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Max Payne 3 is a bad game [very long rant]

Fox Mulder

I just finished it on 360 and I got the stuck in cover glitch on every level. I had to wait for the enemies to either kill me or send me into last stand.

I have no desire to play it again, but it was fun popping heads in a slow motion dive. The game felt like it should have ended like 3 times before it did too.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
*claps* Bravo, OP. I may not agree with your opinion of AC1 being as bad as this (it isn't since it's a more functional game and while it may be repetitive, it isn't offensive to the players senses EVERY FIVE FUCKING SECONDS), I agree with everything else.


Because Remedy wouldn't do the real Max Payne 3 since they're trying to make Alan Bomba relevant but no1currs. People curr about Max, not Alan, Sam Lake. >:|

I'm still waiting for "Max's ride into the night continues" along with:




Stormy Grey
Max Payne 3 was far from GOTY, it had a ton of flaws that did prevent it from truly shining. But it was still a pretty great game and I found myself disagreeing with many of the things listed in the OP.


I love it. The only major flaws for me were the inability to skip cutscenes and the boss fight at the end. Other than that it was fun and incredibly satisfying. I hit F12 about 30 times while playing it.
I really enjoyed the gameplay and shooting in Max Payne 3. The animations and physics in terms of people reacting to getting shot is top notch.

The story was pretty mediocre and the over abundance of cutscenes was annoying. I have no great love for Max Payne or Max Payne 2's stories really either (they're pretty good but not great- the whole Mona plot in 2 was great), so the change in scenery was fine for me. It was more the writing and dialogue wasn't as good as it seemed to think it was.

What the game desperately needs is Max Payne 2's Dead Man Walking mode so you can just engage with the gameplay without any of the story/cutscene fluff.


It's a pretty mediocre game. Shitty would be taking too far. I just didn't like the structure of the game. The levels were boring and blandly designed and shooting dudes got old really fast, especially in the boring settings the game threw you in. A game like this, which is basically gun-porn, should not make me feel bored by shooting dudes, ever. No Serious Sam ever made me feel bored through repetition, then why did MP3? Because it's not very well designed.


"They’re hardly here, or if they are only Brazilians/Spanish gamers will get to understand them. "



You guys wanna know a game with a shitty cinematic style and shitty TPS gameplay?

Kane and Lynch 2. My god, I'm trying to play it right now and it's fucking unplayable.
I played Kane & Lynch 2 about a year ago and enjoyed it. You really shouldn't have played it after Max Payne 3. I'm sure I would've thought it was garbage too had I done that.

And yeah, about those gifs, one of the first things I learned about MP3 was that you couldn't just go diving into walls and objects anymore. The physics will make you pay. It adds another layer of realism in which you have to be more aware of your surroundings. It's not a flaw.
I just finished it and I got the stuck in cover glitch on every level. I had to wait for the enemies to either kill me or send me into last stand.

I have no desire to play it again, but it was fun popping heads in a slow motion dive. The game felt like it should have ended like 3 tmes before it did too.
That happened to me a few times. You should be able to roll out of it -- tapping A or X twice I think.


Gold Member
I quite enjoyed the game.

The OP is rather elaborately articulated, but I can't say I share the opinions. I found the combat and pacing satisfactory - not best ever, but good enough not to distract. The ambiance of the game was brilliant, and with the story the South American setting was justified (I thought it'd be stupid before I played). Max's downward spiral during the game is really well handled, and him cutting hair made sense in that context. Considering how he begins at drunken high life, the low he reaches at the end is a really interesting journey - one that you participate.

My only main criticism would be that the game had too many characters at the expense of theirr depth, I would have preferred fewer.
I understand the complaints against unskippable cutscenes from a replay perspective, but who the fuck skips them on a first run?

Also, MP3 is great. Fantastic gameplay, great style, good voice acting.


Max Payne 3 is great.

"Just finished it on Hard. "
why you didn't play on normal if you didn't like it?so you wont struggle as much?


All I've gathered from this thread is that you either love or hate Max Payne 3, thank god I'm in the former group

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, it couldn't be that the stripper was afraid of the guy shooting continuously near her vicinity to deliberately spray water on her for the purpose of what she likely thinks is to sadistically fuck with her.

Yup. What a weak OP.


Level designs work as actual places and your Hilarious Examples Of Dumb .gifs kind of highlight the recklessness of the character's will to shoot dudes Just Because. Drunk asshole is a great definition of Max Payne. It's fucking hilarious that the game ends with Max walking off into the sunset, getting his redemption by killing thousands of people which is the reason he is in the mess and the reason the entire world goes to hell. The character is Deus Ex Machina with a bottle of Jack Daniels.

You know, for someone who 'got' Kane and Lynch 2, I think you'd be able to appreciate the attempt at irony or just about everything that's happening in Max Payne 3, whether or not it is at all competent. But Spec Ops seems to be injecting a whole fuckton of stupid into videogame discussion lately because it's The Hot New Game.

and vanquish? The fuck are your bringing Vanquish up for? Max Payne is gunporn, shootman violence. Don't compare it to Gun Hand. Drawing false equivalencies to be contrary isn't a solid platform to sling mud.

You guys wanna know a game with a shitty cinematic style and shitty TPS gameplay?

Kane and Lynch 2. My god, I'm trying to play it right now and it's fucking unplayable.

nope, nope

annnnd nope


Yeah, it couldn't be that the stripper was afraid of the guy shooting continuously near her vicinity to deliberately spray water on her for the purpose of what she likely thinks is to sadistically fuck with her.

Lol, so true.

Pretty stupid complaint from the OP. Now I just think he's just trolling


Good write up OP. MP3 is just terrible.

Oh yeah, player this game on normal is not an option. Just like every game this gen normal is code for easy.


You can't be the first to say it's completely awful when I've been doing it since it came out :p

But yes it really is awful from top to bottom. One of the worst 5 games I played last year.



Just finished it on Hard. Well, actually not finished because I couldn’t care to get through the last boss battle and just youtubed it. Because this is such a CINEMATIC game, you can’t use the airplane mobile stairs to get the drop on the boss until the game lets you. If you go even slightly forward of the other enemies, insta-death. You HAVE to clear out those 20 other dudes or then it’s an insta-death whatever else you do. When you do the laborious chore of taking out everyone else, THEN the game puts you in a cinematic where Max jumps from those same mobile stairs and shoots out the grenade launcher of the boss to blow him up. Play this game exactly how the designers meant you to goddamnit, not make your own way and shorten down the boss to 5 seconds. Godawful level design coupled with the bad cover system and sluggish movement controls makes this one of the worst bosses in AAA games of this generation.
I finished the boss fight my first try on hard because by then I had already figured out how to play the game. All I did was dive left, shoot dudes, snap to cover. Dive right, shoot dudes, snap to cover. Rinse and repeat.


Yup, very much agree. The game has so many problems but the cutscene issue is a massive one. Especially the little 'mini' cutscenes that you can skip, doing that just confuses the gameplay completely. You can be walking along fine, a scene appears that you decide to skip and WHOP you are flying through the air having to shoot 50 guys. It's so annoying.

Without exploring and just running through the level at a normal pace, plus skipping whatever you can, there's like 12 minutes of unskippable cutscenes in the first 20 minutes of the game.

The core game I like, the shooting, the physics, the animations but the cutscene issue is too big. I will never, ever replay this game.


Good shooting mechanics... for a Rockstar game.
Visually stunning during gameplay.
Cool soundtrack.

Visually sickening during long, mostly unskippable cutscenes which comprise over half the game's runtime.
Max Payne himself (which is kind of unfortunate in a Max Payne game).
Ridiculous amount of control settings (could be classified as a good thing if they weren't all set to terribad by default).
Did I mention the cutscenes?


This game is style over matter. The production values are just super.

But it was just so very very vapid. All looks and no real fun. I was bored and irritated (cutscenes at every moment).


animation priority is a really big problem that the prior games didn't have.

also cover and sprint should not exist, and the game should be stocked with painkillers instead.

that said, its a good game but a bad max payne game.


Gold Member
lol, I made that Hangover pic :D

I wish they would have included a Mode where you just shoot guys. Something like Dead Man Walking but a bit more polished.

Shooting people was fun but there wasn't enough of it.


I had a blast playing it. Probably my favorite game of last year AND the best soundtrack of last year. The multiplayer is killer too.
One of the only games that I legitimately think people "don't get". Once you get it, it's amazing.

One of the top three games of the year for me.
I took me one playthrough to realize how much you have to use Bullet-Time in MP3 but once I did I had a fucking blast with the game.

Seriously, you need to use Bullet-Time all the time in this game. And no, not just the classic Bullet-Time dogde like in MP1 and 2. It's so much more fun that way.


Max Payne 3 was amazing hands down. I never had to deal with running into weird glitches like that on the PS3. I wouldn't also try dodging and hitting the wall. You wouldn't do that in the game unless you're just messing around.


I just beat it last night and seriously loved it. The game had me smiling through the entire campaign.

Shoutouts to Rockstar for the PC port and m/kb controls.
I have to go with the OP on this one. Everything he posted was spot on for me. After adoring the first two games, this was just an abysmal experience. Never finished it.

That's not to say the game didn't have positives, but to me they were negligible when held against the near suffocating number of failures. I hope they never do another one.


i got it on this winter sale fearing that it was going to suck due to the bad press and i must say that i really enjoy the game it feels quite like the previous max payne games for me at least.


Junior Member
Fuck this game. OP couldn't have been more right. Well, except for the part when he said he's the first to say the game sucked. I was there earlier.


Is OP seriously criticizing that it is unfair when dumb and unskilled players dive into a wall and have to wait three seconds?

I understand the cutscene argument and had sometimes problems with the last stand feature, but damn:

You are just BAD at this game, and this isn't even a bad thing. It's just not made for you. I mean you don't even realize how this game destroys almost every other TPS when it comes to gunplay, feedback etc..

I would love to see a video of you playing the game.


I just beat it last night and seriously loved it. The game had me smiling through the entire campaign.

Shoutouts to Rockstar for the PC port and m/kb controls.

The tone of the whole story and max's attitude is too much of a bummer to keep smiling. Its like hes trying to bring you down with him. No thank you.


I definitely don't get it. It's another ultra linear overly cinematic shooter. What's there to "get"?

It's a matter of taste. The game isn't for everyone, but those who click with it love it. Great controls, the best firefights I've even played, fully-realized characters, top-notch visuals and sound, etc. If you like the story and direction you probably like the game a great deal.

I don't think there's anything objectively "wrong" with Max Payne 3. It's an issue of preference as far as I'm concerned. I absolutely love it.


It's made the worst when in "Last Stand" you’re dealt a lethal shot, the camera jerks around sluggishly and you can only shoot that one person who shot you. You can't just kill anyone in your vicinity like the "Second Wind" of Borderlands games. You can’t even RELOAD, so if you ran out of the clip before or during, you’re shit out of luck and have to wait unceremoniously to slump over into death. You tell me how that makes sense. Last Stand is a straight up broken mechanic, and I’m surprised it wasn’t fixed in testing.
lol. Last stand is a gift, and you want to make it easier for some reason.
I definitely don't get it. It's another ultra linear overly cinematic shooter. What's there to "get"?
Well, OP doesn't seem to get how to play the game, or why some of the mechanics work the way they do. And there's plenty here that agree with him.
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