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MasterChef (US) - Gordon Ramsay, Graham Elliot, Lex Luthor, and lots of crying.


Kills Photobucket
So the show is all about PR face and not about cooking. Good to know. Very sad, otherwise this show is pretty good, but if they're just going to go for the best face rather than the best skill. Screw it.


I'd just like to say MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!

My pick from the beginning takes it. So many rooted against her but not me. I'm so damn excited now.


No snide comment from Christian about Jennifer's victory?

I wanted Adrien to take it, but Jennifer deserved it based on their dishes in the final.


Kills Photobucket
PsychoRaven said:
I'd just like to say MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!

My pick from the beginning takes it. So many rooted against her but not me. I'm so damn excited now.

Well some of us has the impression they were going to pick the best chef. I guess you learned after last season that cooking ability does not a master chef make.

Know I'll just be picking the one I think will look the best on TV or a cookbook next season.
DrForester said:
So the show is all about PR face and not about cooking. Good to know. Very sad, otherwise this show is pretty good, but if they're just going to go for the best face rather than the best skill. Screw it.
Disclaimer at the end of every episode does say the decisions are made by the chefs with "input from the producers."


love on your sleeve
DrForester said:
So the show is all about PR face and not about cooking. Good to know. Very sad, otherwise this show is pretty good, but if they're just going to go for the best face rather than the best skill. Screw it.
Last year was obviously about PR since the winner had to shill a cookbook. Whitney was better than a lot of people seem to give her credit for though.

Without the cookbook deal though, I don't see why they have to pick the most wholesome face.


DrForester said:
Well some of us has the impression they were going to pick the best chef. I guess you learned after last season that cooking ability does not a master chef make.

Honestly I don't think he was the best. There is more to it then just technical ability. It wouldn't be reality tv otherwise either if it was just based 100 percent on technical ability.
Based on final dishes alone, Jennifer definitely won this. Those perfect scallops and quail <3 Edit:It seemed pretty obvious as soon as Ramsay said all adrien's second dish's meat was pressure cooked. Letting it sit for 90 minutes and it cooks himself. When Ramsay said that, I figured it would go to Jennifer.

Really, I would've been happy with either, as long as Christian wasnt the winner.

Was cheering for her from the very first challenge.


Kills Photobucket
Arsenic Yellow said:
Based on final dishes alone, Jennifer definitely won this. Those perfect scallops and quail <3

Was cheering for her from the very first challenge.

Yeah, those scallops she forgot to prepare properly before cooking....


DrForester said:
Yeah, those scallops she forgot to prepare properly before cooking....

She forgot to remove one bit from one. That's hardly forgetting to prepare them properly. That's making a minor mistake and obviously the judges saw that and it didn't ruin the dish at all. In fact they were impressed by the dish.

Hell I think both finalists deserved to be there and did a great job. Both should be proud.


DrForester said:
Yeah, those scallops she forgot to prepare properly before cooking....

I think that's what gets me. They talked about "technique" (which, to her credit, she had) but then she forgets that? Apparently "overly bright" is worse than serving un-prepped food. If that happens at a restaurant, you would catch all sorts of shit (if not from the customer, from the chef you were working under).

I think that if Adrien had made a better dessert, he would have sealed it. Jennifer's dessert was horribly boring. The only reason I don't feel bad for Adrien (or any people on these shows who have talent but get politicized out) is that they should be able to pick up jobs in restaurants.

I felt that way about
Callum not winning season 2 of Masterchef Australia. The guy is so young that he should have no problem getting a job at a restaurant and building his career. Here's something crazy too: the guy who won and got his cookbook deal isn't really what you'd call a "pretty face" either. He just cooked well. Go figure.
Well I recorded it earlier and turned it off after the Christian exit. This "Whitney" bullshit kills the show. I would rather watch Hell's Kitchen where they don't try to hide the bullshit.

My girl may watch Master Chef next season but I will not be interested. Just like that bs that is happening with Big Brother.
diamondstar said:
Well I recorded it earlier and turned it off after the Christian exit. This "Whitney" bullshit kills the show. I would rather watch Hell's Kitchen where they don't try to hide the bullshit.

My girl may watch Master Chef next season but I will not be interested. Just like that bs that is happening with Big Brother.

What do you mean by "Whitney" bullshit?

Didn't watch last season, sorry.

Also....fuck this world. Adrian got robbed.


Contains Sucralose
ghostofsparta said:
What do you mean by "Whitney" bullshit?

Didn't watch last season, sorry.
She made this nasty looking breaded chicken with spinach on the bottom. It was a terrible dish. The other guy made a beef wellington, something that takes more skill, but still lost cause it was "perfect." Whitney's dish was just amateur. Joe was on her all competition too.


Christian fucked up his dish and had the worst one out of the three and deserved to leave based on that alone. You can't just give it to him based on the past when what was present on the plate wasn't up to par. He had technically the easiest ingredient and played it safe. Adrian fucked up his desert and that cost him.


DrForester said:
If Jennifer wins I will have lots a lot of interest in this show because for two seasons in a row they pick the person who will be the best PR face.
Ugh... who didn't see that coming.

Jeff Stephen said:
Christina making it as far she did and not Max was evidence of this long ago.


I agree on the Max thing too, I don't know how they put Christina through..Max made the better well done steak...bah. Well at least this show is more cooking than Hell's Kitchen.


I haven't watched every episode, but just based on tonight I'd say that she deserved the win. The last two dishes she made (the mushroom dish with the egg-yolk, and the stuffed quail) were both technically difficult according to the judges. They all commended her for attempting such ballsy dishes and mastering them both. That showed guts. I definitely like the guy better personally but I thought she proved herself tonight.

Gotta say that the dramatic music during the announcement was hideous. I had goosebumps from how cheesy it all was.


Jennifer deserved to win. If anybody knows Ramsey you know that he appreciates a well cooked scallop. Thats scallop was cooked better than any scallop I've ever seen prepared in any season of hells kitchen. Also, her quail dish showed more technical prowess than Adrians.

I don't know why anyone would be butt hurt that christian did not win. His dish was the worst of the 3, that's why he got kicked out in the semifinals.


Saadster said:
I agree on the Max thing too, I don't know how they put Christina through..Max made the better well done steak...bah. Well at least this show is more cooking than Hell's Kitchen.

Max only had the better steak in 1 out of the 3 rounds.


love on your sleeve
Saadster said:
Fuck this shit everyone KNOWS Christian has been the powerhouse from the beginning. Whateva man.
Christian made Meat & Potatoes for his final dish.

Meat & Potatoes....


The whole thing is rather silly anyways. Two of the four top amateur chefs in the US can't make a good lemon meringue pie???? My mom, my grandmother, my aunt, and most of the ladies in my mom's bridge club could nail a lemon meringue pie better than those two. That elimination contest made me seriously question the capabilities of a lot of the contestants.
Chamber said:
Christian made Meat & Potatoes for his final dish.

Meat & Potatoes....

I literally laughed when I saw he had mashed potatoes on his plate.

As usual Christian sniped and whined and boasted better than he ever cooked.


Man, I was hoping Adrien would win. I wonder if he would've pulled it off had he made a great dessert. Jennifer is annoying and runs her mouth every bit as much as Christian did.
Did Christian ever even win a mystery box? I can't think of one. The dude can cook seafood, but other than that, they just kept him around for drama.

Adrien's final dishes and desserts didn't impress me much. I really don't think the judges had any choice but to give it to Jennifer.


love on your sleeve
Jennifer shouldn't have been there in the first place. I don't think anyone escaped the bottom 3 as much as she did.
LocoMrPollock said:
Did Christian ever even win a mystery box? I can't think of one. The dude can cook seafood, but other than that, they just kept him around for drama.

Adrien's final dishes and desserts didn't impress me much. I really don't think the judges had any choice but to give it to Jennifer.



Vox-Pop said:
She made this nasty looking breaded chicken with spinach on the bottom. It was a terrible dish. The other guy made a beef wellington, something that takes more skill, but still lost cause it was "perfect." Whitney's dish was just amateur. Joe was on her all competition too.

If I remember correctly the chicken Whitney made was after she royally fucked up and the skill it took to make a 2nd one in 7min perfect superceeded the talent of any of the others. The people on Hells Kitchen prove just how hard it is to cook meat right lol

GTFO Whitney haters, she has serious skills despite no real world experience (just like Adrien)

If he had not fucked up his desert I think he would have won, either one of them was a good cover person


markatisu said:
If I remember correctly the chicken Whitney made was after she royally fucked up and the skill it took to make a 2nd one in 7min perfect superceeded the talent of any of the others. The people on Hells Kitchen prove just how hard it is to cook meat right lol

Yeah, I think she dropped the first one. None of the judges thought she could cook a second in time.

And I don't agree with it looking nasty either. I love me some chicken fried chicken <3


LocoMrPollock said:
Did Christian ever even win a mystery box? I can't think of one. The dude can cook seafood, but other than that, they just kept him around for drama.

Adrien's final dishes and desserts didn't impress me much. I really don't think the judges had any choice but to give it to Jennifer.

yeah he won 1, adrian won 2 and jennifer won 3.


Contains Sucralose
markatisu said:
If I remember correctly the chicken Whitney made was after she royally fucked up and the skill it took to make a 2nd one in 7min perfect superceeded the talent of any of the others. The people on Hells Kitchen prove just how hard it is to cook meat right lol

GTFO Whitney haters, she has serious skills despite no real world experience (just like Adrien)

If he had not fucked up his desert I think he would have won, either one of them was a good cover person
I could make that dish. All she did was cook chicken on a pan.
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