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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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blackMamba1187 said:
This happened to me as well. Any chance you transferred your original mass effect save file to a different hard drive. I think that's what messed it up for me (20gb--->120gb). A poster from last night said he had to play through the last section in Mass Effect to get the proper save file for transfer. I'm going to borrow the game from a friend to do just that as soon as he gets off work.

I transfered mine from a 20 to a 120 and it was fine. I used a cable though.


blackMamba1187 said:
This happened to me as well. Any chance you transferred your original mass effect save file to a different hard drive. I think that's what messed it up for me (20gb--->120gb). A poster from last night said he had to play through the last section in Mass Effect to get the proper save file for transfer. I'm going to borrow the game from a friend to do just that as soon as he gets off work.

Was a PC issue. I just had to tell the game where to find my older save file.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Sebulon3k said:
Is it possible for a female shepherd to have relations with
Miranda / Kelly
. Either one would work

Everyone says
is possible, but i haven't even been able to do that with Male shepard, let alone female one so far :(
Ultimo hombre said:
What difficulty is everyone starting on?

How hard is the hardest difficulty?

I'd like to know this, too.

From people who have played further into ME2, how is the difficulty? I played ME 1 on Normal and enjoyed it. But with Normal being the new Easy these days, I'm worried it may not be much of a challenge. Playing as an Infiltrator, btw.
Sorry if this has been asked but i am on a total blackout for this game, no trailers, no reveiws, nothing, so dont really want to read the thread just incase.

I have the opportunity to snap an import NTSC copy of this tomorrow but im worried about DLC.

Will PAL DLC Work on a NTSC copy of the game? I don't want to get stung =\


EDIT - NM, it appears this game is region locked... guy in the shop said it isnt...
MirageDwarf said:
This DLC mess if frustrating and ruining fun for people. No matter how good game turns out, hope BioWare/EA get shit for this bullshit. First DA, now this.

Has EA ever gotten DLC right? NHL 10 was a mess this year, Tiger Woods is a joke with the prices for extra courses, DA was a nightmare. Shit, how fucking hard is it to get right???
Jinjo said:
Well afaik there is no medium/heavy armor distinction in the game anymore. You can pretty much wear any armor. Also, you get to choose an extra weapon specialization halfway through the game. I had the same reasons as you to pick the soldier class, but I'm going for a sentinel now.:D

So there's no restriction on what class can wear certain armor's anymore?


CartridgeBlower said:
I'd like to know this, too.

From people who have played further into ME2, how is the difficulty? I played ME 1 on Normal and enjoyed it. But with Normal being the new Easy these days, I'm worried it may not be much of a challenge. Playing as an Infiltrator, btw.

I started off on Veteran (the one above Normal) and I found that to be pretty solid.

However, I bumped it up to Hardcore after I got both Thane and Zaeed and a couple of sniper rifle upgrades. Those two are deadly.

I'm playing as Vanguard, but I don't go up close and personal that often.


chandoog said:
Everyone says
is possible, but i haven't even been able to do that with Male shepard, let alone female one so far :(

She keeps flirting with me :[. I don't wanna fuck Thane, Jacob or
. She's the only option left :lol


I'll be getting this only in a week. :(((((((

I don't remember much of what happened in my ME1 playthrough or about the ME universe lore, will I be really lost during ME2??

And I suppose that in no way there's a place online where I can read a plot summary that adapts to my choices right? I don't think I have time for a new ME1 run this week.

Edit- actually, what's up with having to play this asap, I'm going to do a new ME1 run when I have time, get myself up to speed on the universe and my plot choices again, and then play ME2 whenever I finish, it's not like the game is going anywhere.


Dax01 said:
I think I'll end up liking ME2's cast of characters A LOT more than ME1's. I really like
Mordin and Garrus already

Yeah, they're all pretty good. Thane is my favorite. Mordin's voice actor is insanely good. I love talking to that guy.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I've seen a few "HOLY FUCK" posts a few dozen posts back, now it's time for me to post my own... :lol

Two hours in, and I've had this grin on my face the whole damn time - the frame rate, NO texture pop-ups and the way-increased graphics - my goodness is this game fucking impressive!

The intro, the first bits you play, the combat - oh. man.

BioWare I love you.

Mass Effect 2 is the shit and I'm barely anywhere in yet.


Subete no aware
To echo the comment of someone else - it's pretty lame that the bonus armors can't be used without the helmet - at least during dialogs. Oh well.

those playing on PC...are you using a controller or keyboard & M?

I played ME on 360, so I'm finding my transition to the PC keyboard mapping to be a bit uncomfortable at times.


firehawk12 said:
To echo the comment of someone else - it's pretty lame that the bonus armors can't be used without the helmet - at least during dialogs. Oh well.

Yeah, that's why I don't use the Blood Dragon Armor, despite how good it looks (and it looks fantastic in-game).

I understand it's supposed to be a full suit of armor, unlike the other ones, but no real reason you couldn't have modified the helmet.


Why are you people starting on insanity??

do you like ruining games for yourselves? this is why devs lock away the hardest difficulties. insanity is for the second playthroughs with a new game+.

play on normal to enjoy the game and change it to hardcore if you want a challenge.
went to pick it up at Best Buy awhile ago. Saw 2 copies of the CE there and 4 Regular. fuuuuuuuuuu. Before I even got to get the game. the whole store's power went out :lol. along with Target, and other places that's near it.
god damn it.

Why didn't EA or Bioware let us know ahead of time that to import our ME1 character you need to have the autosave after beating saren :/

Not gonna play through ME1 again


I type in my EA online crap, click log in, and it just stays there. Game isn't frozen or anything, but I've waited like 5 minutes... I want to play!!! :(

Darkman M

Dreams-Visions said:

those playing on PC...are you using a controller or keyboard & M?

I played ME on 360, so I'm finding my transition to the PC keyboard mapping to be a bit uncomfortable at times.

You could always use Pinnacle or Xpadder there should be profiles coming out if not already or you could always make your own profile. Im in the same boat, im gonna try K/b mouse and if i don't like it ill be using pinnacle.
MisterAnderson said:
So I'm still awaiting Steam's unlock. In the meantime I'm trying to decide what class I'm going to choose. I've only ever chose Vanguard in ME1, but the Soldier is looking really fun in ME2 with all of the new gun types. I think I might go with Soldier...

Nah, soldier is a complete waste in ME2, at least for a first run through. They've made some changes to biotics and techs such that they are a BLAST to play, and given the right class you could get pretty far without ever firing a shot if you wanted.


Dreams-Visions said:

those playing on PC...are you using a controller or keyboard & M?

I played ME on 360, so I'm finding my transition to the PC keyboard mapping to be a bit uncomfortable at times.

KB here, some of the bindings are retarded like use, pause, and melee. But other then that its fairly straightforward.
If any of you guys want, you can partake in my finely crafted Fem shep.

Code: 533.WCB.M11.W2P.9H1.75P.APB.111.JBL.E12.687.275




So where do I input my preorder code? Already activated the cerberus network but don't see where to input codes

I'm installing disk 1 atm and haven't started a new game yet


ExtraKr1spy said:
god damn it.

Why didn't EA or Bioware let us know ahead of time that to import our ME1 character you need to have the autosave after beating saren :/

Not gonna play through ME1 again

Can't you just load the save that you do have and finish it up?
BenjaminBirdie said:
The music is actually really great. Are those jernts on the soundtrack?
I hope so - I usually don't listen to soundtracks until after I finish a game, so I'm not sure.

Also, this is a really small thing, but I adore that you can hear the club music behind a door, and open the door to the full blast without any loading or interruption. So cool.
Darkman M said:
You could always use Pinnacle or Xpadder there should be profiles coming out if not already or you could always make your own profile. Im in the same boat, im gonna try K/b mouse and if i don't like it ill be using pinnacle.
cool man.

yea, I'm gonna give it another hour or 2. if I'm still not feeling it, I'll do the DualShock 3 + PC thing.


hard to come up with nitpicks for such a great game

-ending wasn't satisfying, more like leaves you with an empty spot for something. (if you beat it, you'll understand).
-some of the side missions were really short. i think i cleared one in like 2 min on normal mode, haha, felt kinda tacked on but it's better than nothing. :D

the loyalty missions were solid gold. my favorite part of the game.

overall though, i was very engrossed and loved almost every minute of this game. i beat it around 32 hours and did all side quests and visited some planets, but not them all since most had nothing. it's really easy to get lost in the lore of the galaxy the created, i could see myself watchin a TV show based on it really easy.

i did a 14 hour binge session to beat the game, it really sucked me in, the first 6 or so hours were pretty slow (except for the awesome intro!)


K.Jack said:
I've been playing for about an hour....

1. Man the intro section was sick.

2. Wow this game looks good. I do need to turn on some 2xMSAA.

3. Holy shit Insanity whips ass from the word go! This is no cakewalk for an Engineer. I just landed on the first story planet, and I died like three times in the first encounter. And damn, ammo is an issue. I am just getting adjusted to the feel of combat though.

My early feelings are pretty positive.

Get ready to die. A LOT!

You will learn to fear both mechs and Krogan. Husks too.

Dax01 said:
I think I'll end up liking ME2's cast of characters A LOT more than ME1's. I really like
Mordin and Garrus already

Tali, Garrus, Thane and Mordin are the best. No fucking contest
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