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Mass Effect 3 Spoiler Thread |OT2| Taste the Rainbow


Fuck the ME3 ending and fuck the game's journalists defending the ending as art. Talked to a few friends tonight that have played ME3 and all of them through the ending was bad to horrible. A bunch of us talked in depth about how no matter how you look at the ending it doesn't make sense (this was before drinks) but we all agreed that ME3 has some very very cool, touching bits with the genophage and quarian/geth war and Thane. It's just such a sad, sad thing that a game that can give us thoe plot points and deliver on our past choices can fall so hard at the end.
I've just got back from a party and am reading GAF while sobering up.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Sovereign's attitude in the original game just doesn't jive with the actual role the Reapers, apparently, play.

Mass Effect should have either kept the reapers unknowable cthulhu machines or scrapped them and focused on interspecies and interorganization conflict. Of course that requires the ability to write evenhanded political dialogue and no truly feasible way to have a galactic war versus an unambiguously evil foe. There are options though. Not options I'd take, like leaving the batarians or geth as solely antagonizing forces but It'd be easier without backing yourself into a corner like the Reapers did.


I don't understand why we're supposed to think that organic/synthetic hybrids don't have free will? They are the best of both worlds. Cool and calculating yet they still have passion, instinct, and free will. Being both gives them every possible advantage. Given the choice very few people would turn this state of existence down... And even if they weren't in the war already there's no reason to believe their planets either wouldn't be hit next or maybe raped in the next cycle. This hybrid state of existence is a hundred times preferable to the living hell the reapers create for organics each and every cycle. You speak of the green ending as if its hell for those in existence but you fail to realize how superior these beings might be.

Yes, but Shepard is also one hundred percent of the time given the choice to control or destroy the Reapers, so that's not really an issue. There's no ending to the game where everyone is not synergised and the Reapers are a threat.


This is exactly the entitled attitude I was talking about....

Entitled? You mean experienced? You believe that you should just roll over and accept anything as great? Do you also believe that there are no bad movies, music, or food? That nothing is worthy of critique, analysis, or repercussions of being bad?

No, sorry. Sturgeon's law applies.

Ad hominem just shows you are personally vested in this somehow. Once again, your personal insult rings hollow.


The holo meeting was my favorite scene in the whole series, and what was really sold me on the first game. Sadly the rest of the reaper machinations just don't live up to expectations.

That was pretty crazy in ME1. I think the reapers live up to the fear that meeting bestows upon the player even though it's revealed they aren't the highest power. I think it's actually kind of creepy to think about what the catalyst could really be if it created the monstrosity that is the reapers.


That was pretty crazy in ME1. I think the reapers live up to the fear that meeting bestows upon the player even though it's revealed they aren't the highest power. I think it's actually kind of creepy to think about what the catalyst could really be if it created the monstrosity that is the reapers.

They do not live up to "our purpose is incomprehensible to you" because their purpose apparently is comprehensible and ridiculous to us. The Catalyst is only there because someone watched the Architect scene of Matrix Reloaded and thought that was totally cool, then misunderstood every point of it and wrote an ending together with Casey one desk over.


Hell, the game I played right before ME3 was FFXIII-2. The ending wasn't as much of a let down, though, since pretty much the whole thing was unexplained nonsense.

Where's the support group for gamers who had this experience?

Though I must admit I didn't mind the FFXIII-2 ending all that much.
I instantly went into a rage at the TO BE CONTINUED... screen, but I am willing to accept that if there is a continuation of the story in the form of an FFXIII-3. An unexpected cliffhanger is fine so long as it's followed up on. The second act of a trilogy leaving the thread open for a final installment is standard practice, and it's really the fact that we're not sure there is a third installment coming that makes it so jarring at first.

That and I thought the game's ending turning into the beginning sequences, and Academy turning into Valhalla, to be pretty damn clever. That opinion won out after the initial "WHERE'S MY CONCLUSION FFFFUUUUU" rage died down.

All the above attitudes subject to change if/when the story's never finished... or finished solely via DLC.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
They do not live up to "our purpose is incomprehensible to you" because their purpose apparently is comprehensible and ridiculous to us. The Catalyst is only there because someone watched the Architect scene of Matrix Reloaded and thought that was totally cool, then misunderstood every point of it and wrote an ending together with Casey one desk over.

Except for the fact that the Architect, as both a character and an exposition fountain, was far more interesting. Also he didnt get a mere 5 minutes of screen time at the end of the third movie.


They do not live up to "our purpose is incomprehensible to you" because their purpose apparently is comprehensible and ridiculous to us. The Catalyst is only there because someone watched the Architect scene of Matrix Reloaded and thought that was totally cool, then misunderstood every point of it and wrote an ending together with Casey one desk over.

The wisdom of an ancient race of death machines IS incomprehensible to a galaxy of organics or else the organics would not have tried to stop the reapers once they found out what their purpose was. If it wasn't incomprehensible the organics would have rolled over and accepted their fate as necessary.

Except for the fact that the Architect, as both a character and an exposition fountain, was far more interesting. Also he didnt get a mere 5 minutes of screen time at the end of the third movie.

That's weird because I thought the architect was dumb in the Matrix yet I rather enjoyed the scene with the Catalyst.


The wisdom of an ancient race of death machines IS incomprehensible to a galaxy of organics or else the organics would not have tried to stop the reapers once they found out what their purpose was. If it wasn't incomprehensible the organics would have rolled over and accepted their fate as necessary.

But no one found out what their purpose was before Shepard on the Citadel in those final seven minutes of the game. "Our purpose is incomprehensible" implies that the reasoning behind the choice is incomprehensible, not stupid. "I don't eat chocolate because I dislike cars" isn't incomprehensibly wise, it's fucking stupid.
The wisdom of an ancient race of death machines IS incomprehensible to a galaxy of organics or else the organics would not have tried to stop the reapers once they found out what their purpose was. If it wasn't incomprehensible the organics would have rolled over and accepted their fate as necessary.

Wait... you're saying that you can't comprehend why the Reapers exist?
Actually from what I understand EDI becomes half organic.

I hope it's the bottom half.


Wait... you're saying that you can't comprehend why the Reapers exist?

No, that's not what I was saying. What I said was, if the humans and aliens in ME understood the reasoning behind the reapers' war then they'd know it was a necessary evil. However they learned the reasoning and still fought with every ounce of their being so they obviously did not understand it in the way a superior, demi-god, synthetic would.


I hope it's the bottom half.

Hull integrity compromised.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
I don't understand why we're supposed to think that organic/synthetic hybrids don't have free will? They are the best of both worlds. Cool and calculating yet they still have passion, instinct, and free will.

Because this change will somehow make there be no war in the future with synthetics. The only way this could happen if everybody's minds were changed on a fundamental level. So maybe all these new beings could have some form of free will, but they will all be different people than those before them.

Being both gives them every possible advantage. Given the choice very few people would turn this state of existence down...
1) They weren't given the choice. and 2) you don't know that.
If the government was pumping drugs into the water supply to force everybody to be peaceful and compliant. I suppose you'd be happy for that.

And even if they weren't in the war already there's no reason to believe their planets either wouldn't be hit next or maybe raped in the next cycle.

Or they might have beaten the reapers without changing every single being in the galaxy against their will. But you didn't give them the choice. Or the chance.

This hybrid state of existence is a hundred times preferable to the living hell the reapers create for organics each and every cycle. You speak of the green ending as if its hell for those in existence but you fail to realize how superior these beings might be.

No, I don't think it's hell for those in existence. I think it's a forced change on the fundamental level which means they are not the same people as they were. So essentially dead and replaced with new people more to your liking because it's the best of both worlds and they should like it. And if not, who cares? They are superior now.

The red ending is completely honest. It's stupid that Bioware dumped in the Geth as a way to prevent everybody jumping into the red immediately. But still. The Geth were in the war if you made peace, or chose them over the Quarians. They knew what they were getting into. They were going to be extinct if we lost anyway.


No, that's not what I was saying. What I said was, if the humans and aliens in ME understood the reasoning behind the reapers' war then they'd know it was a necessary evil. However they learned the reasoning and still fought with every ounce of their being so they obviously did not understand it in the way a superior, demi-god, synthetic would.

Unless I missed a whole chapter of the game only Shepard gets to speak with the Catalyst. For all we know the Catalyst is just programmed to think that way too, which nullifies any understanding or wisdom behind the behaviour of the Reapers. The Catalyst even admits that his solution, the Reapers harvesting all organics, has failed and must be replaced. None of the solutions involve the old solution in any way. This contradicts the old solution being some sort of ultimate galactic wisdom.


Seriously fuck the Kai Leng fight at the Cerberus base on Insanity. The fucker focuses only on me giving me no room to do anything. Then, if I use Charge, after about the 4th or 5th time the cunt fuck one hit kills me with some grapple thing that is impossible to get out of. Bravo.


Very late to the party here, but is the ending controvercy simply about that the ending doesnt always take your choice done previously in the game into concideration?
No, that's not what I was saying. What I said was, if the humans and aliens in ME understood the reasoning behind the reapers' war then they'd know it was a necessary evil. However they learned the reasoning and still fought with every ounce of their being so they obviously did not understand it in the way a superior, demi-god, synthetic would.
Even if they knew they would still fight to the death to prove them wrong. Who are the reapers and their creators to judge that Synthetics would eventually kill all organics and force cyclical genocide on them every 50000 years?

And even then the Catalyst said the old solution didn't work when Shepard spoke to him. So it wasn't incomprehensible, it was just wrong to begin with.


Seriously fuck the Kai Leng fight at the Cerberus base on Insanity. The fucker focuses only on me giving me no room to do anything. Then, if I use Charge, after about the 4th or 5th time the cunt fuck one hit kills me with some grapple thing that is impossible to get out of. Bravo.

The third set of adds all have the same ability since they're Phantoms, it's really annoying. I ended up having them get stuck in the holes he makes to regenerate. That's also a viable tactic for him, by the way, he has real issues getting into and from those holes.


I've finished the game and I'm not as disappointed as I thought I would be at the ending. Granted, I've read about the endings being terrible before I started and I have been jaded with Bioware lately. I'm going to just pretend Shepard died activing the Crucible and that Garrus didn't ditch her to run off and get stranded on some jungle planet.

I'm more pissed about the amount of auto-dialoguing that goes on in this game. While it was incredibly bad at the beginning and got better as the game went on, it still happened more often than in ME1 and ME2. And why would they take away the neutral responses?


I hope it's the bottom half.


Please tell me that's shopped.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Seriously fuck the Kai Leng fight at the Cerberus base on Insanity. The fucker focuses only on me giving me no room to do anything. Then, if I use Charge, after about the 4th or 5th time the cunt fuck one hit kills me with some grapple thing that is impossible to get out of. Bravo.

Bring energy drain. Drain his shields when yours deplete and run around killing everyone else.


Very late to the party here, but is the ending controvercy simply about that the ending doesnt always take your choice done previously in the game into concideration?

Not only that but the actual endings themselves are pretty dumb. The entire payoff is rather weak and the "explanations" are all bullshit.

So, in a few words, the endings is dumb and makes very little sense.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I've finished the game and I'm not as disappointed as I thought I would be at the ending. Granted, I've read about the endings being terrible before I started and I have been jaded with Bioware lately. I'm going to just pretend Shepard died activing the Crucible and that Garrus didn't ditch her to run off and get stranded on some jungle planet.

I'm more pissed about the amount of auto-dialoguing that goes on in this game. While it was incredibly bad at the beginning and got better as the game went on, it still happened more often than in ME1 and ME2. And why would they take away the neutral responses?


Please tell me that's shopped.

Because in 2 no one picked them cause it was pointless due to how reputation worked. Also more work. They also cut down on highlighted dialogue.
No, that's not what I was saying. What I said was, if the humans and aliens in ME understood the reasoning behind the reapers' war then they'd know it was a necessary evil. However they learned the reasoning and still fought with every ounce of their being so they obviously did not understand it in the way a superior, demi-god, synthetic would..

How is it a necessary evil?
Very late to the party here, but is the ending controvercy simply about that the ending doesnt always take your choice done previously in the game into concideration?

Its that and a myriad of other concerns and grievances. Its not logically consistent with the rest of the game, the ending comes out of left field. You're not expecting it when it happens. No matter what decision you make as a player all of the relays are destroyed. Which in of itself isn't a bad thing, but players are left wondering if the explosions actually killed everyone. And the Normandy leaving the battle is weird. We're left to speculate TOO MUCH.


Not only that but the actual endings themselves are pretty dumb. The entire payoff is rather weak and the "explanations" are all bullshit.

So, in a few words, the endings is dumb and makes very little sense.
Its that and a myriad of other concerns and grievances. Its not logically consistent with the rest of the game, the ending comes out of left field. You're not expecting it when it happens. No matter what decision you make as a player all of the relays are destroyed. Which in of itself isn't a bad thing, but players are left wondering if the explosions actually killed everyone. And the Normandy leaving the battle is weird. We're left to speculate TOO MUCH.
Thanks :) Honestly i thought it was something more "serious" seeing that someone seems to go through great length trying to get the ending to be changed (like that $80k charity donation). I thought it was something in line that you had to buy some DLC to see the "true ending", or that end ending was some sort of big cliffhanger to a sequel, and people wanted the trioligy to end/have a final conclusion. But at least i can see the reason why someone will be disapointed with the current ending after reading what it was about. I know the feeling about the speculation stuff if it gets too much of it :)
I personally think we should default to the Arrival-type explosions until told otherwise since that is the only other time we see a relay explode.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
How is it a necessary evil?

Because the vent god says so. Honestly, what other choice did the Catalyst have? If he didn't do this, all life in the galaxy would be destroyed by synthetics. There is absolutely NOTHING else he could have done? And he's a superior being, so of course he'd know.


So the ending was worse?

I think so. But that also goes to my point that the bar was already lowered in that game so it wasn't as big of a surprise that the ending was kind of shitty.

Another ending that was pretty wretched from what I remember was Star Ocean 3. If I remember correctly
Their entire existence is threatened because they're literally AI characters in a video game. At the end their existence blinks out for some reason that I forgot, but then everyone comes back into existence because they believe they exist... or something

Then there was the part near end of Fallout 3, but not the part you think.
I was pretty angry that you could literally persuade them to just drop everything and not attack you. It was just so terribly written and completely and utterly anticlimactic

The ending of Mirror's Edge was dumb as shit, too.
I mean the security guards that were shooting at you literally 5 seconds beforehand just disappear and then it cuts to the ending song and stuff and you're like "Well how the fuck are you going to get out of there!? And where the hell did everyone go? And why did the helicopter randomly crash when you kicked a passenger? What the fuck!?"

Where's the support group for gamers who had this experience?

Though I must admit I didn't mind the FFXIII-2 ending all that much.
I instantly went into a rage at the TO BE CONTINUED... screen, but I am willing to accept that if there is a continuation of the story in the form of an FFXIII-3. An unexpected cliffhanger is fine so long as it's followed up on. The second act of a trilogy leaving the thread open for a final installment is standard practice, and it's really the fact that we're not sure there is a third installment coming that makes it so jarring at first.

That and I thought the game's ending turning into the beginning sequences, and Academy turning into Valhalla, to be pretty damn clever. That opinion won out after the initial "WHERE'S MY CONCLUSION FFFFUUUUU" rage died down.

All the above attitudes subject to change if/when the story's never finished... or finished solely via DLC.

Honestly, I didn't even mind the ending that much. Actually when it ended I thought everyone else was being kind of silly with their reactions. The ending wasn't really that much more insane than the rest of the game. Whenever you let a JRPG writer do something with time travel you get some incomprehensible wackiness, and I can accept that. I liked the game for what it was. I'll likely buy any sort of FFXIII-3 if there is one.
Because in 2 no one picked them cause it was pointless due to how reputation worked. Also more work. They also cut down on highlighted dialogue.

I think EatChildren's take is spot on, they're looking to change the series to other 3rd person action games, namely Uncharted. Ever since ME2, they've tried to cater to a different audience; and with this release its pretty much the same. Which is infuriating because as players who have saves since ME1, we have the same endings as those who have only played the series since this release.
No, that's not what I was saying. What I said was, if the humans and aliens in ME understood the reasoning behind the reapers' war then they'd know it was a necessary evil. However they learned the reasoning and still fought with every ounce of their being so they obviously did not understand it in the way a superior, demi-god, synthetic would.

It is perfectly possible and plausible to understand the reasoning for the reapers' existence as given by the catalyst and still not accept it.


Amazon said:
I understand your disappointment with the Mass Effect 3 ending and as a huge Mass Effect fan myself, I am there right with you. As a hardcore gamer and seeing Mass Effect 2 as one of my all time favorite games, I am hoping BioWare can create some sort of change or future DLC (free or not) to add to the ending. Or... just hope Mass Effect 4 (if it is in the BioWare timeline) to completely deliver.

Unfortunately though, Game & Software Downloads are not returnable after purchase. We provide this information at the time of purchase and in the Amazon Games & Software Downloads Terms of Use.

The rumor of Amazon accepting returns on Mass Effect 3 (physical/digital copies) and all other unsatisfied game experiences with other games, is completely false. Exceptions may be warranted in particular cases, however, we cannot set a guarantee point for every person to buy (and use) and return if they are unhappy with how the game has turned out.

I apologize for any disappointment. Thank you for your understanding

Well so much for that. Guess I'm back to hoping Bioware fixes their shit :p
The synthesis ending implies that fusing synthetic and organic life turns everyone in the galaxy into Stepford Wives who will all live meekly in peace forever.


Ok I beat Kai Leng after the 10th try simply by spamming Charge and rolling away instantly. Works against the Phantoms and Kai Leng (both of which have OHKO moves). Spam Singularity and Overload along with Charge and it's pretty simple. Such a poorly made boss fight. All the more satisfying when you jab your omni tool blade in to his gut. Fucker.
Amazon's too cool for that. I'm surprised I got some form of a personal message there though, usually it's just the company policy. But I appreciate the slight informal tone.

Now you have a choice: either destroy Amazon, control it, or merge with it.

I thought the asari were the allegory for race mixing.
No the Asari are Nazi's clearly. They "mix" the races into what they consider a superior form.


Ok I beat Kai Leng after the 10th try simply by spamming Charge and rolling away instantly. Works against the Phantoms and Kai Leng (both of which have OHKO moves). Spam Singularity and Overload along with Charge and it's pretty simple. Such a poorly made boss fight. All the more satisfying when you jab your omni tool blade in to his gut. Fucker.

Yeah I really really did not like that fight, nor did I like his character. They really could have and should have done something better with him.
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