I've always seen this as an extremely naive criticism. So what if he went to Eton? You should judge how understanding a candidate is on the things they say, the policies they bring forth etc
As someone else mentioned...
"I don't care if he went to Eton, as long as he listens to the ones who didn't".
WHich is exactly how I feel, yet I don't feel most of the Conservatives do (I'm feeling optimistic so I'll say they probably do have some good people)...Contrasting with Labour i've mellowed on Ed Miliband a tad, but I still feel some of the people in Labour's shadow front bench are not that great and while I feel they're probably better than the Tories I still feel we need a New New Labour to have the party get back to what it was meant to be...The Greens feel like they have some pipe dream policies (zero tuition fees after a BS 9k per year is probably unworkable unless they literally empty the accounts of the top 1%)...
I'd probably go with Lib Dems if they stood a chance and were more Lib Dem that Diet Tory...I feel we'll end up with a Labour minority backed up by others or a Labour coalition, but while I'm all for the devolution of powers to other parts of the UK...I'd rather Labour go solo then team up with the SNP. No idea why.
As it stands I'll probably vote Labour, although my constituency has been a Con majority for 15 years or so...A few friends, for whom this is their first election, are voting Tory or Labour...mostly not really knowing too much about everything. Part of me feels we should start a GAF Party. Not being (that) serious...
Still think IDS is a twat. I don't know anyone on benefits etc or anyone who has been affected by the bedroom tax etc but from what (little) i know of it...it sounds pretty fucked up.