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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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Will drop pants for Sony.
Vamphuntr said:
with Chakwa :D ?

Yea and in the club on the Citadel.

Oh and I love the new ship, its even better than the first one and it totally wets my sci-fi dreams.
The New Game+ is pretty pointless. Other than keeping your level, you get all of the other bonuses (+25% XP, tons on money, minerals, keep your heavy weapons) when starting a new character after you've unlocked the mission accomplished achievement.


Basileus777 said:
The New Game+ is pretty pointless. Other than keeping your level, you get all of the other bonuses (+25% XP, tons on money, minerals, keep your heavy weapons) when starting a new character after you've unlocked the mission accomplished achievement.
Oh really?

Thank you very, very much. I didn't like the Vanguard too much, so it's good to know I'm not stuck with it to get the achievements.
Can you pursue a relationship with more than one person in Mass Effect 2? Atleast flirt and then you get to pick somebody? Or as soon as you start a flirty or romantic conversation with one, the other ones are blocked out?


MisterAnderson said:
I thought I had read earlier in the thread that there are no longer any armor restrictions for classes. Is this true? One of the reasons I am kind of leaning towards Soldier is that I want to be able to wear all armor types.
No armor restriction since there is really no more armor - you have to upgrade your armor parts now (helmet, greaves, legging, chest plate).

Since you're a soldier, most of your armor upgrades will probably go to either weapon damage or shields/armor increase.
Whereas classes that have tech/biotic might try to go for upgrades that reduce cooldowns or increase the dmg/range of tech/biotic powers.

In other words, the class you choose will most likely determine how you will upgrade your armor.
It still kinda works out the same as ME1 where as a soldier you'll probably get the most armor/shield upgrades compared to other classes, but it's much more flexible now.


Basileus777 said:
The New Game+ is pretty pointless. Other than keeping your level, you get all of the other bonuses (+25% XP, tons on money, minerals, keep your heavy weapons) when starting a new character after you've unlocked the mission accomplished achievement.

How is that pointless? That sounds exactly what Newgame+ should be.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Amazon rocks. Got my copy tonight. PC CE.
Edit - Do the PC versions have carry over saves and whanot?


Holy shit, this game is fucking TERRIBAD

Like, its literally an improvement on everything in the original so far. Given that I hold the first in such high regard, that’s the highest praise I can give. Ive only logged 3 hours so far, and have done the intro,
Freedom’s whats-it-called, visited the Normandy wreck (which I thought was really well done; poor Mako!), and have just landed on Omega
. The combat is much slicker and feels better than ever before (and the vanguard charge is so fucking awesome), the visuals really feel like they’ve had a ton of upgrades (Im especially impressed with how incredible the facial animation is now during conversations; there are times when I can really see Yvonne Strahovski in Miranda), and the plotting and cutscenes are, as expected, living up to the great cinematic standard that the first game set. Most importantly, the new characters are working great so far, and I love the nods to older characters (just a subtle touch like Ashley’s picture in my quarters goes a long way; by the way, how awesome are the captain’s quarters?). Then the little details like the galaxy map and loot and shit are all better than in the first. Ive already spent an ungodly amount of time tweaking the look of my armor, reading/listening to the codex, and chatting up Jacob and Miranda.

Pretty much living up to all the ridiculous hype I had in my head. Got a few busy days coming up, so having to wait until the weekend to resume is going to be killer :( Especially since I saved parked right outside of
, which looks like its probably going to be the most awesome location in the whole game (what can I say? I loves me some seedy space bars).

*bow* Bioware *bow*


Vamphuntr said:
Do you still have ME? Some people had the same problem. Reloaded their final save in ME, beat the final boss, watched the ending and it created a valid save for ME 2 to recognise.

This worked. Thanks! Luckily I had a save just before the Saren battle. Listening to the end credits (The Faunts?) was easy on the ears.


Ok for anyone that is having lock up issues early on I deleted my install on my HDD and it went through just fine. So if you have your game installed delete it and you might make it though without it locking up.

Ok now its time to start playing this bad boy.
Arde5643 said:
No armor restriction since there is really no more armor - you have to upgrade your armor parts now (helmet, greaves, legging, chest plate).

Since you're a soldier, most of your armor upgrades will probably go to either weapon damage or shields/armor increase.
Whereas classes that have tech/biotic might try to go for upgrades that reduce cooldowns or increase the dmg/range of tech/biotic powers.

In other words, the class you choose will most likely determine how you will upgrade your armor.
It still kinda works out the same as ME1 where as a soldier you'll probably get the most armor/shield upgrades compared to other classes, but it's much more flexible now.

Oh okay that's awesome. I'm not a Soldier yet - haven't started playing ME2 yet. Still trying to beat ME1 on PC to get a save game file (I beat it on 360 when it came out). So just to be clear, class has NO bearing at all on armor appearance? It's not so much "I want the most "Soldier-ish" armor types so much as "I want the coolest looking armor."


Basileus777 said:
Perhaps I wasn't clear. You get all of those bonuses except for keeping your level even when you don't use the new game+.

No you only get those bonuses if you import a Mass Effect save at level 50 or 60.

And don't you also start the newgame+ with the bonus talent unlocked from the start?


MisterAnderson said:
Oh okay that's awesome. I'm not a Soldier yet - haven't started playing ME2 yet. Still trying to beat ME1 on PC to get a save game file (I beat it on 360 when it came out). So just to be clear, class has NO bearing at all on armor appearance? It's not so much "I want the most "Soldier-ish" armor types so much as "I want the coolest looking armor."
You modify and build your own armor, dude.

So you can mod it however you like - with rims and trims alike.

It looks as good or as bad as how much effort you put into modifying it.


Anyone else having issues with ME2 freezing after the EA logo? I can't even get to the game, I have to alt tab and end task ME2. =\
Shinjitsu said:
No you only get those bonuses if you import a Mass Effect save at level 50 or 60.

And don't you also start the newgame+ with the bonus talent unlocked from the start?

No, you get the bonus talent when starting any new game after you've beaten ME2. As long as you've beaten Mass Effect 2 once, you get all of those bonuses when starting any new character. Trust me, I just did it.


Basileus777 said:
No, you get the bonus talent when starting any new game after you've beaten ME2. As long as you've beaten Mass Effect 2 once, you get all of those bonuses when starting any new character. Trust me, I just did it.

Then I still don't see how newgame+ is pointless:lol

If you start a fresh game without beating it, and don't import a save you get none of these bonuses.


Posting on GAF after playing is like coming up for air.

Early in the game question. Just did my first N7 mission. A simple yes/no would suffice. :D

Does uploading the data to the Alliance or to Cerberus have any effect later on in the game?



Love the lighting and shadowing in this game. Check out Zaeer's face.


Shinjitsu said:
Then I still don't see how newgame+ is pointless:lol

If you start a fresh game without beating it, and don't import a save you get none of these bonuses.
Here's what you get when you beat ME2:

- 25% bonus EXP on any New Game/New Game+ started afterwards
- Bonus (as in 50000) in each resource on any NG/NG+ afterwards
- Bonus credits on any NG/NG+ afterwards
- All heavy weapons acquired on any NG/NG+ afterwards
- All weapons acquired on any NG+ afterwards
- You keep your level if you play NG+

There. That's what you get. Seeing that, it's almost pointless to play New Game+ if you have any interest in trying a new class.

Dan Yo

Question, to start ME2 with extra money, do you have to use the character you unlocked the rich achievement with or do you just plain have to have the rich achievement?


Confirmed Asshole
nataku said:
Anyone else having issues with ME2 freezing after the EA logo? I can't even get to the game, I have to alt tab and end task ME2. =\
Check requirements -> Update all drivers -> Test game -> If still broken, contact support.
sweetvar26 said:

I just spent the last 3 hours trying to get my Mass Effect saves working, I was using the stick to scroll through my saves, can't, did whole bunch of stuff from Mass Effect 1, played the ending couple of times again, started a couple of new playthroughs etc...

The fucked up part is you will have to use the motherfucking D-Pad to scroll through the saved files. I don't even know what to say, I asked about 25 questions in here already about the thing not working.

So anybody who thinks its not working, go back, use the D-Pad and try it out.

WOW, just WOW Bioware.

Hmmm. I didn't have to use the dpad... sorry you went through all that shit I did to try to get it working, but I'm glad you did eventually get it working.


Question for those who've beat it (since I know some of you fuckers had it since this weekend!): longer or shorter than ME1 for you?
Arde5643 said:
You modify and build your own armor, dude.

So you can mod it however you like - with rims and trims alike.

It looks as good or as bad as how much effort you put into modifying it.

Though some of the better bonuses may come on pieces of gear you don't find aesthetically pleasing.


Got home today excited to play. I went with the 360 version because I wanted to transfer my character over and that was the only reason I didn't get the Steam version. Pop the disc in and I am greeted with red ring. So fucking pissed right now. Fuck them.


Big-E said:
Got home today excited to play. I went with the 360 version because I wanted to transfer my character over and that was the only reason I didn't get the Steam version. Pop the disc in and I am greeted with red ring. So fucking pissed right now. Fuck them.

Damn man, that is harsh.
Solo said:
Question for those who've beat it (since I know some of you fuckers had it since this weekend!): longer or shorter than ME1 for you?

Could be about the same, but it felt shorter to me... I didn't check playthrough times though.


corrosivefrost said:
Though some of the better bonuses may come on pieces of gear you don't find aesthetically pleasing.

This is pretty much inevitable when it comes to loot of any sort, though.
Not liking that save files can't be copied/only can be moved. Afraid that my save file could get corrupted while transferring it between consoles.
Just got Mordin and the game is pretty much a mix of awesome and disappointment at how much more awesome it could've been had they not cut out and consolidated so much of it.

The biggest problem so far is that squadmates' upgrades and abilities are extremely limited, you only get three measly stats to upgrade until you unlock a fourth, and of those three one is just a generic class skill and one is a fucking ammo type. Why don't they at least get as many abilities as Sheperd? I'm using Zaeed and until I do his sidequest he has only one friggin' skill to use in combat. Jacob has one friggin' biotic power and he only gets one more to unlock, and he's supposed to be a powerful biotic? What a load of shit.


I tell you. Beating the 1st game this morning to get right into the 2nd game is a joy. So many tidbits from the last game in this one. I say it's a must to play through ME1 before this. I saw the planet scanning stuff. I don't think it's that bad. Beats the Mako's wonky driving.


Confirmed Asshole
infinityBCRT said:
Not liking that save files can't be copied/only can be moved. Afraid that my save file could get corrupted while transferring it between consoles.
There should be a check in place, and upon failure, the file should stay at the origin - Microsoft knows about ACID.
Big-E said:
Got home today excited to play. I went with the 360 version because I wanted to transfer my character over and that was the only reason I didn't get the Steam version. Pop the disc in and I am greeted with red ring. So fucking pissed right now. Fuck them.
Dude, I would totally buy a new 360 like right away.
Zeliard said:
Love the lighting and shadowing in this game. Check out Zaeer's face.

The game looks great. I appreciate the darker direction they've taken - it's a welcome contrast to the neon glow of ME1. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but it gives the sequel its own identity. I saw some comparison shots of the Normandy, and it blew me away how much more detail they've added for ME2. And I hear it runs better as well? Crazy.


Capt'n Farrell said:
Dude, I would totally buy a new 360 like right away.

I would but cash is tight right now. I might just go back to Best Buy and try and return it for the PC retail version.


The game looks great. I appreciate the darker direction they've taken - it's a welcome contrast to the neon glow of ME1. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but it gives the sequel its own identity. I saw some comparison shots of the Normandy, and it blew me away how much more detail they've added for ME2. And I hear it runs better as well? Crazy.

Its weird. The Normandy is almost the same as ME1's, yet it has a level of detail and finesee to it that just wasnt there in the first game. Plus, there are two floors which didnt exist on the first one. Im REALLY loving the Normandy.

And yes, it runs a shitton better on 360 this time. Im not seeing any of that godawful pop-in from the first yet, and the framerate is much more stable. Great work all around.

Here before me lies my lovely, untouched copy of ME2-- teasing me, taunting me. No thanks to university work, I won't be able to get into it until Friday at the earliest. Way to go, EA, releasing the sequel to one of my all-time favorite games during the first week of spring semester.


The glowing reviews and impressions aren't helping, either.


careksims said:
I tell you. Beating the 1st game this morning to get right into the 2nd game is a joy. So many tidbits from the last game in this one. I say it's a must to play through ME1 before this..
I know :D


Confidence Man said:
The biggest problem so far is that squadmates' upgrades and abilities are extremely limited, you only get three measly stats to upgrade until you unlock a fourth, and of those three one is just a generic class skill and one is a fucking ammo type. Why don't they at least get as many abilities as Sheperd? I'm using Zaeed and until I do his sidequest he has only one friggin' skill to use in combat. Jacob has one friggin' biotic power and he only gets one more to unlock, and he's supposed to be a powerful biotic? What a load of shit.

This is pretty much my only issue with the game, since it disencourages experimenting with different squads (outside of liking their personalities). It's the only part of the "they dumbed it down" argument that I agree with at all. But even then, I don't think it's that significant due to how battles play out this time around. The weaponry is the main attraction, while the biotic powers are few but dominant.

Certainly, though, it would've been nice for those characters to have more skills.


I picked up my LE copy of ME2 this morning and been playing it up till an hour and I've only just managed to recruit Mordin and Archangel and finally made it out the Omega system to check out the Citadel without heading anywhere else. This is my first chance I've had to get online!

Absolutely loving the game so far and I love the new Normandy. I got kind of geeked when I found models to buy that could display in my crib and I think I just got my first fish for the tank.:lol

I picked up the LE guide with my copy too and was just flicking through the artwork in the back and there's a nice 3 angle view of the Hammerhead...now I can't wait to get my hands on it!:D


So I'm having problems importing my original Shepard into ME2 :-/

It says it can't find a valid ME1 Character in my harddrive, although is there.

Anyone else having this issue? Sorry, thread is rather long didn't search through it to see.

Edit: 360 version.


Simo said:
Absolutely loving the game so far and I love the new Normandy. I got kind of geeked when I found models to buy that could display in my crib and I think I just got my first fish for the tank.:lol

Im totally in love with Shepard's bachelor pad captain quarters :lol Love the ME1 music at your fingertips and the fishtank.
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