Marvel's Avengers |OT| - Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same

Cap's combat is so fucking good.
I'm nowhere near end game but so far it's looking like Widow then Cap are the strongest characters in the game. Veil of Shadows and Brooklyn Brawler are just so crazy good once you get to level 15 and get the skill for heroic orbs on takedown.


Ugh. It's really annoying that the game doesn't save where you are in a mission. Had the power flick or twice sure to a bad storm and each time I had to restart the entire thing and once I wasnear the end I think


I'm loving this game. So glad I picked it up.

Also my 2070 Super has no problem running this at a locked 60 on max at 21:9.
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yeah, but his lack of flight has pushed me towards thor who is actually awesome
Switched to Thor cause apparently everyone wants to be Cap online. Thor is INCREDIBLY OP once he hits around level 15. I am just blowing everything the fuck up. It feels amazing throwing mjolnir to pin down a couple of mobs and then striking it down with lightning to finish them. His R1 is completely ridiculous once you specialize in it too. I think he’s even stronger than Hulk.


What difficulty are most people playing on? I'm playing on hard and it doesn't seem to bad so far. I'm guessing it ramps up as the game goes on.


Gold Member
So I've been reading that the story is good... The end game is bad. It seems they made 2 separated games.

One that tells a good Avengers story, which is great, and another one that could be monetized by Square Enix, which is bad. And then they blended them together.

How do you feel about this fellow gaffers? I've still not bought the game. Like the beta but after it I stayed on the fence precisely because of endgame.


What difficulty are most people playing on? I'm playing on hard and it doesn't seem to bad so far. I'm guessing it ramps up as the game goes on.
Hard. It’s not hard but if you’re careless you’ll get two-three shotted.
So I've been reading that the story is good... The end game is bad. It seems they made 2 separated games.

One that tells a good Avengers story, which is great, and another one that could be monetized by Square Enix, which is bad. And then they blended them together.

How do you feel about this fellow gaffers? I've still not bought the game. Like the beta but after it I stayed on the fence precisely because of endgame.
So far I’ve been playing online with 3 random guys I met for three hours in endgame and we’re all loving it. It’s a lot of fun and we haven’t even unlocked the hives yet.


So I've been reading that the story is good... The end game is bad. It seems they made 2 separated games.

One that tells a good Avengers story, which is great, and another one that could be monetized by Square Enix, which is bad. And then they blended them together.

How do you feel about this fellow gaffers? I've still not bought the game. Like the beta but after it I stayed on the fence precisely because of endgame.

Literally the only thing monetized is cosmetics and honestly they're not as good as what you can unlock just by playing the game. Stop listening to people who never intended to play the game parroting FUD from YouTube outrage grifters.


Gold Member
So far I’ve been playing online with 3 random guys I met for three hours in endgame and we’re all loving it. It’s a lot of fun and we haven’t even unlocked the hives yet.
Literally the only thing monetized is cosmetics and honestly they're not as good as what you can unlock just by playing the game. Stop listening to people who never intended to play the game parroting FUD from YouTube outrage grifters.

What do you guys think about endgame activities? I'll be honest, I probably played the beta one day and a half, and after reaching the war table I felt every multiplayer mission was always a horde mode, only with different names. Is there any sauce that wasn't in the beta that spices things up?

As a huge Destiny fan back in day, I'm hitching my head regarding the endgame activities this game offers.

Kagey K

Switched to Thor cause apparently everyone wants to be Cap online. Thor is INCREDIBLY OP once he hits around level 15. I am just blowing everything the fuck up. It feels amazing throwing mjolnir to pin down a couple of mobs and then striking it down with lightning to finish them. His R1 is completely ridiculous once you specialize in it too. I think he’s even stronger than Hulk.
My play order goes like this.

1 Black Widow
2 Thor
3 Ms Marvel
4 Cap
5 Iron Man
6 Hulk
It finally happened, I got hit by the costumes relocking bug. Not that big a deal since I only use Iconic costumes. It did relock my Iron Man Iconic which comes as part of the story but since I was wearing it when it got relocked it's still equipped. I just can't ever switch out of it until they fix the bug.

In other news, got Hulk to 50, power level 80. Not terribly impressed, if there's gear that make him have Boneshaker up all the time then that would change things but he really is too fragile without it. I don't see myself using him a lot unless they buff him. Going to level Kamala next.
The more I play endgame stuff, the more seams begin to show. Still having a good time overall but I hope they iron the bugs and general jankiness (sound issues, AI issues, awkward scene transitions and voiceover interrupting, etc.) out sooner than later.

Having said that, Cap is kinda broken/OP at the moment and I'm hoping they DON'T fix it lol. If you spec correctly, you can essentially have an infinite Brooklyn Brawler. And his shield throws/combos do some insane damage as well if you spec into ranged damage. Feelsgoodman


Gold Member
No scaling. My ultra wide monitor is only 1080p. So resolution is only 2560 x 1080. I have every setting set to max.
Yeah playing in fullhd seems the only way to go, yeasterday i had the framerate slowing to single digit during a mission so i had to settle for this blurry mess (i have a 4k tv).
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Finally bought and booted up, streamed for a little over 4 hours tonight and then did some of these HARM challenges. Really enjoying the story so far, only unlocked Bruce and Kamala. She is beyond likable and honestly very few main characters can even pull off likable in todays gaming landscape. I see the GAAS setup, but honestly it doesn't seem overly thrown in your face and nothing is being flaunted in front of me to buy. I'm just flat enjoying destroying piles of enemies and laughing at Khans nerdy freaking out thus far. Not regretting the purchase at all.


Gold Member
Are the harm stuff ok to do? I heard a lot of people with bugs related to this stuff.

Also do you win stuff doing these harm roms? Do you even get experience or some loot?
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Are the harm stuff ok ti do? I heard a lot og people with bugs related to this stuff.

Also do you win stuff doing these harm roms? Do you even get experience or some loot?

I've only done a couple, no issues with bugs for me. I've gotten I think a couple comic collectables for the easy basic ones, looks like the harder ones pay out gear though. I'm getting beyond tired so I didn't want to tackle anything too complex tonight :)


What do you guys think about endgame activities? I'll be honest, I probably played the beta one day and a half, and after reaching the war table I felt every multiplayer mission was always a horde mode, only with different names. Is there any sauce that wasn't in the beta that spices things up?

As a huge Destiny fan back in day, I'm hitching my head regarding the endgame activities this game offers.
So far I'm level 40 and powerlevel 100. I'm having a blast. Turn the difficulty up to challenge IV and just have fun. Had a full group all night and we loved it. Hives are fun too. Can't wait for the first raid. Way better than Destiny imo.

It finally happened, I got hit by the costumes relocking bug. Not that big a deal since I only use Iconic costumes. It did relock my Iron Man Iconic which comes as part of the story but since I was wearing it when it got relocked it's still equipped. I just can't ever switch out of it until they fix the bug.

In other news, got Hulk to 50, power level 80. Not terribly impressed, if there's gear that make him have Boneshaker up all the time then that would change things but he really is too fragile without it. I don't see myself using him a lot unless they buff him. Going to level Kamala next.
Odd, I legit felt invincible as Hulk. Depending on how you spec him, his rage feels almost infinite and timing a well placed dodge or rage pop makes it so easy. I was playing Hulk for a good hour+ and didn't drop below 50% a single time.

Are the harm stuff ok to do? I heard a lot of people with bugs related to this stuff.

Also do you win stuff doing these harm roms? Do you even get experience or some loot?
I did all five HARM challenges with no issues. It's great for leveling characters. That's all you get XP. No loot. A lot of XP though, oh and I think comics.
Tonight in general though after playing for 6+ hours? I definitely saw more bugs than I'm used to.
1. My whole party started hundreds of feet above the map and freefell to the landing zone
2. I disappeared twice from my party but they could see my lightning as Thor, including disappearing when they press up on D pad to look for me
3. My hammer disappeared at one point but came back
4. A mob got stuck under the floor but eventually died
5. Infinite loading screen happening one time so my whole party had to quit the game and come back


Gold Member
Captain America
Black Widow
Miss Marvel
Iron Man
would be my playorder.

I enjoy them a lot personally. Have fun.
Yeah, since combat is by far the best thing in the game at hard-brutal,having some mission where i just have to fight without exploration is gonna be fun.


I had this game pretty much written off after seeing so many negative previews and concerns about the GaaS elements. But now seeing a lot people really enjoying it I'm curious again.

Does anyone here know how well the base PS4 version plays? I don't have anyone to play co-op with so I'd be mainly playing through it solo for the campaign. Also not sure if that's worth it.

So many clips of the game floating around looking both amazing and hilariously awful, I'm not sure what to think :messenger_dizzy:


Do you mean gameplay or visuals?

Mainly gameplay and performance. I've seen excellent combo videos and cool looking, visually stunning, action sequences, as well as footage of the gameplay looking clunky as hell.

I'm not too concerned about visuals though. Just curious to hear from anyone playing it on PS4 if the performance is alright and if people think the campaign is worth it.


Gold Member
Yeah i think i'm done with the game until some big patch come out, today i had single digit framerate at 1080p, it's like the game run almost acceptably for like an hour and then the character in the load screen start to go songle digit framerate durong their animation and then even during gameplay the framerate goes completely apeshit crazy, seems lile a memory leak or something.

I tried some other game to see if my ram or gpu was broken but no problem with other heavy better looking games, perfect framerate all the time, so it has to be this fucking game.

I readed online than even having installed the texture pack can cause problems even if you don't use it, how do i unistall only the texture pack?it's the last thing that i can try before calling a priest to exorcise this thing...this is without a doubt the most broken pc game i ever played, not even quantom break come close, maybe it doesn't like my rig...
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assignments are dumb

1- why do i have to load outposts to grab them, just give them to me in menu!
2- why do i even need to activate them???! just put em in my objectives since you dont have to spend anything to "activate" them.. so i am loading into a outpost for 5mins, walk to the other side of the map, press A on 8 assignments, walk back to the other side to the war table to leave... SO FUCKING STUPID


Finished the campaign. Didn't think it was anything great. Too much time wasted walking around Chimera or other bases. Modern games really piss me off with their walking simulators. Have game designers become so lazy and inept that they have to pad out 50% of their game with no actualy "game" just walking down hallways.

Where were the villians? You have an entire MCU to work with. I get why the mobs are robots, violence and all that. You can justify killing robots instead of humans. But what about some bosses? Each level should of ended with a big boss fight against an iconic Avengers bad guy.

Levels, if you call them that. After you get through walking for half the game you have some cooridors or wide open desert/ice spaces. Really no rhyme or reason to it and not much happening. It really didn't feel like their was any cohesion and not really an "Avengers" vibe to it. Utah, empty space station, Pacific Northwest, non descript city? Again why not use MCU famous locations?

Kinda regretting my purchase. I will see if the online keeps my attention but I can imagine eventually getting bored of doing the same missions over and over again.

I like the combat and the loop of powering up your Avenger is addictive. I was also hoping for more characters, I guess we have to wait for them to be dripped out. And where is my Spider Man Sony?

Feels like a bit of a missed opportunity. There is a good game under everything with some fun combat and upgrades. Bogged down by lame enemies, lame levels, and a really lame campaign that spent to much time making me walk slowly in corridors. The potential was there especially after the Bridge opening where you play through with each member of the team. That should of been the game big set pieces switching back and forth between each Avenger fighting against MCU villains.


So I've been reading that the story is good... The end game is bad. It seems they made 2 separated games.

One that tells a good Avengers story, which is great, and another one that could be monetized by Square Enix, which is bad. And then they blended them together.

How do you feel about this fellow gaffers? I've still not bought the game. Like the beta but after it I stayed on the fence precisely because of endgame.

As a viewer I'm on the opposite end. I found the campaign insufferable due to the characters and story but the multiplayer stuff has been super fun to watch. The characer movesets are just fantastic as are the builds you can create with them. That said, the actual level/mission design completely squanders all that goodness. There is a ton of potential if they can fix that up because the very core of the game is rock solid. If Spider-Man comes out, and doesn't look a middle-aged cosplayer, I'll probably jump in myself.


Gold Member
Yeah combat, upgrades and builds are what save this game.

And i have to try brutal but hard is already challenging at times, so that's a plus too.
Does anybody know if this game was in development for 3-5 years ? Cause this thing is a cookie cutter rehash and stapled together so bad. It's like they couldn't figure out 90% of the game and they had a great story in mind. But why the hell are iconic missions just rehashes of boring sidemissions. I thought if I would do one with Black Widow it would be all stealth or something? Nah its just bash the turbines in , and defend three objectives against horde waves. Is this the fate of all GAAS games, this smells Destiny where the developers either couldn't figure out what to do or had to reboot it multiple times.

Yes the combat is great, yes the animation, and physics is fun, and its like juggling enemies in the air forever. But everything after the opening Mission in San Francisco feels like they just blew their load on that, and after that couldn't decide what to do. It feels so insulting at times, where you have these missions that are just constantly taking place in the same area with the same enemies (unless on higher difficulties). Yes it is not borderline broken as Anthem,but I kinda had more fun with Anthem maybe cause of its open world nature. Here I'm just kinda... okay I'm smashing shit with Hulk but its not as fun as actually playing a real Hulk videogame.

You get pushed around by small soldiers, most of the enemies become hit sponges, there's barely any cinematic set pieces in the game after San Francisco, and I wouldn't even mind the MTX, the SKINS. Just make this shit fun, stop trying to force RPG elements just to sell me upgrade packs or skins. Just give me a game, and put in some forced multiplayer, just make it a fun brawler, fuck I'll happily spend more cash on skins hell I'll pay extra if you stop trying to make a game with Destiny / RPG Loot games for like 5 years. Give me a different genre. Even Marvel Ultimate Alliance was more fun cause it actually had a fun wacky story with multiple locations. All this level gating, and gear equipping and looking at numbers, that's not what I want to do with Hulk, or with Captain America.

I can't even say, well there are less levels but they are more detailed, intricate , and deep. Hell no it's the most basic shit I have seen, and actually worse than Destiny in terms of art design, or even Anthem. And this game gets 8 points from certain sites. What a joke


It's running better than I expected, with mix of ultra and high settings:

Dynamic res (and AFX) OFF

Dynamic res ON

With FS monitor everything within 40-75FPS is fine, Adaptivce Sync really changed the way PC gaming works. Game looks quite great and I even like the gameplay so far.


This game is just broken. I played a half dozen missions, breezed through them all and then I get some extra bullshit Vault mission with melee AND range "greatly increased" damage and it's unwinnable. Constantly getting one or two shotted and because I'm solo and their aren't checkpoints until you get to the vault, the only way I was able to even get to the vault sequence was by skipping the entire zone. Then when I get in there it resets every time you die and there are 50 ice,laser, gravity assholes that make you a sitting duck standing on the Activision pad.

The game can be hell of a lot of fun but it's also one of the most unfair games I've ever played in my life. Cheap shit for days.


This game is just broken. I played a half dozen missions, breezed through them all and then I get some extra bullshit Vault mission with melee AND range "greatly increased" damage and it's unwinnable. Constantly getting one or two shotted and because I'm solo and their aren't checkpoints until you get to the vault, the only way I was able to even get to the vault sequence was by skipping the entire zone. Then when I get in there it resets every time you die and there are 50 ice,laser, gravity assholes that make you a sitting duck standing on the Activision pad.

The game can be hell of a lot of fun but it's also one of the most unfair games I've ever played in my life. Cheap shit for days.
Always get the turrets first, then drones, then any airborne fuckers. The game is 100x better with actual people btw. Lower the difficulty if you’re getting clapped that quickly.


So I've been reading that the story is good... The end game is bad. It seems they made 2 separated games.

One that tells a good Avengers story, which is great, and another one that could be monetized by Square Enix, which is bad. And then they blended them together.

How do you feel about this fellow gaffers? I've still not bought the game. Like the beta but after it I stayed on the fence precisely because of endgame.
Yup pretty much. Just beat it. There are some stages in the game that fall flat. The stages where they are trying to give you a taste of end game stuff is terrible and jarring. If they would have left that open world crap out of the SP, the game is an Easy 8. Not only does the open world stuff look bad. It also plays like a budget game. You go from a graphical cinematic show piece like a first party game to a game that looks more like dynasty warriors lol. I still enjoyed it though And I’m happy I bought it.


I got my Thor at power level 135. 15 more levels to go then I’m raid ready. Hopefully it’s announced soon. I’ve only unlocked 44 out of the 80 missions too.
LOL I keep losing costumes. I'm lucky that my normally completionist self doesn't give a fuck cause this would be driving me insane. Laser-based Iron Man is so fun, AoE stuns for days. I had to switch him to regen packs on takedown though since he's too squishy otherwise.
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Anyone struggling to get players to join? I was having no issues but not no one is connecting to my games now. I only have the last Harm mission to do.
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I was out of town all weekend so only got to play about an hour or so.
I'm sure it is an early game annoyance but I am not a fan of theme park ride, on rails stuff which has been 90% of it so far.
I don't know why but the character models are terrible. I'm not sure how you can get it so wrong. None of these guys look super heros.
I wish they would forget about the MCU and go back to the comics look. Everyone looks like the movie stunt replacements.
Load times are all over the place. I fall off the bridge and it will put me back at the checkpoint almost immediately.
I hit the next checkpoint, fall, and it goes to a 2 minute loading screen.

Apart from that, I'm enjoying it.
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I've got use to the characters really quickly. I want Ms Marvel in the MCU now 😂

Thing with Spiderman is you only had to get use to one character that wasn't his movie counter part so I do get it can be a bit more jarring in this game.


LOL I keep losing costumes. I'm lucky that my normally completionist self doesn't give a fuck cause this would be driving me insane. Laser-based Iron Man is so fun, AoE stuns for days. I had to switch him to regen packs on takedown though since he's too squishy otherwise.
This hasn't happened to me yet thankfully. Knock on wood..
Anyone struggling to get players to join? I was having no issues but not no one is connecting to my games now. I only have the last Harm mission to do.
I made some random friends and now my friends list is almost all playing Avengers so I just invite friends. It seems intermittent though, I think you just need to be patient. If you're on PSN I can play with you later tonight. :messenger_grinning_squinting:
I was out of town all weekend so only got to play about an hour or so.
I'm sure it is an early game annoyance but I am not a fan of theme park ride, on rails stuff which has been 90% of it so far.
I don't know why but the character models are terrible. I'm not sure how you can get it so wrong. None of these guys look super heros.
I wish they would forget about the MCU and go back to the comics look. Everyone looks like the movie stunt replacements.
Load times are all over the place. I fall off the bridge and it will put me back at the checkpoint almost immediately.
I hit the next checkpoint, fall, and it goes to a 2 minute loading screen.

Apart from that, I'm enjoying it.
Loading screens are terribad, I'm anticipating the PS5 version badly for that reason. The rails stuff is really the campaign. It goes away completely at one point.


This hasn't happened to me yet thankfully. Knock on wood..

I made some random friends and now my friends list is almost all playing Avengers so I just invite friends. It seems intermittent though, I think you just need to be patient. If you're on PSN I can play with you later tonight. :messenger_grinning_squinting:

Loading screens are terribad, I'm anticipating the PS5 version badly for that reason. The rails stuff is really the campaign. It goes away completely at one point.

I'll add you bud, I'm playing UK time tho so we will have to see how the timing lines up! 😁 my main character is Ms Marvel at the minute.


I was in the middle of the initial Black Widow unlock mission.
Quit the game, uninstalled it.
I will not suffer through one more minute of this janky trash.
And some spastic losers dared to compare this to Spiderman.
Why are most western studios so bad at combat?
It's so unsatisfying.
And I hear the endgame is even worse? Jeez what the fuck.
The devs should be ashamed of themselves.


Gold Member
Once you unlock the other weapons with Ironman ... the lasers and rockets to go along with the repulsors ... oh he's so so good. He's meant to strafe and stay in the air, only coming down to finish off, IMO. So much fun! Big turnaround for me, I didn't like him much at first.
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