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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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Red Blaster said:
Having just come off a Vanguard playthrough in ME1 where I was practically sniping with my polonium round shotty while blasting corpses into the air with biotics, ME2 feels a generation behind for Vanguards.

I feel your pain

*pours out liquor to mourn ME1 vanguard*

MegaKungFuRadio said:
Vanguard was fine when I got an assault rifle

Maybe this is the key? Right now Im still with shotty (sucks), handcannon and machine pistol (both are alright but lack kick), and rocket launcher (sucks). At what level do you get to choose another weapon?


erotic butter maelstrom
Don't get me wrong, being able to fully color your armor and such is pretty nice, but it just still seems a bit lacking.

Wait...how do I do this? I just have the starting N7 set + plus a few random pieces but I didn't know I could change the color, I must be missing something.
Snuggler said:
Wait...how do I do this? I just have the starting N7 set + plus a few random pieces but I didn't know I could change the color, I must be missing something.

Go to your Captain's Cabin on the first floor in the Normandy. There is a wall-mounted screen just beyond the fish tank where you can customise your armour
Sebulon3k said:
Is it possible to get to level 30 on the first play through?

I think it's only possible if you import, and even then, just barely. I cleared the entire galaxy map importing a level 5 and hit 30 just before one of the final phases.


MegaKungFuRadio said:
I think it's only possible if you import, and even then, just barely. I cleared the entire galaxy map importing a level 5 and hit 30 just before one of the final phases.

My character was only level 3 when I imported :x, don't wanna play this again as an adept


erotic butter maelstrom
Meus Renaissance said:
Go to your Captain's Cabin on the first floor in the Normandy. There is a wall-mounted screen just beyond the fish tank where you can customise your armour

I've been doing that but I guess I must have missed the color changing option. I'll have to check that out later. Speaking of the fish, I didn't know that they'd die if I didn't feed them...I found out the hard way :(.


People called Romanes they go the house?
MegaKungFuRadio said:
I think it's only possible if you import, and even then, just barely. I cleared the entire galaxy map importing a level 5 and hit 30 just before one of the final phases.

Yeah, I was a little bit before, and I'd done Zaeed's loyalty missions as well.

Odd too, especially since I think I recall Casey saying it was possible to hit 30 if you did everything, similar to 50 in ME1.
Sebulon3k said:
My character was only level 3 when I imported :x, don't wanna play this again as an adept

I imported a level three and ended up at 28. But I'm pretty sure I completed every quest in the game, so it seems like one playthrough won't be enough.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I still have barely progressed in this game 10 hours in. :lol

Vanguard is pretty fun, but probably not in the intended ways. The pull move is CRAZY good with the huge curve you can spin on it, and shockwave is awesome. The charge move gets me killed more often than not, so I rarely use it. I heard someone said the soldier has the most health, but I feel like the Vanguard should if that's true. He has a shotgun, two pistols, and a move to get right in your face...but he dies too quickly to make much happen with that. I think Infiltrator or Adept would suit me more.
Metroidvania said:
The upgrade system for weapons is fine...but I don't think the same holds true for armor. What makes the new system for weapons interesting is that the weapons actually do different things that you can see and feel, i.e. going from the assault rifle to the LMG, or the basic sniper to the auto-sniper.

Putting on a new piece of gear doesn't give nearly as tangible benefits.

I know you can go through the whole game without changing your armor at all (at least on normal for my first playthrough), it's not nearly as big a factor statistically as it was in the first game.

But honestly, there's only the "basic" N7 gear, and one, maybe two different choices for a suit of armor, of which one is a clear upgrade and one is more of a "gimmick".

Don't get me wrong, being able to fully color your armor and such is pretty nice, but it just still seems a bit lacking.

Having like 3 or 4 choices for each piece, like one for weapon damage, one for shields, one for power damage, and one for health would have still made not nearly as much a mess, yet still offered customization options.

I know you could use the "bonus suits", but I like being able to see Shepard's face. The animations in Mass Effect play a large role in delivering Shepard's voice, so not being able to see past the Collector helmet seems boring.

Completely agree with all of this. I could see what they were trying to go for but there simply is a criminally low amount of variety in the armor choices and there are such negligible benefits for changing pieces anyway, well aside from the ammo pack which is great if you're a sniper.
man...legion is really growing on me...some of his responses and delivery of them are classic....and he cracks me up everytime he says "shepard commander" :lol


Darkman M said:
Game looks so much better with that film grain shit off.

Sounds like ME1 to me.

Funny thing is that I was playing for a while before realizing film grain was on. I turned it off of course, but I noticed it like 3 minutes into the first game.
Solo said:
I feel your pain

*pours out liquor to mourn ME1 vanguard*

Maybe this is the key? Right now Im still with shotty (sucks), handcannon and machine pistol (both are alright but lack kick), and rocket launcher (sucks). At what level do you get to choose another weapon?

um sir....I am vangaurd and I am doing exceptionally well. Be sure to get the claymore heavy shotgun when it lets you choose. then get the inferno ammo and the Charge that slows time down.

I am telling you...once you get those things you will decimate shit (also improving shotgun armor/health with upgrades respectively of course.) It is so rewarding.

pull and shockwave come in handy as well...shockwave is great against those...things that the the reapers transformed the humans into...

also cryo ammo is nice until u unlock the inferno ammo just cause freezing something then charging it is too much fun. but inferno ammo + claymore heavy shotgun > all. Screw the assault rifle.


Rez said:
the game still suffers from the same problem all RPG with customizable parties do: your squad rarely say or do anything meaningful during a mission, unless they're a required party member.

For example, in the first couple of missions, Miranda interacts with Shepard heaps and has a lot of interesting things to say. After that, she becomes just another gun outside of the two-ish conversations I can have with her after some missions on the Normandy. I can see why this is, it would be almost impossible to write each scenario out with in-depth conversations between each different party combo, but it still bothers me.
I've had them pipe in now and again while I'm in a conversation. Miranda piped up during a mission where I went to get another party member, and I'm sure I remember Mordin saying something once while on a random sidequest. Nothing substantial mind, probably just reading stock lines that they make the entire cast read so they can cut and paste the voices in, but I was impressed :p

BTW I'd love it if someone could confirm this for me. I've been playing this game for hours and I'm on no sleep so I may have hallucinated it.
Ephemeris said:
Sounds like ME1 to me.

Funny thing is that I was playing for a while before realizing film grain was on. I turned it off of course, but I noticed it like 3 minutes into the first game.

Seriously is there any reason they put that? Film grain was in GTA Lost & Damned as well.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The Widow Anti-Material Rifle just cements my love for the Infiltrator.


A Good Citizen
Vanguards really did get nerfed. I still have fun playing the class, but I do not hold up well against Harbingers or Scions. :/


Hey what's the install like for this on PC?

I want it on steam, but would have to wait a week until I download it due to bandwidth caps, however my flatmate just bought a copy of it on PC.

Would I be able to:

a) install the retail game, dump the folder into steamapps/common and then maybe update like 500mb?
b) install the retail game and activate using my steam cd key?
Fyrus said:
Vanguards really did get nerfed. I still have fun playing the class, but I do not hold up well against Harbingers or Scions. :/

well harbingers will be tough for any class that is more "in the face" which a vanguard is in this game. With them, I just use the Collector heavy weapon (forgot what its called). your not talking about the harbinger controlled collectors but the harbingers themselves right? And Scions...well, scions are cake.....charge...shotgun...back away...repeat.

kill them in like 2 charges plus 2 shots with inferno/claymore heavy shotgun/upgraded shotgun/etc
Solo said:
I feel your pain

*pours out liquor to mourn ME1 vanguard*

Maybe this is the key? Right now Im still with shotty (sucks), handcannon and machine pistol (both are alright but lack kick), and rocket launcher (sucks). At what level do you get to choose another weapon?

I loved Vanguard in ME1 and I'm loving Vanguard in ME2. Dont' know why you peopple think shotty sucks, cause I sure as hell don't think that. I love taking out enemies with my handcannon/machine pistol + biotic combos with party members, then when there's two enemies left, switch the shotgun and use Biotic charge to ruin their day.

PS: I just got ME2 up and running on my laptop and holy shit it runs at a smooth 30-40 FPS 720p with max settings (no AA, can't get my mobile Radeon to force AA for some reason). Just got me a new portable game to play :D
MisterAnderson said:
I loved Vanguard in ME1 and I'm loving Vanguard in ME2. Dont' know why you peopple think shotty sucks, cause I sure as hell don't think that. I love taking out enemies with my handcannon/machine pistol + biotic combos with party members, then when there's two enemies left, switch the shotgun and use Biotic charge to ruin their day.

vanguard is incredibly fun....challenging in the beginning...but once you start acquiring more abilities and upgrades..you become a powerhouse. (that is if you select the right things)


Tisan said:
Hey what's the install like for this on PC?

I want it on steam, but would have to wait a week until I download it due to bandwidth caps, however my flatmate just bought a copy of it on PC.

Would I be able to:

a) install the retail game, dump the folder into steamapps/common and then maybe update like 500mb?
b) install the retail game and activate using my steam cd key?

Just copy everything over into the folder Steam creates for the game and it should only have to replace the game binary.


Zaeed's loyalty mission was amazingly difficult,
Does Vigo always get away? Or only if you choose to save the refinery


MisterAnderson said:
I loved Vanguard in ME1 and I'm loving Vanguard in ME2. Dont' know why you peopple think shotty sucks, cause I sure as hell don't think that.

Its not just the shotty, but also the fact that charge+shotty, which SOUNDS like the most awesome thing ever, kind of sucks/is grossly underpowered. Hell, Ive charged at an enemy, then shot him right in the face at point blank with the shotty, and his shields werent even completely down afterwards :lol


If I go for a second playthorough with the same character to get it to lvl30 will the choices I make in the second play be the only ones impacting ME3? And is there any new content avaliable only in the second playthrough?


is there a good side quest to getting the destroying barriers using warp achievement? I've gotten most of them naturally but I dont wanna just be missing one or 2..
Sebulon3k said:
Zaeed's loyalty mission was amazingly difficult,
Does Vigo always get away? Or only if you choose to save the refinery

really? I thought it was easy....but everything seems alot easier for me as vanguard now that I have all my abilities and upgrades...early game was rough.

I think if you choose not to save the people he doesn't get away...or at least I assume thats how it works...right? I saved the people so I dont know

Solo said:
Its not just the shotty, but also the fact that charge+shotty, which SOUNDS like the most awesome thing ever, kind of sucks/is grossly underpowered. Hell, Ive charged at an enemy, then shot him right in the face at point blank with the shotty, and his shields werent even completely down afterwards :lol

did you not see what I just posted above?

dude, I take down people with one shot (without armor and what not)....and sometimes I one shot them if they still have some armor on.

People with shields...Gonna take more than One shot....like 2. :lol


I know it's wrong to say but I love the racist remarks between species..

Especially the volus and the Quarian on the citadel..

She's a quarian, ofcourse she stole it, they always steal


Sebulon3k said:
Zaeed's loyalty mission was amazingly difficult,
Does Vigo always get away? Or only if you choose to save the refinery

If you save the people Vigo gets away and as far as I know, you lose your chance at his loyalty. If you don't he doesn't get away and you get Zaeed's loyalty.
Himuro said:
Liara quest:

Is it possible at all to pinpoint the observer? Because I've tried after numerous tries and I always get nothing.


Get all 5 data points, then call her.
A new option appears: None of these fit.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Rpgmonkey said:
If you save the people he gets away and as far as I know, you lose your chance at his loyalty. If you don't he doesn't get away and you get Zaeed's loyalty.

You can Paragon his loyalty too.
Can I change my class to Vanguard at any point? I didn't know i'd eventually be able to use any weapon at higher levels. Right now i'm just a basic Assualt guy, playing the game like Gears 2, but I can see this getting boring after a while. Playing Mass Effect 1 like this just about held my interest, but there are way more battles in ME2. I fear I might get sick of it half way through.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Rpgmonkey said:
If you save the people he gets away and as far as I know, you lose your chance at his loyalty. If you don't he doesn't get away and you get his loyalty.

Nah, you can still
get his loyalty, but I think it's only possible if you have a high paragon score.
, otherwise, no, he will not end up loyal.

And yes, if you don't
Save the people, Zaeed will kill him

Gotta Say, I love that you can do all the paragon and renegade interrupts without having to have a high score in each, it lets you see more of the game. I wish there were more conversations with both a paragon and a renegade interrupt in them, that you wouldn't see the second if you did the first


EatChildren said:
You can Paragon his loyalty too.

Really? I tried and didn't get it. Guess I made the wrong choices.

That'll be useful for the playthrough with my final choices then, wanted to use the Paragon choice to get everyone's loyalty.
End game and xp question:

I'm 350ish xp away from level 29. I think I've done literally every mission and sidequest available. Is there any xp to be had after I go through the Omega-4 relay, or am I stuck with what I've got? Just want to know if II'm going to be able to hit 30 with this character. Thanks.


Fixed2BeBroken said:
really? I thought it was easy....but everything seems alot easier for me as vanguard now that I have all my abilities and upgrades...early game was rough.

I think if you choose not to save the people he doesn't get away...or at least I assume thats how it works...right? I saved the people so I dont know

The last room was ridiculous on hardcore :lol, Pyros and the fire from the ceiling kept messing me up.
Solo said:
Its not just the shotty, but also the fact that charge+shotty, which SOUNDS like the most awesome thing ever, kind of sucks/is grossly underpowered. Hell, Ive charged at an enemy, then shot him right in the face at point blank with the shotty, and his shields werent even completely down afterwards :lol

You're doing it wrong. Shields are not shotty's strong point. I charge + shotty all the time and wreck shop on them bitches. Just gotta coordinate the move well with your squad so you aren't overwhelmed after the charge. I use it and I play on Hardcore difficulty, it's definitely not underpowered.
12 hours in under a day... and I love it.

A few questions
I'm certainly not done {so don't spoil any post-Ashley calls you a traitor stuff}, but doing alot of the loyalty quests. Is this what decides if they'll live? Or is it part of it and there's more to it? If so, are the choices that'll result in everyone living obvious?

Zaeed related
If you choose to save the factory workers can you still get his loyalty? I chose to hunt the Blue Sun guy he wanted to kill just in-case, because frankly, Zaeed is a real dick.
MisterAnderson said:
You're doing it wrong. Shields are not shotty's strong point. I charge + shotty all the time and wreck shop on them bitches. Just gotta coordinate the move well with your squad so you aren't overwhelmed after the charge. I use it and I play on Hardcore difficulty, it's definitely not underpowered.

yea....i usually hit things that have heavy shields with warp from my teammates or something before start the shotty charge.

but if I have teammates that dont have warp...il burn the shields down in other ways...now tho...I dont even care...i shotty charge everything....back away and repeat since my health/shields can take a few shots now because of all the upgrades. I AM UNSTOPPABLE

Can I change my class to Vanguard at any point? I didn't know i'd eventually be able to use any weapon at higher levels. Right now i'm just a basic Assualt guy, playing the game like Gears 2, but I can see this getting boring after a while. Playing Mass Effect 1 like this just about held my interest, but there are way more battles in ME2. I fear I might get sick of it half way through.

this is why I choose vanguard...cause playing as soldier got dry after awhile in the first game and I wanted something that would be more fun than playing the game like a typical shooter. with that said....No, you cant change classes after you have decided. sorry.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Zod the Bear said:
End game and xp question:

I'm 350ish xp away from level 29. I think I've done literally every mission and sidequest available. Is there any xp to be had after I go through the Omega-4 relay, or am I stuck with what I've got? Just want to know if II'm going to be able to hit 30 with this character. Thanks.

You still get XP after
going through, I hit 29 on the part right after you go through, and hit 30 during one of the final sections.
Snuggler said:
Yeah, I had the same result. That's a good example of one of my only complains about ME, most of the time you can just click the "blue" option in a conversation and you're guaranteed a happy ending. I have yet to feel like I have to choose my words carefully because it usually just comes down to "be nice and solve the situation" or "be a dick and make a mess of things". I guess it helps that I have the paragon bonus from my ME1 save, but still..

I think there are a couple of instances where doing the paragon thing doesn't always result in the best ending, for example
in the Samara loyalty quest if you let the cowering Asari go it's later revealed she did in fact murder someone and was joking about it.

I do wish there were more situations like this, though it would certainly require a balancing act, I mean I wouldn't want to punished for every time I took the good guy route. It would certainly make playing a more balanced character more appealing.
Just was screwing around trying to make a badass custom Shepard, I think I made a pretty good one:




Dan Yo

Has there been any indication as to when the vehicle DLC is due? Not sure if "shortly after" means 1 to 2 weeks, or months.
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