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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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lol this game blows away the first one in every way....LOL @ the club...first thing I did is what I usually do when I hit the club in RL.....get a bunch of drink and get smashed. :lol

Jamesfrom818 said:
I don't know what class I want to be. Fuck!

I was a soldier in the first which was fun but it doesn't have alot of diversity in gameplay...

This time I choose vangaurd and il be damned if it isn't more enjoyable so far
Just beat disc one, but I have to call it a night now.

Will finish the game tomorrow I love every aspect of it so far, far superior to its prequel
I got an hour in and wow.. What can I say? ME2 has impressed me so much in just the first hour. Too bad that when I tried saving after boarding the Normandy my computer locked up. :(


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Man there needs to be checkpoints in some of these long stretches of firefights. It feels like I make it through like ten guys, just to die and have to do it all over again.


Awesome game so far. Forced 4xAA via nHancer and it's always a silky smooth 60 fps just like the first. Didn't think I'd be saying it, but yay for UE3.


Afterlife club was 2x better than the club from ME1.

haven't seen cigarettes on a videogame for a while (besides MGS).

Alien puffing some smokes :lol


Just finished the game, my next play through I'll try out the DLC if i can get cerberus network to work

Are we still spoiler tagging

I have to say the game is O.K. but I wished they improved on what was in ME1, its a better FPS then ME1. The new stuff I thought was a step in another direction which is not all that fun or took away from what I liked about ME1. The whole no loot bothered me. Mining for research on new items is good and all but I'm a loot guy. The mako rides in ME1 were shallow but scanning planets is not fun anymore after doing one cluster.

I liked the end game but it sucks ME2 is not more sandbox like the space stations and planets you can land on are too small and there is nothing to do in them once you do everything.

Dialogue was better in ME2 snappy, funny, sad, and smart.

What killed me about this game was the main story and the references to ME1, the writers missed some good opportunities. Really I visit my old companions and tell them doom and gloom is coming, and all they can say is I'm busy or you changed too much. Really the lives of the galaxy are at stakes and your busy. And it would have been nice if ME2 took a page from Dragon Age in the end game sequence it would have been cool if in the suicide mission if you saved Wrex in ME1 he would send a platoon or a small division of Krogan for your cause also if you saved the Rachni Queen in ME1 she would help too. In fact everybody who you helped in ME1 should have been lining up to help in the suicide mission. Instead we get emails saying your alive omg or that one e-mail from that one military dude you save and now he wants to kill you wtf. I really did not get why use vague reference or even see these people from ME1 if they do jack for you considering what is going on. Its like bioware wanted us to forget we played ME1.

And lets face it the main story was ME1 just instead of chasing the synthetics who were manipulated by the Reapers, we were fighting organics who are manipulated by the Reapers.

7 out 10 solid game that fell short of great game


Will drop pants for Sony.
So the reward for beating Mass Effect Galaxy is

Extra dialog between Miranda and Jacob.

Lame EA, very Lame.

bathala said:
Afterlife club was 2x better than the club from ME1.

haven't seen cigarettes on a videogame for a while (besides MGS).

Alien puffing some smokes :lol

Yea and
Normandy SR2 is so much more of a ship than the SR1 Nomandy, howeverI did like the engine room in the SR1 Normandy better.


Question: When you select different weapons, how do you tell which one is new versus an older weapon or which one is better? Kind of lame how they show no stats on which one may be better.


I laughed my ass off when I sent probes down for minerals on Uranus. I wasn't paying attention, so the slightly disappointed sounding 'Really....commander" caught me by surprise and I didn't realize what it was about. Sent another one down and caught the more obvious reference. Stay classy, Bioware! :lol
Strider2K99 said:
It will be emailed within 10 days after order ships. It's random when you get it, you just have to be patient.
alright thanks as much as i order from amazon its never something with a pre order bonus.


ergo said:
Question: When you select different weapons, how do you tell which one is knew versus an older weapon or which one is better? Kind of lame how they show no stats on which one may be better.
Generally, the newer (or bottom most), the better. This however is NOT true if you have the DLC weapons, as they are, in general, not as good (but they are on the bottom).


K.Jack said:
Man there needs to be checkpoints in some of these long stretches of firefights. It feels like I make it through like ten guys, just to die and have to do it all over again.

F5 is your friend.


While I'd say this is easily the best looking UE3 game I've seen to date, I still have problems with it.

Up close, all nice and pretty:

Far away, all bloomy and smudgy:
Joker is proably the best written and voiced character in the series.

For anyone who has a game at or near the end...

Joker talking about EDI towards the end of the game, probably about 75% of the way through the game:

The line where you're controling him and he gives EDI full control of the ship... I wanted to write it down, but I was laughing too hard.

If anyone noted that and can let me know what it was, I'd be appreciative... it was something about "on your knees calculating pi all day because joker fucked up and plugged in our overlord"


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
Just played a couple hours, pretty much been on media blackout the whole time. Fuuucccccckk I'm love with this game. I've barely done anything, I've just been reading codex entries and chatting people up. :lol

Also, very small nitpick about the character import. I played through the first game twice, once as a paragon, then as a renegade. Which meant that my paragon character was only level 36, and my renegade was 55. But I didn't want to import a renegade, I wanted to import a paragon, so I had to import the lower level character. Again in the end it probably doesn't really matter, I just wish I could have gotten the best of both saves.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Basileus777 said:
I think I missed this. What is it?

It's a log in one of the pieces of the ship, with three entries that start off really negative towards the diversity of the crew but pulls a 180 at the end. I don't think it specifically states it's Ashley and it gets cut out at parts but it's a pretty obvious/nice touch.
wmat said:
There should be a check in place, and upon failure, the file should stay at the origin - Microsoft knows about ACID.
Yeah I know that. Thats not what I mean. I'm concerned about losing my memory card/having my memory card fail.

Piper Az

Anyway to change sex on the import character? I've got a female Shephard, but I want a male one now. Btw, what are the major decisions for the default character?
Papercuts said:
It's a log in one of the pieces of the ship, with three entries that start off really negative towards the diversity of the crew but pulls a 180 at the end. I don't think it specifically states it's Ashley and it gets cut out at parts but it's a pretty obvious/nice touch.

I thought it was Navigator Pressly. I'm pretty sure his face popped up after I read that.
My grindwhoring ways cant stop my from killing an endless amount of robots just after meeting Jacob. Thank God I picked being an Adept. No need for the stupid ammo system.


Oh wow was the ending fuckin AWESOME:D .
Did all the right choices on the first try too so nobody on my team died. Everyone seems to hate the fact that I decided to keep the Collector base though, might restart and see how it is if we blow it up. and the incoming reaper armada holy shit


Passing metallic gas
just picked it up and went through the first hour..i now have this overwhelming feeling that im never going to see sunlight again
Papercuts said:
It's a log in one of the pieces of the ship, with three entries that start off really negative towards the diversity of the crew but pulls a 180 at the end. I don't think it specifically states it's Ashley and it gets cut out at parts but it's a pretty obvious/nice touch.

I knew my good ol' fashioned Shepard lovin' would stop her from being a xenophobic bitch. :D
I find the "Mission Complete" screens dumb. They do nothing other than take you out of the experience. Also wish there was a medium walk speed instead of really slow and really fast. Its awkward running around in a ship when theres no combat. Also wish there was a way to holster your weapon or wish the weapon auto holstered. Seems like BioWare went overboard with trying to make it like a shooter-- I think improving the shooting mechanics was more than enough to do that.
U2NUMB said:
Ok it just froze again at the exact same spot. This is really starting to upset me. Anyone else having issues with the game installed freezing up during the intro sequence? 15- 20 min in? I simply can not get past it without it locking up my 360.
Have you tried installing the game to HD? Maybe your disc is dirty or is damaged. If you can't install it then that might be the issue.


Basileus777 said:
I think I missed this. What is it?

CrazedArabMan said:
How do you get that, I only got flashbacks of pictures of the Normandy, unless I forgot about one with Ashley which I might have.

There's a datapad near one of the pieces of debris that has some stuff.

I love the mood and setting in that mission. I can't find the last goddamn dog tag though. :lol


Still not out here in Australia, although this is probably the highest level of anticipation for any game yet. Mass Effect was amazing in so many ways, and I'm glad to hear that 2 is living up to the hype.
Fixed2BeBroken said:
Game is pretty amazing thus far.....

Its pretty friggen cool that you can import your character from the first game to play in this one. At first, I didn't think that feature would have been something I really cared for but actually using it and seeing it implemented is pretty sweet and makes me like this game more. Has any other game done this actually? let you create a character in one game and import him/her into the sequel?
The Quest for Glory series.

And you actually kept ALL your skills, items and spells and carried them over to the next game.

Deadly said:
Oh wow was the ending fuckin AWESOME:D .
Did all the right choices on the first try too so nobody on my team died. Everyone seems to hate the fact that I decided to keep the Collector base though, might restart and see how it is if we blow it up. and the incoming reaper armada holy shit

I did the same thing and was dismayed at how negative everyone felt, so I reloaded a save I made during the battle and blew that fucker up. Everyone seemed much happier, even the Cereberus cheerleaders. I still regret letting the council die in ME1. I'm not gonna get guilt tripped through ME3 :lol


chandoog said:
It's the first one so it's probably not going to fail on you ..

look at the figure of the code at the top with the "Target Code Segment", now start looking at the scrolling code lines and match it with the exact same one. Use the colors and text alignment to figure it out.

see this video example.


Many thanks and I appreciate the other replies I got as well. I feel dumb for not figuring this out on my own but I was about to go out and just got a little frustrated I couldn't figure it out beforehand.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
OMG Shepard's endorsement of the Sirta foundation

that's so incredibly awesome. I can hear myself!
Zeliard said:
There's a datapad near one of the pieces of debris that has some stuff.

I love the mood and setting in that mission. I can't find the last goddamn dog tag though. :lol

Yeah, I did that, it wasn't Ashley though, it was flashback with Presley.
Got the pc version, and wow so I just did the first few missions

this is SOOO Much better than ME1 so far, the combat feels SOOO much better than ME1 (Obsidian take note for fallout new vegas, please!). And my mind is blown on how your choices in ME1 are actually effecting ME2, I mean yea sure I thought they'd have nod or 2 hear or there, but I don't have a ME1 save handy so I playing ME2 with its "canonical" choices and wow, some scenes would be totally different with my old save (long gone). Im gonna have to replay ME1 again before ME2....

great job so far bioware, great job!
Does Shepard still creep up behind people on the Normandy? I could never take an interaction with Kaidan or Liara seriously as Shepard would always drift into view, seemingly in slow motion, and then just take a minute to stare.... Like a sexual predator cornering his prey.... Before finally breaking into his usual upbeat conversation. Basically, is the game as awkward as it was before or do characters move and react more naturally?
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