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Max Payne 3 |OT| Funny as hell, we couldn't decide on a sub-title


Nope, I felt similar. I enjoyed max payne's story yes, but I felt that aspect of it was overhyped. I enjoyed them primarily as action games and I expect the same from this, with trademark R* grit :)

Ps: I was very unimpressed with Alan wake, for the record.

The atmosphere and the dialogue and all that was virtually unmatched for me. With the news reports, the TV shows, etc.

But the actual plots? I don't think they're anything remarkable. Angry cop done playing by the rules, sleazy mafioso, revenge, evil corporations. Mostly standard stuff in noir crime fiction and/or action movies.

With Alan Wake, I actually thought the story was pretty cool. Was much more unconventional than the Max Payne games. But I didn't find Alan Wake to be terribly interesting as a character and the gameplay got a little dull after a while. I'd be interested to see how Remedy could improve all that in a sequel, though.
Yeah, I agree. I think it'll do really well in the grand scheme of things. What I've seen from these livestreams has made me confident of that. But I'm also confident that some dedicated Remedy fans will be upset. There is a different style here, no two ways about it. Not in everything, there is a lot that harkens back to the old games (which I won't spoil here) but certainly in some aspects.

I'm sad to see the Sam Lake vibe go, but I got over that like 2 years ago. It's going to be different, but it's going to be good, and I'm fine with that. All I care about now is getting a top notch shooter into my hands at a time when shooters are losing me as a fan.
Yeah I have faith in R*. When I first saw the location that the game was set in, naturally as a big fan of MP 1 and 2, I was like WTF (lol)

But then the trailers and screenshots came out and I was sold. Actually that HEALTH video swayed me, so fucking good.
Sort of off-topic, but tangentially related; am I the only one who really has a craving to play through The Warriors right now? I rented it when it came out, but never finished it and never bought it. I feel like The Warriors is so often overlooked and under appreciated compared to most of the rest of Rockstar Games' output.

Since Rob Nelson and Jeronimo Barrera were both producers on it, I think it'd be interesting to play through right now before MP3 hits.


The soundtrack is slick as fuck.

They use the same method as Red Dead, where certain instruments and certain musical cues flare up depending on the action. It sounds great.


Hey_BeamMeUp | Posted on 5/10/2012 2:33:40 AM
the transition between cutscenes and gameplay is so smooth and the writing DID NOT take any sort of fall. Rockstar did justice and Max controls pretty smooth, too.

Hey_BeamMeUp | Posted on 5/10/2012 4:20:42 AM
I'm telling you now, some people are going to talk a lot of **** about this game and talk about how it was overhyped. Don't believe them, even with sticky aim (which is optional) and the ability to hide behind cover, the game is still pretty difficult. Also DEM ANIMATIONS. It's hilarious seeing Max dive into something head first and him reacting realistically.

Well folks there you have it, a nameless pirate says its good.

Also he says the MP is very fast paced. Which is a good thing imo.


Sort of off-topic, but tangentially related; am I the only one who really has a craving to play through The Warriors right now? I rented it when it came out, but never finished it and never bought it. I feel like The Warriors is so often overlooked and under appreciated compared to most of the rest of Rockstar Games' output.

Since Rob Nelson and Jeronimo Barrera were both producers on it, I think it'd be interesting to play through right now before MP3 hits.

Absolutely loved The Warriors. I haven't played it since it came out on the original Xbox. It's atop my wish list of games I want to have an HD-remake.
The soundtrack is slick as fuck.

They use the same method as Red Dead, where certain instruments and certain musical cues flare up depending on the action. It sounds great.

Yeah, were you still in the stream last night with the stadium level? The score to that was so damn atmospheric. Gave me chills. Can't wait for the OST.
Absolutely loved The Warriors. I haven't played it since it came out on the original Xbox. It's atop my wish list of games I want to have an HD-remake.

Wish it was BC with the 360. Only R* game I 100%'ed. Man what a fun pain in the dick that was.

edit: and KK and Fjordson you guys are killin me with the soundtrack talk *_*


Yeah, were you still in the stream last night with the stadium level? The score to that was so damn atmospheric. Gave me chills. Can't wait for the OST.
Nah, I had to get to some work on my laptop. Forced myself to close the stream =[

Surprised he got that far. Every stream I see gets to the stuff shown on GameTrailers TV and is then promptly blown up by R* lol.
Nah, I had to get to some work on my laptop. Forced myself to close the stream =[

Surprised he got that far. Every stream I see gets to the stuff shown on GameTrailers TV and is then promptly blown up by R* lol.

Hahaha, they're fucking with all the streamers and doing that on purpose.
I wouldn't say they are all thieves. The stream I was watching last night, the kid got a legit copy from a Mom and Pop shop in NYC.

Do you know "the kid" personally or did he just state it on ze internetz? It's still an assholish thing to do regardless in my opinion but I'm not tryin to start a war here.
MP3 likely won't be like MP2 will it? In terms of feel etc. I'm watching some Max Payne 2 on youtube just for kicks, and everything I've seen of MP3 doesn't even remotely resemble the ambience and such of the originals. It'll still be a stellar game of course, but even from the get-go MP2 turns up the noir-ness to a million.

Eh, not having a go, I'll be getting it for sure, Rockstar hasn't disappointed this gen for me, and Red Dead is one of the best games I've ever played. Top 10 without a doubt. But yeah, just putting out my opinion.
Do you know "the kid" personally or did he just state it on ze internetz? It's still an assholish thing to do regardless in my opinion but I'm not tryin to start a war here.

Seemed legit since he was playing online during the stream. Only an idiot would go online with a modded console. I think the assholishness rests with the people who sold it rather than the kid. I mean, if you had a chance to get the game early would you say no thanks, I'll wait till the 15th. Hahaha.

ROOOOOFLLLLLLL @ the physics when jumping at stuff head on.

OMG. Last night the dude playing drove right in front of an enemy and took a bullet to the forehead. Bullet hole in Max's head and everything. Best death screen in a game BTW.
The bottom line is no one knows shit except for what they've seen and everyone is assuming and basing their opinions off that.


edit: Keltic, shit....point taken. =P


No dice here on crew invites.

Got one but can't do anything.

Hmmm the thing seemed to glitch out for a while. Try sending a request again!

I am liking that alot better. You should think of it as being an actually patch someone would wear on a vest or sleeve. I will see if I can come up with something if I have time tonight.

Yeah exactly, the U.F.E emblem is ballin'

Anything with the GAF emblem is game though.


MP3 likely won't be like MP2 will it? In terms of feel etc. I'm watching some Max Payne 2 on youtube just for kicks, and everything I've seen of MP3 doesn't even remotely resemble the ambience and such of the originals. It'll still be a stellar game of course, but even from the get-go MP2 turns up the noir-ness to a million.

Eh, not having a go, I'll be getting it for sure, Rockstar hasn't disappointed this gen for me, and Red Dead is one of the best games I've ever played. Top 10 without a doubt. But yeah, just putting out my opinion.
Nope. Definitely a somewhat different style in place here.
The bottom line is no one knows shit except for what they've seen and everyone is assuming and basing their opinions off that.


edit: Keltic, shit....point taken. =P

I know, I know. I get that. Just a feeling I have I guess.

I'm certainly not jumping the gun... as such, it's just the thoughts I have on the little we've seen. I hope it'll be like the previous, but either way it'll be superb.
Refuse to watch the stream but fuck I knew the animations looked awesome in the trailers, but all this talk just makes it sound 10x better.
Well played. +5 Man thats twice in two days. I'm on a fucking roll.


Is anyone here going to double dip the PC version and the console? I'm quite impatient when it comes to that kinda thing, so I feel like getting both. It's ridiculous, and I know in hindsight, I'll be like "I couldn't wait a few more weeks....really?"...but...I need some Payne. :/
Oh, mannnnn. It's released on the 18th in Australia!? Fuck that :(. I hope one retailer is partial to JUMPING THE GUN on its release date.

Thrice now, holmes.
I dunno how many people read the interview with Dan Houser and second article on Polygon, but if you haven't you really should. The thoughts on Max as a character is super-interesting. His addictions, his yearning for redemption, the desire to be the hero, albeit one who is extremely flawed.

I do like how he's a flip of the usual R* protagonist, who are generally bad guys that a good side to them. Max is the good guy, the hero but he has severe flaws that mar his life.


I also like the idea that R* is approaching the game as a character study as well.

Bits of note:

What kind of story are you trying to tell?

On the one hand, a fairly classical noir tale of an ignorant dupe getting in, way over his head in a world he does not understand, only with the twist of the dupe being an American in a foreign culture he does not understand. On the other, a character study of a drunken middle aged man trying to figure out what to do with the second half of his life, having had his delusions firmly beaten out of him by fate!

Max Payne has been falling for as long as we've known him, starting with the first few minutes of Max Payne and the death of his family. When we come upon him in Max Payne 3, he's pretty clearly at rock bottom. All anyone really knows about Max Payne is his, well, pain and self-loathing. But what kind of guy is he and what kind of story are you trying to tell in MaxPayne 3? Redemption? Him falling further into the gutter?

What kind of guy is he? He's a fairly typical ex- NYPD cop. World weary, corrupted in some ways but still with a core belief in right and wrong, a loner who has seen a lot of people close to him die. He's seen, and unfortunately, done bad things, and had his romantic optimism blunted by the streets and by the weaknesses within his own character. He comes from a world of childhood trauma and personal loss and he's never really moved past that. he wants to be a good person, but he does not know why any more and does not have a reason to stop drinking. At the same time, he's brilliant physically, as he was always was and part of him still yearns for a quest, a damsel in distress or some other simplistic and easy to understand scenario in which he can act like a heroic good guy once more, even though last time it did not turn out so good.

Players learn a lot about Payne's past and what motivates him, but not a lot about Payne himself in the previous games. What was the process of deciding what to include, what not to include and how to fill the years between Max Payne 2 and Max Payne 3?

Those games are pretty old now, so to judge the character as unrealized is perhaps a little harsh. At the time they came out, they set a new benchmark for narrative in shooters, but Max Payne 1 came out 11 years ago, before people even did things like motion-captured cutscenes or any of the other storytelling devices that are staples today. Of course, we may expect more now, but it is because of games like Max Payne 1 and 2 that we not only expect it, but also as designers, know how to implement it.

For all of us at Rockstar, the character was pretty clear - and we had no interest in changing his character, as the character was so central to the game. We just wanted to make a game using the most up-to-date technology and design methods we could, using that character so he could be more fully realized. That character is one we all found compelling - a world-weary romantic, self-absorbed, burdened by memories, but also with a sense of humor, and with a great propensity for, and skill at violence. In other words, he's like most of the ex-ops we've met over the years researching games! Kind and chivalrous but also deeply cynical emotionally and beaten up by what they have seen. And, because we wanted to make a contemporary game, we had to imagine where Max would be several years after Max Payne 2. His career in the NYPD was clearly destroyed by the events of Max Payne 2, and given his love of Scotch and painkillers, his grief and his guilt.

At the same time, in some ways, we wanted something of a blank slate, so people new to the franchise after all this time would not be intimidated - so the events of the previous games serve as Max's personal back story, but they are easily picked up - all someone really needs to know is that here is a man who wanted to be a good guy, but has suffered and made mistakes and is struggling to live with those mistakes and with the cards the universe has dealt him. All of these played into the idea of Max as a washed up drunk. It was hard to see him as anything else after all he had been through, and who he was.

Is Max Payne addicted to painkillers?

If he is, he is in denial about it. He is certainly dependent on them, but he's mostly convinced it is a medical need, after years of throwing himself headlong into gun fights. He's like a former athlete who won't admit quite how much Vicodin he uses.

Is he an alcoholic?

Probably, but again, he's perhaps not fully aware of that. He's confused as to whether he drinks to forget things or drinks to dull the hangover from the previous day's drinking. He's living on his own, he spends his days visiting his dead wife's grave and then sitting around in bars. He doesn't have a job any more. He can't really see a reason to stop drinking, even though he knows it is killing him. His liver is starting to hurt. So yes, he is probably an alcoholic but even more than that he is so burdened by guilt, remorse and grief that he cannot get his life moving forward.

This bit is a retread of a previous interview, but I like it:

The game feels designed to be rushed through. I don't mean that in a bad way, just that it constantly pushes you into situations that you can't retreat from, both figuratively and literally. It feels like to succeed in the game you have to throw caution to the wind and dive into the thick of things. That feels to me like a clever use of gameplay mechanics to help highlight a character's take on the world. How would you say this aggressive approach to gameplay serves as metaphor to Payne's character, addiction and current life?

Max is who he is, and who he is, is very conflicted. He wants to be a thinker but he's much better as a doer. When he thinks he gets wrapped up in himself or makes mistakes. When he acts, he is brilliant, almost super-human. That is his character, and the dichotomy between the two is the reality of his life, and at the heart of the game. He cannot seem to move forward emotionally, but physically he is relentless.

Over the years Rockstar has taken on some very serious topics in their games. Is this Rockstar's take on addiction?

No, it's Rockstar's take on Max Payne. Sorry if that sounds glib, but this game is character-driven, not issue-driven. The character has a problem with substances, and that is part of the game's story and design, but only a small part of it. We don't hunt down issues to make games about, but if a character demands us to address certain things, we will do so in what we hope is an appropriate manner. Max is more of a hero than we're used to working with, but he's a hero with flaws, and above all a hero who is unaware of exactly what his flaws are. The drink and the drugs obscure the issues, but they aren't really the issues.

Why have a game starring a character with such an obvious character flaw? Wouldn't it be easier to create a game with a less imperfect lead?

Well, by the standards of our other games, he's positively angelic! We like flawed people. We've never made a game about an unambiguous villain, and we're not going to make a game about an out and out hero. Flaws provide friction, and friction and conflict is what drives stories, so for us, it would be harder to make an interesting game about a more perfect person. In the case of Max, you have a guy who wants to be a good guy, a hero, but his special skill, his talent, is running into a room full of bad guys and shooting them all dead. A man who has spent his life killing, even in the service of his idea of what is right or wrong, is going to be extremely damaged. That seemed the only way to approach this game and it is who this character is.

There's other stuff at the link, I was interested in posting the bits about Max as a character.
If I was forced to make comparisons, multiplayer reminds me of a gritty, really deadly Uncharted multi minus the platforming. Dodging over railings and through windows is going to create some real funny moments. Character customization looks good, Max's narration is a unique way of keeping the multiplayer "in the universe," and 8 v 8 is going to be mayhem if that video was anything to go by.
The MP customizaton from that stream looks great, a step up from Red Dead and GTA 4. Nice to see a large amount of unlockable skins. Looks like you get rewarded for doing the arcade and New York Minute stuff.
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