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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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Guess we won't be able to take off the shades, huh? Besides the shades, there's not much of a difference for Thane, but Jack's new alternate is a huge step up... It's just those shades...

Can't believe they're charging us for that, even if it's so little. :|

Well, whatever. Hammerhead next week~


Peff said:
Are they actually charging for the costumes while the Hammerhead is free? That's being cheap :-/ At least give us Fixed Garrus for free!

50000 platimun
Why in the Enkindlerdamned hell did/would I waste 50k platinum on a useless med-bay upgrade? I ALWAYS run out of platinum. I never purchased that upgrade after my first playthrough.
"How dare they give us a vehicle and missions for free, and try to make a little money on the side with something smaller and optional"

Most companies do it the other way around ya know.


If no more DLC is free after Hammerhead, I'm OK with that. I likely won't buy any of it, but I'm definitely satisfied with what we've got for free so far.


funkmasterb said:
"How dare they give us a vehicle and missions for free, and try to make a little money on the side with something smaller and optional"

Most companies do it the other way around ya know.

Haha, I just feel sore because Garrus' fixed armor should have been an option in the game, the busted neck looks so ugly :(

I'll probably end up getting anyways :p Any chance there'll be more of those, say, Speedo Grunt or even... unmasked Tali :D ?


Struct09 said:
If no more DLC is free after Hammerhead, I'm OK with that. I likely won't buy any of it, but I'm definitely satisfied with what we've got for free so far.
Same here.

With all they're doing, I really hope this game get some legs. I keep telling all the RL gamers I know to check out both games.


HadesGigas said:

Coming March 23.
Love Jack's costume (minus the duct tape of course)
Thanes looks just like his old one imo just with shades (which look stupid on him)
I love the fixed Garrus armour. That alone has made this tempting. Not going to buy it though. We get the hammerhead for free and have to pay for costumes? lolwut?
Anyone else feel the Renegade/Paragon aspect was almost irrelevant to the game? Perhaps it's because there was no achievement for reaching a particular level of Paragon/Renegade as there was in the original game which incidentally made me more aware and appreciate the decision making. Now it's completely irrelevant
Boy this game can suck you in.

Yesterday I started playing it again because my internet was broken and I was bored stiff. I hadn't touched it for a while, I had played a mere 11 hours since launch day - I have now played over 20 hours :lol

I think it's because I finally reached Illium, where there is an absolutle ton of stuff to do. The game literally opens up and floods your Journal with so many sidequests. I started doing the loyalty missions as well, which are really great. They feel more fleshed out than I expected - I was worried that they'd become a quick distraction, but they tie in well with the other missions going on at the time. And I get a sexy suit for my Miranda after i'm done, so that's a plus.

Still not digging the planet scanning though. It is a dire replacement of the Mako sections. Scan, scan, scan, probe, scan, scan.....
Meus Renaissance said:
Anyone else feel the Renegade/Paragon aspect was almost irrelevant to the game? Perhaps it's because there was no achievement for reaching a particular level of Paragon/Renegade as there was in the original game which incidentally made me more aware and appreciate the decision making. Now it's completely irrelevant

I just play picking what I feel is right. Not by what will get me the most points. That seems more relevant to me than decisions being dictated by a drive to fill up a meter and get gamerscore.


funkmasterb said:
"How dare they give us a vehicle and missions for free, and try to make a little money on the side with something smaller and optional"

Most companies do it the other way around ya know.
It sounds like you're actually pissed off about EA's idea. I don't even see the downside. Screw costumes and space shades.
Meus Renaissance said:
Anyone else feel the Renegade/Paragon aspect was almost irrelevant to the game? Perhaps it's because there was no achievement for reaching a particular level of Paragon/Renegade as there was in the original game which incidentally made me more aware and appreciate the decision making. Now it's completely irrelevant
Not if you want the best ending.
epmode said:
It sounds like you're actually pissed off about EA's idea. I don't even see the downside. Screw costumes and space shades.Not if you want the best ending.

Haha, no you misunderstand, I'm saying there is very downside. :D


so who though that planet scanning was fun?? ugh... I finished the game this morning, I have to say that to me the original Mass Effect was a fair better experience than this one, ME2 has a couple of good moments but all things considered it's a big disappointment in my opinion, too much unnecessary/uninspiring shooting and a lack of interesting locales to explore.


Yeah I miss the 3-4 copy pasted bases too. And the 4-5 hours of mindless meandering on virtually identical planets with the Mako....ah the things we must lose....


Lince said:
so who though that planet scanning was fun?? ugh...
I wouldn't say I found it fun, but I didn't mind it nearly as much as others. I liked the concept, but it was too slow...

Which brings up an interesting thought: What are the people who own the PC version of this game saying about the mineral scanning?


Yes, god forbid they put some element of exploration in an RPG. Even if I was investigating similar bases I atleast felt like I was interacting with the world. Planet scanning just felt like an excercise is tedium, especially conisdering how important it was to the upgrade system. They could have atleast feigned like they though about the scanning and made the size of the scanner relative to the size of the planet, rather than it covering the same area on every single one.


Hahaha, yes, "similar" bases. Right.

Sai said:
I wouldn't say I found it fun, but I didn't mind it nearly as much as others. I liked the concept, but it was too slow...

Which brings up an interesting thought: What are the people who own the PC version of this game saying about the mineral scanning?

It's a non-issue, just something you do on a few planets every mission or two. If it bugs people that much they can easily edit their PC copy to give themselves all the resources they need. Getting Legion and other characters early and seeing all the voice dialogue that was cut is pretty interesting too.


Jack's new outfit would have been great were it not for the awful shades on her face. I can't tell the difference between Thane's other than he too has sunglasses. Nice to finally see a fixed Garrus. That said though, 2 bucks for three alternate costumes is pretty lame, and Cerberus Network is increasingly becoming more of a joke in regards to BioWare trying to provide incentive for new purchases of the game.


Sai said:
560 points, I believe.

Really? Ehhh, that's pushing the limit on what I'd be willing to pay. I was okay with stuff like Bring Down the Sky in the first game being 400 points, but 560 is making me rethink my intentions of downloading the mission right away...


erotic butter maelstrom
LOL @ Thane with those sunglasses. Actually, LOL @ the idea of sunglasses for your squad mates being considered payed DLC.
That being said, I will buy every single piece of downloadable content for this game because I'm a total whore for Bioware and this great freakin' game. I can't wait for new quests, I need em bad.

By the way, how did they end up @ 560 points? The minimum you can add is 500 points, so if you don't have an extra 60 msp in your account you'll have to add $12.50 worth (1000) to be able to buy it.


So $5 for the mission (which is supposedly equivalent in length to BDtS) and $2 for the squad member. Considering I'm completely finished with the game and that Kasumi will probably have Zaeed-like interactivity that doesn't sound very appealing.


Snuggler said:
By the way, how did they end up @ 560 points? The minimum you can add is 500 points, so if you don't have an extra 60 msp in your account you'll have to add $12.50 worth (1000) to be able to buy it.

I think that's the point.


Sai said:
Nice trailer. New SMG looked nice.

Can't wait.

560 points, I believe.

yah, that’s 9 bucks canadian. not happening.

also… 560? 60 points at the end forcing an extra bundle purchase? really. that’s just obnoxious.



erotic butter maelstrom
Dresden said:
I think that's the point.

Right, but that's still a total dick move.
Grow up Microsoft, I know if I have left over points it's all in your pocket and I might end up buying some stupid shit for my avatar, but c'mon...


Those costume look beyond horrid. Who'd want the shades anyway, they ruin everything. The Kasumi package looks really fun. Her powers are awesome.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Just finished the game.

Was anyone else thinking "Terminator" when they saw the reaper fetus? I'm guessing those ships at the end were Reapers correct?

I'm guessing the next game is going to be Dragon Agey wherein if you made the right decisions in the last two games different factions will come to help you fight the Reapers in the final fight. Like if you told the Quarians not to start a war, you helped out Legion and the Geth, and you let the Rachni Queen go.

Can't wait for the next one!


Snuggler said:
Right, but that's still a total dick move.
Grow up Microsoft, I know if I have left over points it's all in your pocket and I might end up buying some stupid shit for my avatar, but c'mon...
It really is. Allard bucks need to go. Or at least, let us buy however much we want, no matter how small the total...

And Kasumi looks pretty damn interesting. I have no idea how she'll stay alive in Insanity though, if she insists on cloaking and sneak attacking like that. She'll incapacitate one and then get raped by five other enemies before her cloak can recharge.


Sai said:
Which brings up an interesting thought: What are the people who own the PC version of this game saying about the mineral scanning?

It was horrible.

At first it was fun, but as a completionist gamer I just couldn't left any planet unscanned, and at first I scanned them till they were depleted or poor. And boy was that boring and mundane after a while (somewhere half through the game I said fuck it and only scanned rich planets) :/. I guess that this was just a bad approach, because I ended up with buying every possible upgrade and still had enough minerals to buy all those upgrades again, but still I would take Mako over this any day. At least with Mako you were playing the game and it was fun (boring and sometimes frustrating, but fun); not to mention you could view really pretty vistas. Planet scanning was plain boring - move cursor around with right button pressed (my hand hurt after a while :(), listen to blips and then press left button. Yes, very exciting... not.

And I sped up the cursor's movement by modding the config file. Yet it was still frustrating.
DuckRacer said:
So $5 for the mission (which is supposedly equivalent in length to BDtS) and $2 for the squad member. Considering I'm completely finished with the game and that Kasumi will probably have Zaeed-like interactivity that doesn't sound very appealing.

Not probably: she just comments as you walk around her room rather than letting you have a conversation with her. a 90 minute mission might be worth 400 point. 560? Slightly too high, I think. (It also seems vaguely pointless, these DLC characters; there's little to no chance of them carrying onto ME3, or actually having any meaning in the universe, so I'm not convinced that there's any point in biting. Of course, if would be worse if they DID have an effect in ME3, and Bioware said, 'You only see that effect if you purchased ME2 DLC!', so I shouldn't moan.)


Mr_Zombie said:
It was horrible.

At first it was fun, but as a completionist gamer I just couldn't left any planet unscanned, and at first I scanned them till they were depleted or poor. And boy was that boring and mundane after a while (somewhere half through the game I said fuck it and only scanned rich planets) :/. I guess that this was just a bad approach, because I ended up with buying every possible upgrade and still had enough minerals to buy all those upgrades again, but still I would take Mako over this any day. At least with Mako you were playing the game and it was fun (boring and sometimes frustrating, but fun); not to mention you could view really pretty vistas. Planet scanning was plain boring - move cursor around with right button pressed (my hand hurt after a while :(), listen to blips and then press left button. Yes, very exciting... not.

And I sped up the cursor's movement by modding the config file. Yet it was still frustrating.

How can you say it was horrible when it's your own fault. Sure if you scan every friggin planet in the game then you are going to get bored as hell. No different than investigating every single element in a room in Oblivion or Bioshock.

You even pointed out how stupid it was in doing so by talking about how you could have bought all the upgrades twice over with all the minerals you had.

Games with lots of sidequests and the like often catch shit for this type of stuff when from what I've seen it's mainly the fault of the player. Take GTA for example, if you go and play one sidequest over and over again rather than doing it piecemeal of course you are going to get bored of it. As far as I know most devs include this sort of stuff as an aside, something to do to break up the main story or if you want to just muck around.


mujun said:
How can you say it was horrible when it's your own fault. Sure if you scan every friggin planet in the game then you are going to get bored as hell. No different than investigating every single element in a room in Oblivion or Bioshock.

You even pointed out how stupid it was in doing so by talking about how you could have bought all the upgrades twice over with all the minerals you had.

But how could I know, at the beginning of the game or in the middle of it (when I finally said "fuck this"), that I will end up with too many minerals? Whenever I've read impressions about ME2 before I've played the game, lots of people were saying that it's really easy to run out of minerals, especially Platinum and Element Zero. So I just didn't want this to happen. When I realised that I have too many minerals it was already too late.

However, I still like Mako better. Planet scanning was just a mini-game that you had to repeat many times during the game, Mako was an integrated part of the game.BioWare should improve Mako sections, not remove them completely, especially since it would really help with game's pacing; too many missions were just: go into area and shooty-shoot your way through rooms full of chest high walls.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
You have to be classist about planets, you can't bother with the poor ones because that's just a waste of time, only go for rich ones. However, I did use my gameplad on PC (dual shock 3) to scan planets in a lateral matter (and north to south) instead of the mouse.

"This Normandy discriminates against the poor (planets)," yes I said it.
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