Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

Max Payne 1 & 2 remakes will ‘bring them up to modern standards and combine them into one’ | VGC
Remedy's Sam Lake describes the work involved…

In an interview with VGC, we asked Sam Lake about the remakes, and how Remedy’s initial announcement suggested it was going to be a significant undertaking.
Lake replied that the project is indeed a large one, with a lot of work involved.
“It is a significant undertaking in the sense that even if they are old games, just thinking about bringing them up to modern standards and combining them into one, you can see that it’s a big, big project,” he explained.
Upon being asked if he would be reprising his role as Max from the first game, Lake laughed.
“No comment!” he replied. “That’s going too far.”
Remedy announced back in April 2022 that it was starting work on remakes of the first two Max Payne games.
The games will be sold together as a single package and will be released on Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5 and PC.