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Mass Effect: Andromeda |OT| Ryders on the Storm

Clearly you do, as you felt compelled to respond on it with reference to a thread you remembered. Anyways, done chatting with you if you are going to be so abrasive. Enjoy the game double to make up for how much I despised it :)
Oh just stop. You've done nothing but shitpost for the sole purpose of letting people know "lol this sucks and people that like it are idiots". You very clearly have an agenda.
Small tip, buy a kinetic coil at every trip to the nexus. They only ever sell quantities of one but you want 20 of those.

Shit like this is infuriating. The game fundamentally doesn't respect the players time. Shops only carry 1 of these, so if you're crafting you have to buy and then go back to Tempest and re-enter planet over and over again, dealing with the annoyingly long unskippable cinematics each time.

Little design elements like this and the dumb planetary scanning and traveling map are baffling and simply unfun. If the item is supposed to be rare, don't respawn them every time you enter the area. Otherwise stop wasting our time.
Ok, what's going on? My game keeps crashing everytime I walk onto the Nexus. I just restarted my PS4 and sent 2 error reports.

Don't know if it matters but I'm trying to complete the Splender side mission.

Starting it up again.

You could try changing the active quest and see if īt changes anything.
Shit like this is infuriating. The game fundamentally doesn't respect the players time. Shops only carry 1 of these, so if you're crafting you have to buy and then go back to Tempest and re-enter planet over and over again, dealing with the annoyingly long unskippable cinematics each time.

Little design elements like this and the dumb planetary scanning and traveling map are baffling and simply unfun. If the item is supposed to be rare, don't respawn them every time you enter the area. Otherwise stop wasting our time.
Yup, it's kinda par for the course for RPGs though. Apparently there's other ways to replenish their stock.
Clearly you do, as you felt compelled to respond on it with reference to a thread you remembered. Anyways, done chatting with you if you are going to be so abrasive. Enjoy the game double to make up for how much I despised it :)

Why waste your time in here if you don't like it?


Little design elements like this and the dumb planetary scanning and traveling map are baffling and simply unfun. If the item is supposed to be rare, don't respawn them every time you enter the area. Otherwise stop wasting our time.

I hate the planet scanning and travelling from system to system. Why is it so painfully slow? Why did they think this was ok? From the very first moment I jumped to a new planet and saw the long, slow, drawn-out animation I thought "this is gonna get old fast".

I'm a pretty huge Mass effect fan so part of me wants to like the game and maybe convince myself that "hey maybe it gets better after the trial" but it just isn't happening.

If you don't like it, then don't force yourself. It's a bummer when a new game in a series you liked doesn't live up to your expectations, but that's the way it is sometimes.


Still having loads of fun with this! I just made it to
Havarl and have been scanning plants and doing the little side quests for the scientists.
The whole experience is very Mass Effect'y.

The opening hour or so is interesting, but poorly executed. All of the ingredients are there, bit they fumbled the delivery. Loving the overall "pathfinder" themes and exploring the unknown though. All of these neckbeard, armchair critics need to lighten up. ;)


I hate the planet scanning and travelling from system to system. Why is it so painfully slow? Why did they think this was ok? From the very first moment I jumped to a new planet and saw the long, slow, drawn-out animation I thought "this is gonna get old fast".

If you don't like it, then don't force yourself. It's a bummer when a new game in a series you liked doesn't live up to your expectations, but that's the way it is sometimes.

What really confuses/irritates me is HOW much they dropped the ball. In like every conceivable way the game is just underwhelming. If this wasn't AAA it would be just a whatever indie game but 5 years...?

It's just so annoying. Thankfully I am not in the minority and EA can try to fix it. But it just seems like they will shelve it/kill it like so many other series they have ruined.


I'm hoping someone here can help with this, (Havarl spoilers) -
there's this remnant area to the north (called Remnant Abyss) - I went through it before Havarl's story took me there then went back after climbing Mithrava, but there are two blocked off areas in blue within and seemingly no way to go through them.
Anyone know what that's about?

You will eventually come back to this as part of (vague spoiler about a character)
Peebee's loyalty mission.


Nope, just concurring with another user. Specifically because another person attacked him which is usually how these marginalized games go when someone says how it looks poor to them.

And the standard digital sales is 20% of physical, nothing about Mass effect suggests it would be any different. No special sales or promotions, just seems like a obfuscation. Believe what you will however, seems you already made your mind up :)

Rofl, yeah, you sure haven't. You even played beyond the trial? Besides that, if you don't like it, just go post in one of the threads that agree with you.
You could try changing the active quest and see if īt changes anything.

Yup, it's kinda par for the course for RPGs though. Apparently there's other ways to replenish their stock.

I haven't played any other modern RPG that insists on wasting my time like ME A does. Don't get me wrong, I'm still enjoying the game, but I'm just frustrated that the game could be great, but it's so flawed. So many things just seemed half assed, and the story and writing is so far below the original trilogy's level.
Architects suck for someone running shotgun-biotics :(

And this is where the cobra RPGs come in at. I buy them everytime I see them in a vendors inventory. I had well over 25 of them. The architect was done in like, 5 mins. most of that time was spend just killing the mobs and lining up the shot. one rpg for each leg and one rpg for each time it opened it mouth, and that was it. battle over.


There's a task to craft "Shield Generator" for the Nomad I think, I can't craft that in the Tempest, any idea on how to craft it?


Clearly you do, as you felt compelled to respond on it with reference to a thread you remembered. Anyways, done chatting with you if you are going to be so abrasive. Enjoy the game double to make up for how much I despised it :)

I just dont get it, you essentially made fun of any one who is enjoying it by saying they are completely ignoring the issues and playing mental gymnastics. You posted a video yet again mocking all the problems in the OT but didnt get the feedback you wanted so you made a thread about one particular thing in an update BW did and found the responses you needed. That died down and yet here you are again in the OT pushing your agenda.

I dont want it to bother me because these are just videogames but I hate being told that I have low standards or im out right lying when I say I havent had the massive issues some have had. Outside of the poor writing and animations my game has not had one single game breaking issue or occurrence. The framerate has dipped in a couple areas, and I dont like some actual gameplay decisions but beyond that its been perfect.

I get you dont like the game, im not even remotely trying to convince you to like it or that its really a great game and you clearly dont know what your talking about. I always felt this game regardless of animations/writing would be a divisive one because of the attachment people have to the original trilogy. Similar to how some love the OT Star Wars but hate with a fuming passions the PT. I just dont get the attacks and the complete bafflement people seem to have that people (a small group according to you) can possibly enjoy a game that is "beyond broken" (its not). Then to have the mentality of creating thread after thread of every separate article/video that pops up solely focusing on the issues and have a giant circle jerk as people regurgitate the exact same crap since the trial.

It is 100% okay to not like, hate, despise this game, but there are those who do and if you truly "despise" it as you say you do there are so many other great games to play and put your attention towards than to clog up the OT intended for those who are still playing and want to share that experience rather than constantly reminding people how shitty it is and how dumb we are for enjoying it. Its immature, nonsensical, and just outright dumb to waste your time on something that you clearly have zero interest in. I would like to hope you dont actually enjoy doing what your doing but reading some of the other post by the usual crowd circling around these hate threads towards this game proves some actually do get fulfillment from doing so.
I'm a pretty huge Mass effect fan so part of me wants to like the game and maybe convince myself that "hey maybe it gets better after the trial" but it just isn't happening.
If you haven't played past the trial you really are not giving it a chance. The characters and story grow. The funny memes make lots more sense in context. It plays out like the first few chapters of a huge trilogy, so keep that in mind too. Go rent it or something if you cant commit $60.
I haven't played any other modern RPG that insists on wasting my time like ME A does. Don't get me wrong, I'm still enjoying the game, but I'm just frustrated that the game could be great, but it's so flawed. So many things just seemed half assed, and the story and writing is so far below the original trilogy's level.
RPGs are full of time wasting mechanics. Durability for instance is a mechanic that is inherently about not respecting your time. Min maxing, crafting, collecting, inventory management,...
Excluding durability I love all of those.

I've not finished MEA yet but while I agree wholly it's a flawed game I do like the pacing and the story. The highs aren't as high as they are in mass effect 1 to 3, which is undermined by a lacklustre OST, but overall it can keep up for me.
oh, well. just went into 'endless load' mode on booting up & choosing 'continue' (with a manual save) on ps4. restarted, loaded an autosave from a couple minutes previous, & all's well, but that was kinda unexpected/nasty. if i can't trust a manual save, what can i trust? :) ...
I'm a pretty huge Mass effect fan so part of me wants to like the game and maybe convince myself that "hey maybe it gets better after the trial" but it just isn't happening.

I get it now. You're best bet is too take a step back and go on a mental break from anything Mass Effect related until some of the technical issues are fixed.

If it's the story you don't like, I see what you may be disappointed in but at the same time it's a Mass Effect game threw and threw. I just did the Asari Ark and it left me wishing they went alittle more in depth with the writing.

As for these one liners various sites and Gaf tends to quote that's spoken in game. Yeah by themselves the lines seems dumb but they're out of context of how and why they're said. Everyone was "cringing" so hard at the one liners that it left me dumb founded that they didn't include the context.


How do I get my Strike Teams to be Gold viable?

My teams are Level 15+ and are at about 90% success rate for Bronze and Silver but 30-40% for Gold.

I've bought some equipment too to help them.

yeah same. it's a pretty shitty system right now that doesn't even add anything to the game.


The crew is good and all, but there's like no one that I wanna romance with, in previous trilogy Liara was the one.
This time I want Peebee, but she's not that interesting and doesn't talk much, she's a buggy character in my game and always stands on air. XD
Finished the game late last night.

I'm still not quite sure what to make of it - there's stuff I really like (i.e. combat, the squad is refreshing in that I liked everyone, even if there wasn't really a standout character), stuff I really don't (the glitches, menu/R+D design/etc.) and a lot of stuff somewhere in between. Writing quality is all over the place, and I'm not quite sure what prompted certain decisions even with the squad (i.e. the massive disparity in quality and types of scenes you get depending on who you're romancing).

I do feel the game has some serious tonal and pacing issues/inconsistencies and it also feels like their focus on quantity didn't really work out with things like the number of voiced lines - a lot of the characters you can talk to are boring/forgettable or add nothing tot the experience beyond different versions of "Here's the reason I came and here's what I want to do and here's a one line opinion on whoever is running the settlement I'm at". There's so many people to talk to, but it was rare I felt like the conversations I had were all that meaningful.

I kind of wish they'd let the (endgame spoilers)
Archon's plan to end life either develop more or put it off until the next game in order to focus more on the colony building/integration into the new galaxy/survival aspects of the story. It felt like a massive change in scope/stakes from even exaltation, let alone trying to build up the outposts and colonies.
I am running out of ammo on nearly each encounter. Small ones like the little Kett outposts. I've modded my AR for a scope and some lightweight thing, but nothing (I think) that affects ammo. Is this just another thing that needs adjusting or am I missing something?

I'm only carrying the AR to keep my recharge rate at 100% FWIW. Any tips?


I get it now. You're best bet is too take a step back and go on a mental break from anything Mass Effect related until some of the technical issues are fixed.

If it's the story you don't like, I see what you may be disappointed in but at the same time it's a Mass Effect game threw and threw. I just did the Asari Ark and it left me wishing they went alittle more in depth with the writing.

As for these one liners various sites and Gaf tends to quote that's spoken in game. Yeah by themselves the lines seems dumb but they're out of context of how and why they're said. Everyone was "cringing" so hard at the one liners that it left me dumb founded that they didn't include the context.

The biggest thing is just how low quality it is. I gave the game 10 hours and just... It got worse and worse as it went. Mass effect 1 had me gripped as soon as you land on Eden prime it was just so cool and unique. That is the game I bought the 360 for. Sure it wasn't treading new ground but it was a high quality production. I must have played through it multiple times. Same for Mass effect 2 loved it and played so much. 3 wasn't as good but still enjoyable.

I've read the storyline, experienced enough of it that it's just... 🤢 Even if they did fix the bugs (even the trial was so buggy for me) they can't fix the horrible animation quality nor the storyline. Even the gameplay how you can't command your squad mates I'm just so not okay with. To throw my favorite, and really only favorite next to battlefield, EA title to some third rate studio with no actual development experience is just astounding. How or why this happened I will never understand.

And then people say how it's good and we are overblowing it is just like... What? It's not that we are overblowing it you are just ignoring it or putting up with it which is fine but it feels dishonest.

I dunno, they really killed the franchise for me. I was playing through 2 and 3 again in anticipation for this and I just lost all desire to even do it. :(


I am running out of ammo on nearly each encounter. Small ones like the little Kett outposts. I've modded my AR for a scope and some lightweight thing, but nothing (I think) that affects ammo. Is this just another thing that needs adjusting or am I missing something?

I'm only carrying the AR to keep my recharge rate at 100% FWIW. Any tips?

Vintage Heat Sink makes a gun use an overheat mechanic instead of ammo, so it makes scavenging for spare clips after a fight less of an issue. Other than that, I guess you could invest in some Combat skill tree passives.


The crew is good and all, but there's like no one that I wanna romance with, in previous trilogy Liara was the one.
This time I want Peebee, but she's not that interesting and doesn't talk much, she's a buggy character in my game and always stands on air. XD

PB grows quite a bit over the game.

Goes for whole crew. They develop and grow quite a bit over the game and differences are very noticeable.
yeah same. it's a pretty shitty system right now that doesn't even add anything to the game.

actually, you can get items and materials for your single player game, and you get mission points for multiplayer game. mission point are used to buy specific items in the item shop that changes its inventory every week.
actually, you can get items and materials for your single player game, and you get mission points for multiplayer game. mission point are used to buy specific items in the item shop that changes its inventory every week.

Oh shit I have just been using the mission points to buy new crew members. I will have to see what I can buy with them.
I am running out of ammo on nearly each encounter. Small ones like the little Kett outposts. I've modded my AR for a scope and some lightweight thing, but nothing (I think) that affects ammo. Is this just another thing that needs adjusting or am I missing something?

I'm only carrying the AR to keep my recharge rate at 100% FWIW. Any tips?

craft two of the same weapons with the vintage heat aug, and get as many clip size increasing mods and skills as possible. then you'll have something like this.


will have you asking questions like.......Ammo??? reloading??? What are those??? lol


actually, you can get items and materials for your single player game, and you get mission points for multiplayer game. mission point are used to buy specific items in the item shop that changes its inventory every week.

i know. the single player rewards are so inconsequential. a four hour mission gives you the same amount of minerals you could get from one node. the mission points are just another lame currency on top of what's already there.


Neo Member
playing the trial now (literally just started)

the gameplay so far I like, the combat is what I expect from ME games so that's good

the animation isn't great, but it's not quite as bad as some people have made out imo, I've seen worse that's for sure

the interaction options are a bit confusing but I think im getting the hang of them

character creator didn't go well for me as my (male) Ryder has one cheek way bigger than the other lol

the graphics are very nice, not Horizon Zero Dawn nice, but nice nonetheless.
i know. the single player rewards are so inconsequential. a four hour mission gives you the same amount of minerals you could get from one node. the mission points are just another lame currency on top of what's already there.
there's a perk that gives you a 20% chance for an item and they are good items, if you don't have them yet they often unlock the crafting option.


craft two of the same weapons with the vintage heat aug, and get as many clip size increasing mods and skills as possible. then you'll have something like this.


will have you asking questions like.......Ammo??? reloading??? What are those??? lol

Okay...that's fucking badass.

You're like Reaper...if instead of dropping your shotguns you just put em back in your coat.


Unconfirmed Member
And then people say how it's good and we are overblowing it is just like... What? It's not that we are overblowing it you are just ignoring it or putting up with it which is fine but it feels dishonest.

It's not dishonest of people to say that they haven't had or aren't as bothered by glitches or dodgy facial animations, which are really the only objective problems Andromeda has. Everything else is subjective.

It's not dishonest of people to say they're enjoying the game and don't agree with you when you say it's terrible.
Oh shit I have just been using the mission points to buy new crew members. I will have to see what I can buy with them.

damn son, you missing out. theres two items in the item shop that cost quite a few mission points that you wanna snatch up asap before they're gone for good.

the juggernaut shield cost 120 MP and it increases your shields by 10% and melee by fucking 75%!!! If you got a krogan or melee class, its like mandatory you get this. one punch manning everything that doesnt have shields or armor.

and the thermal clip equipment cost 75 and it gives you 70% more ammo capacity. good for weapon focused classes and weapons that gives you a shit amount of ammo forcing you to constantly hit those ammo crates like the thokin assault rifle.


there's a perk that gives you a 20% chance for an item and they are good items, if you don't have them yet they often unlock the crafting option.

already beat the game so that doesn't matter to me. got most of the items i wanted unlocked without that anyways. at least the system that DA:I had was worked into the main game in some way. this just seems like a vestigial time sink.
already beat the game so that doesn't matter to me. got most of the items i wanted unlocked without that anyways. at least the system that DA:I had was worked into the main game in some way. this just seems like a vestigial time sink.

I loved the war table. Great minigame with diverging stories and choices, it was like a small text adventure added to the game.
Wish the apex studd was more like it.
Why are y'all quoting that dipshit? Just play/discuss the game and move on.

let's not get personal. His opinion is valid and he can voice it just as we do, even if we don't agree.
damn son, you missing out. theres two items in the item shop that cost quite a few mission points that you wanna snatch up asap before they're gone for good.

the juggernaut shield cost 120 MP and it increases your shields by 10% and melee by fucking 75%!!! If you got a krogan or melee class, its like mandatory you get this. one punch manning everything that doesnt have shields or armor.

and the thermal clip equipment cost 75 and it gives you 70% more ammo capacity. good for weapon focused classes and weapons that gives you a shit amount of ammo forcing you to constantly hit those ammo crates like the thokin assault rifle.

Are these the things that go in the 3rd equipment slot for characters?
i know. the single player rewards are so inconsequential. a four hour mission gives you the same amount of minerals you could get from one node. the mission points are just another lame currency on top of what's already there.

yea that is true, but at least with this new currency, you can outright buy an item instead of relying purely on RNG for your items. but what shows up in the shop is still rng though. if a black widow shows up in there, you know exactly what your going to be working for though.

Its something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I loved the war table. Great minigame with diverging stories and choices, it was like a small text adventure added to the game.
Wish the apex studd was more like it.
Sure, though the time it takes for those to finish are a little much.

let's not get personal. His opinion is valid and he can voice it just as we do, even if we don't agree.
I can go to the Destiny OT and express how I think it's a hollow shell of a game but even I'm not that much of a jackass. There's a critical look at the game, and there's shitposting.
yup. those are permanent. but you can only equip one. think of it as a piece of armor you can bring to the field besides your weapon. all classes can use them.

Dammit! I have been wondering what was up with that. I have 6 strike teams now, I wasted so many fucking points.

Edit: Is there anyway to access the equipment from inside the Apex app?
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