ChoklitReign said:
Zaeed's loyalty mission is impossible on Hardcore - prove me wrong. The last bit with the YMIR mech and flammable tanks has COD4-level infinitely respawning enemies. Not to mention the cover sucks, your teammates are worthless, and basically Satan is having a serious case of diarrhea and is shitting all over the map. I NEED VIDEO EVIDENCE IT CAN BE DONE.
Are you sure you have the right squadmates there?
My adept playthrough is mostly: overload/energy drain on mooks, pull then throw them to their doom.
On lieutenants, singularity to stun them and then strip their defenses with powers and weapons, and after that just pull->throw him to instakill.
If there are too many mooks, just singularity the lieutenant and leave him stunned for 9-10 seconds while you deal with the mooks.
Really, the most annoying thing is the mobile flammable tanks hitting you while in cover - that's why I usually stay mobile behind cover instead of always staying in the same spot.
This is one stage where the shotguns cannot be really of use for the adept though.