

Only highlights were Karnak who I thought had the best lines and was the most fascinating (though his line about Maximus being human makes me wonder if they changed him to have gone through terrigenesis), and I thought Anson Mount did the best he could giving Black Bolt some personality without being able to speak any lines (in particular the police station scene). The scene where young Black Bolt splatters his parents is pretty horrific too (though it definitely could have been executed better) and gives the scene where Maximus and the royal guards are basically "Oh shit!" when he's about to splatter them a lot more weight than it had in the trailer.

Overall this whole thing is just further proof that this should have been a movie or nothing at all. They just don't have the budget to pull it off and are actually making huge story choices just to cover that up. I hope the show gets swept under the rug and MCU proper takes a crack at it down the line.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Detective Jim Gordon has had better fight scenes in Gotham than the last 3 Marvel shows combined (Iron Fist, The Defenders, Inhumans)


I'm starting S2 of Gotham, but I kind of hate how they make Jim Gordon some infallible superhero. Samurai duels? Really??

I'll still watch the show. It's the guiltiest of pleasures, but I also hate it so...
I'm watching this mess right now.

At least they changed the infamous .gif scene and it makes more sense and looks better than what we saw before.


Unconfirmed Member
This show reminds of pre-Arrow-verse, Daredevil, Legion and Shield.
When show was made in cheap and barely follows it’s source material. This is like Generation X

I know this post was skipped but it really does sum up exactly what this show represents. It is a generation behind in everything(even direction) except for the quality of cameras used. It is Marvel's Smallville. If you can accept that and lower expectations, it might end up just okay overall.


Finally watched this and I’m just in awe of how bad it was. It’s so worth watching to revel in how amazingly bad it is. I never thought we’d see a live action scene of Medusa riding a bus. Let alone Gorgon walking right into a wave like he’s an imbecile. Let’s not forget Karnak falling off a cliff and walking around in circles.

At least Lockjaw is cool and Crystal is insanely attractive.
When Black Bolt can send you flying with a grunt, is it a really good idea to do the dirty?

The only redeeming thing about this show is that we didn't get three episodes of Maximus plotting to take over. At least he moved fast.
I feel bad that Serinda Swan shaved her head for this.
I think this is the worst part for all involved. Imagine you've got a great little acting career going and then suddenly a role for a Marvel production lands on your lap. You could be the next Captain America or Iron Man or Black Widow. You'll get picture deals and tons of fans and so much love.

And then it turns out you're placed into a television show and it bombs hard.

I can't imagine how shitty they'd feel. I thought I remember reading that they looked pretty upset at a con or somewhere they showed footage and the audience started jeering and making fun of the show


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
i hope these actors went in knowing this would be a one off show

TV Marvel is the JV squad, if that. I kinda feel bad cause when the casting announcements come out they're obviously all excited "I'm part of Marvel!" and the like. Then they're begging to be in the movies in interviews after they see how separate things are lol
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