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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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Coldsnap said:
So how do you change weapons through the weapon wheel without ejecting yourself from cover?

Get lucky? Usually if you have the camera angle in an extreme direction away from where your cover is pointing that will make you "eject" you up out of cover. Being at an edge or a place where the cover changes height will eject you too. It's a known bug that for me, as much as I love it, really spoils the game. Keep it mind when you're in a tight situation against Harbinger or mechs where they're advancing on your position and your trying to get through their barrier/armor.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I knew this would happen the moment they said the Incisor Rifle would be released as DLC. Bundle this shit in with stuff people already have and you've got yourself one delicious money making scam.

soldat7 said:
I haven't been paying attention. Why is it bad? Is it expensive? Not enough? What's the deal?

This particular pack has two helmets and the Inferno Armor. Its very cheap, but questionable in its worth, particuarly so because the Inferno Armor is already owned by people who pre-ordered at the right place. So for them its even worse value, and pretty unfair.

The community has been barking up BioWare's skirt for the pre-order DLC for some time, particuarly the stuff thats harder to get like the Incisor Rifle. Financially, the best move for BioWare is to bundle them in with new shit.

In the long run it doesnt help that the lowest amount of points one can buy is 400. So even though this only costs a dollar or two you're really spending to get the points, which if you dont spend later on further DLC are a waste.


erotic butter maelstrom
Haha, just noticed the new DLC. First of all, that's completely useless and is not worth 2 USD. Also, that's not what we want when we ask for DLC, even if it was just another short side quest I'd probably buy it but a silly looking suit for Shep is worth nothing. It still stays new content available! everytime I play the game just because I won't buy the shades and leather jacket pack and now we have this. Dammit, Bioware or EA or whoever is responsible for this, this game is meant for DLC with the lack of sidequest and all the planets you can find, it's a damn shame that so much of the post-release content has been pointless.


Yeah when we said we wanted DLC, we meant DLC like Bioware originally said it would deliver, not just a bunch of things that they ran out of time to include in the gold press and the equivalent of a the kind of DLC you'd see in a F2P Korean MMO.


erotic butter maelstrom
Yep. The Kasumi mission was pretty good and the Firewalker missions were OK but I'm really hoping they had something significant coming soon. Maybe at E3 they'll announce something big...but I just hope it's not another situation like ME1 where they talk about the potential for additional content but don't add anything worthwhile. It's just frustrating for me because I love the game and it's so perfect for adding new content with all the hundreds of planets available.

Wow, that new helmet looks goofy as hell.

That too. I have the armor sets from the pre-order and Dragon Age deals but I don't even bother using it because it covers Shep's face and turns her into another faceless space suit hero. In an game like ME2 the appearance of you character is more important that a few lousy stat bonuses.


I think we'll get another Kasumi-style DLC mission along with a couple of ripoff helms and weapons for allard points, then it's just straight onwards to ME3. I'm not really expecting a meaty expansion.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Dark Stalkers said:
Wow, that new helmet looks goofy as hell.

I dont know why the keep pushing helmets as well. There's so much vocal complaining about Shepard's helmet being locked to his/her head that a lot of people, myself included, dont ever use them. All the pre-order armors? Helmet is locked. Single helms and visors? Locked in conversation. It looks goofy as hell.

I really wish they'd add a helm-check option so people could have helmets disappear, like Dragon Age, when they're in the middle of conversation.


Wait, the new DLC they were talking about last week, is some freakin helmet?
Djeez, i really want to get into the game again, give me some good stuff please.


Hey I was playing the 1st Mass Effect. I just left Noveria and I am lvl 19 and I have only 15000 credits so i cant buy new stuff ! Anythings wrong ?
Reich said:
Hey I was playing the 1st Mass Effect. I just left Noveria and I am lvl 19 and I have only 15000 credits so i cant buy new stuff ! Anythings wrong ?

No, money it isn't really that worth except for buy the best weapons, and they don't come until you have 1 M credits...so...nothing is wrong, make sure you check your loot and use the best equipment you can, the more level the more money so at some point you'll get lots and lots of money.... in Normal using a balanced team and with a properly use of the abilities it's a cake walk, if you have problems make sure you have a biotic in your team (Liara), biotics are overpowered in ME1.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
subversus said:
No, I don't think so.

It probably is.

"We will talk about new DLC early next week"
*early next week*
"Here is the DLC pack; two helms and the Inferno armor"

Though I hope we hear of something else in the pipes this week.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Shit, then it's it :(



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Christina Norman tweeted this for those concerned about the lack of story DLC:

"For those asking about DLC, trust me, we're releasing story DLC as fast as we can. Item dlc is like a between-meal snack."

Christina Norman's twitter
Just finished this last night and damn was the final mission brutal for me
My surviving team was Samara, Jacob, Mordin, Miranda, Grunt and Zaeed
. Overall I thought the game was great, a bit shallow in the middle section as far as story goes but it kept me interested throughout. Still not a fan of 'thermal clips' especially early on when I would always exhaust every weapon by the end of a battle but the rest of the gameplay tweaks grew on me. Just going to wrap up the firewalker missions and anything else I can find, is the Kasumi dlc worth a purchase?


There's no DLC that can make me come back to this game. Just get ME3 out sooner, and have an actual central story this time, instead of all these little unconnected subplots of characters who will probably just be cameos in the next game anyway.

Or re-release ME1 with ME2 style combat. The story was so much better in the first one, but the combat is nearly unplayable now. Remember how badass the turians were in the first game? It's like the creators forgot they existed until the last moment in ME2. Instead, its yet another lame sidequest for a crew member you barely get to know.

Dan Yo

Ya this sucks, Bioware.

People want the The Lost and the Damned or Shivering Isles when they buy DLC, not horse armor. Little trinkets like helmets should be offered free if at all. When will the companies learn this?


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I'm fine with trinkets (bought them all yesterday), but I wish they could produce DLC in more substantial chunks. I've finished Kasumi twice already (a fantasic mission btw). I'd be fine with three Kasumi-like missions in one DLC and pay 20 bucks for it, cause it's worth it imo. I'm sure something more big will arrive by the end of this year. Otherwise I'll be dissapointed a bit.

and goddamn fucking helmet toggle (how could they MISS IT ??). I hope that is this new DLC feature Christina tweeted about.
Sorry if I am bumping a somewhat old thread (but come one, the game is just a few months old) I was tired of waiting for Liara DLC (which might never come or not be what i expect at all), so I went ahead and finished the game.

It was awesome :)

Call me a weirdo, but I still quite prefer the combat of ME1. Of course it was slow and buggy as hell, but if I forget about these things, I found the overall system (combat, inventory, etc..) much richer- at least for a soldier. That ME2 was more of a FPS definitely turned the combat for a soldier into a basic pop-out-and-shoot FPS. Me1 felt different, more tactical. I kinda hate that even with strong health/armor, you can't stand a few shots, so you have to cover all the time.

The pacing/script was a bit weird, since the game is essentially one big recruitment/loyalty mission.
But I'll say that I thought the collectors were amazing as bad guys, and the last mission was incredible.
I wish it went ahead further in needing many different teammates' skills and split teams and so on, to justify even more the fact you spend the whole game recruiting/preparing

One potential weakness, I thought, is that in terms of lore/universe the game spent a lot of time reaping the fruits of the seeds the first game planted, without planting many new seeds itself
we get to visit the quarian flotilla, we investigate more the quarian/geth relations, we talk again about the genophage, cerberus becomes a big part of the game, etc.. etc..

I really hope ME3 gets announced at E3. Not counting too too much on it, but it would be awesome.

The ending shot of all the reapers closing in to the milky way reminds me of the ending of freespace 2


subversus said:
I'm fine with trinkets (bought them all yesterday), but I wish they could produce DLC in more substantial chunks. I've finished Kasumi twice already (a fantasic mission btw). I'd be fine with three Kasumi-like missions in one DLC and pay 20 bucks for it, cause it's worth it imo. I'm sure something more big will arrive by the end of this year. Otherwise I'll be dissapointed a bit.

and goddamn fucking helmet toggle (how could they MISS IT ??). I hope that is this new DLC feature Christina tweeted about.

What pisses me off more than the lack of toggle is the lack of menu hotkeys for the PC version.


I got Mass Effect 2 when I got my 360 about 1.5 weeks ago and have been loving it. I'm 18 hours in, and apparently, the end is nigh. The length of the game didn't bother me at all, what did bother me is how this whole game has progressed. I mean, there was what, a mission or two in the beginning, then recruitment missions, then loyalty missions, and a few story missions sprinkled in between, and then a final mission? Grossly unexpected, and downright saddening to me. I feel like this game has not even started yet, but it's already over. I guess that's a testament to how good it is so far, but the lack of overall story missions makes me a sad panda. I'll definitely play it again and buy the Kasumi DLC so I can 1030/1030 it, but my goodness, I feel like there should be more here.



harriet the spy said:
Call me a weirdo, but I still quite prefer the combat of ME1. Of course it was slow and buggy as hell, but if I forget about these things, I found the overall system (combat, inventory, etc..) much richer- at least for a soldier. That ME2 was more of a FPS definitely turned the combat for a soldier into a basic pop-out-and-shoot FPS. Me1 felt different, more tactical. I kinda hate that even with strong health/armor, you can't stand a few shots, so you have to cover all the time.

Serious advice: Play the game on insanity. Except for 2-3 too hard scenes (really frustrating scenes), insanity will make ME2 feel like ME1 in terms of combat. Much more strategy involved.


selig said:
Serious advice: Play the game on insanity. Except for 2-3 too hard scenes (really frustrating scenes), insanity will make ME2 feel like ME1 in terms of combat. Much more strategy involved.
Stop trolling him. :lol Combat in ME1 was nothing but spamming Biotic skills, tech skills, or Immunity while blasting things with your Spectre weapon.
DMeisterJ said:
I got Mass Effect 2 when I got my 360 about 1.5 weeks ago and have been loving it. I'm 18 hours in, and apparently, the end is nigh. The length of the game didn't bother me at all, what did bother me is how this whole game has progressed. I mean, there was what, a mission or two in the beginning, then recruitment missions, then loyalty missions, and a few story missions sprinkled in between, and then a final mission? Grossly unexpected, and downright saddening to me. I feel like this game has not even started yet, but it's already over. I guess that's a testament to how good it is so far, but the lack of overall story missions makes me a sad panda. I'll definitely play it again and buy the Kasumi DLC so I can 1030/1030 it, but my goodness, I feel like there should be more here.


Yea I agree and it's a popular complaint. The recruitment and loyalty missions make up a solid 80% of the game when all is said and done. Still loved the game though.


Dresden said:
Stop trolling him. :lol Combat in ME1 was nothing but spamming Biotic skills, tech skills, or Immunity while blasting things with your Spectre weapon.

Biotic skills, tech skills, immunity, shooting. I´d call that a pretty good range of gameplay variety, and it´s just combat. And my advice was honest, my Insanity run was the most fun.


derFeef said:
18 hours? Wow you are fast. I spent 32 hours with my first playthorugh. You really sure the end is nigh? :D

I was feeling like I was at the end, and then I went to Gamefaqs to see how many missions are after the one I'm on, and it's
The Omega 4 Relay
so yeah, I'm at the end. And the thing is, I spent a gaggle of time searching for elements, and did a grip of side missions on other planets. I actually checked, and I'm 19 hours in, but yeah. Same diff.


selig said:
Biotic skills, tech skills, immunity, shooting. I´d call that a pretty good range of gameplay variety, and it´s just combat. And my advice was honest, my Insanity run was the most fun.
You're implying that spamming techs involves strategy, which is very untrue. You didn't even mention 'good range of gameplay variety' in your earlier post.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
# Mass Effect 2 sold over 1.5M in Q4

That's a bit sad. I thought that it would move at least 3 million copies.
Dresden said:
Stop trolling him. :lol Combat in ME1 was nothing but spamming Biotic skills, tech skills, or Immunity while blasting things with your Spectre weapon.

The fact that you were overpowered around level 20, dosn't mean it didn't had its proper amount of strategy involved, ME2 has way better cover mechanics and level design, but even more simple, relying in shooting mechanics too much, since the better way to kill things was with a fuck tun of shoots with the proper ammo.


DMeisterJ said:
I was feeling like I was at the end, and then I went to Gamefaqs to see how many missions are after the one I'm on, and it's
The Omega 4 Relay
so yeah, I'm at the end. And the thing is, I spent a gaggle of time searching for elements, and did a grip of side missions on other planets. I actually checked, and I'm 19 hours in, but yeah. Same diff.

19 hours? 1st playthrough took me about 43 hours. 0_o

I love this game. It's one of the best games I've ever played for sure.


Relaxed Muscle said:
The fact that you were overpowered around level 20, dosn't mean it didn't had its proper amount of strategy involved, ME2 has way better cover mechanics and level design, but even more simple, relying in shooting mechanics too much, since the better way to kill things was with a fuck tun of shoots with the proper ammo.



Finished it, this game reviewed way better than it actually is. I'm going to have to go through this thread and see if others had problems with the structure of the game like myself


subversus said:
# Mass Effect 2 sold over 1.5M in Q4

That's a bit sad. I thought that it would move at least 3 million copies.

How did Mass Effect sell in comparison?

Anyway, we are supposed to get story DLC news this week. Come on Bioware, where is it?

Edit: On the Bioware facebook page:
"Tomorrow morning we reveal what the next Mass Effect
2 DLC will be. Will it be new weapons? Will it be new worlds? Will it be the
elcor-in-a-bikini appearance pack? Check back tomorrow morning to find out."

I quite like the sound of an Elcor in a bikini.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Lakitu said:
How did Mass Effect sell in comparison?

Anyway, we are supposed to get story DLC news this week. Come on Bioware, where is it?

1 million copies in 3 weeks.

What irks me is that they've claimed that ME2 sold 2 million copies in the first 2 days and now we see this.

Dragon Age being a more niche title sold 3 million copies in the 3rd quarter. Probably PS3 could help :lol


Coldsnap said:
Finished it, this game reviewed way better than it actually is. I'm going to have to go through this thread and see if others had problems with the structure of the game like myself
Of course they did. Everyone has issues with everything,
but the fact remains: ME2 is a sparkling pillar of gaming perfection.


subversus said:
1 million copies in 3 weeks.

What irks me is that they've claimed that ME2 sold 2 million copies in the first 2 days and now we see this.

Dragon Age being a more niche title sold 3 million copies in the 3rd quarter. Probably PS3 could help :lol

Perhaps their need to cater to a more mainstream audience at the same time was pointless?


subversus said:
What irks me is that they've claimed that ME2 sold 2 million copies in the first 2 days and now we see this.

Dragon Age being a more niche title sold 3 million copies in the 3rd quarter. Probably PS3 could help :lol

Aren't those shipped numbers too? IIRC the three versions of the game did like barely 600k in the first NPD month, only to drop like a rock after that. Hard to believe that it sold 2 million in Europe but who knows.


Coldsnap said:
Finished it, this game reviewed way better than it actually is. I'm going to have to go through this thread and see if others had problems with the structure of the game like myself

This thread probably is not the best one to search through.

The Mass Effect 2 story thread is a much better.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Peff said:
Aren't those shipped numbers too? IIRC the three versions of the game did like barely 600k in the first NPD month, only to drop like a rock after that. Hard to believe that it sold 2 million in Europe but who knows.

It's quite popular on PC and we don't see these numbers, especially DD. And yes being a PC-centric title it could easily outsell console versions in Europe and thus worldwide. I remember some Gamasutra interview where Bioware devs told that they were really surprised by how well it did on PC and in digital distribution channel particularly.

Perhaps their need to cater to a more mainstream audience at the same time was pointless?

I think they've missed a huge chunk of this mainstream audience not being on PS3. It could easily add 500 000 copies worldwide.
New DLC Announced - Overload.

A fourth piece of PDLC for Mass Effect 2 will launch next month, EA has revealed, showcasing the content at yesterday's EA EU Showcase event in London.

Titled 'Overlord', the new content contains "five levels set across one story on one planet", according to Mass Effect 2's executive producer Casey Hudson talking to us yesterday, and sees players battling through a laboratory in an attempt to thwart an enemy AI.

No new squad mates will be introduced in the content, with Hudson confirming to us that BioWare will not be adding any further squad mates into the game via any future DLC.

The content is also said to be less linear than other DLC released so far for Mass Effect 2, with the player able to use the Hammerhead floating tank to explore the planet.

A price for the content is still to be confirmed.

We'll have more details once EA issues a press release formally announcing the DLC.








The content is also said to be less linear than other DLC released so far for Mass Effect 2, with the player able to use the Hammerhead floating tank to explore the planet.

Now that's something interesting.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
WickedLaharl said:
considering how shitty the pricing has been for ME2 dlc i wouldn't be surprised if this ended up being 15$.

I personally felt Kasumi was a fine price. I can see why some didnt, but I really enjoyed her mission and character and was happy with the gate fee.

I'm down for this. I could bitch like I and many others have regarding Mass Effect 2, its DLC, bla bla bla, but even when disappointed I've still really enjoyed their offerings and will always be down for more. If they can make good on their promise for it being a little less linear, then good. Having planetary exploration helps too.

I suspect it will still, like most/all of ME2, come down to a firefight. But meh. I love the combat, so I'm in.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I think I gonna wait for one more DLC, do my 3rd walkthrough and then stop playing until something big is announced. If it is announced at all.
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