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Max Payne 3 |OT| Funny as hell, we couldn't decide on a sub-title

Just got home with my copy. My body is ready!

I’ve never played a Max Payne game before. I’ve seen little to no media on Max Payne 3 and wasn’t planning on buying it until I looked into it a few days ago.

This should be fun. Euphoria.....blow me away!


This game is good when you have a big open area with multiple levels to run around and shoot dudes in.

This game is not good when you're being funnelled down a hallway and dudes are jumping out of doorways in front of you Call of Duty style.

As much as I gush, I agree with this.

The pace definitely slows when you're cramped in close quarters. It's a good thing the gunplay is solid. I'd much rather play MP3 than any COD game right now, still.

I finished the game today and I feel like the credits sequence was nearly 15 minutes long. Did every single R* studio have their hand in this? Curious to read a post-mortem in Game Developer, if we ever get one. I'd love to hear about what went into making this game.


Holy crap.

This game. Best shooting in a third person game in forever, and so far the narrative has been rock solid.

I got up to the bit with the armored guys and they honestly haven't given me as much trouble as they have everyone else.


Holy crap.

This game. Best shooting in a third person game in forever, and so far the narrative has been rock solid.

I got up to the bit with the armored guys and they honestly haven't given me as much trouble as they have everyone else.

Headshots will dispatch nearly any enemy in the game very quickly. Some wear helmets that must be shot off first.

Simple, really.
Is there a way to see your current weapon level?

Also, anyone have issues with people who somehow won't die in the multiplayer? 3 separate times today I have gone up against dudes who either wouldn't die or just had something freaky going on. The first two dudes just straight up could not be killed by us in TDM, the only way he died was if he fell or blew himself up. The other guy was in a gang war and he would die but it was bizarre.. I'd unload with my FAL and whittle his health down to nothing, he'd instantly heal. Take it down again, he heals right back up. Then one of his teammates would kill me, and I spawn and check the score and he's died but it never shows how he dies. I see him again and we go through that exact same process again.

Maybe I just don't know enough about the game, is there some awesome preorder bonus or something that lets you spawn with like 5 painkiller pills each life? Does the health perk do what I described?

Is an RPG a bonus of some sort? Some level 4 dude was running around in gang war with it earlier. He always had it out when he respawned, never did much damage to us but it was annoying. Then I went to see where the F my RPG is since I was a level 7 and it's not unlocked.

I hope those first issues are just random glitches or something and not cheating.


@Bumblebeetuna: Some character classes have health regen (I use the starting Snitch class for it) and I believe you can pick up/be granted painkillers as well.

I somehow ended up with a PK in my inventory and used it in a MP match today.
@Bumblebeetuna: Some character classes have health regen (I use the starting Snitch class for it) and I believe you can pick up/be granted painkillers as well.

I somehow ended up with a PK in my inventory and used it in a MP match today.

You get painkillers by looting bodies, which you do by holding B when standing over them.
And the credits roll. Completed the game.

I'll say this now. If there's not any other Max Payne game... I'll be satisfied with how this one finished.

Ok, time for my thoughts. Now that I've finished the game, I'm gonna coalesce them here.

This is a fucking fantastic game. On all fronts. It has some minor issues here and there, but I can forgive them because of how good this game is, and how much I enjoyed playing it.


Alright, so I'll be upfront. This isn't much like Sam Lake's writing. But you know what? That's a good thing. Dan Houser and his writing partners play to their strengths and we get a better result than if they'd simply tried to ape the poetic metaphors that Lake wrote. This is a fantastic character study of a man who has tried to drown out his past in booze and pills trying one last time to get something in his life right, to do some good, earn some redemption for his past sins. And it's written so well. At times it is shocking and brutal and twisted. The second act in particular had me cringing and slack-jawed at what just happened. And through it all, Max is there, in the thick of the blood and filth trying to make his way through a place that he can't understand where most people want him dead.

If you've played R*'s games this generation, you know that 'America' is a big theme that runs through their games. GTA4 is about the American immigrant experience. RDR is about the American West in the early 1900s. Max Payne 3 is about an American abroad. Dan Houser seems to love writing about America and it's flaws and triumphs. He does the same thing here, as Max descends into a world unlike America. But here's the thing... doesn't matter where you go in the world, there's always the good people and the evil people that need dying. Luckily for us, Max Payne 3 isn't a huge critique on America abroad. Houser tones that aspect down in favour of taking a look at this horribly traumatized and downbeat addict who's chasing the biggest high of it all: Redemption.

This is what's fantastic about Max in the game. No matter how horrible everything becomes, he's still the hero, the good guy, even if the lines become grey. He needs to be the hero. I've grown tired of R*'s sometimes hypocritical criminal protagonists who are just out for themselves. John Marston was a step in the right direction, but Max's return marks the first true 'good guy' this generation for Rockstar. I love that. Even at his angriest, when that old familiar feeling comes back... you still root for him. You still want him, need him to win. An amazing story.

There are a couple of negatives of the story: Most of the side cast isn't fleshed out well. I wish Houser and Co. had written more scenes with them so we could get a good look at their personalities. Though there was a good scene with Rodrigo and Passos is a good sidekick in the missions he appears in. There's a couple other characters, but I won't spoil them here.

Also, there's a couple one-off characters that clearly just stepped out of a GTA game. It's hilarious, but it's a bit jarring. That said, they're only in the game for a minute for a comedic relief scene and it is amusing.

Alright, and the acting. James McCaffrey, sir you are phenomenal. I think this is best portrayal of Max yet. He's no longer closed off emotionally. But he's numb. And as time goes on, he grows angrier. Tired of all the shit happening to him. Still with a wry sense of humour and fatalism, he continues on to the bloody end. And McCaffrey ably voices Max as all this happens. It's great.

Loved the final scene in the game as well. I won't spoil it... but I really liked it.


Amazing visuals in the game. Condensing the RAGE engine into a linear shooter is fantastic, and every shootout just looks amazingly gorgeous... like a massive Heroic Bloodshed shootout. Every encounter feels fresh, every enemy you attack feels unique (though I admit in the later parts of the game, all the goons began to look same-ish). Max himself looks and animates pretty great. I love how he changes so many times throughout the story, wearing different clothes, sporting many injuries marking the passing of time. From Trenchcoat and Tie Payne to McClane Payne, all his looks are great. NPCs don't look quite as good, but it's okay.

The atmosphere in the game is second to none. Every location feels unique, from the high-class to the low and grimy, scummy bits in town. It's fantastic.

Also, the glitchy effects... I love them. They give a disorienting feel as Max gets more fucked up on booze and drugs, but it works for me. I really like them visually.


The game sounds fantastic. The gunfire sounds realistic and powerful. The voice over work is great.

But I gotta say it... HEALTH is fucking amazing. One of the best soundtracks in a game I've ever heard. The music puts so much into the mood. It's very rare that music and atmosphere and gameplay mesh together so well, but it's beautifully done here. It's that great. At two or three points, a song with lyrics plays, and it's fucking awesome.


So... so fun. Bullet-Time and Shoot-Dodge are as fun as I remember, and coupled with Euphoria, this is a shooter fan's wet dream. Every gun fight feels realistic and bloody and at times, a desperate struggle for survival.

Regarding the checkpoint issues... I will agree. Honestly, they didn't bug me too much (I did this playthrough on Medium), but I can see how some people can get frustrated. But it didn't bug me much, so I don't consider it a problem for me. Another issue is after last man standing, when you hit the cover button, Max stands before hitting cover. While that never got me killed, it did freak me out. Woulda been nice if he scrambled for cover when you're nearby.

The game is paced so well too. I'd grown tired of 5-6 hour shooters, and Max Payne clocks in at about 10, but it never overstays it's welcome and it feels paced just perfectly. One of the best campaigns I've ever played.

Other stuff

All the easter eggs R* put in is great. So many nods to the old games. Also love the little touches in the main menu, where when you start it up after a save, Max is shown in the background of the menu in whatever location he's in in the story and with whatever clothes or look he has. It's a great little touch. Piano music in the menu is nice too.

And those... are my thoughts that I just sort of vomited out my head. And the credits are still rolling!

Actually they just ended. As I typed the previous statement.

I realize I might not be the most objective sounding person for this review as I've been hyped for over a year for this game and I've been waiting for an MP3 since the ending of MP2 when I was like 13 or 14 or something. But you know what... this game just met all of my expectations. It's grim, it's a mature tale, a fantastic character study about one of my favourite fictional protagonists. It's well told and well acted. It plays well.

One of my favourite games of this generation. That's official. It's good to have you back, Max.

Hold on a sec guys, I gotta call Angry Fork.



So which difficulty should I start out in?

I enjoyed Gears/Uncharted the first times on hard(core).

Play or Easy or Normal. Hard is going to be an exercise in frustration if you've not played the game before, in my opinion.

Free Aim + no target tracking (go into options and disable the target tracking assist; it's separate from Free Aim) will still make you feel like a man though.

:lol @ NTGYK's .gif call-out to Angry Fork. Watching the back and forth between the two of you has been fairly entertaining.

My favourite monologue in the entire game is when Max explains in Chapter 14 that
he's a "bad move guy."
My favourite bit of writing in the game.


Play or Easy or Normal. Hard is going to be an exercise in frustration if you've not played the game before, in my opinion.

Free Aim + no target tracking (go into options and disable the target tracking assist; it's separate from Free Aim) will still make you feel like a man though.

Thanks. Normal it is then!
Play or Easy or Normal. Hard is going to be an exercise in frustration if you've not played the game before, in my opinion.

Free Aim + no target tracking (go into options and disable the target tracking assist; it's separate from Free Aim) will still make you feel like a man though.

I'm glad I played on normal because I died a lot during those last few chapters. I imagine it would have been almost double that had I played on a higher difficulty.


Score! HEALTH's soundtrack is so fricking good. That's gonna be the soundtrack to my life for the rest of the summer.

When it came on in the game, and you're let loose in a huge area, I was all like "FUCK YEAH" and used so much shootdodging. It was ridiculous.

I absolutely cranked the volume too.

I want to replay this game right now.

I plan to when it's released next week. Some fucking fantastic music in this game. Most notably the (just location spoilers)

The soundtrack used in the first location you mentioned was haunting. Tied in very well with the atmosphere.


Score! HEALTH's soundtrack is so fricking good. That's gonna be the soundtrack to my life for the rest of the summer.
Yeah, it's fantastic. Rockstar's whole "musical stems" idea that they've used for Red Dead and now Max works really well. I wonder if GTA V will have more of an instrumental score than past games using this method.

And really nice write up man. I haven't finished, but I'm agreeing with all of what you said. I'm thoroughly enjoying where Houser and co. took the series. No doubt it will continue to piss some older fans off, but I much prefer this than some cheap imitation of Remedy's style.

And like I said before, it's a bit ironic that the game took off in a big way once Max shaved his head. Ever since that moment it's been fucking intense and I'm a lot more invested in the story now than I was in the early parts of the game.


haha oh man, epic game. Make sure an give just pistols a try in MP. I'm having WAAAAAAY more fun than using AR's. Using bullet-time burst and the slot that speeds up your HP recovery w/ 2 1911's(lasers). feelsgoodman.gif

Love the freedom of not being weighed down by an AR.


Loooool Best Buy Canada. How do I use my promo code? They gave me a code with four number/letter sequences, and PSN only has three spaces. Derp.

Am I calling Best Buy tomorrow?
Final impressions

Thanks for the final impressions, man! I cannot wait to get into this beast when I get home. Just one last question, and you may spoiler tag it if you want, but does this game have a good villain? You know, like Nicole Horne in 1 and Vlad in 2? I don't want a name, obviously, just a yes or no answer :)


Ugh I will probably get the game on Saturday. Amazon did not get their uncut games in time. I still wanted to stick with my order because with vouchers I am getting the game for 1.52€ ;)
Thanks for the final impressions, man! I cannot wait to get into this beast when I get home. Just one last question, and you may spoiler tag it if you want, but does this game have a good villain? You know, like Nicole Horne in 1 and Vlad in 2? I don't want a name, obviously, just a yes or no answer :)

Honest answer, I'll tag it and I'll avoid going into specifics (first line is a yes or no answer, second line is some elaboration):

In my opinion, not really. The villain's... okay. Read the next line if you want some specifics:

I think it comes down to Vlad and Horne being very personal enemies for Max. The villains in this game don't have that kind of relationship with him. I do wish the villains made more of an impact, but the trade-off is greater characterization for Max and focus on him as a person, so I think it's worth it. They aren't bad villains though, just not as well characterized or personal enemies like Horne and Vlad
And the credits roll. Completed the game.

I'll say this now. If there's not any other Max Payne game... I'll be satisfied with how this one finished.

Ok, time for my thoughts. Now that I've finished the game, I'm gonna coalesce them here.

This is a fucking fantastic game. On all fronts. It has some minor issues here and there, but I can forgive them because of how good this game is, and how much I enjoyed playing it.


Alright, so I'll be upfront. This isn't much like Sam Lake's writing. But you know what? That's a good thing. Dan Houser and his writing partners play to their strengths and we get a better result than if they'd simply tried to ape the poetic metaphors that Lake wrote. This is a fantastic character study of a man who has tried to drown out his past in booze and pills trying one last time to get something in his life right, to do some good, earn some redemption for his past sins. And it's written so well. At times it is shocking and brutal and twisted. The second act in particular had me cringing and slack-jawed at what just happened. And through it all, Max is there, in the thick of the blood and filth trying to make his way through a place that he can't understand where most people want him dead.

If you've played R*'s games this generation, you know that 'America' is a big theme that runs through their games. GTA4 is about the American immigrant experience. RDR is about the American West in the early 1900s. Max Payne 3 is about an American abroad. Dan Houser seems to love writing about America and it's flaws and triumphs. He does the same thing here, as Max descends into a world unlike America. But here's the thing... doesn't matter where you go in the world, there's always the good people and the evil people that need dying. Luckily for us, Max Payne 3 isn't a huge critique on America abroad. Houser tones that aspect down in favour of taking a look at this horribly traumatized and downbeat addict who's chasing the biggest high of it all: Redemption.

This is what's fantastic about Max in the game. No matter how horrible everything becomes, he's still the hero, the good guy, even if the lines become grey. He needs to be the hero. I've grown tired of R*'s sometimes hypocritical criminal protagonists who are just out for themselves. John Marston was a step in the right direction, but Max's return marks the first true 'good guy' this generation for Rockstar. I love that. Even at his angriest, when that old familiar feeling comes back... you still root for him. You still want him, need him to win. An amazing story.

There are a couple of negatives of the story: Most of the side cast isn't fleshed out well. I wish Houser and Co. had written more scenes with them so we could get a good look at their personalities. Though there was a good scene with Rodrigo and Passos is a good sidekick in the missions he appears in. There's a couple other characters, but I won't spoil them here.

Also, there's a couple one-off characters that clearly just stepped out of a GTA game. It's hilarious, but it's a bit jarring. That said, they're only in the game for a minute for a comedic relief scene and it is amusing.

Alright, and the acting. James McCaffrey, sir you are phenomenal. I think this is best portrayal of Max yet. He's no longer closed off emotionally. But he's numb. And as time goes on, he grows angrier. Tired of all the shit happening to him. Still with a wry sense of humour and fatalism, he continues on to the bloody end. And McCaffrey ably voices Max as all this happens. It's great.

Loved the final scene in the game as well. I won't spoil it... but I really liked it.


Amazing visuals in the game. Condensing the RAGE engine into a linear shooter is fantastic, and every shootout just looks amazingly gorgeous... like a massive Heroic Bloodshed shootout. Every encounter feels fresh, every enemy you attack feels unique (though I admit in the later parts of the game, all the goons began to look same-ish). Max himself looks and animates pretty great. I love how he changes so many times throughout the story, wearing different clothes, sporting many injuries marking the passing of time. From Trenchcoat and Tie Payne to McClane Payne, all his looks are great. NPCs don't look quite as good, but it's okay.

The atmosphere in the game is second to none. Every location feels unique, from the high-class to the low and grimy, scummy bits in town. It's fantastic.

Also, the glitchy effects... I love them. They give a disorienting feel as Max gets more fucked up on booze and drugs, but it works for me. I really like them visually.


The game sounds fantastic. The gunfire sounds realistic and powerful. The voice over work is great.

But I gotta say it... HEALTH is fucking amazing. One of the best soundtracks in a game I've ever heard. The music puts so much into the mood. It's very rare that music and atmosphere and gameplay mesh together so well, but it's beautifully done here. It's that great. At two or three points, a song with lyrics plays, and it's fucking awesome.


So... so fun. Bullet-Time and Shoot-Dodge are as fun as I remember, and coupled with Euphoria, this is a shooter fan's wet dream. Every gun fight feels realistic and bloody and at times, a desperate struggle for survival.

Regarding the checkpoint issues... I will agree. Honestly, they didn't bug me too much (I did this playthrough on Medium), but I can see how some people can get frustrated. But it didn't bug me much, so I don't consider it a problem for me. Another issue is after last man standing, when you hit the cover button, Max stands before hitting cover. While that never got me killed, it did freak me out. Woulda been nice if he scrambled for cover when you're nearby.

The game is paced so well too. I'd grown tired of 5-6 hour shooters, and Max Payne clocks in at about 10, but it never overstays it's welcome and it feels paced just perfectly. One of the best campaigns I've ever played.

Other stuff

All the easter eggs R* put in is great. So many nods to the old games. Also love the little touches in the main menu, where when you start it up after a save, Max is shown in the background of the menu in whatever location he's in in the story and with whatever clothes or look he has. It's a great little touch. Piano music in the menu is nice too.

And those... are my thoughts that I just sort of vomited out my head. And the credits are still rolling!

Actually they just ended. As I typed the previous statement.

I realize I might not be the most objective sounding person for this review as I've been hyped for over a year for this game and I've been waiting for an MP3 since the ending of MP2 when I was like 13 or 14 or something. But you know what... this game just met all of my expectations. It's grim, it's a mature tale, a fantastic character study about one of my favourite fictional protagonists. It's well told and well acted. It plays well.

One of my favourite games of this generation. That's official. It's good to have you back, Max.

Hold on a sec guys, I gotta call Angry Fork.


Loved this review man. Epic stuff. Makes the wait that much harder T___T
Honest answer, I'll tag it and I'll avoid going into specifics (first line is a yes or no answer, second line is some elaboration):

In my opinion, not really. The villain's... okay. Read the next line if you want some specifics:

I think it comes down to Vlad and Horne being very personal enemies for Max. The villains in this game don't have that kind of relationship with him. I do wish the villains made more of an impact, but the trade-off is greater characterization for Max and focus on him as a person, so I think it's worth it. They aren't bad villains though, just not as well characterized or personal enemies like Horne and Vlad

Thanks for that! I had a feeling that was going to be the case anyway, so no surprises there then. Doesn't make me any less excited, though!



My save is all fubar'd. I just fall through the floor and see this yellow light. Sad thing is, I can't re-enter the menu now to restart the level. Gotta exit the game :(

Nice thing is I can pause it an pan around lol

1) Yes. It is a good Max Payne game. Even if you're one of those fans who is super-adamant about refusing to consider this a real Max Payne game since Remedy isn't doing it, it's still a fucking fantastic game in its own right. Top-class across all fronts. It's worth playing, whether you've been a hardcore MP fan for a decade or if you've never played one. Great game. It is a memorable game.

2) In my opinion, yes. But I'm a hardcore MP fan, I had to get it day one. I don't know how important Max Payne is to you.



This is one of the shooters this gen that you need to play. If the story and character hook you, you might go through it in one sitting.

I played for 10 hours straight yesterday. I've not done that since I was very young.

It was like playing a movie. Sorry, Uncharted.


Wtf?! It messed up again in the EXACT same spot...

It's happening when
Max dives out the window in the offices as they blow up
he just falls through the floor lol :(((((((((((((


Sigh. I just watched a walkthrough of this mission...and I'm not getting the prompts I'm seeing in the video. This has got to be THE weirdest bug I've encountered in ~20 years of gaming.

edit: saw another post(360 version this time) on another forum. Guess I'm going to have to either restart my save completely or email Rockstar an wait for a patch. japsdpfiou7aw89-e75kdjafakjdf;ajf

edit edit: http://support.rockstargames.com/en...ng-falling-through-ground-missing-audio-game-

LOLOL yea...I'm going to sign out of PSN...because that's CLEARLY why my save is fubar'd.


1) Yes. It is a good Max Payne game. Even if you're one of those fans who is super-adamant about refusing to consider this a real Max Payne game since Remedy isn't doing it, it's still a fucking fantastic game in its own right. Top-class across all fronts. It's worth playing, whether you've been a hardcore MP fan for a decade or if you've never played one. Great game. It is a memorable game.

2) In my opinion, yes. But I'm a hardcore MP fan, I had to get it day one. I don't know how important Max Payne is to you.

It's a good-ass shooter. Amazing visuals, animation, sound, and gunplay. The story is very self-serious compared to 1 and 2 but it's good, and McCaffrey is at his best. I'm having a blast for what it's worth. If the PC port is good I say go for it.

This is one of the shooters this gen that you need to play. If the story and character hook you, you might go through it in one sitting.

I played for 10 hours straight yesterday. I've not done that since I was very young.

It was like playing a movie. Sorry, Uncharted.

god damn now i really need a way to get that money :p


I wonder if the MP will be well received with the PC crowd. One thing I dont want to do is get that version, and then the MP ends up being non-existent.
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