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Mass Effect: Andromeda | Review Thread

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People really hate DA:I. I really like that game *Kanye Shrug*

I liked it too at first, but I tried to replay it somewhat recently, as I wanted to play the expansions, but my saves were gone and it really soured me on it, there's just way too much crappy boring content for me to enjoy it a second time round. Also hate how grindy it felt, it's like a single-player MMO at times. I can see why people like it though and don't personally consider it bad, but I can also see why some hate it too.


You mean... THIS IS REAL ?

Yeah, they mocapped it like that.


Plenty of 9 and 8, so that's good. A little low for ME standard but still good game no less.
I say 2017 streak is still going!
I think it's questionable if there will be a next game. The main teams at BioWare have moved on from ME and EA generally doesn't hesitate to kill franchises.

I have a hard time believing that EA would completely kill it off but I wouldn't be surprised if the franchise went dormant until the main team was ready to work on it again.

Or maybe they just grin and bear it and hope the Montreal team can show some sort of improvement. Not the best first step for them though, obviously.
Oh yeah it's got issues. The side quests are a mixed bag and they really fuckin throw them at you especially in the Hinterlands. But I really like the combat, characters, female inquisitor, varied locales and how all the areas are mini open worlds.
I really liked it too, wasn't keen on most of the playable characters though. I did like Dorian a lot, felt like he stood out from the rest and I always liked Varric XD


I just dont get all this talk about the studio. I can not blame a whole game developing studio not without understanding that studios usually have people in charge, people who approve or do not approve the studio's work. It is their job to see to anything that needs fixing.

My question is this (and probably will be unanswered), where were those people when the developers showed them their work?
Because there is no way in hell there are responsible directors or people in charge that would greenlight that kind of animation work or (at least as some reviewers wrote) feel that the writing is ok.


What is surprising is

1. Frostbite is not exactly new territory for an EA game

2. Bioware seem to have followed a template of previous games

So how could they mess up performance ? Writing I get, writing is only worthy of discussion for a handful of select games anyway and all Mass Effects has funny cringe writing like most games.

But freezes and dips into singel digit I read a few posts earlier - thats a deal breaker if true and not a loading new area freeze, not doing dat shit.
I liked it too at first, but I tried to replay it somewhat recently, as I wanted to play the expansions, but my saves were gone and it really soured me on it, there's just way too much crappy boring content for me to enjoy it a second time round. Also hate how grindy it felt, it's like a single-player MMO at times. I can see why people like it though and don't personally consider it bad, but I can also see why some hate it too.

Damn that's a bummer because the first and third DLCs are really good. Second one is pretty bad up until the end IIRC.

I really liked it too, wasn't keen on most of the playable characters though. I did like Dorian a lot, felt like he stood out from the rest and I always liked Varric XD

Dorian is definitely awesome can't wait to see what he does in the 4th game. I really like Bull and Cole as well. Vivian may have been my fav.
At the start in one of the 2D sections I was pushing 9s along like he was a shopping cart. The dialogue seems very basic and clunky. The environments are simple and very sterile.

I've only just got passed the amusement park so early days.

I'm a little further than you but so far other than 2B being bland as hell i really like the characters, writing, and dialogue. That issue in the 2D mode sounds like a minor hiccup at worst.


I had my doubts but hoped for the best...sigh. I will still buy it eventually cz I love the franchise so much. But still, very disappointing.

Who knows, maybe a team like Sucker Punch might pull a GG-Horizon and come up with a fantastic space opera! (I kid they should work on a steampunk game first...Plssss)
I didn't mind the EA access trial but with Zelda and Horizon I just don't have time to slot in a game that didn't really capture me. The reviews seem about right, I thought it was about an 8/10 at first but has slipped to a 7/10 for me so the score on Metacritic seems pretty apt.

Although I do know that some people had previously decided they wouldn't like this game so no doubt 7.5/10 makes it the absolute worst game ever and an utter travesty.


Neo Member
How can EA approve a game of this quality post Witcher 3 world is really beyond me. I am not quite a rabid fanboy but I did enjoy ME games and was willing to give it some slack. DA:I made me very cautious and it looks like for a good reason. Doesnt look like they learned. If CPR releases cyberpunk and it is as good as they say it is (no reason to doubt them judging from their track record) the Bioware games will never ever be triple A again. Look at Biowares games from ME1 to ME:A and compare it to Witcher 1 to Witcher 3. What the actual fuck?


G***n S**n*bi
Totally, it's not like Mass Effect games have been nominated and won several story, character, and writing awards.

Oh wait...

Yeah, sorry, but no. The writing in the previous games is superior to much of the dialog and plot delivery than what I experienced with the trial. Stop making excuses for the subpar quality.
Hey hey Heeeey now.. don't get touchy here. I didn't say the games had bad writing, bruv. I just didn't think it was as good as advertised. And no, it winning awards doesn't sway me...

I ain't masking excuses for jack squat btw, because like I said above; every person should desire quality writing in their games and no game should get a pass no matter the situation. This game included.

My personal standards and expectations are just not as high as others in this regard because of personal experience with the pervious games. I loved ME2 and liked ME1/ME3. It wasn't the writing that hooked me though. I thought those aspects of the games were competent most of the time and really good at its best (ME2 character interactions being the pennicle. Mordin is my god damn video game spirit animal).

Look, just chill, man. This is not that serious.


What is surprising is

1. Frostbite is not exactly new territory for an EA game

2. Bioware seem to have followed a template of previous games

So how could they mess up performance ? Writing I get, writing is only worthy of discussion for a handful of select games anyway and all Mass Effects has funny cringe writing like most games.

But freezes and dips into singel digit I read a few posts earlier - thats a deal breaker if true and not a loading new area freeze, not doing dat shit.

Ok, just so you never, EVER, compare the writing of ME 2 to this pile of garbage, again, watch this entirely :


Thank you, be safe on your way out.


I'm surprised. Expected it to below 70. Guess I'll be picking it up during some sale eventually.

On a tangent, anyone else think that the Krogan's armour type is weird af. It reminds me of an egg too much. I don't know why they couldn't have went with the previous Krogan types.


These are bound to be some glitch!! but yeah this is not edited and are in Game!!

No but... I can understand "body doubles", and "T poses", but what the fuck is that ? How does so many random glitches happen ? There literally isn't a single scene that lasts more than 10 seconds that doesn't glitch in some way.


You can surely emulate them, and to be fair PC ports are just now getting good from Japanese studios. You really are missing out on gaming royalty by not playing many Japanese games though. Something in that water just spawns amazing games. Breath of the wild even proves that Nintendo hasn't lost their touch to this day despite skyward sword being a thing.

I have tried to play Japanese based games in the past, I used to work in a independent games store. I would play Zelda or Mario if there was a proper port. As for a lot of other games most of the other RPG's have a very much grinding aspect or combo's I struggle with the advance aspects of gaming on pad's.

Most gamers are brought up on consoles I got my first PC in my early 20's as my parents thought they were expensive, we did have a Atari 2600 though.


Slightly lower than expected. I'm in for Jank Ryder: Space adventurer after I've played the 35334 amazing games out this spring.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
the absolute worst part of this outcome is the people blaming the bad reception on "SJWs" and the actions of that one racist dude on twitter.

but of course people like pewdiepie and jontron get passes for being racist for some reason


Ok then, I can skip it now. Never played ME series last gen I thought I would get in if this one reviews well.

Problem with Bioware and even Bethesda is, they are not really acknowledging the fact that TW3 has changed the perceptions of what a RPG should be this gen. "Its a long game" wont cut it anymore as an excuse.


Yeah pretty much. I've started nier and it's holding my interest so far but man it gets a pass on a lot of things...its not a well made game technically. A lot of similar issues regarding dialogue and animations but no one is talking about it in that way just praising it.
Or maybe you are making up issues to trash a well received game. 😒


After playing the trial, this was expected. If it had more polish I think it wouldve ended up reviewing a lot better.

Kinda suprised about the plot criticism though. I agree some of the writing is really poor but imo they did fine with the main plot.. im interested in knowing what happens next. I think PeeBee left a great first impression. Not too sure about the other squadmates tho. But to be fair I think MEs cast is hugely overrated. Garrus and Tali were awesome, the rest of them are about the same level as these new ones.

I think if you're a huge ME fan that just want more ME and dont mind the jank and glitches you'll like this game.

It's a shame though. Wish they had a better team on this game.
After just finishing Horizon Zero Dawn (which I loved and kept me hooked the whole time) I have zero interest in playing a game with a million meaningless side quests right now, its pretty disappointing hearing there is a lot of that. I guess I'll check this game out in a few months or later, probably on PC, but given my meh interest in the EA access trial not really seem like something I have to play right now. I guess I could zap right through the main quest and trade in the game though.

Giant bomb quick look repost for another page:
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