I can't, I'm in the UK.Don't act like you aren't watching, too
Holy shit, the IMAX version cut that entire scene out.
Like, the two of them MURDERING a person was cut out.
"King Maximus? Really?"
Okay that was pretty good lol.
You're willingly watching this a second time?
The fight music lmao
Wow no wonder no one could figure out what Karnak's powers were.
The fight music lmao
Ok my drink for every cut in fight scene rule would have killed someone there.
Wow no wonder no one could figure out what Karnak's powers were.
Ehh Danny Rand is really really badThis show already makes iron fist look like a masterpiece.
Sang in RH. Juntao was the British white guy (Tom Wilkinson).Just realized Karnak was Juntao in RH
It's honestly pretty amazing that they were able to make this pilot move at breakneck speeds while also be boring as fuck at the same time.