Looking for some advice, preferably from those here that have a better understanding of the science of Covid-19.
Regardless of what the US government says, we'd like to stock up on essential grocery items, enough to last us (family of 4) the next two months or so. We just recently started using grocery delivery, and obviously now things are kind of a mess, delays and all. We'd make it if we got serious about rationing, but if we can provide some normalcy for our kids, I'd prefer it. They are far from spoiled right now.
Because a lot of things are out of stock or delivery windows are booked out days in advance, my wife is frustrated and told me she is thinking of going to the grocery store near us. I told her we should only consider it if she is willing to take a lot of precautions. As I've mentioned before, I'm 2 years into a clinical trial for cancer, doing great, numbers wise (markers for detection in my blood). We've been on self imposed quarantine as an extra precaution, and haven't been around anyone else for the past 2 weeks.
What can she do beside wearing a mask, keeping distance from others as much as possible, and washing up well when she gets back / washing her clothes immediately? I'm hearing mixed things about how long the virus lives on surfaces, so the last time we got a delivery from target I had the person drop it off in our open garage and let it sit out there for five hours before we brought it in. Any produce we buy will be fruit that has a skin that can be peeled or have the skin removed like apples oranges and bananas.
Again, I don't trust our government to do the right thing, and want to make sure my family has enough to get by for the next two months, but I'm seriously hesitant to send her out and potential bring the virus back home. I understand that there's only so much I can do.