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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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AstroLad said:
I asked my brother if this game had loot and he said it did! I'm not even asking for Diablo Lootz, just something even on the level of DA.

I'm going to be giving someone a call tonight.

If you're defining loot as "shiny things around levels that you can pick up and that are meaningful in some way", well, there is a ton of loot in Mass Effect 2.
BenjaminBirdie said:
But that's such a huge "albiet," dude! Those advancements you get from upgrading are pretty much the exact same thing as getting a Liono IX Assault Rifle in the first game.
yeah but theres something about finding a new item or gun that relieves the game boner better than upgrading your original.


some idiot posted a story on N4G with a spoiler in the title.

this is the first time i've had a media blackout - i really wanted to know nothing when i booted this up for the first time.


DevelopmentArrested said:
Because there was a sense of reward when you got a new item in ME1 even if you immediately turned it into omni-gel. I don't really care if 90% of it was useless or ubiquitous, the fact that it was there is good enough for me. There's an obvious lacking of armor and weapon options in ME2; why am I at the end of the game using the same weapons, albeit upgraded, as when I started? How many new guns will the eventual DLC add? To me, I don't feel the same level of character progression or item-finding satisfaction as I did in ME1. Then again, some in this thread have called the minerals you scan for as 'loot'. That may be splitting hairs, but I disagree.
I haven't beaten the game yet but I already have two pistols, one more powerful but with a smaller clip. That's already double the amount of unique weapons in ME1....


A Good Citizen
Damn the discs are really secure in the CE. Felt like I was gonna break them when taking them out. I think the outer edge of my disc 1 has a little scratch from being on top of disc 2's holder too.

Time to find seperate cases.
DevelopmentArrested said:
yeah but theres something about finding a new item or gun that relieves the game boner better than upgrading your original.

Heh, I see where you're coming from. I feel the opposite though. I love getting the blueprint and then scanning a planet to get the goods and then riding out with the new shit in tow.
damn i still have to finish ME1. but it will be epic from going from 1 to 2. My ME2 arrives tomorrow.

btw, does anyone have an extra terminus code they wanna give out? :D


zero margin said:
That honestly sounds pretty negative..you really not feeling it? Or is it because it's simply more streamlined? I think they kind of had to do it this time as it was going to be such a big release and bringing in new fans. In that regard I think the hardcore gamer gets the shaft a bit.

Those are the faults I don't understand. I get the whole no new items and just use static tech increases. But its boring. Especially while combing planets for resources to implement them. I would do a sidequest chain! Kill a ton of mercs, track down their headquarters and kill their leader for! Some credits and research for shot guns....I hate shotguns.

I don't like the fact they deconstructed the Citadel. I used to go back after every mission and hear what people said about what I've done, what they think, get new items, maybe a new quest. The place was massive and interesting. Now no one has anything new to say and there isn't a thing worth buying past your first visit. All that interaction, gone...for what?

That said there are things I like extremely
Later on in the game, if you saved the Rachni on Noveria an agent for them greets you. Thanking you for your mercy, giving you a piece of important lore history, and swearing their allegiance to you in the mission.

That is fucking awesome. Because in the first game everyone gives you shit for it.


fuck, I went to work this morning and saw a giant ME2 display and forgot it was out today.

Then someone came up to purchase it and had it reserved and so I had to call someone in gaming to bring copies of it up to the counter, and he brought the special edition also, and I saw that and was like "ugh...i have to have this"

so i ended up buying it and i just started the first one last week after owning it since release day.

my girlfriend is going to kill me.


Sorry if this has been asked before (I'm avoiding this thread like the plague since I've managed to resist spoiling the experience AMAZINGLY ENOUGH):

Since I don't have a ME1 save anymore (and can't be arsed leeching one from that site), is there an option in-game that accomodates this somehow? Like when you're creating your character, it asks you stuff about the previous game (e.g. "did you kill this character, or have sex with that character" etc.)? Thanks.


OMG, ME1 was my favorite game of the gen, and Im finally about an hour away from playing ME2. I might wet myself.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
BeeDog said:
Sorry if this has been asked before (I'm avoiding this thread like the plague since I've managed to resist spoiling the experience AMAZINGLY ENOUGH):

Since I don't have a ME1 save anymore (and can't be arsed leeching one from that site), is there an option in-game that accomodates this somehow? Like when you're creating your character, it asks you stuff about the previous game (e.g. "did you kill this character, or have sex with that character" etc.)? Thanks.

I'd love to know this as well.


How often have people been finding sidequests through the planet scanner?, I can't find shit, just minerals :lol
I really don't know what class to pick. Most on my friends list have chosen Vanguard but the Biotic Charge seems too overpowered for me. I don't want to choose the Soldier because that'll be too easy. I love using Assault Rifles and some Biotics. What to do?


NinjaFusion said:


some idiot posted a story on N4G with a spoiler in the title.

this is the first time i've had a media blackout - i really wanted to know nothing when i booted this up for the first time.

Sorry man.. in times like these you can only trust yourself and gaf anyway
Meus Renaissance said:
I really don't know what class to pick. Most on my friends list have chosen Vanguard but the Biotic Charge seems too overpowered for me. I don't want to choose the Soldier because that'll be too easy. I love using Assault Rifles and some Biotics. What to do?

It's not overpowered. It's powerful but also leaves you exposed. Nice tactical tradeoff, and great for the Last Guy Left.
Meus Renaissance said:
I really don't know what class to pick. Most on my friends list have chosen Vanguard but the Biotic Charge seems too overpowered for me. I don't want to choose the Soldier because that'll be too easy. I love using Assault Rifles and some Biotics. What to do?
overpowered? hardly, its fun to use but youre easily exposed.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Jackl said:
Those are the faults I don't understand. I get the whole no new items and just use static tech increases. But its boring. Especially while combing planets for resources to implement them. I would do a sidequest chain! Kill a ton of mercs, track down their headquarters and kill their leader for! Some credits and research for shot guns....I hate shotguns.

I don't like the fact they deconstructed the Citadel. I used to go back after every mission and hear what people said about what I've done, what they think, get new items, maybe a new quest. The place was massive and interesting. Now no one has anything new to say and there isn't a thing worth buying past your first visit. All that interaction, gone...for what?

That said there are things I like extremely
Later on in the game, if you saved the Rachni on Noveria an agent for them greets you. Thanking you for your mercy, giving you a piece of important lore history, and swearing their allegiance to you in the mission.

That is fucking awesome. Because in the first game everyone gives you shit for it.

Everyone should give you shit for it. Would have been bullshit if they didnt.

Its sad to hear of the tone down in minor NPC dialogue. No elevator, no DA banter...blah.

As an aside, I wonder if the Bioware designers regret having Wrex be an optional character. He is easily the favorite. Probably didnt see it coming.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
I've been playing for about an hour....

1. Man the intro section was sick.

2. Wow this game looks good. I do need to turn on some 2xMSAA.

3. Holy shit Insanity whips ass from the word go! This is no cakewalk for an Engineer. I just landed on the first story planet, and I died like three times in the first encounter. And damn, ammo is an issue. I am just getting adjusted to the feel of combat though.

My early feelings are pretty positive.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Which reminds me, the Squad AI is really great. They do awesome stuff without my having to constantly nudge them.

Just wait until they decide to run guns blazing into a firefight and you have to revive the both of them because you didn't tell them to stop and take cover.. it's nuts on insanity. :(


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
EA and Bioware really need to get their shit together on this DLC bullshit. Especially since they seem to want to milk it for all its worth. DA was a nightmare.


Subete no aware
You know, I kind of wish they let you skip the intro and go straight to the beginning of the game or at least skip the cutscenes. It's a pain going through it over and over again just to try out new characters.
firehawk12 said:
You know, I kind of wish they let you skip the intro and go straight to the beginning of the game or at least skip the cutscenes. It's a pain going through it over and over again just to try out new characters.
press x a lot?
So I'm still awaiting Steam's unlock. In the meantime I'm trying to decide what class I'm going to choose. I've only ever chose Vanguard in ME1, but the Soldier is looking really fun in ME2 with all of the new gun types. I think I might go with Soldier...
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