Your proving my point. You don't have to support BLM to be against racisim or police brutality. I do not support BLMs radical narrative or their use of terror and violence to push their agenda. Its not a binary choice, and BLM is not mutually execlusive with being against racisim or the sole representative and arbitrator of black people and racisim.
I would like to see receipts of BLM leaders condemning the violence please. But it needs to be real condemenation, not well we think its bad but its the voice of the voiceless or its just frustraded people lashing out etc... I want a real condemnation from them not a half hearted or back handed one. I am open to reading these condemnations from the BLM leadership.
I have to wonder where was BLM when David Dorn was shot? I didn't see any BLM at Dorns march during his funeral.
I am waiting for the receipts from BLM.
Everyone was outraged at what happend to Floyd, but BLM made it about race. Everyone was connected on the issue, but BLM made it about a white racist cop who murdered a black man. Bring me the receipts about BLM caring about Justine Diamond. BLM has one focus and thats white cops against blacks that is it. Pigs in a blanket fry em up and what do we want dead cops, pretty clear what their message is. They even said that a black cop isn't black anymore, their BLUE. BLM now thinks it can decide peoples blackness. RACIST.
I'm not sure how I ended up defending BLM as I dont agree with pretty much any of their politics either but they're out there man,
here is just one.
She added, “We have been non-violent and we will continue to be non-violent. If we catch any members destroying property or inciting violence, they will be removed from the chapter and I will testify against them myself. It is upsetting that we are being blamed for violence by people who have not put in the work while we have worked peacefully for six years for police reform.”
I never said you have to support BLM or their agenda. My point was that there is no central leadership of whats happening on the streets. Hell, BLM doesnt even have central leadership so what one chapter leader says might be conflicted by another chapter leader. Yeehaw's post seem to imply that everyone that was angry enough over George Floyd to take to the streets was a terrorist, which is stupid and bullshit.
Are BLM members responsible for some of the rioting and damage? Probably. but cant anyone claim they are part of BLM? If someone is got on video spray painting BLM on a car, wouldnt they be reported as a BLM member? Realistically, there are several groups and non group affiliated individuals that are out there and some of which are pursuing their own agenda or are just using the unrest as an opportunity to loot.
One of the biggest issues plaguing discourse today is the issue of laying all the blame at the feet of whoever they can get it to stick on. BLM gets the most press, so they get the biggest portion of the blame. Just like a few instances of police brutality seem to get attributed to every cop in America. There is this overwhelming tendency to paint things with the widest brush possible but things are not that cut and dry, and this is unworkable for any hope of progress.
....anyway..what topic is this again? Oh yeah, Coronavirus...aint that shit a bitch?