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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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SuperEnemyCrab said:
So I got mine but I still haven't quite finished my current run of the original. I want to be lvl 50 and paragon going into ME2. But I prefer to play through these games being evil/mean the first time so my Shepard will suddenly become a selfish ass. :D

What side is everyone else going through for the first time? Paragon or Renegade?

I lean more Renegade but I do plenty of Paragon stuff as well, which is in stark contrast to the way I normally play these games (including ME1). A lot of the choices and decisions you're faced with are far more compelling than they were in the first game, which encourages making choices simply based on how you feel.


DY_nasty said:
You ever seen Wanted?

You can curve certain attacks around/over objects to hit enemies around cover. :D Just so you know, it gets a little funky if you've got the sniper rifle equipped and you're locked behind cover (a bug causes you to zoom).

Want to lean it around the side? Pull up the wheel, select the attack - then aim to side a bit. Watch as the ball of doom goes around the cover and ruins someone's day.

I wasn't using the wheel, was just using the shortcuts on the 360 controller. I've gotten better at it now though, not perfect at getting people that are behind cover quite yet.

Anyone else on the 360 having trouble mapping abilities to the Y button, seems to be exclusive to the class specific one. Singularity, Concussive Blow, Tech Armor etc.


sigh, i haven't bought my copy yet, i finished ME on xbox, but i'd prefer not to play the x360 version since i want it on PC, i bought ME1 on PC for 5 bucks, so it looks like i'll have to run through it again on PC.

is it really that big of a deal to have your ME1 save transfer over to ME2? id rather just ME2 without the save than to go through ME1 again.
BenjaminBirdie said:
I was goody two shoes in ME1 but there were a lot of points that push you to the brink and you're just like, "You know what? Fuck you."

Very nicely done.

I just have a feeling that the "goody two shoes" choices will end up making for a more interesting first run of ME2. But yeah, it's so tempting sometimes to just be a total jerk.


DY_nasty said:

and the ghetto space lumberjack grew on me. I didn't like wearing Cerberus gear around the ship, so I ended up wearing that a lot. Even though it is a bit BrawnyMan-esque :lol

I don't usually associate with dirty bobcat fans, but hit me up on XBL:

Zeliard said:
I lean more Renegade but I do plenty of Paragon stuff as well, which is in stark contrast to the way I normally play these games (including ME1). A lot of the choices and decisions you're faced with are far more compelling than they were in the first game, which encourages making choices simply based on how you feel.

This plus the interrupt mechanic have me really excited.
JoeBoy101 said:
Just stopped by to say that the Captains Quarters far exceed the first one and (i'll spoiler just in case)
the photo frame with your romance from the first game is a very nice touch, nearly missed it

Wait, where is this?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
SuperEnemyCrab said:
I just have a feeling that the "goody two shoes" choices will end up making for a more interesting first run of ME2. But yeah, it's so tempting sometimes to just be a total jerk.
I tried to be a true Paragon my first time through ME2. But man... its not that kind of game anymore. Certain things I almost couldn't even stomach.

Interrupt is awesome btw.

Cpt Quarters, 1st floor.


imtehman said:
sigh, i haven't bought my copy yet, i finished ME on xbox, but i'd prefer not to play the x360 version since i want it on PC, i bought ME1 on PC for 5 bucks, so it looks like i'll have to run through it again on PC.

is it really that big of a deal to have your ME1 save transfer over to ME2? id rather just ME2 without the save than to go through ME1 again.

It's not a big deal in terms of the storyline or gameplay. There are probably some cool references if you import, though. Someone earlier mentioned
a picture in their captain's quarters that showed Shepard and whoever you got in a relationship with last game
(very small spoiler). I didn't import and I'm pretty sure I don't have anything like that.
Is it just me or has BIoware been spoiling this game since it was revealed? I just finished ME1 for the 5th time and i will be getting ME2 today but i cant help feel like we already know too much. Did they have to reveal that we will fight the collectors? did we need to know that Ilussive man was in the game? They wouldve been much more pleasantly suprizing if we learned these things while playing the game, not months before its release.


Sebulon3k said:
One question though, is anyone else kinda finding it a bit hit and miss with the Biotic power curving? Seems to happen really randomly for me. Does it only happen at higher levels?
There's now a target indicator when you aim in the general vicinity of an enemy. Your biotic powers are like guided missiles, they'll shoot from where you aim and auto-direct themselves toward the targeted enemy. So if you want to angle to the right, aim a little bit left of the target, etc.

BenjaminBirdie said:
I actually was going to say, hacking and decrypting is way better this time around.
Gah, no more Simon Says is worth the price of admission alone.


DY_nasty said:
I tried to be a true Paragon my first time through ME2. But man... its not that kind of game anymore. Certain things I almost couldn't even stomach.

Yeah, Bioware took a page out of The Witcher's morality-smudging and grey area, to some extent. Sometimes in ME2, the "good" choice won't necessarily lead to the best outcome for the person you think you're helping.


People i need to know your squad.

Garrus and Tali a good combo (combat and story wise) ??

Is Garrus a must??

Argh so much to pin down before Fridays release!


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
dilatedmuscle said:
Is it just me or has BIoware been spoiling this game since it was revealed? I just finished ME1 for the 5th time and i will be getting ME2 today but i cant help feel like we already know too much. Did they have to reveal that we will fight the collectors? did we need to know that Ilussive man was in the game? They wouldve been much more pleasantly suprizing if we learned these things while playing the game, not months before its release.
They did.

And not only that, but I will never enter another Hype thread again.

Note: I never had a solid go-to squad. I don't think the game is even intended to be played that way... But then again, I was an infiltrator, and I had to rely on my squad pretty heavily.


Does anyone notice the sound/in-game audio cracking and popping on the 360 version while playing?
Kinda sounds like interference or something...it's driving me nuts.

No, it's not my setup because I tried three other games and they are all fine.
Could it be the amount of compression on the audio?


Mordin kinda reminds me a bit of Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock Holmes when he goes on his tangents. The deductive reasoning is spot on :lol


Prine said:
People i need to know your squad.

Garrus and Tali a good combo (combat and story wise) ??

Is Garrus a must??

Argh so much to pin down before Fridays release!
It's always better to have a balanced team - so if you have Garrus and Tali, you'd better be an adept or at least a vanguard yourself.

Snipers rule in the game, so Garrus is always a good squaddie.
Can't go wrong with Thane as well.

You might even find Thane to be one of the best squad member. :)


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Definity said:
Does anyone notice the sound/in-game audio cracking and popping on the 360 version while playing?
Kinda sounds like interference or something...it's driving me nuts.

No, it's not my setup because I tried three other games and they are all fine.
Could it be the amount of compression on the audio?
Sound is buggy. At times, the sound cut out entirely because of dialogue and I was forced to turn on subtitles because it would go out at VERY important times.

It only happened to me twice. Once on a planet I was checking out. Again on an important character sidequest.

Edit: oh yeah, melee is boss now. Get up close. Shoot/Slice.


Arde5643 said:
It's always better to have a balanced team - so if you have Garrus and Tali, you'd better be an adept or at least a vanguard yourself.

Snipers rule in the game, so Garrus is always a good squaddie.
Can't go wrong with Thane as well.

You might even find Thane to be one of the best squad member. :)

Cheers!, im reading up on character bios on the website. I've NEVER done this before :lol

Arrghhh Friday!!

WHAT YOU GO IN TO THE TERMINUS SYSTEM!!?? Holy moly, the lore from ME1 describes it as the most deadliest place in the galaxy
SuperEnemyCrab said:
I just have a feeling that the "goody two shoes" choices will end up making for a more interesting first run of ME2. But yeah, it's so tempting sometimes to just be a total jerk.

That's why it's so good though. You're not being a jerk sometimes, you're just being ruthless. There's a distinct difference in this game.

Another note, I love how organic upgrade discoveries are. No more ridiculous armor in a tiny crate. Downed robot? Armor intel.

How well would this run with 4GB ram, a Geforce 8800 and a Quad Core @ 2.50Ghz?

Can't decide if I want this for the 360 or for the PC. Wouldn't mind not having it on max graphics, as long as I have reasonable fps, say ~40-60.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
This game was funny as shit too...

The soldiers on the citadel, the engineers of the ship were both classic.


GasProblem said:
How well would this run with 4GB ram, a Geforce 8800 and a Quad Core @ 2.50Ghz?

Can't decide if I want this for the 360 or for the PC. Wouldn't mind not having it on max graphics, as long as I have reasonable fps, say ~40-60.

I can run this just fine with my Duo 2.6Ghz 2GB and an 8800. Everything maxed and 4x AA.
Just came back from the store:


Unfortunately, my 360 is currently being repaired after Red Ringing a week and a half ago(nice timing)

FML ;_;

ps: no code requests. I plan on keeping it :p
K.Jack said:
For ATI cards, you"ll need to rename the MassEffect.exe to UT3.exe, then you can force the AA in CCC.

Any word on how this is being done? Every time I change the exe to a different name, some EA window pops up and tells me that my installation is bad. Is there a way of telling the EA overlord program to mind it's own business? Should I be using an cracked exe? Thanks! :)


Just got my copy. This may be a stupid question but you can never be to sure. I'm installing Mass Effect 2 and importing a character, but before I do I was thinking of uninstalling Mass Effect one from my hard drive in order to keep space at a maximum.

By uninstalling Mass Effect one, I won't be deleting my end game saves will I?


fu3lfr3nzy said:
Just came back from the store:

Unfortunately, my 360 is currently being repaired after Red Ringing a week and a half ago(nice timing)

FML ;_;

ps: no code requests. I plan on keeping it :p

Nice haul. :D


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Secret_Riddle said:
Just got my copy. This may be a stupid question but you can never be to sure. I'm installing Mass Effect 2 and importing a character, but before I do I was thinking of uninstalling Mass Effect one from my hard drive in order to keep space at a maximum.

By uninstalling Mass Effect one, I won't be deleting my end game saves will I?

At least it didn't hurt me...


meh i just can't seem to make a good loking character :lol

oh well playing soldier since it is the only class that can use AR and I realy like ARs :D

combat seems good althrough the gun described as "firing 5 round burst" only fires 3 rounds :D

oh and anyone else experiancing the "maybe I'll need it latter" syndrome? Where you rather kill something big with a AR thinking a bigger thing is around the corner for which you will need the heavy weapons -.-
bogg said:
This game is so good, it makes me regret not forcing myself to finish the first one. But I can't go back now :)

Although it's a much smoother experience all around in ME2, the story is so tightly knit to ME1, I can easily see myself playing through all six classes across both games again.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Secret_Riddle said:
Just got my copy. This may be a stupid question but you can never be to sure. I'm installing Mass Effect 2 and importing a character, but before I do I was thinking of uninstalling Mass Effect one from my hard drive in order to keep space at a maximum.

By uninstalling Mass Effect one, I won't be deleting my end game saves will I?

No, the install and save data are different files.



DO NOT Redeem the Cerberus Network via the Website, or at least the 360 version. I did and now when I try to access the Cerberus Network from the game it keeps telling me that it has already been redeemed. Unless I am missing something rather obvious, I have not found a workaround for this issues.

On the DLC Content list, it only shows my Dragon Age Content, but none of the other. When I redeemed everything on the Website, it told me what it unlocked, but no matter what I have tried, I cannot log into the Cerberus Network from the Mass Effect 2 main menu.




Hawk269 said:

DO NOT Redeem the Cerberus Network via the Website, or at least the 360 version. I did and now when I try to access the Cerberus Network from the game it keeps telling me that it has already been redeemed. Unless I am missing something rather obvious, I have not found a workaround for this issues.

On the DLC Content list, it only shows my Dragon Age Content, but none of the other. When I redeemed everything on the Website, it told me what it unlocked, but no matter what I have tried, I cannot log into the Cerberus Network from the Mass Effect 2 main menu.

Tried rebooting the console?


Secret_Riddle said:
Just got my copy. This may be a stupid question but you can never be to sure. I'm installing Mass Effect 2 and importing a character, but before I do I was thinking of uninstalling Mass Effect one from my hard drive in order to keep space at a maximum.

By uninstalling Mass Effect one, I won't be deleting my end game saves will I?

Virtually every PC uninstall gives you the option of deleting everything, but by default, leaves things that are not part of the original install (i.e. addons, patches, save files).

Frequently, you can opt to delete everything within the game's installation folder, but you wouldn't want to do so in this case...
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