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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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Bioware did really a good job in making Grunt not a second Wrex. I really liked his infant attitude. As soon as you realise that he is a
kid in a teens body
the character grows on you.
My favourite character is Thane. I especially like the conversations with him. Great VA and Animation.
K.Jack said:
Why doesn't my team ever use their sniper rifles?

Make them? I know how you feel though. I ran with Mordin and Miranda for a big chunk of the game because of the versatility of their abilities, and they would always default to SMG. Considering they have infinite ammo, they would destroy with the upgraded Hand Cannons. Especially against all the armor you go up against toward the end. Every annoying enemy has an armor bar.

Red Blaster said:
Man, shotguns suck ass now.

They sure do. They were overpowered in the first game though. No way should shotguns be that accurate at that long a range.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
AshMcCool said:
Bioware did really a good job in making Grunt not a second Wrex. I really liked his infant attitude. As soon as you realise that he is a
kid in a teens body
the character grows on you.
My favourite character is Thane. I especially like the conversations with him. Great VA and Animation.

He acts exactly like the young krogans Wrex constantly decries.
Himuro said:

Spend hours doing monotonous, boring probing or get instant results via cheating?

Also, I really like what they've done to Liara and Tali's characters. They're no longer naive, and Liara's case, no longer timid. She is born again hard. Make Liara a squad mate in ME3, she's not longer a wimp or the most boring character in the ME universe. That role belongs to Grunt now.

I can buy the change in attitude, but how does a young socially inept Asari become a mastermind information broker in 2 years? It's not a believable transition. The Redemption comics might end up explaining it, but it didn't seem natural.


Himuro said:
I must say. With AA on this game is something else.

Look at this shit.



I just finished Tali's loyalty quest, and:

I was surprised to see that because I played like a fucking saint, and had a lot of paragon points, I was able to convince the admirals to not exile her. From the trailers, I thought it had been a given that she'd be exiled. Plus, I didn't have to mention her father's activities at all.

Also, are the sex scenes in ME2 as atrocious as Dragon Age's were?


Only able to really start the game tonight. Fan-freaking-tastic. Loved ME1 and very very happy with how well this runs on my no longer top-notch PC (8800 still has some life, nice to see).

Pity my ME1 saves didn't transfer over, not sure what that's about. No huge loss, I wanted a male Shephard this time anyway. Was kinda annoyed that I went out of my way in ME to do certain "good" things and the default story opening doesn't quite match up but oh well.


erotic butter maelstrom
MegaKungFooRadio pretty much nailed it, in my opinion. About 95% of the weapons, armor and mods you'd find were garbage/clutter/useless. It didn't help there was almost no need for money, you could sell them but halfway through the game you had more money than you could spend. Yeah, they could have just tried to keep it the same and improved it but I much prefer the system of upgrading your weapons. Not only do you still make progress towards having more powerful weapons throughout the game but finding/buying new upgrades is actually worthwhile and satisfying unlike finding the occasional good item among all the garbage.

I just finished Tali's loyalty quest...
Yeah, I had the same result. That's a good example of one of my only complains about ME, most of the time you can just click the "blue" option in a conversation and you're guaranteed a happy ending. I have yet to feel like I have to choose my words carefully because it usually just comes down to "be nice and solve the situation" or "be a dick and make a mess of things". I guess it helps that I have the paragon bonus from my ME1 save, but still..


Thought this would be a good place to post this.

I've got a code for the Terminus Gear and the M-490 Heavy Weapon looking to trade for something, PM me an offer.


Basileus777 said:
I can buy the change in attitude, but how does a young socially inept Asari become a mastermind information broker in 2 years? It's not a believable transition. The Redemption comics might end up explaining it, but it didn't seem natural.

She certainly had the skills, if you think about it. Traveling with Shepherd and saving the galaxy was probably a valuable learning experience for her. She was a pretty powerful biotic and she was intelligent as well, her main fault was that she was so damn naive, and it looks like she grew out of that in the two year break between ME1 and ME2.


MMaRsu said:
Continue playing this or start up Tomb Raider Underworld..hmmmmm Lara.......

Wtf the answer to that is so clear, I wouldn't even see the need to question myself :lol

Tomb Raider Underworld :>


Red Blaster said:
And they were so awesome in ME1 too. Thankfully sniper rifles are sick in ME2.

Oh yeah. It's good to be a solider.:D

And I guess Basileus777 basically spoiled what Liara's been up to for me. :lol

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
yeah, the squad is so much more interesting in this game. there's no dead-weights like last time, and even the returning characters are more interesting.

the game still suffers from the same problem all RPG with customizable parties do: your squad rarely say or do anything meaningful during a mission, unless they're a required party member.

For example, in the first couple of missions, Miranda interacts with Shepard heaps and has a lot of interesting things to say. After that, she becomes just another gun outside of the two-ish conversations I can have with her after some missions on the Normandy. I can see why this is, it would be almost impossible to write each scenario out with in-depth conversations between each different party combo, but it still bothers me.

Granted, I haven't even visited the Citadel yet (was going to do that early, but can't because the Illusive Man wants to talk to me for some reason), so this might change.


Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
Just finished it. Great game. Bring on 3.

Just about an improvement in every way over the first. The material gathering was boring but at least you don't have to do much of it.

I'm stalling on beating the game. Don't want it to end. :(


Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
The material gathering was boring

Tell me about it. I only had about 45 mins tonight to devote to the game, so I decided to mine as much as possible and buy as many upgrades as possible. Felt like 450 minutes :lol
Ephemeris said:
Oh yeah. It's good to be a solider.:D

And I guess Basileus777 basically spoiled what Liara's been up to for me. :lol

Sorry about that, it just slipped my mind.

ultron87 said:
tells her combat drone to "Go for the optics!":lol :lol Hell yes to another Baldur's Gate reference.

Edit: Too bad I will never use her because her skills are garbage.

She also quotes Aerie when she says ""No one is faster than chichika fastpaws!."


Knowledge is power, guard it well
MegaKungFuRadio said:
Make them?
You can change their weapons? Sonuva...

Let me explain. On the PC version, mousing over your equipped weapon reveals all three of them, so you can choose. Putting the mouse over my teammates weapons doesn't do this, so I assumed it wasn't possible. I had no idea that you click on their weapons to change them.

I feel like a fool.

Himuro said:
I must say. With AA on this game is something else.

Look at this shit.
How much AA are you using?
Basileus777 said:
I can buy the change in attitude, but how does a young socially inept Asari become a mastermind information broker in 2 years? It's not a believable transition. The Redemption comics might end up explaining it, but it didn't seem natural.

I hated Liara in the first game, and the character leap is too much for anyone to buy. The two year transition is even less reasonable in the context of the Asari lifespan. It took her 100 years to mature to socially inept, but 2 years to do this?

Tali's adorable. I already preferred her to Liara and Ashley in the first game, and I gave up the opportunity to tap Miranda to be with her in the second game. The decisions of the final mission were nothing compared to that decision because I reeeeaaaaally wanted to tap Miranda. And you know what? It was worth it. Mostly because Miranda's booooring.
Snuggler said:
MegaKungFooRadio pretty much nailed it, in my opinion. About 95% of the weapons, armor and mods you'd find were garbage/clutter/useless. It didn't help there was almost no need for money, you could sell that all but halfway through the game you had more money than you could spend. Yeah, they could have just tried to keep it the same and improved it but I much prefer the system of upgrading your weapons. Not only do you still make progress towards having more powerful weapons throughout the game but it's finding/buying new upgrades is actual worthwhile and satisfying unlike finding the occasional good item among all the garbage.

There was too much loot in ME1 and comparatively too little in ME2. I understand how spacing out the upgrades makes them seem worthwhile, but I only just now got another SMG and I'm 75% through the game.


Dresden said:
Also, are the sex scenes in ME2 as atrocious as Dragon Age's were?
If you're asking whether Shepard fucks in disgusting burlap lingerie, in the open air, six feet away from the entire crew, then no, they're not as bad.

Actually, I've only seen a couple so far, but the ones I've seen are about as tasteful as you can get in a video game scene about
boning a Turian or getting into a little hate-fuck with an ex-con
. I was actually a bit surprised that neither of them had that whole teenage titillation thing going on that Bioware was on track to becoming famous for. I'm sure some of the others are pretty horrid though.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Rez said:
yeah, the squad is so much more interesting in this game. there's no dead-weights like last time, and even the returning characters are more interesting.

the game still suffers from the same problem all RPG with customizable parties do: your squad rarely say or do anything meaningful during a mission, unless they're a required party member.

For example, in the first couple of missions, Miranda interacts with Shepard heaps and has a lot of interesting things to say. After that, she becomes just another gun outside of the two-ish conversations I can have with her after some missions on the Normandy. I can see why this is, it would be almost impossible to write each scenario out with in-depth conversations between each different party combo, but it still bothers me.

Granted, I haven't even visited the Citadel yet (was going to do that early, but can't because the Illusive Man wants to talk to me for some reason), so this might change.

I dunno. While it wasnt in combat, DA had a fuck ton of dialogue for each party pairing. It was actually more effective in defining some of the characters than your conversations with them.
MegaKungFuRadio said:
I hated Liara in the first game, and the character leap is too much for anyone to buy. The two year transition is even less reasonable in the context of the Asari lifespan. It took her 100 years to mature to socially inept, but 2 years to do this?
Because asari are very mellow. A salarian will accomplish more in 2 years than an asair will in 100. Maybe something happened in the past 2 years that made her snap, and rash human behavior by Sheppard rubbed of on her.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
MegaKungFuRadio said:
I hated Liara in the first game, and the character leap is too much for anyone to buy. The two year transition is even less reasonable in the context of the Asari lifespan. It took her 100 years to mature to socially inept, but 2 years to do this?

Tali's adorable. I already preferred her to Liara and Ashley in the first game, and I gave up the opportunity to tap Miranda to be with her in the second game. The decisions of the final mission were nothing compared to that decision because I reeeeaaaaally wanted to tap Miranda. And you know what? It was worth it. Mostly because Miranda's booooring.

They just cant write Liara well.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
pringles said:
whaaaa...?? that sucks. then what was all that flirting by Kelly Chambers about?? Tease.

You can
have sex with Kelly with a female Shepard but it doesn't count for the Romance achievement.
Lostconfused said:
Because asari are very mellow. A salarian will accomplish more in 2 years than an asair will in 100. Maybe something happened in the past 2 years that made her snap, and rash human behavior by Sheppard rubbed of on her.

She's the main character of the redemption comics. I read the first volume of it which came with my collector's edition.
It seems the Shadow Broker was the first person to retrieve Shepard's body and was going to sell it to the Collectors. But Liara works with a Drell (and Cerberus) to retrieve the body.
K.Jack said:
You can change their weapons? Sonuva...

Heh, yeah. I played on the 360 and had the same problem. Not that I didn't know you could switch weapons, but because I would bring up the weapon wheel, highlight the weapon I wanted to switch to, and forget to press A. Fortunately the loading screen tips told me that quickswap was holding down the X button, but since you're on PC, you don't have to worry about that :p

Coxswain said:
If you're asking whether Shepard fucks in disgusting burlap lingerie, in the open air, six feet away from the entire crew, then no, they're not as bad.

Actually, I've only seen a couple so far, but the ones I've seen are about as tasteful as you can get in a video game scene about
boning a Turian or getting into a little hate-fuck with an ex-con
. I was actually a bit surprised that neither of them had that whole teenage titillation thing going on that Bioware was on track to becoming famous for. I'm sure some of the others are pretty horrid though.

Have you seen the "better sex scenes" Dragon Age mod (PC only obviously). It basically adds porn to the game if you also have a nude mod. It also suggests mods that make it play the sex scene every time instead of just the first and makes the kiss option trigger sex. It's shameless and also hilarious because they look like they took a LOT of time.

HK-47 said:
They just cant write Liara well.

It doesn't help that I'm also not a fan of the straight on angle of her face. Side view is OK, but directly I find it disturbing as fuck.


Einbroch said:
And because of this the Vanguard class suffers terribly.

Indeed. In ME1, I was a vanguard and laughed at the other classes while I ate thunder and crapped lighting. In ME2, my vanguard feels like a little bitch. First class to worst class?

Im going either Infiltrator or Sentinel for my replay.


erotic butter maelstrom
The shotgun is quite shitty, it's too slow and weak. I'm still kicking ass with my Vanguard, though, the handcannon is nice and I unlocked the assault rifle with the specialty option so I'm set. Assault Rifle + incendiary ammo kicks ass.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Snuggler said:
MegaKungFooRadio pretty much nailed it, in my opinion. About 95% of the weapons, armor and mods you'd find were garbage/clutter/useless. It didn't help there was almost no need for money, you could sell them but halfway through the game you had more money than you could spend. Yeah, they could have just tried to keep it the same and improved it but I much prefer the system of upgrading your weapons. Not only do you still make progress towards having more powerful weapons throughout the game but finding/buying new upgrades is actually worthwhile and satisfying unlike finding the occasional good item among all the garbage.

The upgrade system for weapons is fine...but I don't think the same holds true for armor. What makes the new system for weapons interesting is that the weapons actually do different things that you can see and feel, i.e. going from the assault rifle to the LMG, or the basic sniper to the auto-sniper.

Putting on a new piece of gear doesn't give nearly as tangible benefits.

I know you can go through the whole game without changing your armor at all (at least on normal for my first playthrough), it's not nearly as big a factor statistically as it was in the first game.

But honestly, there's only the "basic" N7 gear, and one, maybe two different choices for a suit of armor, of which one is a clear upgrade and one is more of a "gimmick".

Don't get me wrong, being able to fully color your armor and such is pretty nice, but it just still seems a bit lacking.

Having like 3 or 4 choices for each piece, like one for weapon damage, one for shields, one for power damage, and one for health would have still made not nearly as much a mess, yet still offered customization options.

I know you could use the "bonus suits", but I like being able to see Shepard's face. The animations in Mass Effect play a large role in delivering Shepard's voice, so not being able to see past the Collector helmet seems boring.

And because of this the Vanguard class suffers terribly

Yeah, I find myself using the machine pistol a lot more then the shotgun, even up close, it seems lacking that "oomph" that they had in the first game.

It doesn't help that I'm also not a fan of the straight on angle of her face. Side view is OK, but directly I find it disturbing as fuck.

the lighting in that room doesn't do her any favors either. When she's not sitting at the desk, she looks fine, but when that glow hits her, it gets a bit awkward.
Solo said:
Indeed. In ME1, I was a vanguard and laughed at the other classes while I ate thunder and crapped lighting. In ME2, my vanguard feels like a little bitch. First class to worst class?

Im going either Infiltrator or Sentinel for my replay.

Vanguard was fine when I got an assault rifle, which leads me to believe an Adept is even more fine once it gets an assault rifle. Considering I used pistols and SMGs until the advanced weapon training, I really should have just played an Adept. I thought Vanguard would have more survivability, but I was wroooooong.
Solo said:
Indeed. In ME1, I was a vanguard and laughed at the other classes while I ate thunder and crapped lighting. In ME2, my vanguard feels like a little bitch. First class to worst class?

Im going either Infiltrator or Sentinel for my replay.

Having just come off a Vanguard playthrough in ME1 where I was practically sniping with my polonium round shotty while blasting corpses into the air with biotics, ME2 feels a generation behind for Vanguards.
The Vanguard is just a poorly designed class. A class designed around close range combat makes little sense in a cover based shooter. If you are going to make them a high risk cass, you need to make it a high reward one as well. But the Vanguard doesn't do anything better than a soldier or infiltrator and the shotgun is the worst weapon in the game. Combine that with how biotics in general have been nerfed, and you get a pretty shitty class.
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