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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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I haven't been following this game closely enough... any reports on how it runs on PC?? I have a HD5770 1GB and an i7 860 with 4gb of ram. Is this a good port or bad port?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
corrosivefrost said:
About the waiting around:
Not waiting around is the difference -- if you defer saving them to make prepartions, the rest of the crew gets aced, I believe. When I did it, I only had Dr. Chakwas survive.

Ah .. that makes sense but I
opted to wait and be prepared, but there were a few people besides Chakwas there too, nameless background guys mostly .. I guess i'll try rushing in next time
I'm not blown away by the new planet exploration system, but I see why it is the way it is.

I mainly wish they explained it fully before they gave you access to it. I blew like 8 probes before I figured out how it worked.

But since the minerals are SO valuable and they get you access to such dope stuff, I see why they made it the way it is.

I do miss the terrain and skyscapes now, though, officially.

And fuel is just silly.
sweetvar26 said:
I got a problem guys, I finished my first playthrough of Mass Effect ended up with level 49. So I went back to the save before ILOS and did more quests and got my character to level 50 and beat it again. Now when I try to import my save, it shows up in 3 different files 49, 49 and another 50. However my 50 is not accessible, it says the 49 one is 'Valid mission complete files', while the other two are in orange, cant access them.

Anyone knows why?

Does anybody else have the same issue?


scoobs said:
I haven't been following this game closely enough... any reports on how it runs on PC?? I have a HD5770 1GB and an i7 860 with 4gb of ram. Is this a good port or bad port?
You can run it with 8xAA and get 60 fps with that rig. Maybe you can even do 16xAA.

The game really needs AA, too.


JayDubya said:
Virtually every PC uninstall gives you the option of deleting everything, but by default, leaves things that are not part of the original install (i.e. addons, patches, save files).

Frequently, you can opt to delete everything within the game's installation folder, but you wouldn't want to do so in this case...

Should have clarified. I meant uninstalling from my 360 hard drive. It doesn't matter though, it's stored in a fairly similar way I imagine.

Thanks for the replies GAF:D


anddo0 said:
why are the pc graphics settings so limited? It's almost like the game scales the graphics to match your hardware, there no texture settings etc...

It's unfortunate that some of the texture inconsistency that plagued the PC version of Dragon Age is in Mass Effect 2.

You'll have an alien with a very high-quality textured head, but then the armor on his body will be all low-res and blurred, or something similar to that. Garrus had a distractingly large problem with this sort of thing in the first game, since it really only happened to him, but the issue seems to have repeated itself in Mass Effect 2 on even more characters. That makes it less distracting overall, but still unfortunate, especially given just how visually stunning the character models generally are. There are some environmental textures that also seem strangely low-res.

Valru said:
my bad, I literally edited it within 15 seconds of posting... its not really a spoiler considering it could never happen, as for the samara thing not sure thats even correct

S'ok, I've already sicced Zaeed on you. :D

BenjaminBirdie said:
I'm not blown away by the new planet exploration system, but I see why it is the way it is.

I mainly wish they explained it fully before they gave you access to it. I blew like 8 probes before I figured out how it worked.

But since the minerals are SO valuable and they get you access to such dope stuff, I see why they made it the way it is.

I do miss the terrain and skyscapes now, though, officially.

And fuel is just silly.

While scanning you can apparently find anomalies, and those trigger missions and allow you to land on the planet. Hasn't happened to me yet, though, but there are a lot of planets. I did get one anomaly but that was already triggered beforehand by a side quest.


DennisK4 said:
You can run it with 8xAA and get 60 fps with that rig. Maybe you can even do 16xAA.
You also have to jump through a couple hoops to even get AA.

- Rename the .exe to UT3.exe
- Force AA in the Catalyst menu


Baker said:
You also have to jump through a couple hoops to even get AA.

- Rename the .exe to UT3.exe
- Force AA in the Catalyst menu

Holy cow... how could they not include AA options?? Ugh... okay.
Zeliard said:
While scanning you can apparently find anomalies, and those trigger missions and allow you to land on the planet. Hasn't happened to me yet, though, but there are a lot of planets. I did get one anomaly but that was already triggered beforehand by a side quest.

Yeah, I've found one of those but you usually know in advance because you get the N7 Mission brief. That might change though. I'll admit though, first time the controller vibrated I was like "Oh, okay. This is actually pretty great."

I don't mind it too much because every area I've been in so far (main and mini) has had a lot of open window space and skyboxes to gawp at.


a question for all of you:

im quite busy in rl and planned to finish ME2 in like 2 days...which probably wont be rushed, as the game is in the 20h range from what i heard.

ANYWAY, how do you guys handle spoilers for this game? After all, with only finishing it once, you still have at least 50% of unknown outcomings (probably more). Do you just say "fuck it" and read the new spoiler-topic for ME2, or will you try to avoid any spoilers until you have seen every different decision by yourself?


Can someone explain how to import me1 character data on pc? I have my save folder, but when I go to import character after selecting new game, nothing shows up.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
scoobs said:
I haven't been following this game closely enough... any reports on how it runs on PC?? I have a HD5770 1GB and an i7 860 with 4gb of ram. Is this a good port or bad port?

I haven't played the 360 version, and I don't know what glitches you guys are running into, but the game ran flawlessly for me. Surprising considering the glitches I had with DA...

I only have an E6450, 8800GTX, 2gb of ram, and I never had any performance issues or slowdown or anything.

On another note

Planet exploration really is kinda boring. I'm glad they got rid of the repetition from the first game, but this stupid probing shit is the same kind. I know, you don't 'need' to do it, but there had to be better ways to handle it. Perhaps like that part in FFT where you sent your minions on missions, you'd pick certain options and it would affect paragon/renegade and resource levels. At least you're interacting...not moving a mouse around and clicking on spikes for 5-10 min...each planet...

That said, I'm glad that when you do run into an anomaly, ALL the areas are unique, and the missions have some background to them, unlike the first ME...


gregor7777 said:
What? that was like, the Golden Age of WRPGs. :lol

Doesn't matter,I had my first PC back in 2002. :lol Knight of the old republic was my first wrpg and it was a shock. :p I was more or less a japanophile at that point (like most console gamer back then). :lol

1997-2000 was the best period for SE imo.In 2000 alone,they released FF IX,Chrono Cross and Vagrant story.While I do think Chrono cross is vastly overrated and Vagrant story is probably decent at best by today's standard,it was quite the feat back in 2000 to release 3 games which received high praise.

Add to that: FF VII and VIII+tactics+Xenogears.I could add a couple of game which aren't rpg like Einhender or Parasite eve,Bushido blade,Tobal and Bravefencer.
scoobs said:
Holy cow... how could they not include AA options?? Ugh... okay.

Because it's UE3

kitzkozan said:
Doesn't matter,I had my first PC back in 2002. :lol Knight of the old republic was my first wrpg and it was a shock. :p I was more or less a japanophile at that point (like most console gamer). :lol

Oh, no, that's fine. I was just taking exception to the fact that you assume "most" of us weren't around and enjoying the hell out of a period where some of the best games ever made were WRPGs.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Just a small very end-game question...

Did anyone else get the bit where
Shepard yells the character's name, the one that slips and falls down and Shepard jumps after ? or was that something just in the trailer and not a part of the actualg game .. because Grunt fell for my game and Shepard didn't yell his name


BenjaminBirdie said:
Yeah, I've found one of those but you usually know in advance because you get the N7 Mission brief. That might change though. I'll admit though, first time the controller vibrated I was like "Oh, okay. This is actually pretty great."

I think that's the same one I got (did you have to make a decision regarding Cerberus at the end of it?).

But apparently, there are simply random planets that you can find anomalies/side quests in that aren't really trigged by anything, other than you scanning. I still haven't found one of those, though, but people swear they exist! They're starting to feel mythological to me. :lol


gregor7777 said:
Because it's UE3

Oh, no, that's fine. I was just taking exception to the fact that you assume "most" of us weren't around and enjoying the hell out of a period where some of the best games ever made were WRPGs.

Well that sucks, UE3 is so ugly, I'm impressed how great Mass Effect games look based on how much i hate other UE3 games.


Purolator is breaking my fuckin balls over here. I've been sitting here doing pretty much nothing for about 5 hours waiting for these jerks.
Kuro Madoushi said:
I only have an E6450, 8800GTX, 2gb of ram, and I never had any performance issues or slowdown or anything.

Regarding performance, some quantitative values would be better (resolution/AA/framerate/settings) than just the standard "it runs just fine on my PC." Everyone has a different definition of "fine."
scoobs said:
Well that sucks, UE3 is so ugly, I'm impressed how great Mass Effect games look based on how much i hate other UE3 games.

UE3 is just an engine. It's up to the developer to make the game look great.


gregor7777 said:
UE3 is just an engine. It's up to the developer to make the game look great.

The UE3 lighting engine always sucks though.

Too bad we can't get the updated lighting engine with older UE3 games.
scoobs said:
Well that sucks, UE3 is so ugly, I'm impressed how great Mass Effect games look based on how much i hate other UE3 games.

Yeah looks good but at some places it really does look pretty fucking horrible, especially places with grass and trees, just looks so bad. But indoors it looks really nice most of the time.
This is so fucking stupid, when I try to play Mass Effect and start a new game, it lets me to select my level 50 Shepard, however when I switch it to Mass Effect 2, my level 50 Shepard is greyed out. What the fuck. This day is just getting shittier.

I tried to play the auto save feature again and from Mass 1 but still no use. Anyone else that can't import their character from Mass Effect 1?
Zeliard said:
I think that's the same one I got (did you have to make a decision regarding Cerberus at the end of it?).

But apparently, there are simply random planets that you can find anomalies/side quests in that aren't really trigged by anything, other than you scanning. I still haven't found one of those, though, but people swear they exist! They're starting to feel mythological to me. :lol

Yeah, that's the one! It was nice getting an Ashley/Kaiden level sweat choice so early in the game! I was really mulling that one!
Fox the Sly said:
Miranda is hot.

Also, I'm so happy I avoided the hype thread. So tempting not to, but still happy. I didn't even know this game would have ammo. :lol
In retrospect, I kind of wished I had avoided the hype thread too. There have already been some surprises ruined for me as a result.
Archaix said:
Fucking awesome, Mass Effect 2. First mission after the prologue and I have to re-load a save because of a glitch. I chose the top save, assuming it was my autosave, and of course I was wrong. Instead, that was the start of the mission, and immediately upon loading it up it rewrote my autosave. Great first impression, seriously.

Also, had to reload the save earlier because I forgot who the hell Udina and Anderson were. It's been since 2007 when I accessed the save, I'm really expected to remember that detail?

Their save system sucks ass. When you die, and you press (a) to resume, it should load the last autosave. Does it? No. And when you choose "resume" it also doesn't necessarily load your autosave either.

As far as Udina and Anderson? They ask you that question to figure out who actually GOT the seat, not to test who you recommended. The game makes whomever you choose there into the Councilor.
sweetvar26 said:
This is so fucking stupid, when I try to play Mass Effect and start a new game, it lets me to select my level 50 Shepard, however when I switch it to Mass Effect 2, my level 50 Shepard is greyed out. What the fuck. This day is just getting shittier.

I tried to play the auto save feature again and from Mass 1 but still no use. Anyone else that can't import their character from Mass Effect 1?

I had this problem. I started a new game in ME one and got it to let me choose the career -- but I quit out before I actually landed on the first planet... after this, I was able to use my level 49 save.


Gully State said:
Regarding performance, some quantitative values would be better (resolution/AA/framerate/settings) than just the standard "it runs just fine on my PC." Everyone has a different definition of "fine."
I get 60 fps with a 2560x1600 resolution and 8xAA.
With 16xAA I get 30 fps but it can dip in combat.
All other settings max.

Gaming rig
-Intel Core2 Quad CPU @ 2.83GHz
-8192MB ram
-ATI 4870x2
-Dell 30'' 3008WFP (2560x1600)
-TrackIR 5 Pro
-Saitek X52 Pro
-Logitech G25 wheel and pedals
-Microsoft Sidewinder X8 mouse
-Xbox 360 Controller for Windows
-Vista Home Premium 64bit


kitzkozan said:
Meh,Square-Enix never was that good. :p They were very good around 1997-2000,but let's be honest and admit that most of us were clueless to wrpg back then.There's no way I would of found the FF stories anywhere near great if I had knew about the existence of Bioware or Black isles.

The difference is that Square-enix lost their way and my guess is: blame the new talent or those who replaced the founders.It's still amaze me that SE can't make a decent secret of mana game to save their lives. :lol

Got my CE,but I still do not have my terminal armor+weapon code and I'm pissed.My guess is that the demand is stronger than anticipated? Should have my black hole gun by tomorrow at worst. :lol
Funny enough, back then i was playing both w-rpgs and j-rpgs.
And story-wise i enjoyed both FF7 and BG2 about the same. Although, i haft to admit, j-rpgs story-wise tend to have gotten worse with age for me, while i have a greater appreciation for the storyline's of games such as planescape torment now.


Tier Whore
Archaix said:
Fucking awesome, Mass Effect 2. First mission after the prologue and I have to re-load a save because of a glitch. I chose the top save, assuming it was my autosave, and of course I was wrong. Instead, that was the start of the mission, and immediately upon loading it up it rewrote my autosave. Great first impression, seriously.

Also, had to reload the save earlier because I forgot who the hell Udina and Anderson were. It's been since 2007 when I accessed the save, I'm really expected to remember that detail?

Not only that but at some point my game started reloading an old save game each time I did resume... had to manually pick up the latest save... that was a bit weird!
Gilgamesh said:
This game is AMAZING.

It really really REALLY is. I've only recruited three party members so far and they all their own great unique adventures and personalities and I love it.

Question, though, once I get all of them, is it straight to end game?

corrosivefrost said:
I had this problem. I started a new game in ME one and got it to let me choose the career -- but I quit out before I actually landed on the first planet... after this, I was able to use my level 49 save.

I am going to try this out, when did you actually quit your new playthrough?
I read a couple of french reviews (french gaming journalists are far more honest than US reviewers in general) and it's the cold shower. They say the game is really linear, that weapons and mods management is really teared down, that the RPG aspect has been downed to the minium, exploration is gone, and that the gameplay as been focused way to much gunfight.

On the good side: gunfight have been improved a lot, realisation, cinematics, and voice acting is top notch...

The game seems to be full of terrible game design choices that were actually working very well in the first game. The dudes are asking why the hell did Bioware changes good things along with the bad one. It's like they removed and redone everything: and they done it wrong on so many points...

So GAF, please tell me that once more, french journalists are just being insanly unfair, or is it really not that terrible ? Maybe the general overhall/balance/feeling/experience is better than the original game... But I'm left ice cold down beside the hype train now.
sweetvar26 said:
This is so fucking stupid, when I try to play Mass Effect and start a new game, it lets me to select my level 50 Shepard, however when I switch it to Mass Effect 2, my level 50 Shepard is greyed out. What the fuck. This day is just getting shittier.

I tried to play the auto save feature again and from Mass 1 but still no use. Anyone else that can't import their character from Mass Effect 1?
This is happening to a lot of people. happened to me too a few days ago. There's a few situations where the ME1 save simply wont import no matter waht you do (if its not on the original console if was played on, etc).


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
DennisK4 said:
I get 60 fps with a 2560x1600 resolution and 8xAA.
With 16xAA I get 30 fps but it can dip in combat.
All other settings max.

Gaming rig
-Intel Core2 Quad CPU @ 2.83GHz
-8192MB ram
-ATI 4870x2
-Dell 30'' 3008WFP (2560x1600)
-TrackIR 5 Pro
-Saitek X52 Pro
-Logitech G25 wheel and pedals
-Microsoft Sidewinder X8 mouse
-Xbox 360 Controller for Windows

-Vista Home Premium 64bit

I've heard of these fancy peripherals, I myself am looking to boost my fps in games, maybe ill invest as thou haseth
UnluckyKate said:
I read a couple of french reviews (french gaming journalists are far more honest than US reviewers in general) and it's the cold shower. They say the game is really linear, that weapons and mods management is really teared down, that the RPG aspect has been downed to the minium, exploration is gone, and that the gameplay as been focused way to much gunfight.

On the good side: gunfight have been improved a lot, realisation, cinematics, and voice acting is top notch...

The game seems to be full of terrible game design choices that were actually working very well in the first game. The dudes are asking why the hell did Bioware changes good things along with the bad one. It's like they removed and redone everything: and they done it wrong on so many points...

So GAF, please tell me that once more, french journalists are just being insanly unfair, or is it really not that terrible ? Maybe the general overhall/balance/feeling/experience is better than the original game... But I'm left ice cold down beside the hype train now.

Did you actually play it? Because all that sounds way off to me. Everything fits and works seamlessly in terms of the upgrade and story mechanics.


UnluckyKate said:
I read a couple of french reviews (french gaming journalists are far more honest than US reviewers in general) and it's the cold shower. They say the game is really linear, that weapons and mods management is really teared down, that the RPG aspect has been downed to the minium, exploration is gone, and that the gameplay as been focused way to much gunfight.

On the good side: gunfight have been improved a lot, realisation, cinematics, and voice acting is top notch...

The game seems to be full of terrible game design choices that were actually working very well in the first game. The dudes are asking why the hell did Bioware changes good things along with the bad one. It's like they removed and redone everything: and they done it wrong on so many points...

So GAF, please tell me that once more, french journalists are just being insanly unfair, or is it really not that terrible ? Maybe the general overhall/balance/feeling/experience is better than the original game... But I'm left ice cold down beside the hype train now.
Like some earlier posters decrying the 'dumbing down' of ME2, these guys don't really know what ME actually was so they brought their misconceptions to ME2 which is essentially distilling the ME formula rather than diluting.


UnluckyKate said:
I read a couple of french reviews (french gaming journalists are far more honest than US reviewers in general) and it's the cold shower. They say the game is really linear, that weapons and mods management is really teared down, that the RPG aspect has been downed to the minium, exploration is gone, and that the gameplay as been focused way to much gunfight.

On the good side: gunfight have been improved a lot, realisation, cinematics, and voice acting is top notch...

The game seems to be full of terrible game design choices that were actually working very well in the first game. The dudes are asking why the hell did Bioware changes good things along with the bad one. It's like they removed and redone everything: and they done it wrong on so many points...

So GAF, please tell me that once more, french journalists are just being insanly unfair, or is it really not that terrible ? Maybe the general overhall/balance/feeling/experience is better than the original game... But I'm left ice cold down beside the hype train now.
It is true what they say about the RPG elements, weapons and mods - they have been reduced. Combat is much better.

It is still a fantastic game, though. The characters and sci-fi atmosphere of the game is unmatched. UNMATCHED. But like the french reviewers, I would have been happier if they had kept the stronger RPGness of the first game.
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