Why am I still getting character cards even though they are already maxed out? Like for the recruit pack, shouldn't i be getting some ammo consumable instead of another human engineer, soldier, and etc that I already maxed out before? I thought they would completely remove the character card once its maxed out which in turn will lead you to another item...
Still, F2P or bust BioWare. Do ittttttttt.
except they didn't "culturally uplift" the krogans. they saw big bad monsters that they could use to fight other big bad monsters. they ended up screwing up any culture they could have had by forcing them to be weapons in war.
that's all they want the Yahg to be, which doesn't really work well because that would mean they would be their pawns, which they wouldn't take kindly too. which you see while you're escaping Sur'Kesh. A Yagh breaks free and fucks shit up.
Yahg got banned from Citadel Space simply because the Council gave off the impression they were equal to the Yahg, when the Yahg believe everyone is inferior. In exchange, they killed them..
Yahg also are pretending to not be space-faring species because the Reapers don't attack them. Another reason why they wouldn't help.
Why am I still getting character cards even though they are already maxed out? Like for the recruit pack, shouldn't i be getting some ammo consumable instead of another human engineer, soldier, and etc that I already maxed out before? I thought they would completely remove the character card once its maxed out which in turn will lead you to another item...
While the term Cultural Uplift is very subject to interpenetration the Salerians were partly (the council in general being the other part) responsable for the krogans we know. They gave them technology for in advance of what they currently had and relocated them to a less hostile planet.
Yahg are still very primitive, They are not at all a space faring race and its documented that they have only nearly finished building their first space ship. While highly adaptable (see Shadow Broker) they are still a pre-galactic race.
Yahg are not banned for citadel space, Their home planet is declared off limits by the council but its still evident both by the shadow broker and Sur-kesh that it is still being visited.
I can see your point about not elevating them to a galactic race because of the problems that could arise if they became a threat but in times of war rash decisions are made and the magnitude of the reaper threat would make it a no brainer. Recruit every able body to do their part. They did it against the rachni.
Well, not to make this a canon discussion, but it's stated in ME3 that the Reapers are leaving Parnack (the yagh homeworld) alone. So why would they fight?
The Shadow Broker seemed rational, Explain the situation. Explain that they would be wiped from the planet the next time the reapers come
Fight now or Die later. While its not going to happen to the Yahg living currently its going to happen.
They probably think "Yeah, let these fuckers die, we'll pick up the pieces as soon as the Reapers are gone and have 50.000 years to prepare for them."
Eh maybe, Id assume some of the yahg are smart they are supposed to be very fast at adapting and close to salarian level intellect. I doubt they are beyond reasoning.
The Salerians on Sur-kesh did plan to uplift the yahg like that had done with the krogans. Even if it was by force.
If they made them a galactic race by forcing technology upon them then the reapers would of attacked them aswell.
Its about fucking timeSticky Grenade Power
- Base damage increased from 750 to 900
Crusader Shotgun
- Damage increased from [486.6-608.3] to [530.9-663.6]
When are we going to know the next Operation details? I know its today, but i forgot the time.
Hopefully the goals aren't going to be a fucking "Do a full extraction on Gold Vancouver!" or "Beat 300k Wave 10!".
...I know it will.I want something like "Beat Gold with only Sentinels" or "Kill xxxxxx enemies with biotic explosions". Something unique, you know.
Operation ALLOY (August 24th 11AM MDT – August 26th 5AM MDT)
A training center will only take a recruit so far. Our recruits need field experience, so it’s time to integrate them with seasoned squads during our next series of sweeps.
Individual Goal: Promote 2 characters
Allied Goal: Promote 50,000 characters
Special Circumstance: None
Individual Goal Success: All players awarded a Commendation Pack
Allied Goal Success: All players awarded a Victory Pack and an increase to medi-gel capacity
It's like rubbing salt into an open wound, that the weekend mission is so easy, resulting with an increase to medi-gel capacity, as my PS3 just died.
that's terribleand i know that feel.
if you got the YLOD, try to revive it (instructions are easy to find and it actually works, for a while at least) and then transfer all your saves etc to a new PS3, if you buy one. you CAN save all the stuff you lost if it's the YLOD, many don't know this for some reason.
I came closer than I'd like to admit.For som
e reason I get the feeling when people read the description, they immediately promote their characters after realizing when the actual operation starts...
Goal is too easy, but it will be funny if the community goal is not achieved.
Can't even login to promote my characters. I hit "Multiplayer" and it just loads for a couple minutes and then I get "connection lost".
This is on PC.
You should play right now (saturday and sunday, pacific time)and get 2 classes to level 20 and promote them for this weekend's event. You'll get one of 4 guns for free that you can only get from these events that occur every other weekend.Do you guys recommend playing this along side the single player, or should I finish SP and then jump into this?
You should play right now (saturday and sunday, pacific time)and get 2 classes to level 20 and promote them for this weekend's event. You'll get one of 4 guns for free that you can only get from these events that occur every other weekend.
The first 6 MP maps are side missions in SP that play like the first few waves of an MP match. Nothing's going to be spoiled unless guns and enemy types you haven't seen yet bother you.
You should play right now (saturday and sunday, pacific time)and get 2 classes to level 20 and promote them for this weekend's event. You'll get one of 4 guns for free that you can only get from these events that occur every other weekend.
The first 6 MP maps are side missions in SP that play like the first few waves of an MP match. Nothing's going to be spoiled unless guns and enemy types you haven't seen yet bother you.
Well, he might get spoiled by seeing the DLC maps(like Thessia), but i guess he could wait until he has beaten the SP to download them. Except he at least needs the Earth DLC for this weekend event.
Edit : Thinking about it again... no multiplayer DLC installed is going to make it harder for him to find other players.
I'm in no rush to play the MP yet, but would it impact my SP in anyway? What's Galactic readiness do?
I have them installed. I downloaded them before I started playing.