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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
omg I laughed my ass of at joker :
accidentally janking out his headphones while looking at / listening to porn ( you could hear a woman moaning loudly ) and going " woops that was supposed to go through my headphones "


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Corky said:
omg I laughed my ass of at joker :
accidentally janking out his headphones while looking at / listening to porn ( you could hear a woman moaning loudly ) and going " woops that was supposed to go through my headphones "

When'd this happen ?
Got my 360 back after yet another red ring incident, so now it's ME2 time.
First impressions are a bit mixed.

Had some difficulty in importing my Sheppard (had to replay the end-fight with Sarren because it seems I didn't save the last time I finished it).

The introduction is truly early Star Wars worthy.
It sets the mood perfectly.

What I really liked was the fact that though I imported my char,
I could still pick another class (was a soldier last time, wanted to be a bit more versatile now, so now Red Sheppard is a Vanguard). Nice.

Since I had to play the end of the first game again,
some differences were immediatly apparant.

First of, the graphics look much better, less shade problems, they're smoother and a lot less jittery.
Second the shooting mechanics got a major overhaul, they feel much smoother now.
And last, but unfortunately for me a change I don't support, no more life-bar and shield indicators and once more a dev succeeds in getting on my nerves by painting spots on my screen when I get hurt... So generic, so sad...

But that's my only negative at the moment and certainly not a deal breaker.
I clocked about 35 hours on ME1 and it seems ME2 will grab me by the goolies as well.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
chandoog said:
When'd this happen ?

I read here on gaf that if you "spy" on joker he might say / do fun things, and hoo boy did he when I looked


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Animation-Imp said:
And last, but unfortunately for me a change I don't support, no more life-bar and shield indicators and once more a dev succeeds in getting on my nerves by painting spots on my screen when I get hurt... So generic, so sad...

It doesnt need to be there though unless you take damage, due to its regen abilities. The moment your shield or health are not at 100% it will appear and stay on your screen until it either regenerates or you die.

If nothing appears there's nothing to worry about.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I thought the anomoly quests where
you have to explore a rusty old alliance ship on the edge of a cliff, as it teeters back and forth
was pretty unique, if simple. Cool atmosphere.


Right, I've decided. I'm reloading back about 4 hours and redoing the last lot of missions. I normally try and live with my decisions in games because it adds that bit of choice/consequence to it all but the ending was possibly the worst out come(for me). And if I still can't get it right I'm restarting the whole game dammit. It should have let you know the point of no return was happening before the actual point of no return(if that makes sense).


What are the best side quests on uncharted planets, and where?

I've done some mines, crate thing, a crash site, some ship on a ledge, and that's about it. Any highlights?


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
I've noticed several errors in the game. These two spring to mind:

When maxing out a Soldier's classskill the Shock Trooper and Commando options seem to have been mixed up and should be the other way around.

While freeing a Quarian slave on Illium I'm asked to go talk to a Slake Broker. Obvious spelling error.

Also, if you're a spacer/warhero like me why aren't you given the option to call your mother and tell her you're alive?


Can someone explain how the disc changing works?

After only a few hours into the game, I was prompted to switch to Disc 2. Now I am at the point of no return (final mission) and it prompts me to switch back to Disc 1. Doesn't make much sense to me :/

Amazing game by the way. Can't wait to do it all over again.


Better graphics, better characters, and sharper mechanics / interface, BUT...

...far worse main storyline and a truly disappointing soundtrack. The two Mass Effect games are on par for me. I still can't get over how lame ME2's soundtrack was... where is the synth???


Sidzed2 said:
Better graphics, better characters, and sharper mechanics / interface, BUT...

...far worse main storyline and a truly disappointing soundtrack.

This is pretty much ME2 in a nutshell.


Darklord said:
Wow, disappointing soundtrack? I thought it was amazing.

It has no personality anymore. It could be slotted into any blockbuster movie and it would be offensively inoffensive. ME1's score had a really unique flavour that is unlike anything else not done by Vangelis.


I don't usually complain about lip sync but ME2 has so much dialogues that you can't help but notice the poor job Bioware did, not to mention the faces are so stiff and fake. Dragon Age did a much better job with its characters.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I used "I don't know" a whole lot.

It took a LOT of questions. :lol
Zalasta said:
I don't usually complain about lip sync but ME2 has so much dialogues that you can't help but notice the poor job Bioware did, not to mention the faces are so stiff and fake. Dragon Age did a much better job with its characters.

What? :lol


Domino Theory said:
What's the most recommended class to use for Insanity? I did NG+ on Insanity using a Lvl 28 Soldier and I'm getting absolutely destroyed, to say the least.

I have a friend who says being a Sentinel for Insanity does wonders.

You are level 28, and having problems. I had to start over on a new class and I picked Soldier with Fortification so man up mr. domino....

Its hard... especially when you have to start from level 1 :( Thank GOD for the fortification upgrade though.
Even Husks have Armor on Insanity.. I mean WTF.



First of all, that is a spoiler. Second of all, why can't I use that visor on my femshep? I get this weird Gordy like thing :\.


Need some advice
At the collector ship and I don't know what gun to pick for my soldier. Should I go with the machine gun or the sniper?


Ah what the fuck. I went on a mining planet mission and when i returned to the normandy all f my resources and drones were gone? Shit bug :(

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
upgraded sniper plus adrenaline rush = super-power


pringles said:
Yep thanks for that spoiler. Good work.

They spoke about that character before didn't they? I saw stuff about him ages ago, there is even a character slot clearly open for him.

Also, are those red beedy lights his eyes? I always thought the big light was it's eye but now all geth look like they have a big sad face.


BenjaminBirdie said:

Need more details please if this happens I will die.

There's a mission in some shitty system and you fight lots of geth on it. And emerge with nothing. My last save game was 1 hour earlier too ><.. might just try the autosave on the planet and see if it owns me again


I was driving to work this morning and I heard "The Illusive Man" doing a Midas ( Car Service ) commercial... I was waiting for him to say "Shepard, you didn't take the Mako to Midas... that's what you get"
Zeouterlimits said:
Oh come on!
You're talking about
a secret character, the very last you get, that comes out of left field with no lead up prior to the mission!
Absolutely. I had no idea about that before I played... and was blown away when it happened. Had I seen that image it would have taken away a lot of the awesome factor.


Except he was shown in video and was confirmed to be a playable character months before the game even launched. It's not like the screen shot ruined the suprise of how you come across him.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
people were making avatars featuring him as well as the rest of the crew prior to the game's release. that's what 'spoiled' him for me.


There have been a large number of spoilers in this thread. I can only assume none of the mods are playing ME2 :lol


Zeouterlimits said:
Oh come on!
You're talking about
a secret character, the very last you get, that comes out of left field with no lead up prior to the mission!

If they announce him as a recruitable character and have a clear open slot for him it's not a major spoiler. It's not like Dragon Age's where there was no lead up, no announcement, no open slot, just bam.
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