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Mass Effect |OT| Alien love in an elevator


Subete no aware
Tieno said:
The combat is better than I thought reading from impressions. When those Geth Destroyers come running at you it's always satisfying to "'lift" them just before they got to you. Then watch them fly through the air while your team kills them off.

I think the problem is that the cover system is mostly useless. It's almost easier to play it like an old school TPS/FPS by circle strafing, even with the movement penalty.


Gold Member
My RRoD Xbox has been resurrected and coffin is returning to me on Tuesday.

You guys still think now that the dust has settled a bit that this is worth dropping 60e for? Should I chase for the CE, how are the extras?


firehawk12 said:
I think the problem is that the cover system is mostly useless. It's almost easier to play it like an old school TPS/FPS by circle strafing, even with the movement penalty.
Yeah, the way you go into cover doesn't work well, same with the A button running (takes a while before you start running and doesn't seem to register all the time) giving it a bit of tank controls
firehawk12 said:
I think the problem is that the cover system is mostly useless. It's almost easier to play it like an old school TPS/FPS by circle strafing, even with the movement penalty.
Eh, it's situational. Against biotics cover is worthless, and as a soldier you are generally always better off being offensive. But as an engineer or other class without any useful defense you'll be better off whoring cover.

None of this really matters though unless you are sadistic enough to playthrough on hardcore/insane with a new character, especially some of the weaker classes. Makes pretty much every combat situation something you have to plot out.

The achievement effects are viewable from the in game list in case you didn't know that.

You guys still think now that the dust has settled a bit that this is worth dropping 60e for?

Yes, easily. I don't know if this is my favorite game of the year, but it's certainly the one I felt most satisfied by.


Chittagong said:
My RRoD Xbox has been resurrected and coffin is returning to me on Tuesday.

You guys still think now that the dust has settled a bit that this is worth dropping 60e for? Should I chase for the CE, how are the extras?
Especially if you like classic sci-stories and movies. It has so many nice touches. I love how the C-Sec Merchant always says "I'll pull up the rare stocks for you. Enjoy". Makes me feel special :D It's very much a realised fantasy.

The other day I was scanning some systems and found this deserted human space craft. Got on board, but no one was there (not even hostiles) except for this clinically 'dead' guy being kept alive by a machine. Through some audio logs left by the ex-crew you find out what happened and you decide whether to pull the plug or not. Very cool.

The alien designs are really pretty (Krogan, Astari and Turians). Some of the Turians, especially the high ranking ones look so regal. You can just tell. I have my Garrus dressed in this Predator Light Armor and he looks really nice with his helmet on.
Tieno said:
So I was battling that Asari
Matriarch Beneza(?)
on Noveria and she put me into stasis or something and I got caught in this weird physics glitch (neck was all stretch under a box, like what happens in Halo 3 sometimes) and I couldn't stand up anymore, nor do LB/RB wheel commands. Couldn't restart either (only reset console). The fight continued so instead of rebooting I just tried to beat the waves of minions by sending out my other two guys and they did it while I was watching from the ground. Then it went into a cutscene and all was back to normal and I killed
that boss

Exactly that happended to me three times in a row. I rebooted each time.


Just beat it for a second time with Renegade Lesbian Shepard. Still awesome, still my favorite RPG ever, still my GOTY.

That whole ending sequence was just so well done. Now I need to track down and order the soundtrack.


MaizeRage25 said:
This is exactly what I'm doing, being a dick has never been so fun.

Yeah, I just punched out that assistant Manuel(?) and it felt really good. My first playthrough I was thoughtful and patient, but this time I did what I felt like doing then. Damn, this is going to be fun. Bottom line, this game is my favorite so far this generation and that's covering quite a bit of territory. A totally awesome game in a crowded field of stellar releases.

For an oldtimer like me this hobby has come through in the biggest of ways this past year. I'm also glad I bought a PS3 because 2008 is looking exceptional for that platform. Not to mention some of the titles due out for the X360 next year as well. At some point I might even buy a Wii. If I ever see one on a store shelf somewhere. Good times!


Neo Member
I must say I am loving Mass Effect. About 11 hours in and finished my first mission. Liking the dialogue, Paragon/Renegade (paragon first run through), story, although I'm till getting to grasp the real time combat shooting (like Kotor, its different from the traditional rpg battles I am used too) Other than that kudos to Bioware! :D

I am already licking my chops for the 2nd go around as Renegade :lol


Alas, I am weak. :( I find myself choosing the Paragon options sometimes; I'm supposed to be on an all-renegade play-through.

In my defense, some of the paragon choices lead to more EXP.

Heh. Reminds me of the time I felt bad playing the first KOTOR while being exclusively dark-side. :lol
Alright how the fuck do you
destroy the room with the rocket drones in the Luna sidequest? They all just rush me in the hallway and ram a flurry rockets up my ass. My stupid AI partners are of no help. This part is really exposing just how shitty and random the combat is.
Red Blaster said:
Alright how the fuck do you
destroy the room with the rocket drones in the Luna sidequest? They all just rush me in the hallway and ram a flurry rockets up my ass. My stupid AI partners are of no help. This part is really exposing just how shitty and random the combat is.
For me that was the hardest fight in the game. Set up your team at the end of the corridor (just by the door), go to the door at the other end, open it and get their attention. Run back to your guys and get yourself in a good position to unleash down the very thin hallway. Basically best to use up all your cooldowns (and those of your team) for maximum carnage as they all get grouped up.

If it goes wrong, run to the exit.
Red Blaster said:
Alright how the fuck do you
destroy the room with the rocket drones in the Luna sidequest? They all just rush me in the hallway and ram a flurry rockets up my ass. My stupid AI partners are of no help. This part is really exposing just how shitty and random the combat is.

I sat back and sent my squad ahead to draw their attention. Once they came after my squadmates, I pulled them back and then picked off the drones as they came down the hallway. The combat is not shitty and random, but it requires some thinking. It's not run and gun.
Red Blaster said:
Alright how the fuck do you
destroy the room with the rocket drones in the Luna sidequest? They all just rush me in the hallway and ram a flurry rockets up my ass. My stupid AI partners are of no help. This part is really exposing just how shitty and random the combat is.

What class you playing?


butthole fishhooking yes
Really Awesome Things you can do with the Mako:

1.) Drive up Mountains. Slowly.

2.) Hit small ruts and change direction. Really fucking quickly.

2.5) Regain bearings.

3.) Jump over missiles.

3.5) Land on missiles.

4.) Shoot things. Provided they are on the same vertical plane.

5.) Reverse Gravity. I don't know how to pull this off, but it happens.

6.) Bash large crates out of the way. Park Mako where crate used to be. Enter building. Exit building. Watch Mako fly.

7.) Use jet propulsion to send the Mako flying madly in the wrong direction.

I really wish there was some more variety to most of the non-mission planets. Does every planetary body in the universe that has solid ground comprised exclusively of mountains? How about water? Trees? I guess I get having to scale back resources considering the sheer amount of playable areas, but shit, it's like they had some kind of random planet software and they just dialed the mountain setting up to 11 for each one.

Mountain, mountain, mountain, satellite, corpse, mountain, mountain, valley, mountain, mountain, empty mining camp, mountain, huge pile of gold, mountain, mine shaft, mountain, beacon, THRESHER MAW (just shit a little), mountain, mountain, "You're going outside of the operational zone, commander."

I'm soldier and have been going through the game very comfortably up until this point. I've been doing the "camp at the end of the hallway" strategy but there's just way too many drones and they fire those blinding rockets. I'm using an assault rifle with tungsten IV rounds with overkill. I came close to beating them all one time but messed up on the last drone.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Just finished the game, playing as the default male shepard, lvl 50 vanguard, entirely paragon, clocked in at 40ish hours (didnt look the last save's timer), there was only 1 sidequest left and it was the league medallion crap, had 8/10 left, oh well. I spent the time to check every planets and read their info too, some awesome universe the guys at bioware created.

The ending, is OMG fucking visual poping of joy, i think by the end the guys at bioware finally knew how to push the engine to its max and it shows.


Tieno said:
Great idea for achievements, makes replaying the game more fun.

I think it's another game this year that shows how things should be done in the future. Halo 3's saved films and screenshots set a bar for shooters (and sports games) in the future. I expect those features to become a standard, given what they add.

Having Achievements create opportunity for future replay, that's another thing that needs to be adopted. Unlocking things by getting an Achievement or two, that's a great idea that future games need to consider. Keep the Achievement requirements reasonable, of course.


butthole fishhooking yes
Red Blaster said:
I'm soldier and have been going through the game very comfortably up until this point. I've been doing the "camp at the end of the hallway" strategy but there's just way too many drones and they fire those blinding rockets. I'm using an assault rifle with tungsten IV rounds with overkill. I came close to beating them all one time but messed up on the last drone.

It might be tough to camp the hallway since the enclosed space is going to result in some easy hits from the rockets. I don't remember the exact spot you are referring to, but if you can pick a few off and then get into the open, you might have some room to maneuver and pick them off more successfully.


butthole fishhooking yes
Psychotext said:
Umm... try zooming in?

I zoomed when I was going up a mountain and it was like I was riding in a boat. After I vomited, I made a pact with myself that I would never zoom with the Mako again.


Borrowed this off a friend two nights ago, and goddamn, this game is fun. While the combat can get tedious (I'm on Feros right now, fighting the
and it's a constant "watch teammates die, use medigel, hide, do it everything by yourself thing) and the framerate can bug out every once in a while, for the most part the game is spot on. I don't understand the hate for the Mako at all, and being an asshole via the dialogue system was never this fun (clocking the insane guy on Eden Prime- LOL).

Right now I'm using Wrex and Garrus as my squad, and while usually everything goes off without a hitch, I sometimes find myself in situations where they die in an instant, and I'm left to fend for myself. Who are you guys using? Any recommendations?

As for the music- OMG.


Even though it took nearly 30 hours to beat, including doing every sidequest I could find, and getting to level 48, it still felt way too short.

There were what, 4 story planets? One or two with hub cities? There just wasn't enough time for any character development. Right when I was starting to really feel the game, one of the people on my team said in conversation "it feels like our journey is coming to an end," and during the entire last hour, the badassery kept getting interrupted by thoughts of "is this seriously the end already?"

I'm going to be pissed if there's a lot of pay dlc or if the sequel comes out next year



butthole fishhooking yes
I gotta think the music was inspired by Solaris. It's just got that same vibe, same instruments, same ethereal electro quality that fits the genre so well.

Also, the Mako is lame.
urk said:
I gotta think the music was inspired by Solaris. It's just got that same vibe, same instruments, same ethereal electro quality that fits the genre so well.

Also, the Mako is lame.

The Mako IS lame. It would be really nice if it was upgradeable.


butthole fishhooking yes
MaizeRage25 said:
The Mako IS lame. It would be really nice if it was upgradeable.

Maybe a drill that tunnels through mountains. Or maybe the Normandy can just set me down near my objective. And shit.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Am I playing this game wrong? A couple things that have been going on for quite some time has been detouring me away from this game for a while. I have a lot of armor (some of them are quite good) that I've found, but I can't use any of them, only about one or two light armors (which suck because it brings me to my next complaint) and I want to be able to equip some heavy duty armor that would take a nuclear missile to take me down. I also always lose my shields; same with the teammates I'm fighting along side with. I don't know if I'm supposed to find/buy certain armor upgrades at the point that I am, but it's pissing me off.

Oh and another thing, I absolutely HATE the fact that in EVERY firefight I get into, the enemy AI ALWAYS decides to start running into the area that I'm taking cover in, and just run around in circles doing warps and weird shots on me. I can never feel secure in one spot for a split second without having all the enemies just blaze towards the area that my teammates and I are taking cover in.

P.S. Lvl 21 Vanguard.


butthole fishhooking yes
Okay guys, I needs some helps. I'm headed to
Science Base
and I need to know what to expect up in that shits. For references, it's about twenty clicks east of
and about fifteen southwest of
. I'm expecting
crates, various exploding things, and possibly some people who shout and wish to kill me
. Any tips are appreciated.


urk said:
Okay guys, I needs some helps. I'm headed to
Science Base
and I need to know what to expect up in that shits. For references, it's about twenty clicks east of
and about fifteen southwest of
. I'm expecting
crates, various exploding things, and possibly some people who shout and wish to kill me
. Any tips are appreciated.

What planet is that?
Domino Theory said:
Am I playing this game wrong? A couple things that have been going on for quite some time has been detouring me away from this game for a while. I have a lot of armor (some of them are quite good) that I've found, but I can't use any of them, only about one or two light armors (which suck because it brings me to my next complaint) and I want to be able to equip some heavy duty armor that would take a nuclear missile to take me down. I also always lose my shields; same with the teammates I'm fighting along side with. I don't know if I'm supposed to find/buy certain armor upgrades at the point that I am, but it's pissing me off.

Oh and another thing, I absolutely HATE the fact that in EVERY firefight I get into, the enemy AI ALWAYS decides to start running into the area that I'm taking cover in, and just run around in circles doing warps and weird shots on me. I can never feel secure in one spot for a split second without having all the enemies just blaze towards the area that my teammates and I are taking cover in.

P.S. Lvl 21 Vanguard.

You can level up your abilities to equip better armor, but as a Vanguard I believe you can only level up to get medium armor, only soldiers get to wear Heavy. Same with your squad mates, you have to level up their armor ability to enable them to wear medium/heavy armor.

As for the AI, I can't really say I have that problem. There are a couple enemy types in the game who rush you but aside from them most will find cover and take shots at you, while others may just sit in the open and shoot.
urk said:
Okay guys, I needs some helps. I'm headed to
Science Base
and I need to know what to expect up in that shits. For references, it's about twenty clicks east of
and about fifteen southwest of
. I'm expecting
crates, various exploding things, and possibly some people who shout and wish to kill me
. Any tips are appreciated.



NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
urk said:
The one with the
mountainous region



Just go, we've all died in this game at least once. Nothing an extra save file can't fix. Just so you know, there will be over a hundred ANOMALY and a thousand DEBRIS that you'll run into in your merry adventures across the uncharted worlds.


I just finished the game for the first time. Pretty awesome.

Has anyone else got problems with the "X Ally" achievements? I had Wrex in my squad the whole freakin' game and I didn't get the Krogan Ally achievement.
DY_nasty said:


Just go, we've all died in this game at least once. Nothing an extra save file can't fix. Just so you know, there will be over a hundred ANOMALY and a thousand DEBRIS that you'll run into in your merry adventures across the uncharted worlds.


Oh and another thing, I absolutely HATE the fact that in EVERY firefight I get into, the enemy AI ALWAYS decides to start running into the area that I'm taking cover in, and just run around in circles doing warps and weird shots on me. I can never feel secure in one spot for a split second without having all the enemies just blaze towards the area that my teammates and I are taking cover in.

P.S. Lvl 21 Vanguard

I had that problem at lower levels, but by the time you're 21, you should probably have good enough Pistol and Shotgun to cut down any enemies who try to bum rush you. I had the biggest problem with this on Noveria, with those stupid *********. I'd get Force Pushed and then shot to death, sometimes before I could even start fighting. Just know that the problem will go away, and I haven't had it happen in at least 6 hours of play since Noveria.


Giard said:
I just finished the game for the first time. Pretty awesome.

Has anyone else got problems with the "X Ally" achievements? I had Wrex in my squad the whole freakin' game and I didn't get the Krogan Ally achievement.

You just have to do a lot of the sidequests with them as well. I think JayDubya posted earlier that you need to complete 50 quests with the party member to get it.
Giard said:
I just finished the game for the first time. Pretty awesome.

Has anyone else got problems with the "X Ally" achievements? I had Wrex in my squad the whole freakin' game and I didn't get the Krogan Ally achievement.

Yes, they're kinda wonky. You have to do most of the sidequests. And even then its not a sure thing.


butthole fishhooking yes
So, before steering the Mako into the drink (what the fuck? It's named after a shark!) I had cut down something like half a dozen Geth Armatures, something like two dozen troops (standard, sniper, rocket, whatever the maroon ones are called), and probably ten floating robot turret things.

It's really not a big deal though. With Marksman and my sweet gear and pistola skillz, I was taking down the Armatures on foot. From like a mile out. No shit. I am awesome.

Also do not bust a right on Waterworld as soon as you get an open view of the ocean. You will fail.


The Mako is the easiest way to earn experience. You will rarely get hit unless you have terrible thumb dexterity.


butthole fishhooking yes
bran said:
The Mako is the easiest way to earn experience. You will rarely get hit unless you have terrible thumb dexterity.

You get much less XP for Mako kills then you would if you jumped out and took on the Geth like a man.
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