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Mass Effect 3 Spoiler Thread |OT2| Taste the Rainbow

Here's that design doc Casey Hudson used to pitch the doctors the series. Sorry it took so long.




Ashley is xenophobic and has reason to be. And she never wants to kill Wrex unless you are a failure at squad influence.

Its a shame took Ashley from one of the only two interesting characters in 1 to a boring standin with nothing much to say in 3.

Yeah, Ashley was a pretty good character in ME1, I romanced her and everything. Then in ME3 she just got boring. It didn't help that she basically turned into the ship's Zaeed; maybe I just missed it, but I never got a full conversation with her on the Normandy, just the one-liners and the scene where she's hungover from partying with James.

I don't think she even ever had interactions with the other squadmates besides that last bit, either. Everyone else you'd find intercomming each other or chatting in the mess hall or something, but Ashley just kind of kept herself to starboard observation. I'm guessing Kaidan is mostly the same way.

It's really a shame that they skimped on one of the strengths of ME3 for Ashley/Kaidan just because some players might not see it.
How does Jessica Chobot get a higher cast billing than Martin Sheen? Seth Green? Really? The ending credits are hilarious.

I bet she licked a Reaper Blackstar for bonus money and respect.

Doing my Insanity run now (Soldier Dudebro class).

Javik and Garrus are my homies.

Particle Rifle X and Black Widow X.

Game is a cakewalk.
How does Jessica Chobot get a higher cast billing than Martin Sheen? Seth Green? Really? The ending credits are hilarious.

Couldn't it be alphabetical order? I very much doubt she got higher billing then Martin Sheen.

Edit: I just looked VAs are listed in the strangest order ever. Chobot is listed right after Hale and Meer.
Yeah, Ashley was a pretty good character in ME1, I romanced her and everything. Then in ME3 she just got boring. It didn't help that she basically turned into the ship's Zaeed; maybe I just missed it, but I never got a full conversation with her on the Normandy, just the one-liners and the scene where she's hungover from partying with James.

I don't think she even ever had interactions with the other squadmates besides that last bit, either. Everyone else you'd find intercomming each other or chatting in the mess hall or something, but Ashley just kind of kept herself to starboard observation. I'm guessing Kaidan is mostly the same way.

It's really a shame that they skimped on one of the strengths of ME3 for Ashley/Kaidan just because some players might not see it.

I've noticed this as a huge failing of the "Mass Effect model", so to speak. Bioware has limited resources and will allocate those resources first and foremost into areas of the game that they know 100% of the player base will experience. That's why characters like Liara get a larger showcase than characters like Garrus, etc. They couldn't have possibly died in a past game so allocating screen time to them isn't a risk.

I'd rather have reduced player choice with a more fleshed-out cast, in some cases.


I've noticed this as a huge failing of the "Mass Effect model", so to speak. Bioware has limited resources and will allocate those resources first and foremost into areas of the game that they know 100% of the player base will experience. That's why characters like Liara get a larger showcase than characters like Garrus, etc. They couldn't have possibly died in a past game so allocating screen time to them isn't a risk.

I'd rather have reduced player choice with a more fleshed-out cast, in some cases.

If you think about it, this just make sense logistically. ;)
Couldn't it be alphabetical order? I very much doubt she got higher billing then Martin Sheen.

Edit: I just looked VAs are listed in the strangest order ever. Chobot is listed right after Hale and Meer.

Leads followed by alpha maybe? And then Sheen with an also starring or the like?

Kaidan and Ashley are basically the same character in this game, so skimping was a design decision, not a content access thing. I guess Ashley has her sister stuff to differentiate a bit later. Not sure about Kaidan, I know he is suddenly bisexual, and likes to drink, but not sure about his citadel visit.
If you think about it, this just make sense logistically. ;)

What makes sense? Allocating resources where they know people will see them? I agree, but it's a shame they're often forced to compromise on that point.

Or do you mean having a tighter story with less characters and less choice? I believe ME probably could have benefited from that, seeing how much player choice actually featured into the endings.


So they even bullshit each other! This is amazing :lol

..or maybe they actually intended to do this but realized their aspirations weren't possible? I'll give BioWare back then the benefit of the doubt. It still seemed like they cared about making a good game instead of just a good cash cow.

Would have been cool if they pulled it off though.
Leads followed by alpha maybe? And then Sheen with an also starring or the like?

Kaidan and Ashley are basically the same character in this game, so skimping was a design decision, not a content access thing. I guess Ashley has her sister stuff to differentiate a bit later. Not sure about Kaidan, I know he is suddenly bisexual, and likes to drink, but not sure about his citadel visit.

I figured it out its the leads followed by alpha by character last name. If you don't have a last name they use the first, but Wrex is listed as Wrex Urdnot and Wreav is Urdnot Wreav so who knows.



YT Comments:
But wait, where's the part where the ghost-child comes out and explains that the force is inherently evil and the only solution is to either destroy it or merge the dark side with the light?

You forgot the part where the Emperor blasts Luke then walks off screen never to be seen again, and destroying the Death Star kills all your wookiee bros in the galaxy.

You missed the part where it also destroys the Force and hyperspace...


javic as dlc destroys the game.
cast less interesting and valuable info gets lost from the game.

yup, I hate bioware for that more than I do for the ending. Call it good business if you want, its a slap in the face for fans. At least I got it for free due to Amazon's mistake.
The procedurally generated galaxy stuff sounds awesome. Make it happen in the soon-to-be-announced
in my dreams
next-generation sequel- Mass Effect 4: Shepard's Ressurrection


Urgh after what I just read on Reddit the ending is going to be the least of Mass Effects problems. This is a leak that originated from 4chan so already the source is incredibly suspicious. Reading through the leak my brain kept yelling "BULLSHIT" so ordinarily I would discount this crap. However after the god awful endings the leak sounds like it is something Bioware would actually do.

I will link to the post rather than paste it in here. Be aware if it is true there will be spoilers for the next Mass Effect :-


So fake. Javik was already in the script of the main game and not part of post game DLC. He was in the original game script leak and the final hours of ME3 confirms that they cut him from the main game because they lacked the time to complete his mission.
yup, I hate bioware for that more than I do for the ending. Call it good business if you want, its a slap in the face for fans. At least I got it for free due to Amazon's mistake.

Short term...maybe good business...maybe.

Long term...not so good.

Over time, people will realize just how Bioware is.
Short term...maybe good business...maybe.

Long term...not so good.

Over time, people will realize just how Bioware is.

This is very true. With the ending stuff they cut I can can let that stuff slide as a development constraint and they released the game at the right time in relation to that. Javik on the other hand is fairly important in terms of the revelations he brings and not waiting one more week to put him in the actual game is ridiculous. They would have still made the fiscal year if they had waited.


People called Romanes they go the house?


I think they're referring to the fact that the French BSN made an open letter to the US/Canada side supporting the hating the endings camp.

Also, that /v/ rumor is one of those epic trolls you kind of acknowledge for hitting those chords that resonate with the angry fans, but at the same time, filled with so many false things you know its fake.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
So fake. Javik was already in the script of the main game and not part of post game DLC. He was in the original game script leak and the final hours of ME3 confirms that they cut him from the main game because they lacked the time to complete his mission.

lol that amazing eden prime mission. So glad they took him out so they could polish that...
I think that the Catalyst being behind the Reapers motivations lives up to Sovereigns promise that their purpose was incomprehensible to us. Sure we can get the gist of it, they are here to harvest all advanced organic life to preserve it as the ultimate end of evolution every 50,000 years. To save it from otherwise being simpley destroyed by synthetics eventually. But their ultimate motivations and the thought process behind them are still not clear.(Give that ME is a story created and written by humans, the Catalyst and its ambiguity was necessary  to keep the concept of motivations  we can't understand)

Mushed up paste is the ultimate form of evolution? We know what their ultimate motivation is: to keep synthetics from destroying organics. That is what the Catalyst says outright. TOo bad that we have 3 examples of synthetic life not trying to destroy all organic life: EDI, the geth, and the Reapers themselves since while they do destroy a lot of organic life, they don't destroy all of it.

So synthetics destroy organics to protect organics in order to keep organics from creating synthetics that would destroy organics. It's circular logic and people have already figured out other solutions to the Reaper's "problem"

Then I started thinking of the motivations of the race that is whatever the catalyst beings are, what are their motivations for wanting to save us? What if it is because ultimately they know (from experience) that evolution will allow another species to "catch up" to them, to be their equal, or otherwise, a competitor. What better way to stop that from happening than the Reaper cycle? Preventing both synthetics and organics from achieving this. Of course in order for this to be the motivation of the catalyst that assumes that there is some lying going on on its end, (Synergy would likely in the end entail some sort of control by the Catalyst, as would the Control option, which is why they are presented  as Paragon by the Catalyst) but would that really be suprising?
You are speculating (SPECULATION) based on no evidence whatsoever. Besides, like I said above, we are told what the Reaper's motivations are.

Or it could be that a species that far advanced had really come to appreciate life, and thought that preserving it via the Reapers was better than all remnants and history of the species being erased from the Universe inevitably by some other force, likely synthetics of their own creation . 
So these synthetics turn organics into a fine paste in order to protect organics from synthetics that would probably turn organics into a fine paste.

This is where the Rannoch mission comes into play, people that got the best outcome for this mission,(as I did) may think that this disproves what the Catalyst says.
It quite does disprove the Catalyst. Never mind the fact that the Reapers helped out the geth by upgrading them.

However after seeing my friend play the same mission, something became clear. From the point of view of the Catalyst war with the synthetics  is inevitable. They are right, or at least right enough to be skeptical of any peace that Shepard may have secured for now.

We have no proof of that since we can't present EDI or the geth as refuations of the Catalysts assertion. From our perspective, it sounds like a lot of bullshit

The simple fact that all it took was for Shepard to make a couple wrong decisions and the Geth wiped out the Quarians (or visa versa) shows that peace would likely not last forever.
I'm sorry, but I don't accept that. Throughout the games, we are shown that we should give life, whether organic or synthetic, a chance. We can cure the genophage or save the rachni or achieve peace with the geth. Plus, most of the geth are content with hanging out in space just crunching numbers. They only rebelled because the quarians tried to kill them.

Yet still gave you the choice, because in the end the Catalyst is likely powerful enough to rectify it if need be.
The Catalyst is gone.

Are the Catalysts from the Milky way? Or are they capable of traveling with ease between the vastness of dark space, placing Reapers on the rim of every galaxy, and relays throughout each? Harvesting or "preserving" life on a scale that humans cannot begin to comprehend? 

Where Bioware went wrong, is execution of these grand ideas. The cutscene with the Normandy did not make any sense, but it could of if they had just filled that little plothole with a small cutscene or line of dialogue, just given Joker and crew a reason to be leaving through the relays.

There are recorded lines from Joker saying that he was coming in to the rescue, but they didn't add it in, mostly because SPECULATION

All in all, great and brave move for the ending Bioware, half assed execution though.
How is ending a trilogy with contradictions and confusing ambiguity brave? Or providing endings that are virtually identical? How is having Shepard act out of character brave?

No matter how you try to justify it, the ending is shit.


Just for the record. In the last thread, we were comparing Mass Relays in size to the Citadel. According to the ME wiki, our system's relay actually is Charon, so it's at least a thousand kilometres from one end to the other atl east, probably more since it was mistaken as a sphere.
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