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Mass Effect 3 Spoiler Thread |OT2| Taste the Rainbow


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I've stated the reapers are kind of hybrids of organic life and machines. And how do you know they haven't rebelled against whoever created them to begin with? If you're talking about star child, he is their controller, but I believe he is also one of them.

And even so, 3 instances isn't the problem. The problem is an eventuality. Eventually synthetics will destroy organics. This doesn't mean every single type of synthetic will, specifically rebel against their specific creator.

lol you could say the same for organics or the Andromeda-Milky Way collision.


No. Legion wants to see his "brothers" evolve. If the Quarians attacks them or not is wholly another matter.

It's not like he was "Let us upgrade or we'll kill you!". It was more of a "We are upgrading. In any case, if you attack us, we will retaliate like we did in the past. Elsewise, let us point out good farming spots on Rannoch."

Hahaha, that's awesome. Yeah as much as I love the quarians they really proved how stupid they were in this one. They are war mongers besides a select few...


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I've stated the reapers are kind of hybrids of organic life and machines. And how do you know they haven't rebelled against whoever created them to begin with? If you're talking about star child, he is their controller, but I believe he is also one of them.

And even so, 3 instances isn't the problem. The problem is an eventuality. Eventually synthetics will destroy organics. This doesn't mean every single type of synthetic will, specifically rebel against their specific creator.
What is dark space? Is it just the vast space in between galaxies? I thought it was like another dimension of sorts but the ending of ME2 suggests they hang out beyond the galaxy's edge.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Hahaha, that's awesome. Yeah as much as I love the quarians they really proved how stupid they were in this one. They are war mongers besides a select few...

I didnt get the sense is was that simple. The Admirals seemed pretty divided.
you know what's an eventuality

a supervirus will one day evolve from chaos and perfection and destroy all life so i have to cap evolution by turning people into goo so that never happens

what do you mean you've never seen that happen in this series and i'm just telling you something with no proof, i'm god and that makes me right

uh DUH of course this is good writing


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
What is dark space? Is it just the vast space in between galaxies? I thought it was like another dimension of sorts but the ending of ME2 suggests they hang out beyond the galaxy's edge.
That seems to be it.

Dark space (or intergalactic space) is the name of the physical space between galaxies in the same way as interstellar space is the space between stars within a galaxy. Dark space is completely dark, as it contains little to no stars and makes up almost the entire volume of the universe, where galaxies are only small islands of light. The distance between two neighboring galaxies is in the order of several million light-years, while the diameter of our galactic disc is only about 100,000 light-years.
I've stated the reapers are kind of hybrids of organic life and machines. And how do you know they haven't rebelled against whoever created them to begin with? If you're talking about star child, he is their controller, but I believe he is also one of them.
Even if the Catalyst just controls them, they could still rebel.

And even so, 3 instances isn't the problem. The problem is an eventuality. Eventually synthetics will destroy organics. This doesn't mean every single type of synthetic will, specifically rebel against their specific creator.

The problem with eventuality is that eventually, anything can happen. Synthetics might turn out to be benevolent. Synthetics might turn out to be oppressors. Turians might try to sterilize humans. Humans might try to dissect the Asarmi. Salarians might go back to eating flies again. Organics might try to collectively fuck the fabric of reality. You see the problem?
And they would be wrong. The geth are perfectly happy with chilling in the void of space crunching numbers. If they were left alone, they wouldn't cause any problems.

With their new found individuality what's stopping hundreds or more of them from seeking power. They may start to view organics as inferior and decide to take over as the dominant race, which would be incredibly easy for them to do. They disappear for 10 years and come back with a fuckton more geth to take over the Milky Way. There's always options and variables.

My point is, we have no real proof as to what could happen after Mass Effect 3. Only Bioware can determine that.
He's still willing to let the conflict with the Quarians occur. It doesn't matter who starts the fighting, it just means there will always be tension between synthetics and organics.

Since when is acting entirely in self-defense considered "willing to let the conflict occur"? If you get the Quarians to stop attacking, the Geth immediately stand down. Plus Legion expresses the hope of peace several times throughout the game.

It's made abundantly clear in the game (with the right choices) that the Geth do not want to fight, it's just that they are forced into it.

Yeah as much as I love the quarians they really proved how stupid they were in this one. They are war mongers besides a select few...

You can't make that claim. One of the admirals definitely is, but the rest are just doing what they've been ordered to do. At the end of the day, it's the actions of a single Quarian that (almost) get them destroyed.


I'm not hating, just inferring from what information we have gotten. It was Drew's idea about the whole Dark Energy plot and the humans being the final hope of the inevitable "dark energy tearing apart the universe"-thing. Check his blog post about it.

Better than Space Child's revelation of:

I create synthetics to destroy organics to protect them from other synthetics that I help destroy organics.


With their new found individuality what's stopping hundreds or more of them from seeking power. They may start to view organics as inferior and decide to take over as the dominant race, which would be incredibly easy for them to do. They disappear for 10 years and come back with a fuckton more geth to take over the Milky Way. There's always options and variables.

My point is, we have no real proof as to what could happen after Mass Effect 3. Only Bioware can determine that.

"What if" > "Here are two bits of evidence why starchild is full of shit"
Since when is acting entirely in self-defense considered "willing to let the conflict occur"? If you get the Quarians to stop attacking, the Geth immediately stand down. Plus Legion expresses the hope of peace several times throughout the game.

It's made abundantly clear in the game (with the right choices) that the Geth do not want to fight, it's just that they are forced into it.

He's still completely willing to let genocide occur for self-preservation. However justified that is, it still gives way to a major conflict. I'm not saying who is right or wrong, I'm saying that the robots aren't going to get along with everyone.


lol you could say the same for organics or the Andromeda-Milky Way collision.

Our solar system will likely sail through unscathed.

It only makes any sense if space kid is a synthetic and this is its Milky Way experiment. It doesn't care about individual suffering, culling advanced civilisations with red hot laser beams.


One instance of peace does not a pattern make.

Every instance of synthetic life that you actually encounter in the trilogy, save for the Reapers, is either able to form a peaceful relationship with organics, or simply wants to live its life in peace. Every instance in which a non-Reaper synthetic attacks an organic, it is portrayed as a newly-awakened AI being confused and not understanding what's happening to it, as self-defense/retaliation for an act of unprovoked aggression perpetrated by an organic, or as a direct order from a Reaper.

The game's stance on the coexistence of organic and synthetic life is crystal fucking clear, and it's reinforced multiple times across all three games. The ending pretends that none of this happens, and the only way you can justify it is by making imaginary shit up that isn't actually part of the story.

Edit: I mean, if we're going down that route, then the Reapers' plan is still stupid, because there's a giant solar-system sized Starfish in the next galaxy over that's headed for the Milky Way, and once it gets here, it's going to not only kill all the Reapers because they're part-organic, but it's going to take control of every living thing in the galaxy and not just enslave them, but torture them and keep them alive for eternity in unimaginable pain. The Reapers obviously know about it because they're millions and millions of years old, of course they would! And the only way to beat it would be to let synthetic life take over the galaxy so that the Starfish has nothing to eat when it gets here. So the Reapers' plan makes absolutely no goddamn sense.

The above bullshit is no more and no less justified than asserting that synthetics will always overrun organics, given what we've been told during Mass Effect's story.
He's still completely willing to let genocide occur for self-preservation. However justified that is, it still gives way to a major conflict. I'm not saying who is right or wrong, I'm saying that the robots aren't going to get along with everyone.

They were going to commit genocide since the quarians were throwing everyone at the geth. Remember, when the rebellion first started, they could have killed every single quarian, but they didn't. They let them escape.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Our solar system will likely sail through unscathed.

It only makes any sense if space kid is a synthetic and this is its Milky Way experiment. It doesn't care about individual suffering, culling advanced civilisations with red hot laser beams.

Right but we are talking about the whole galaxy.


He's still completely willing to let genocide occur for self-preservation. However justified that is, it still gives way to a major conflict. I'm not saying who is right or wrong, I'm saying that the robots aren't going to get along with everyone.

I will settle this for you. Quarians are wrong for attacking the Geth, the Geth are right because they want to live and not go genocide the Quarians for no reason.


Even if the Catalyst just controls them, they could still rebel.

I'm of the belief that the catalyst controls them and is them.

The problem with eventuality is that eventually, anything can happen. Synthetics might turn out to be benevolent. Synthetics might turn out to be oppressors. Turians might try to sterilize humans. Humans might try to dissect the Asarmi. Salarians might go back to eating flies again. Organics might try to collectively fuck the fabric of reality. You see the problem?

Except that machines see things with calculations and probabilities. EDI's doing it all the time. The reapers must have ran all calculations and kept coming up with the probability that synthetics will at some point in the future eventually destroy all organics with a 100% rate. Maybe this wouldn't happen now with the Geth or in 50,000 years or in 1,000,000 years or even in 1,000,000,000,000 years, but it would happen according to them. If their cycle kept going though, that could never happen. Essentially the probability of that happening was at or near 0% with the cycle.
it really does sadden me that we only see one actual reaper blowing up in ME3.

And not even a Harbinger, Sovereign type.

Then again, remember how Sovereign was only brought down after two fleets hit him with everything they got, and his shields were down because of convenient plot device.

They might have stripped the Reapers of their mystery, nature, or logic, but at least they kept them as damn near unkillable badasses.


Better than Space Child's revelation of:

I create synthetics to destroy organics to protect them from other synthetics that I help destroy organics.

Anything is better than that tripe. But I'm also glad that Drew's "HUMANS ARE SPECIAL" idea got dropped. That would only have made an already poor narrative even worse.
They were going to commit genocide since the quarians were throwing everyone at the geth. Remember, when the rebellion first started, they could have killed every single quarian, but they didn't. They let them escape.

But they'd still be fighting. I'm all for the idea of Geth being righteous dudes, but that doesn't make everyone else as nice.

Especially if Geth evolve to the point of nearly being organic, then they'd grow the capacity to be huge douchebags. But hey, I don't know all the rules of space magic in the Mass Effect universe. I'm speaking only in possibilities. I no shit-all about what could or could not happen. I only have theories based on three games worth of experience, so whatever.


I didnt get the sense is was that simple. The Admirals seemed pretty divided.

Quarians create the Geth, treat them like shit as soon as the Geth develop true AI, begin eradicating these sentient synthetics as soon as they start fighting back, kill protesters(their own people!) who want equal rights for the Geth, evacuate their planet and become nomadic for centuries, and despite having what you'd imagine to be a pretty well-understood record of their own history, they are forever hellbent on destroying the same synthetics that only wanted peace and respect to begin with. During ME3 they are given plenty of chances to reconsider their stance on the Geth but they ignore any and all evidence that might lead them to believe that the Geth would be harmless if only the Quarians would treat them with the love and respect that any offspring would want from their creator. Given the prospects of peace, brotherhood, and even getting to live on their home world again, why are so much of their military still out for blood? Even if a couple Admirals were against risking their own people, you'd think a major move like that wouldn't go forward if even half of all existing Quarians were against war. Finally at the end of the Rannoch missions they are given one final chance to pull out.. but no, they'd rather wipe the universe clean of their own creations at the soonest sign the Geth have been disabled than ever consider an alternative.

No, the Quarians are a special kind of stupid. I don't know if it's just a vendetta thing, or being so weary of having no home planet, or just space madness but.. damn.
I will settle this for you. Quarians are wrong for attacking the Geth, the Geth are right because they want to live and not go genocide the Quarians for no reason.

I agree with this. The Quarians were being douchebags, but what's stopping everyone else from being douchebags to the Geth?
I'm of the belief that the catalyst controls them and is them.
So you're just going to ignore what the Catalyst says

Except that machines see things with calculations and probabilities.
I thought they were hybrids

EDI's doing it all the time. The reapers must have ran all calculations and kept coming up with the probability that synthetics will at some point in the future eventually destroy all organics with a 100% rate. Maybe this wouldn't happen now with the Geth or in 50,000 years or in 1,000,000 years or even in 1,000,000,000,000 years, but it would happen according to them. If their cycle kept going though, that could never happen. Essentially the probability of that happening was at or near 0% with the cycle.

Still doesn't change the fact that as synthetics, Reapers are destroying all organic life. So like I said, 3 instances.

This whole series is about understanding other races, including the geth and being able to achieve peace among them. And then the ending tells you "No, that cannot happen."


So you're just going to ignore what the Catalyst says

He uses the term we, and to me it signifies that he is more than just a creator. (and besides he's an AI/VI, and so he would need a creator, too)

I thought they were hybrids

They are hybrids of organic and synthetic with the benefits of both and the weaknesses of none. One of the benefits being the ability to calculate and see things more logically.

Still doesn't change the fact that as synthetics, Reapers are destroying all organic life. So like I said, 3 instances.

But they aren't destroying all organic life. They're preserving it within themselves.

This whole series is about understanding other races, including the geth and being able to achieve peace among them. And then the ending tells you "No, that cannot happen."

The ending doesn't tell you that, the AI tells you that. You do not have to believe him or his logic. You can choose to destroy and live in hope that he is indeed wrong. That's why when he says synthetics will come and rebel again Shepard just says "...maybe," because he doesn't believe it.
Nothing just like no one stopped the Genophage until Space Jesus came along, but that doesn't mean Spacechild was ever right.

Doesn't mean he's wrong either. Hell, I don't even know what he is. Maybe Shepard fell face first into some space drugs and just died on the spot.

He could be totally bullshitting you, or he could be a pretty nice guy just trying to end all this wacky space nonesense. I'm waiting on Bioware to let me know what's going on there.

All I was arguing for was that conflict doesn't magically, permanently end when Shepard says it does and we have no way to determine what the future of the ME universe will be other than our speculations.

Edit: For the record, I have no strong opinions about ME3's ending. I'm cool with open endings and can buy into Joker just grabbing the crew and flying away. I've suffered through other games with worse endings. At least with this one I had a fun time getting there. My only major grief with ME3 was that Zaeed wasn't more prominent.


Of all the things, the one thing which I hate the most is the vent kid.
Why? Why does Shepard has such an attachment to the kid...even more than his friends like Mordin, Thane, Miranda?

The moment I saw the vent kid die in the demo, I shrugged thinking how cheaply it tried to evoke an emotional response from the player. The player doesn't knows the character, the player hadn't even met the kid until that point, yet for some reason throughout the course of the game we are supposed to feel so much for him, more than Shepard's friend, just because he is a kid.

Such a lousy piece of writing.
But they aren't destroying all organic life. They're preserving it within themselves.

In this cycle, Sovereign and at least half a dozen Destroyers die. If every cycle gives you a Reaper, they're not doing a very good job if they lose that many. I assume the Protheans, since they were so cool and all, also killed a couple.

How can they preserve it when they lose more than what they get?


Of all the things, the one thing which I hate the most is the vent kid.
Why? Why does Shepard has such an attachment to the kid...even more than his friends like Mordin, Thane, Miranda?

The moment I saw the vent kid die in the demo, I shrugged thinking how cheaply it tried to evoke an emotional response from the player. The player doesn't knows the character, the player hadn't even met the kid until that point, yet for some reason throughout the course of the game we are supposed to feel so much for him, more than Shepard's friend, just because he is a kid.

Such a lousy piece of writing.

Yes, everyone agrees that the whole Vent Kid screams "HACK WRITING". How it got past any form of editing is beyond me.

Mac fucking Walters.
Of all the things, the one thing which I hate the most is the vent kid.
Why? Why does Shepard has such an attachment to the kid...even more than his friends like Mordin, Thane, Miranda?

The moment I saw the vent kid die in the demo, I shrugged thinking how cheaply it tried to evoke an emotional response from the player. The player doesn't knows the character, the player hadn't even met the kid until that point, yet for some reason throughout the course of the game we are supposed to feel so much for him, more than Shepard's friend, just because he is a kid.

Such a lousy piece of writing.

That's a good point, I think they should have factored in which character you've had on your squad the most.

I'd do anything Garrus told me to, but I guess Shepard just prefers little boys.


He uses the term we, and to me it signifies that he is more than just a creator. (and besides he's an AI/VI, and so he would need a creator, too)

They are hybrids of organic and synthetic with the benefits of both and the weaknesses of none. One of the benefits being the ability to calculate and see things more logically.

But they aren't destroying all organic life. They're preserving it within themselves.

The ending doesn't tell you that, the AI tells you that. You do not have to believe him or his logic. You can choose to destroy and live in hope that he is indeed wrong. That's why when he says synthetics will come and rebel again Shepard just says "...maybe," because he doesn't believe it.

It's stored in giants vats of goo and remodeled as giant space cuttlefish. I would call that destroying the original life. The destroy ending also doesn't work since you kill the Synthetics in your cycle.
He uses the term we, and to me it signifies that he is more than just a creator. (and besides he's an AI/VI, and so he would need a creator, too)
He also says I and my. He is controlling them. And since he is an AI(not VI) he's not destroying all organic life

They are hybrids of organic and synthetic with the benefits of both and the weaknesses of none. One of the benefits being the ability to calculate and see things more logically.

So they are still machines

But they aren't destroying all organic life. They're preserving it within themselves.
I know. What I am getting it as that the Reapers themselves contradict their own assertions that synthetic life will destroy all organic life. They only cull advanced life.

The ending doesn't tell you that, the AI tells you that.
The whole reason why the reapers exist contradict the previous games andwe have no way of shoving it in their faces.

You do not have to believe him or his logic. You can choose to destroy and live in hope that he is indeed wrong. That's why when he says synthetics will come and rebel again Shepard just says "...maybe," because he doesn't believe it.
But that option kills all of the geth and killed EDI and that invalidates the established themes in the rest of the series.


But they aren't destroying all organic life. They're preserving it within themselves.

They may be preserving the raw paste, but what they are doing is not preserving organic life, they're using it as an ingredient in the construction of a synthetic taht can loosely be called a hybrid. What they're doing is even more far removed from even the borg.


So the Geth or other synthetics of the Milky Way would keep on advancing and increasing in numbers until they were everywhere. They'd build Mass Relays or similar to get about and inadvertently curb the evolution of intelligent life throughout the galaxy, consuming everything.

They'd then feel bad for some reason, come to the conclusions that natural, intelligent organic life is important to them, set up an experiment to maintain such life in a galaxy, control their numbers and remain in dark space to to allow the organics to grow in peace until ripe.

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