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Marvel's Secret Wars Hype Thread - Where we argue about what "reboot" means

Not sure what's funny. One look at the monthly solicitations can tell you its already been happening for awhile (Black Nick Fury, Brining in Coulson and Agents of SHIELD, new Ant-Man ongoing with movie status quo, Star Lord redesigned to be like movie version, Howard the Duck back looking like movie version and tieing in with the collector, Guardians of the Galaxy becoming more like movie versions, Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch retcon, movie avengers lineup being the core Avengers group even though characters like Hulk weren't associated with the Avengers for decades, etc.) The writing has been on the wall for some time.

I mean just look at this cover:


That lineup is not a coincidence I can tell you that

Oh what's that guys? Did I call it almost a month ago? Why yes I did


I just noticed something. We are seeing a lot alternate reality x-men. Have we even seen 616 xmen in the stuff for battleworld?

I think all the one-shots and limited series spinning out from Secret Wars are meant to be self-contained stuff either setting up a portion of Battleworld, or just some fun story making use of a cool "what if" setting in Battleworld. The normal Marvel Universe storylines are not part of any of thise until Secret Wars actually start, and that entire story will take place in Secret Wars.
I'm pretty sure most of these events are kinda like the history of the new Marvel Universe. There are exceptions, like the Infinity Gauntlet story which apparently is only associated to the original story in name only, but for the most part it's a road map of what the new MU is.

Yea it's the new canon


I'm pretty sure most of these events are kinda like the history of the new Marvel Universe. There are exceptions, like the Infinity Gauntlet story which apparently is only associated to the original story in name only, but for the most part it's a road map of what the new MU is.

Where do you get any of that? They're all pretty blatantly what-ifs, loosely tied to the main event.


I'm pretty sure most of these events are kinda like the history of the new Marvel Universe. There are exceptions, like the Infinity Gauntlet story which apparently is only associated to the original story in name only, but for the most part it's a road map of what the new MU is.

That's not the impression I've gotten at all from the announcements of the actual series so far. They're all fun self-contained stuff which play with the possibilities Battleworld offer. Battleworld isn't going to be the new MU, there probably isn't any "new history" either. Everything that takes place this year as part of the Secret Wars event is meant to allow creators to come up with crazy silly stories. So far the announcements are pretty good!


I'm pretty sure most of these events are kinda like the history of the new Marvel Universe. There are exceptions, like the Infinity Gauntlet story which apparently is only associated to the original story in name only, but for the most part it's a road map of what the new MU is.

Inferno alone disproves this, as it's supposed to take place 5 years after the fall of Manhattan to demons.

I highly doubt that they're going to have a five-year period where hell was literally on Earth.

If you say that it's another exception, what about Age of Ultron and Marvel Zombies? Seems like you're going to have a LOT of exceptions.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"

I was already hyped that devil dinosaur was on board for planet hulk. But hes buddies with cap? Oh yes.

Inferno alone disproves this, as it's supposed to take place 5 years after the fall of Manhattan to demons.

I highly doubt that they're going to have a five-year period where hell was literally on Earth.

If you say that it's another exception, what about Age of Ultron and Marvel Zombies? Seems like you're going to have a LOT of exceptions.

Pretty much. And then theres the 1602 world and marville that breaks the theory


Old Man Logan is being headed up by Bendis and Sorrentino.

"At the end of the original 'Old Man Logan,' he started a journey to change the world around him. We’re going to see just how successful he was," the writer added. "I think this is one of Mark’s best books. I said it when it came out and I say it today. I’ve reread it a few times over the years knowing that I was going to be doing this, and I am in total awe of how much fun this book was while being completely honest and true to the spirit of Wolverine. Like 'The Dark Knight Returns,' you can’t imagine a better look into the character’s future, a more logical look at how it all turns out, than this."

Well, at least they didn't give him another Cosmic book to ruin.


I'm loving that they're giving these stories to different people rather than trying to get back the original writers. This is going to be a fun event.


Oh shit, I want to read the Planet Hulk story. Sounds awesome.

And eh, I know people hate Millar, but I love Old Man Logan (sue me, I really dig this bleak future stuff) and hearing Bendis will continue the saga... is interesting. I always thought Millar wanted to do a sequel (starting with a crazy Spider-Man flashback during the fall of heroes) but that was back in 2010.

Still, it would be cool to see Logan training/managing a new team of heroes including kid Hulk, Ant-Man kid and maybe a new Thor or Cap.


Super hyped for Old Man Logan and Planet Hulk.

Probably will just buy these and the main Civil books until i can buy everything else collected/in bulk on comixology.
Bendis is too big of a writer to waste on a mini. I'm surprised Marvel hasn't started advertising the end of Secret Wars or the next event yet....

They certainly have. The "All-New Marvel" banner came out back in November.

I'm pretty sure most of these events are kinda like the history of the new Marvel Universe. There are exceptions, like the Infinity Gauntlet story which apparently is only associated to the original story in name only, but for the most part it's a road map of what the new MU is.

Yup. Brevoort's interview today explains these events a bit better and generally supports that theory.

Brevoort: As we were destroying the Marvel Universe and the Ultimate Universe and pretty much everything, that implies that as we're recasting the Marvel Universe that is to come, you examine and play with all the various parts that have existed over the years that people remember, that people love, that people had a reaction to. Also, quite frankly, we saw this as an opportunity to do some stuff that is sometimes difficult for us when it's just launched as a virgin thing -- some projects that play more with genre, like the Garth Ennis-written "Where Monsters Dwell," make a little more sense and have a little greater chance of being noticed maybe than if it was just a thing unto itself.

In building the super-structure of "Secret Wars," we wanted to take advantage of the entire history of the Marvel Universe, because in effect, we're recasting all of that history into the new Marvel Universe as we move forward.

Q: So can this be seen as the last hurrah of the old Marvel Universe?

Brevoort: It's sort of the opposite, actually. The last hurrah of the old Marvel Universe really is "Secret Wars" #1. This is far more the melting pot, the stew, from which the new Marvel Universe comes. Every one of these projects that we're announcing is contributing something -- some building block, some element, some story point, some character, some thing -- to the new Marvel Universe. So the new Marvel Universe really does start in May, by the time we get to "Secret Wars" #2 and then beyond.

It's kind of difficult to talk about this at this point, because obviously we're not even into the story yet, and I understand why this is confusing to a lot of people, because we're tapping into a lot of names and storylines that have strong memories associated with them. But in almost all cases, we're doing something slightly different with them, although they all relate to the original source material in one way or another. It'll all become clearer as we get up to May and all of these projects begin to come out.


Junior Member
Looks like the new Infinity Gauntlet story is not only gonna reestablish the Nova Corps, but also set the stage for Cosmic Marvel going forward. Plus it seems like they're trying to move past Sam Alexander (understandable, given his sales). But I hope we see both Richie & Sam co-exist somehow in the post-SW MU, so everyone wins. It's being written by Kid Nova's current writer.

Marvel Comics has announced Infinity Gauntlet #1, the publisher’s latest concept-revival to tie into their Secret Wars crossover event. Co-written by Gerry Duggan and Dustin Weaver, with art by Weaver, Infinity Gauntlet will reimagine the 1991 Marvel miniseries event where Thanos gains possession of all six Infinity Stones to become the omnipresent master of the universe.

In this retelling of the Jim Starlin and George Perez epic, Duggan and Weaver will introduce readers to a parallel universe that’s gone apocalyptic. In this nightmare realm, where giant insects rule the land, a young woman named Anwen Bakian stumbles upon a mysterious, but powerful stone. With cosmic power suddenly in her grasp, Bakian has a chance to change her and her family’s unfortunate circumstances.

But of course, this series wouldn’t be called "Infinity Gauntlet" without a major presence from Marvel’s mad titan, Thanos. As Weaver told Hero Complex, Thanos will carry a presence in the story, but he won’t be the same despot that most readers know him as.

“This is a more grizzled version of the character; he caries the weight of his experiences. He’s colder, more mysterious, and impenetrable,” Weaver said. “But you can be certain, some things about Thanos will never change.”

Duggan and Weaver were coy as to how closely this retelling would follow the original Infinity Gauntlet, what major Marvel characters might appear, or even how the series will tie into the greater Secret Wars event. For those not in the know, Secret Wars is Marvel’s upcoming crossover, in which the entire multiverse collapses into one planet called Battleworld. On Battleworld, every Marvel timeline, universe, and dimension are crammed onto one planet. There,they must fight for survival.

However, Duggan was able to hint to Hero Complex that Infinity Gauntlet readers will “see some old ideas and characters in a new way, while being introduced to brand new concepts.”

Check out the gallery below for Marvel’s preliminary art on the project, which showcases a rugged Thanos and confirms the involvement of The Nova Corps.

Infinity Gauntlet #1 hits comic shops and digital devices in May.


Are they going to attempt to make yet another new Nova to headline a book? Or will the new characters just be background for a Nova Corps book, starring multiple Novas?


With Spider-Verse over I am itching for another huge event to go all in on. When do all these books for Secret Wars start coming out?
With Spider-Verse over I am itching for another huge event to go all in on. When do all these books for Secret Wars start coming out?

The event starts in May.

Solicits for May are also out today - definitely a whole slew of #1s coming out. EDIT: and a bunch of cancellations as well.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Two black people in space? Will wonders never cease?

I wonder will we find that, that realities version of rich ryder is the ancestor of Nova in Guardians 3000? Which not to mention I think might be the future of the post battleworld Marvel Universe.


Junior Member
I wonder will we find that, that realities version of Richard Rider is the ancestor of Nova in Guardians 3000? Which not to mention I think might be the future of the post battleworld Marvel Universe.
Fixed that for you (as far as Richie's name spelling goes). But Infinity Gauntlet resides in New Xandar, a Battleworld location.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Fixed that for you (as far as Richie's name spelling goes). But Infinity Gauntlet resides in New Xandar, a Battleworld location.

I thought that got retconned to avoid dick rider jokes..... And yeah I know its a battleworld location but reading Guardians 3000 got me wondering what if that version of rich becomes the new MU version of Nova?


Junior Member
I thought that got retconned to avoid dick rider jokes..... And yeah I know its a battleworld location but reading Guardians 3000 got me wondering what if that version of rich becomes the new MU version of Nova?
Bendis made a spelling error in one GotG issue that he corrected in the next one.

Game Guru

Not sure what's funny. One look at the monthly solicitations can tell you its already been happening for awhile (Black Nick Fury, Brining in Coulson and Agents of SHIELD, new Ant-Man ongoing with movie status quo, Star Lord redesigned to be like movie version, Howard the Duck back looking like movie version and tieing in with the collector, Guardians of the Galaxy becoming more like movie versions, Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch retcon, movie avengers lineup being the core Avengers group even though characters like Hulk weren't associated with the Avengers for decades, etc.) The writing has been on the wall for some time.

I mean just look at this cover:


That lineup is not a coincidence I can tell you that[/QUOTE]

You do know that the fact all that stuff is happening [I]now[/I] rather than [I]after[/I] Secret Wars goes completely against the idea of a hard reboot to the Marvel Universe. Why do all these changes now when Marvel could just wait for the hard reboot to invoke these changes and just say "Welp, Secret Wars!"?
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